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Med. J. Cairo Univ., Vol. 82, No.

2, September: 7-13, 2014


Task-Specific Training with Trunk Restraint: Its Effect on Reaching

Movement Kinematics in Stroke Patients
The Department of Physical Therapy for Neuromuscular Disorder & Surgery*, Faculty of Physical Therapy, Cairo University
and Neurology** Department, Faculty of Medicine, Cairo University

Abstract Introduction
Background and Purpose: Hemiparesis is common fol- STROKE often impairs the ability to reach with
lowing stroke. The ability to reach and grasp is a necessary
component of many daily life functional tasks, hence reduced the affected upper extremity. Because reaching is
upper limb function has an impact on the ability to perform a necessary component of many tasks of daily
activities of daily living. In hemiparetic patients, the unre- living, survivors experience decreased autonomy
stricted and unguided repetition of a motor task may reinforce and quality of life [1] . Indeed, many studies have
compensatory movements. Trunk restraint allowed the patients documented the presence of impaired reaching
to use joint ranges that were present but not recruited during
unrestrained reaching. This study aimed to compare the effect ability and inefficient compensatory movement
of specific-task training with and without trunk restraint on after stroke [2] .
post-stroke reaching kinematics.
Difficulty extending the elbow after stroke is
Patients and Methods: Thirty male chronic stroke patients common and this limitation is clinically observed
with age ranged between 40-55 years were included in this
study. Patients were divided into two equal group (Group I as part of a flexor synergy pattern that produces
and Group II). The first group (Group I) received reach to concurrent flexion motions, and which also often
grasp training during which compensatory movement of the impairs the survivor of stroke’s ability to control
trunk was prevented by trunk restraint. The second group individual joints. Zackowski et al., [3] characterized
(Group II) practiced the same task without trunk restraint. the difficulty in extending the elbow as part of a
Kinematics of reaching and grasping an object placed within
arm’s length were recorded before and after training using “joint individuation deficit”, and hypothesized that
two-dimensional analysis. this deficit was more correlated with abnormal
reaching performance than other potential predic-
Results: Trunk-restraint group showed a statistically very
highly significant decrease in trunk displacement ( p=0.0001) tors such as impaired sensation.
and increase in elbow extension voluntary range of motion
(ROM) (p=0.0001) post treatment while group II showed In order to compensate the upper limb impair-
significant increase in trunk displacement ( p=0.02) and highly ment, participants with hemiparesis can use alter-
significant decrease in elbow extension ROM ( p=0.007) post native strategies to improve functional arm and
treatment. Also, there was very highly significant decrease in hand use. For example, when the active range of
trunk displacement (p=0.0001) and increase in elbow extension
ROM (p=0.0002) in the trunk-restraint group as compared to
arm motion (ROM) is decreased, individuals can
the second group without trunk-restraint post treatment. transport the hand to the object by using the trunk
[4] . This increased trunk recruitment is a compen-
Conclusion: Task-specific training with trunk restraint satory mechanism by which the central nervous
can be suggested as an effective method in improving reaching
kinematics and arm movement quality in patients with impaired system (CNS) may extend the reach of the arm
arm function post stroke. when the control of the active range of the arm
joints is limited [5] .
Key Words: Stroke – Arm reaching – Grasping – Trunk
restraint – Task-specific training and Two- A functional quantitative analysis of upper
dimensional analysis.
limb movement during arm reaching illustrated
Correspondence to: Dr. Salah A. Sawan, The Department that patients with hemiparesis used more trunk
of Physical Therapy for Neuromuscular Disorder & Surgery, flexion and shoulder abduction to compensate
Faculty of Physical Therapy, Cairo University for reduced elbow extension and demonstrated

