October 31 - November 6, 2018 Sports Reporter
October 31 - November 6, 2018 Sports Reporter
October 31 - November 6, 2018 Sports Reporter
Sports Reporter
The Nation's Leading Bowling Tournament Newspaper Since 1940
Vol. 79 No. 35 October 31 - November 6, 2018 25 cents
England’s Stuart Williams Wins FloBowling PBA Tulsa Open John Napoli 300 at Jib Lanes
For Second Go Bowling! PBA Tour Title FLUSHING, NY - John Napoli Men's 820 League at Jib Lanes.
OWASSO, Okla. – Stuart Williams took the spotlight when he blasted Joe Alfano shot 279, Andrew
of England won all four matches and a 300 game in the Wednesday Weiss 268, and Mike Lennox 773.
averaged 251 in the stepladder finals
to win the FloBowling PBA Tulsa
Andrew Hedaris 300 at Lodi Lanes
Open, the pinnacle event of the LODI, NJ - Andrew Hedaris fired Vernon Mooday and Hernan
FloBowling PBA Fall Swing at The a 300 game in the Saturday Fil Am Ramos rolled 279, and Belle
Lanes at Coffee Creek. League at Lodi Lanes. Rivera 256.
In a stepladder final that featured a
dual lane condition pattern – PBA Mike Eskow 300 at Farmingdale Lanes
39-foot Bear condition on the left
lane and 33-foot Wolf condition on FARMINGDALE, NY - Mike Brett Lee rolled 278-246-742,
the right lane – Williams beat two- Eskow blasted a 300 game in the Don Bray 278-242-737, Wed
time Go Bowling! PBA Tour winner Epic/maple Foursome League at Grant 278, Paul Bajorski 268, and
and finals top qualifier Andrew Farmingdale Lanes. Nathaniel Fuller 266.
Anderson of Holly, Mich., 237-215,
in the title match for his second John Kertesz 300 at Majestic Lanes
career title and the $30,000 first
prize. HOPELAWN, NJ - John Kertesz 735, Glenn Mohr 240-252-236-
Williams, the No. 4 qualifier for the blasted a 300 game in the Raritan 728, Dorien Soto 258-224-245-
PBA photo
finals, was in control from the start FloBowling PBA Champion Stuart Williams Bay Men’s at Majestic Lanes. 727, and Rich Nicholls 247-247-
when Anderson, the 2018 USBC Tom Conlon shot 236-276-223- 225-719.
and use a release where my hand came more around
Masters champion, opened in the first two frames after the ball. For the shorter condition, I concentrated on
leaving splits. keeping my ball speed up and getting the ball to roll
James Rogers 300 in Monday Madness
“Bowling on two different conditions in the finals it more end over end.” HOWELL, NJ - James Rogers series with 289 and 268 games.
was important to go with ball choices that I felt the The win was William’s first title since winning the rolls a perfect 300 in the Monday followed by Charles Dillard
most confident in and commit to those choices,” the 2012 PBA Viper Open. This season he has had best Night Madness League at Howell rolling 258 and Kelly Nicosia
37-year-old Williams said. “I was fortunate that I was finishes of second in the WBT/PBA World Bowling Lanes and Amanda Nardiello 258.
able to stay with the same balls and game plan for all Tour Thailand and fourth in the Brunswick Euro whips up a 763 high series on Other 700 series rolled by John
four matches and that really confirmed I made the Challenge. games of 217, 268 and 278. Furey737,Steffan Schenkenberger
right decisions. Evan Urspuch throws a 750 715, and Mike Stevens 711.
“On the longer condition I wanted to throw slower See WILLIAMS Page 2
Gary Vicente 289-791 Matt Rodriguez 278
LODI, NJ - Gary Vicente topped the scoring in the Monday Trios League firing a high LODI, NJ - Matt Rodriguez rolled 278, Brian Creeley 264, Tara Lucas 265, and Karl
game of 289 and a high series of 791. Kalogara 258 in the Friday G&L League
Larry Timpson and Dave Henderson rolled 279 Andrew Curtis 278, Jeff Cymny 259, Shaun Dunning 275
Richy Hernandez 258, Tyler Keefe 256-738, Bob Goodwin 256, and Al Grampus 255. LODI, NJ - Shaun Dunning rolled 275, Cheryl Moe 247, and Mickey Traviglio 236 in
TJ Valentin 290-750 the Monday Sun Mixed League.
LODI, NJ - TJ Valentin rolled 290-750, Jake Rollins 289, Dennis Edgar 275, and Bob Plaszky 274
Anthony Valentin 267 in the Public Safety League. LODI, NJ - Bob Plaszky rolled a high game of 274, Steve Van Iderstine 265, and
Michael Veneziano 296 Chuck Cocozzo 256 in the Wednesday Men’s 820 League.
LODI, NJ - Michael Veneziano fired a high game of 296 in the Tuesday Night 4-Man Sean Meyer 274
League. LODI, NJ - Sean Meyer rolled a high game of 274 in the Sat Fil-Am League
Manny Gonzalez shot 289, Jason Paro and Kevin Matawa 279, Robert Mockenhaupt Kevin Miranda rolled 268, Andrew Currie 267, and Deanna Cryan 253.
278-756, and Antony Maisonet 269-726.
Gary Shenloogian 266
Michael Blandino 279
LODI, NJ - In the Wednesday 4 Man League Gary Shenloogian rolled 266, Bill
LODI, NJ - Michael Blandino shot 279, Joe Bargallo 265, Doug Weiler 258 in the Cappiello 265, and Matt Dunning and Jose Guzman 256.
Wednesday 4-Man League.
October 31 - November 6, 2018 SPORTS REPORTER 5