May 8 - 14, 2019 Sports Reporter
May 8 - 14, 2019 Sports Reporter
May 8 - 14, 2019 Sports Reporter
Our 80th
Sports Reporter
The Nation's Leading Bowling Tournament Newspaper Since 1940
Vol. 80 No. 10 May 8 - 14, 2019 25 cents
Jeremy Milito Rolls 900 Series at Farmingdale Lanes Pete Cornell Reaped a 300
ARLINGTON, Texas – Jeremy unplugged the games, no
Milito said he had bowled on announcements – it was really At Farmingdale Lanes
Lanes 1 and 2 of the Farmingdale quiet. It was a really awesome FARMINGDALE, NY - Pete 258-241-278-777, Paul Bajorski
Bowling Center about five times environment.” Cornell fired a 300 game while 278, Gilbert Lasale and Kathryn
this season and not had much suc- Milito’s achievement is pending competing in the Epic/Maple Rivera 269, Matt Sloan and
cess. approval from the United States Foursome League at Farmingdale Lauren Haines 268, Andrew
But, bowling on the pair again Bowling Congress and would be Lanes. Mienkiewicz 259, and Joe Benus
last month, the 26-year-old left- the second perfect series of the Gary Haines rolled 299-248-781, Sal Yannacone and Jennifer Smyth
hander from Patchogue, New 2018-2019 season and 36th Rob Figgers 296, Chris Peroly 258.
York, told himself he would try a USBC-approved 900 overall.
different game plan, and it literal- Jonathan Wilbur of North
ly worked to perfection, as he Clarendon, Vermont, rolled a 900
Rafael Mateo Slammed 300
became the 35th bowler to roll a series on Jan. 14, 2019. At Lodi Lanes
900 series, connecting for 36 con- Milito’s 900 came on the first
LODI, NJ - Rafael Mateo posted a Matawa each rolled a 289 game
secutive strikes during the Epic pair of the center, and he had
a 300 game while contesting in the followed by Don Aquino with
Edge Trios league. Maple Family Centers photo recently shot 640 on that pair. He Tuesday Night 4 Man League at 277, Willy Perez 268, Paul
“It was absolutely surreal,” Jeremy Milito explained that Lane 1 was a lot
Lodi Lanes Tortorici 265, and Bob Boehm and
Milito said. “Our league is a full tighter, and Lane 2 hooks early, so
Steve Kotowski and Kevin Andrew Suscreba 258.
half-side, and there is another full league on the other he used a stronger ball on Lane 1 and a weaker ball
side of the house. By the end, people were watching, on Lane 2. He stuck with the same two balls the
and there was a huge crowd. It was dead quiet, they entire series. See 900 Page 2 Matt Dugan Collected 300
Walter Ray Williams Jr. Takes PBA50 National Championship Title At Jib Lanes
THE VILLAGES, Fla.– PBA Hall of FLUSHING, NY - Matt Dugan Eric Rogan rolled 214-257-280-
Famer Walter Ray Williams Jr. earned top honors in the Local 751, Kevin Harrand 257-245-682,
defeated reigning PBA50 Player of #3IBEW League at Jib Lanes Stan Mierzwa 242-242-680, Billy
the Year Michael Haugen Jr. 278- blasting games of 300-216-289 Vanadia 216-216-241-673, and
243 in the title match to win the for a high series of 805. Brian Daley 241-215-654
PBA50 National Championship pre-
sented by Spanish Springs Lanes Josh Weber Smashed 300
and Radical Friday for his second
consecutive PBA50 Tour title of the
At Majestic Lanes
season and third career PBA50 Tour
HOPELAWN, NJ - Josh Weber Mohr rolled 280-258-219-757,
major title.
fired a 300 game in the Raritan Andrew Funk 274-226-254-754,
Down by nine pins in the fourth
Bay Mens League at Majestic James Trabalka 267-298-753,
frame, Williams reeled off eight
Lanes. John Flypczuk 217-247-226-729,
strikes in a row to win the match. PBA photo
Rocco Fortunato rolled 277-245- Brian Adamson 256-247-226-729
After starting with four strikes in a Walter Ray Williams Jr with proprietors Larry & Sue Ducat and
son Brian Ducat (R) 247 for a high series of 769, Glenn and Mike Ruffe 256.