8 Task-Specific Training with Trunk Restraint

abnormal shoulder abductor power to compensate visual or auditory defects, recurrent stroke, other
for reduced shoulder flexor power. These compen- neurological disorders affecting the reaching to
satory movement strategies are evident during grasping ability such as ataxia, orthopaedic disor-
unilateral upper limb tasks [6] . ders affecting the reaching to grasping ability such
as stiffness of arm and peripheral nerve injuries,
The compensatory involvement of the trunk is shoulder pain, deep sensory loss, medically unstable
greater for patients with more severe motor deficits and uncooperative patients.
[4] and may be related to impairments of grasping
[7] . The presence of excessive trunk movement in - For clinical evaluation:
hemiparetic individuals while reaching may limit
Modified Asworth Scale for assessment of
the potential recovery of normal arm movement
muscle tone and upper extremity impairment for
patterns [5] . However, limiting trunk motion in all patients was evaluated as inclusion criteria with
patients after stroke has been shown to encourage the arm section of the FM scale. This scale includes
more normal elbow and shoulder motion during 4 motor subitems. Each item was rated on a 3-
reach to grasp objects [8] . point scale (0 = Cannot perform; 1 = Partially
No Studies have been conducted to investigate performs; 2 = Performs fully) for a 66-point max-
the effect of trunk restraint on reaching movement imum [10] . This test was done pre and post treat-
in chronic stroke patients in Eygpt. This study was ment.
designed to investigate the effect of task specific
training with trunk restraint on reaching kinematics - For kinematic analysis:
in stroke patients. Two-Dimensional (2D) Motion Analysis Sys-
tem: It required a digital video camera and a digi-
Patients and Methods tizing soft ware program [11] . It was used to measure
trunk displacement and elbow extension ROM.
Thirty male stroke patients aged from 45 to
55 years were enrolled in this study. Patients were A- Evaluation session:
selected from the Out Patient Clinic of the Faculty - Assessment of arm motor impairment using the
of Physical Therapy, Cairo University in the period FM arm section scale. This test was done pre-
from the beginning of October 2013 to the end of and post treatment.
March 2014. Patients were divided into two equal
groups. The first group (Group I) received a pro- - For kinematic analysis. On pre-and post-tests,
gram of reach to grasp training with trunk restraint Patients seated on chair with their trunk unre-
and the second group (Group II) received the same strained. Sitting position is standardized: Hip and
program without trunk restraint. knee joints flexed to 90º and feet supported on
the floor. In the initial position, the reaching arm
The patients were diagnosed as having stroke was close to the body, and rested on patient’s lab
in the domain of carotid system based on careful with the forearm pronated at elbow height (elbow
clinical assessment by a neurologist and radiolog- flexed to 90). After a command, each patient
ical investigations including computed axial tom- reached and grasped a target by the affected arm
ography or magnetic resonance imaging of the at his preferred speed using whole-hand grasping.
brain. Patients participated after signing a written The distance of the target corresponds to the
consent forms approved by the Ethics Committee patient’s wrist crease with fully extended elbow
of the Faculty of Physical Therapy, Cairo Univer- (80% arm’s length) [10] . Five markers were placed
sity. on the following bony landmarkers; Ipsilateral
Inclusion criteria were duration of illness acromion, lateral epicondyle, centre of dorsal
ranged from six months to one year. The muscle aspect of the wrist, base of middle finger and
tone of affected upper limb ranged from 1 to 2 middle of iliac crest according to Mohammed et
according to Modified Asworth Scale (MAS) [9] al., [12] .
for muscle tone grading. Moderate arm motor B- Training session:
impairement (between 30 and 49 scores) on the
Fugl-Meyer (FM) arm section scale according to All patients in the study group (GI) received
Michaelsen et al., [10] . Ability to reach to targets program of reach to grasp training for almost an
within 80% of arm length without sliding hand hour three times per week for five successive weeks
along table. Normal vision and hearing. (total of 15 sessions) according to Michaelsen et
al., [10] . Trunk movements were prevented by body
Exclusion criteria include patients who had and shoulder belts attached to the chair back.
receptive aphasia, apraxia, unilateral spatial neglect, Intervention was based on motor learning concepts
Salah A. Sawan, et al. 9

