April 16, 2020 Sports Reporter

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The East's Most Read Bowling Weekly

Sports Reporter
Our 81st
The Nation's Leading Bowling Tournament Newspaper Since 1940
Vol. 81 No. 7 April 16, 2020 25 cents

New York, Colorado Bowlers Selected as Stadtlander, Mienkiewicz, Montesanto,

Youth Ambassadors of the Year Kasper 300 at Farmingdale Lanes
FARMINGDALE, NY - Edward League at Farmingdale Lanes.
Stadtlander, Andrew Paul Verderosa rolled 289,
Mienkiewicz, Joseph Montesanto William Henle 287, Paul Bajorski
and Keith Kasper each blasted a 280, and Tarrick Moore, James
300 game in the Epic Edge Trios McLean, Jr and Elmo Reavis 278.

Mike DeFrancesco Blasts 300

At Parkway Lanes
by Joe Donnarumma Joe Puccio 288-725, Rob Byrd
ELMWOOD PARK, NJ – Mike 246-719,
DeFrancesco found perfection in a Adam DeFrancesco 289-718,
300 game while rolling in the Gary DeBoer 255-713, Michael
Wednesday, Teterboro Bowling Salfino 286-710, Alton Dickson
League, at Parkway Lanes and fin- 246-701 round out the list of high
ished with a 752 series. scorers for the night.
Steve Semancik rolled 258-733,

USBC photo
USBC Youth Ambassadors of the Year Courtney Morelli and Tanner Ausec

by Terry Bigham participating as a Youth Leader and furthering the

ARLINGTON, Texas – Courtney Morelli of Selden, bowling program.”
New York, and Tanner Ausec of Colorado Springs, While her work with the Youth Leaders program
Colorado, have been selected as the United States has helped the local and state association, it also has
Bowling Congress Youth Ambassadors of the Year. taught Morelli valuable skills.
The annual award recognizes a male and a female “I have always been a shy kid, and joining this pro-
USBC Youth bowler for exemplary contributions in gram has really built up my confidence,” Morelli
the sport outside of league or tournament play, aca- said. “I have developed my social skills and how to
demic accomplishments, and community involve- interact with adults. My organization and planning
ment. skills have really improved, as well as my problem-
Selected by the International Bowling Campus solving skills.”
Youth Committee, based on submitted applications, A senior at Newfield High School, she has been a
Morelli and Ausec each will receive a $1,500 schol- member of the school’s bowling team since the sev-
arship. enth grade. She also competes in a travel league.
Morelli has been a member of the Long Island She plans to study business administration in the
USBC Youth Leaders program since 2013, and cur- fall.
rently serves as treasurer. She chairs the Fundraising Ausec currently is serving his third one-year term
and Recruitment committees, and mentors new mem- as a youth director on the Pikes Peak USBC board,
bers. ensuring local youth are represented and served
She also is the vice president of the New York State through tournaments and awards programs.
Youth Leaders board, which she has served on for the “I have been fortunate to receive so much from the
last two years. local bowling community,” Ausec said. “Whether
“Receiving this award is an incredible honor,” through coaching, equipment, or knowledge, there
Morelli said. “I absolutely love participating in Youth have always been people to support me.
Leaders events and helping out in any way possible.
This is such a validation to all the years I’ve spent See USBC page 2
2 SPORTS REPORTER April 16, 2020
Hirsch Named New Operations USBC
Manager of IBMA Elois “Lo” Borschuk Continued from Page 1
Brian Hirsch of South Kenosha, Spotlight," which has a Facebook
Wis., has been named the new page of the same name. He also has As I grew up, I learned to understand the
Operations Manager for the been published in the Desert importance of giving back wherever possible,
International Bowler newspaper, which is why I began coaching. This award is
Bowling Media Windy City an acknowledgment of not only my efforts to
Association by the Bowling News and give back to the game, but recognition of all
IBMA's board of Bowlers Journal that I have received from my local bowling
directors. International. community, as well.”
Hirsch succeeds Hirsch serves as a A senior at Rampart High School, Ausec has
Jackie Wyckoff, who youth director in the a 4.19 grade-point average and ranks sixth in
resigned for personal Kenosha USBC ARLINGTON, Texas – Elois “Lo” Borschuk, a United his class. On the lanes, he helped Rampart win
reasons after serving Association, and is a States Bowling Congress Hall of Fame member from back-to-back state team titles the past two sea-
in the position for six former director for Sioux City, Iowa, died Monday, March 30. She was 97. sons.
years. the Metro Phoenix A Women’s International Bowling Congress adminis- He started coaching youth bowlers at King
Per IBMA bylaws, USBC. trator for 24 years, she was inducted into the hall of fame Pin Lanes in Colorado Springs four years ago,
Hirsch has stepped down as second As IBMA Operations Manager, for Meritorious Service in 1988. as part of a National Junior Honor Society
vice president of the IBMA and he will work closely with the During her time with WIBC, she served on 15 com-
resigned from the committees that IBMA president and the organiza-
community service requirement. He said he
mittees, including the Advisory and Planning, Finance
he either served or chaired in order tion's committee chairmen to quickly realized how much he enjoyed teach-
and Budget, Site Inspection and the Equipment
to accept the position. ensure that the IBMA's policies and ing the basic skills of the sport, and it gave
Specifications committees. She was elected a Member
"Jackie did an outstanding job as procedures are followed. Hirsch him a greater appreciation of those who
Emeriti in 1991.
Operations Manager," IBMA also will act as recording secretary Borschuk served as the Iowa Women’s Bowling
coached him.
President Johnny Campos said. for meetings, and as administrator Association secretary-treasurer for 15 years and was “Coaching has taught me a number of things,
"She streamlined several processes for committee chairmen. inducted into the Iowa State USBC Hall of Fame in but first and foremost it is a constant reminder
in the organization that we will "I am looking forward to working 1979. In 2005, she was the first woman inducted in the that bowling should always be fun,” Ausec
continue to use in the future. She closely with President Campos and Greater Siouxland Bowling Association Hall of Fame. said. “It has also taught me to be a better stu-
will be missed." the IBMA board," Hirsch said. "I She was heavily involved in youth bowling, starting a dent of the game, and my skill level has bene-
Added Campos: "I have full con- am sad to leave the committees that youth program and establishing the Sioux City Junior fited because of it.”
fidence that Brian will be able to I have chaired and have been on, Bowling Association, which she served as secretary-trea- Ausec will attend the University of
step into the role and continue the but look to help as I can." surer for 18 years. Wisconsin-Whitewater in the fall and plans to
good work started by Jackie." The IBMA Board of Directors Borschuk coached thousands of youth bowlers and bowl for the Warhawks.
Hirsch, a New York native, has approved the appointment of long- took teams to district and state tournaments. She was Morelli and Ausec also may have the oppor-
an extensive background as a bowl- time member Sam Vasta to replace president of the Iowa State Junior Bowling Association tunity to serve on the IBC Youth Committee
ing writer. He has his own bowling Hirsch as second VP for the for four years and was part of starting the first league for and be eligible for additional scholarship
publication called "Striking remainder of his term. physically and mentally handicapped young bowlers in funds. Youth Ambassadors selected to serve
Sioux City. on the IBC Youth Committee must be at least
She was honored by the National Women’s Bowling 18 years old as of Aug. 1 in year of selection.
Writers Association (NWBW) with the 1974 Helen Visit BOWL.com/ScholarshipsAwards to
Duval Award for Outstanding Service in the Young learn more about scholarship opportunities for
American Bowling Alliance Field and the 1987 Jo Ettien youth bowlers.
Lieber Award for Distinguished Service to the Game of
American Tenpins.
Borschuk served as a hospital volunteer for 15 years AT MONTVALE LANES
and was on the St. Luke’s Medical Center Auxiliary
Board. She coached Little League baseball teams for Allen Penfield 259
several years, and, as the only woman manager/coach in MONTVALE, NJ - Allen Penfield rolled 259,
1958, led her Little League team to the city champi- Steven Monn 253, Thomas Borkowski 247, Meghan
onship. Schneider 231, and Cathy Seco 223 in the Monday
Her first husband, Charles Biggerstaff, died in Italy in Night Mixed League.
World War II, and she was married to Michael Borschuk
Jr. for more than 64 years until he passed away in 2010.
She is survived by her sons and their spouses, Ken and
Jackie Biggerstaff of Sioux City, Mike and Jan Borschuk Remember......
of Dakota Dunes, and Rick and Linda Borschuk of You never get a second chance
Exeter, Rhode Island, and seven grandchildren and five to make a First Impression
Services will be held at a later date.
April 16, 2020 SPORTS REPORTER 3