row, Haugen ran into trouble in the
fifth frame when he left the 3-10 split, made the trouble in the middle of the match and fortunately I
spare, but then opened in the sixth after leaving the 3- was able to keep striking.” Frederick Tucker Hammered 300
6 which gave Williams the opening he needed. Williams dominated the match play rounds to earn
“I was a little concerned because he (Haugen) had the top seed for the finals posting a 12-4 record and At Maple Lanes RVC
such a good ball reaction,” said Williams, who is the 8,479 34-game pinfall total (including bonus pins) ROCKVILLE CENTRE, NY - RVC.
all-time PBA Tour titles leader with 47 wins. “We outdistancing fellow hall of famer No. 2 qualifier Frederick Tucker found the line to Joe DiRe shot 244-226, followed
both play a similar angle to the pocket, so I was Norm Duke by 337 pins. roll a session high game of 300 by Thomas Romanelli with a 244,
watching him pretty closely in the first three match- contesting in the Thursday Senior and Jerry George rolled a 236
See WALTER RAY page 2
es. We both got off to a good start, but he ran into Birds League at Maple Lanes game.
2 SPORTS REPORTER May 8 - 14, 2019
Bryan Hock 798 757, Mike Petraniello 276-226- Jessica Rosas 742 Chris Mayr 708 Mariano Mitchell 700
FLUSHING, NY - Bryan Hock 248-750, Mike Nenna 243-247- FLUSHING, NY - Jessica Rosas FLUSHING, NY - Chris Mayr led FLUSHING, NY - Mariano
topped the scoring in the Pro Shop 256-746, Garfield Miller 235-246- topped the scoring in the Ball and the scoring in the Midweek Mixers Mitchell rolled 245-212-243-700,
2 x 3 Doubles League blasting 247-728, Tom Werthmuller 256- Chain League firing games of 216- League rolling games of 267-216- Anthony Rolon 280, and Chris
games of 246-263-289 for a high 245-222-723, Gerald Evangelista 257-269 for a high series of 742. 225 for a high series of 708. Palmisano 236 in the Saturday
series of 798. 248-228-246-722, Keith Cooper Dylan Bustillo rolled 201-264-237- Bob Ostermann rolled 241-223- Juniors League.
Marlon Enriquez rolled 237-279- 233-212-287-722, and Jeremy 702, Shawn Wyatt 255-236-688, 214-678, Benny Ortiz 249-237-668,
Sylman 269-256-717. Eric Schieler 686
244-760, Jesus Paredes 259-243- Anjanette Fenner 246-248-688, and and Leonard Ali-John 218-225-213- FLUSHING, NY- Eric Schieler
236-738, Richard Salcedo 266- Ed Ziemak 960 Bobby Fox 214-290-686. 656. paced the Pin Pals firing games of
243-226-735, and Ogie Lawsin FLUSHING, NY - Ed Ziemak Tank Lode 727 Patrick Tucker 662 220-296 for a high series of 686.
268-257-709. topped the scoring in the PBC FLUSHING, NY - Tank Lodge led FLUSHING, NY - Patrick Tucker Steve Cheng rolled 257-2177-
Ed Ziemak782 League firing games of 202-245- the scoring in the Friends and paced the scoring in the Crown 655, Glenn Jones 247.
FLUSHING, NY - Ed Ziemak 299-214 for a high series of 960. Family League rolling games of Jewels rolling games of 212-244-
Frankie Sanchez rolled 235-21- Tom Colon 648
topped the scoring in the Ted Guy 246-277-204 for a high series of 727. 206 for a high series of 662. FLUSHING, NY - In the Holy
Classic League blasting games of 227-246-922, KJ Viloria 256-226- Cliff Stancil rolled 225-256-245- Charles Barber rolled 221-224-
222-899, Anthony Villaroza 259- Family League Tom Colon rolled
246-258-278 for a high series of 726, Shawn Wyatt 213-257-255- 201-646, Ulysses Parker 220, and 210-264-648 Rich Maceroni 236,
782. 227-864, and Hector Camacho 725, Janet Flowers 226-235-235- Vernon Mackey 217.
223-218-213-203-857. Julio Lopez 226-233-622, and
Ronnie He rolled 279-244-234- 696, and Ken Shaw 265-234-690. Yuri Cuellar 220.
6 SPORTS REPORTER May 8 - 14, 2019
John Bergen 298-784 Lukas Zito 278 Gary Dean 268
Bergen topped the scoring in the Zito fired a high game of 278 in Dean fired a high game of 268 in
Wednesday Early Men Handicap the Tuesday NIte Owls League. the Thursday Businessmens
League blasting games of 298- Brian Meade rolled 265 Donald League
247-239 for a high series of 784. Price and Josh Schneidnman 258, David Scherr rolled 257, and
Daniel Levin and Salvatore and Ricky Gray 255. Sean Haughney 247.