of type and scheduling of feedback and intensity and motor impairment (p=0.436, p=0.1295 and
according to recommendations suggested by evi- p=0.1821 respectively) (Table 1). In GI, nine pa-
dence-based practice guidelines [13] using box and tients had left sided hemiparesis and six patients
block and Purdue Peg board training. Rest periods had Rt sided hemiparesis while in GII, Six patients
of one to two minutes were permitted when neces- had left sided hemiparesis and nine patients had
sary to avoid fatigue. All patients in the second right sided hemiparesis.
group (GII) received the same program without
trunk restraint. I- Comparison of trunk displacement and elbow
extension ROM within groups:
All patients in two groups received the selected
physical therapy program (Postural control and Group (I):
balance activities, Bobath technique, upper extrem- There was a statistically very highly significant
ity control, proprioceptive neuromuscular facilita- decrease in trunk displacement score post treatment
tion (PNF), weight bearing and weight shift exer- in GI (p=0.0001). The mean value of trunk displace-
cises as modified plantigrade, lower limb control ment was 116.50mm pre treatment and 45.60mm
and gait training). post treatment. Also, there was a statistically very
highly significant increase in elbow extension ROM
Data analysis: Trunk displacement was calcu- score post treatment in GI ( p=0.0001). The mean
lated from sagittal movement of acromion marker value of elbow extension ROM was 51.40º pre treat-
from the edge of the chair in millimeters. Elbow ment and 59.2º post treatment (Table 2, Figs. 1,2).
extension ROM was formed by the vectors formed
between acromion and lateral epicondyle line and Group (II):
lateral epicondyle and wrist line. There was a statistically significant increase in
trunk displacement score post treatment in GII
Statistical analysis: (p=0.0227). The mean value of trunk displacement
Descriptive statistics were done in the form of was 129mm pre treatment and 145.60mm post
mean and standard deviation for age, duration of treatment. Also, there was a statistically very highly
illness, arm impairment, trunk displacement and significant decrease in elbow extension ROM score
elbow extension ROM. Paired t-test was used to post treatment in GII ( p=0.0001). The mean value
assess changes within groups and un-paired t-test of elbow extension ROM was 53.53º pre treatment
used to assess the changes between the two groups. and 50.27º post treatment (Table 2, Figs. 1,2).
Analysis was done using SPSS version 18. The
alpha point of 0.05 was used as a level of statistical II- Comparison between both groups as regarding
significance (when p !_ 0.05 is usually classed as trunk displacement and elbow extension ROM
“significant”, p !_ 0.01 as “highly significant” and pre and post treatment:
p!_ 0.001 as “very highly significant”) [14] . There were no significant difference in the mean
values of trunk displacement and elbow extension
Results ROM between GI and GII pre treatment ( p=0.4967
and p=0.2223 respectively). There were a statistically
Demographic and clinical characteristics of very highly significant difference in the mean values
the patients in both groups: of trunk displacement and elbow extension ROM
No statistically significant difference between between GI and GII post treatment ( p=0.0001 and
both groups regarding mean age, duration of illness p=0.0002 respectively) (Table 3, Figs. 3,4).

Table (1): Demographic and clinical characteristics of the patients in both groups (GI and GII).

Demographic and GI GII Comparison

clinical characteristics Mean SD Mean SD t-value p-value

Age (year) 47 5.490 48.33 3.559 0.7892 0.4366 NS

Duration of illness 9.670 1.543 10.47 1.246 1.562 0.1295 NS
FM score 39.33 3.519 37.33 4.435 1.368 0.1821 NS
SD : Standard deviation. NS : Non-significant.
P : Probability. FM : Fugl-meyer.
S : Significance.
10 Task-Specific Training with Trunk Restraint

Table (2): Comparison between pre and post treatment mean values of trunk displacement and elbow extension ROM in
both groups.

