132ad082018 PDF
132ad082018 PDF
132ad082018 PDF
(25 Marks)
(50 Marks)
2. Write a C program that reverses a number that is entered by the user by making use of
do-while loop. How is this looping technique different from while loop? [10]
3.a) What is an Identifier? List the rules required to form variable names in C.
b) Write a program showing the use of if else and switch statements in C? [5+5]
4. Write a program to check whether an array is ordered. If ordered print a suitable message
as “Ascending” or “Descending”. Otherwise “not ordered”. [10]
5. What do you mean by recursion? What conditions should be mandatory for writing a
recursive function? Explain using a suitable C program. [10]
6. A C program contains the following declaration.
static int x[8] = {10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80};
a) What is the meaning of x
b) What is the meaning of (x + 2)
c) What is the value of *x
d) What is the value of (*x + 2)
e) What is the value of *(x + 2) [10]
7. Write a program to copy input to output, replacing each string of one or more blanks by a
single blank. [10]
8. What is bit fields? Write a program to print the binary equivalent for a given number
using bit fields. [10]
9. Write a program to calculate the grade of the student in a class of 60 students using
structures. [10]