Ronzino rolled 279, Eugene Neal Rapena, Rossi 268 Joseph Costanzo rolled 225,
269, Steve Brandt 268, Rich FARMINGDALE, NY - In the Louis Gravino 189 and Daniel
Gagliardi 258, and Al Houdett Wednesday Party League Greg Kessler 162 in the Sunday
257. Rapena and Robert Rossi rolled Adult/Junior League.
John Fitzgerald 290 268, Tyler Manez 265, and David In the Sunday Adult/Junior
FARMINGDALE, NY - John Green 248. League Ryan Fina rolled 213,
Fitzgerald blasted a high game of Nicholas Fina 204-204, and Lea
Tyrone Page 266 Gravino 199.
290 in the Thursday Businessmens FARMINGDALE, NY - Tyroe
League Tom Ferraro 236
Page fired a high game of 266 in
Steve Friedman rolled 276, the Tuesday Early Birds League FARMINGDALE, NY - In the
Robert Weinstein 268, Gary Barry Kadane and Cliff Thursday Green Men League Tom
Marrell 259, Bob Berman 258, Dowdican rolled259, Amefika Ferraro rolled 236, TomGomez
and Eric Corsini 255. Greaves and Ed Mencarelli 258, 233, and Lenny Basta and Irwin
Michael Katz 280-728 Byron Lam 257, and Vernon Tarlow 205.
FARMINGDALE, NY - Michael Brown 252. Laverne Garrett rolled 168 and
Katz topped the scoring in the In the Tuesday Ladies League Bob Junge 157 8in the Monday
Saturday Island Trees League fir- Jessica Valentino rolled 193, Seniors League.
ing a high game of 280 and a high Cathy Fiore 184, and Vickie Rich Bob Junge rolled 179, Fai Livolsi
series of 728. 179-167. 164-161, and Joan Healey 160 in
Daniel Schrfel rolled 248, and the Friday Sunshine Kids League
Mark Ferrara 262 In the Friday Teens League
Daniel Katz 236. FARMINGDALE, NY - Mark Anthony Schiano rolled 222,
Peter Benedetto 280 Ferraro rolled 262, Alex Brandon Nanno 213, and
FARMINGDALE, NY - Peter Grzybowski 228, and Brillian Salvatore Testa 203.
Benedetto topped the scoring in Soedarmasto 204-202 in the
the Epic/Maple Foursomke Saturday St Martin League.
League blasting a high game of Brian Beale 258
Joe Benus and Bryce Ingram Beale rolled 258, Ben Grevo 234,
rolled 279, Brian Ziesig 278, Mike Mike Bagnato 232 in the Thursday
Eskow 276 Justin Juarez and Sam Goodtimers League.
Brenner 270, Gary Haines, Tim
Regan, and Amefika Greaves 268 Tom Prendergast 257
and Kathryn Rivera 267. FARMINGDALE, NY - Tom
Kyle Durfee 280 Prendergast rolled 257, Jim
Tortorice Jr and Danny Schrafel
FARMINGDALE, NY - Kyle 256, and John Petrizzi 248 in the
Durfee fired a high game of 280 in Monday Night Fourplay league
the Friday Late Mixed League
Cameron Potts shot 277, Hari Ronnie Simon 247
Soedarmasto and Andrew Berman FARMINGDALE, NY - Ronnie
269, Mike Agosta and Iris Rios Simon rolled 247, Keith Squires
266, Ed Mencarelli 264, and 246-240, and George Pansy 235 in
Nicholas Kideris 256. the Sunday Vacation League
Estrella 764
Doubles: Nicholas Rota 771 and RJ Utter 915 – 1686; Zach 256: 673] 787 = 2940
Koslosky 901 and Zachary Jordan 704 – 1605 Tournament’s Top Net Games: RJ Utter 290, Louis Ferrante
Team Foursomes: Angelina Ferraioli 820, Mackenzie Ryan 285, Lauren Sarreal 276, Gabriella Pangaro and Kamerin Peters
671, Michaella Raab 786 and Lindsay Pepper 708 – 2985; Dylan 266; Top Net Sets: RJ Utter 810, Kamerin Peters 727, Lauren
Sarreal 702 and Joseph Mahoney 683