Pre-treatment Post-treatment
Variables Mean difference t-value p-value Significance
Mean±SD Mean± SD

Trunk displacement:
GI 116.50±34.85 45.60± 13.12 –70.91 5.627 0.0001 *** VHS
GII 129.0±31.55 145.60±31.57 16.59 2.558 0.0227 * S
Elbow extension ROM:
GI 51.40±2.823 59.20±5.519 7.800 5.954 0.0001 *** VHS
GII 53.53 ±5.986 50.27±5.688 2.600 3.129 0.0074 ** HS

ROM : Range of motion.

SD : Standard deviation.
P : Probability.
S : Significant at p≤0.05.
HS : Highly significant at p≤0.01.
VHS : Very highly significant at p≤0.001.

Table (3): Comparison of the mean values of trunk displacement and elbow extension ROM between both groups pre and post

Trunk displacement Elbow extension ROM

Un paired t-test Pre-treatment Post-treatment Pre-treatment Post-treatment


Mean 116.50 129.0 45.60 145.60 51.40 53.53 59.20 50.27

SD 34.85 31.55 13.12 31.57 2.823 5.986 5.519 5.688

Mean difference
–12.5 –100 –2.13 8.93
p-value 0.6887 9.897 1.248 4.366
S 0.4967 0.0001 *** 0.2223 0.0002 ***
ROM : Range of motion.
SD : Standard deviation.
P : Probability.
NS : Non-significant.
VHS : Very highly significant at p≤0.001.

145.6 53.53
160 60 51.4
129 50.27
Elbow extension ROM (degrees)

140 116.5
Trunk displacement (mm)

100 40

80 30
20 10

0 0

Pre-treatment Post-treatment Pre-treatment Post-treatment

Fig. (1): Comparison between pre and post treatment mean Fig. (2): Comparison between pre and post treatment mean
value of trunk displacement in both groups. value of elbow extension in both groups.
Salah A. Sawan, et al. 11

180 60 53.53
51.4 50.27

Elbow extension ROM (degrees)

Trunk displacement (mm)

150 50
120 40

90 30
60 20

30 10

0 0
Pre-treatment Post-treatment Pre-treatment Post-treatment


Fig. (3): Comparison of the mean value of trunk displacement Fig. (4): Comparison of the mean value of elbow extension
between both groups pre and post treatment. ROM between both groups pre and post treatment.

Discussion The reduced scores of trunk displacement in

GI may be due to prevention of compensatory
In the present study, there was a significant forward trunk displacement by trunk restraint but
reduction of trunk displacement in GI, while there the increased score in GII may be to enable the
was a significant increase of trunk displacement patients to adequately reach the target placed within
in GII. This agreed with Cristea et al., [15] and the length of the arm, accompanied with limited
Schneiberg et al., [16] who reported that there was shoulder flexion and elbow extension ROM. It has
an increase in compensatory movements with un- been suggested that excessive trunk recruitment
restricted practice in stroke patients and in children may be an adaptation of the nervous system during
with mild cerebral palsy after 3 weeks of constraint- early recovery from stroke, to obtain a short-term
induced therapy respectively. McCrea et al., [17] reduction of the disability [20] . However, this
also, mentioned that constraints from stroke im- compensatory strategy may be maladaptive and
pairments can result in the need for additional detrimental in the long term since, by providing
degrees of freedom at other joints such as move- an alternative method for the hand to reach an
ment compensations of the trunk during reaching. object, the system is less motivated to use a solution
Michaelsen et al., [10] also found that the moderate requiring recovery of lost movement elements
trunk restraint group had a significant reduction (such as elbow extension and shoulder flexion)
[4] .
of trunk displacement but moderate task specific
training groups had significant increase of trunk
Cirstea and Levin [4] mentioned that patients
displacement. Moreover, results of this study agreed
with poorer motor recovery used more trunk dis-
with Wee et al., [18] who concluded that trunk placement to compensate limited active joint ranges
restraint reduced excessive trunk movement during of the hemiparetic arm. The excessive trunk dis-
reaching. placement is thought to be due to the fact that the
control of trunk is bilaterally organized and there-
Results of this study contradict with Michaelsen fore less affected than that of the arm by the uni-
and Levin [19] who reported that task specific lateral hemispheric lesion. Another possible expla-
training with trunk restraint and without trunk nation is that the results of excessive trunk
restraint decrease trunk displacement post treat- displacements is thought to be a compensatory
ment. The contradiction between studies may be behavior emerging from the efforts of spared cor-
attributed to different methodology and training tical and subcortical system systems to compensate
used, as in this study, the second group practice for lost control over motor functions such as elbow
task specific training without trunk restraint nor extension [21] .
verbal instruction not to move trunk but in the
study of Michaelsen and Levin [19] practiced task In the present study, there was significant in-
specific training while verbally instructed not to crease in elbow extension ROM in GI, while there
move the trunk. was a significant reduction of elbow extension
12 Task-Specific Training with Trunk Restraint

ROM in GII. The results of the present study come Reaching patterns (arm ROM and interjoint
in agreement with Michaelsen et al., [10] and Wood- coordination) changed during the period of trunk
bury et al., [8] who reported that trunk restraint restraint [5] . However, it is difficult to determine
group significantly increase elbow extension ROM whether improvements were a result of the stabi-
in trunk restraint group but the non restraint group lizing effect of the external trunk support or to a
did not gain. reorganization of the arm degrees of freedom by
the central nervous system to accomplish the task.
Significant increase of elbow extension ROM Results of the present study, showing an improve-
in GI may be attributed to use of trunk restraint. ment of reaching pattern after restraint removal,
Hemiparetic patients use abnormal interjoint syn- support the latter mechanism. Trunk restraint al-
ergies to accomplish arm movement [22] . The arm lowed patients with hemiparetic stroke to make
extension synergy is characterized by scapular use of arm joint ranges that are present but not
elevation and protraction together with shoulder normally recruited during unrestrained arm-
extension, adduction and internal rotation, elbow reaching tasks. Thus, the underlying “normal”
extension, and wrist flexion. Limiting components patterns of movement coordination may not be
of this synergy (scapular protraction and elevation) entirely lost after stroke. In view of the results of
by trunk restraint may encourage the recovery of this study, recovery of reaching movement post
combined shoulder flexion and elbow extension stroke differed according to therapeutic interven-
[5] . tion, motor compensation used for reaching move-
ments in the affected upper limb in stroke patients
The effects of trunk restraint indicate that hemi- are mainly to enable the patients to adequately
paretic patients do not use their potential joint reach the target placed within the length of the arm
range for free arm movements. A likely explanation accompanied with limited shoulder flexion and
stems from the findings of Levin et al., [23] who elbow extension ROM. Rrepetitive training of
defined articular ranges in which hemiparetic pa- unrestrained reaching may reinforce undesirable
tients could make isolated elbow flexion and ex- compensatory strategies. Restriction of trunk should
tension movements by using a reciprocal muscle be used even in patients with chronic hemiparesis
activation pattern. The angular range was correlated to encourage maximal use of available degrees of
with the motor deficit such that the most severely freedom. Trunk restraint may also be a useful
affected patients could only make isolated elbow technique in the acute phase of stroke to promote
movements in midrange. With further encourage- maximal arm motor recovery.
ment, movement beyond the defined ranges was
possible, but this required more effort and was Conclusion:
accompanied by a pattern of excessive agonist/ The present study showed that limitation of
antagonist coactivation. For elbow extension, the compensatory trunk movement by trunk-restraint
excessive coactivation occurred when patients may be an essential element to include during
attempted to extend the elbow beyond the angular training of reach to grasp for stroke patients with
position defined by the static stretch reflex threshold moderate arm impairment. Also, the present study
for the antagonist elbow flexors. It may be postu- showed that trunk restraint allowed patients with
lated that restriction of trunk movement enabled stroke to make use of arm joint range (elbow
patients to extend their reach by using the joint extension) that are present but not normally recruit-
range characterized by coactivation. The additional ed during unrestrained reach to grasp task.
energy cost of using more elbow extension probably
was avoided by hemiparetic individuals when References
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