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4 SPORTS REPORTER April 16, 2020
April 16, 2020 SPORTS REPORTER 5
6 SPORTS REPORTER April 16, 2020

Charles Jordan 288 Howie Delman 278
FARMINGDALE, NY - Charles Jordan fired a high FARMINGDALE, NY - Howie Delman rolled a high
game of 288 in the Wednesday Early Men’s League. game of 278 in the Friday Late Mixed League.
Anthony Gatterdam shot 285, Anthony Fusco 276, Bob Newman rolled 268, Tony Caridi and Mike We will be closing temporarily
Salvatore Ronzino 269, Shaun Larkin 265-259-265- Agosta 258, Clayton Hunt 256, and Nester Reyes as a proactive precaution against the
780, Anthony Cordaro 259, and Bill Dutton, Brendan 255.
Oakley, Mathew Gierl and Al Spano 258. Paul Meyer 276 coronavirus pandemic.
Daniel Scime, Michael Vecchi 288 FARMINGDALE, NY - Paul Meyer rolled a high Our first day closed will be Saturday,
FARMINGDALE, NY - Daniel Scime and Michael game of 276 in the Saturday Nite Fun League. March 14, with a currently planned
Vecchi each blasted a high game of288 in the Wingo Hom hit 260, Robert DeLisi 256-254, and
Wednesday Party League. Tim Jackson 244. reopening on Monday, March 30.
Eddie Allen and Doreen Heller rolled 264 Eric Joseph Kotowicz 269 This is of course a very fluid situation
Vazquez 256, and David Green 248. FARMINGDALE, NY - Joseph Kotowicz rolled 269, and can change, so we will update
Paul Verderosa 285 Charles Turner 258, Nicholas Galli 256, and Darius
FARMINGDALE, NY - Paul Verderosa fired a high Fuller 256 in the Thursday Nite Owls League.
with changes as they occur.
game of 285 in the Epic Edge Trios League. Laurie Gentilella rolled 169, Suzanne Katz 167 and We wish everyone and their families
Derek James rolled 277, Chris Valentine 269, Pat Fried 166 in the Tuesday Ladies League. good health and will see you all soon.
Anthony D'Elia 268, Clifton Stancil 267, and Brian
Ziesig 260.

Logan Miller 793 Jose Medina 759
HOPELAWN, NJ - Logan Miller topped the scoring HOPELAWN, NJ - Jose Medina led the scoring in
in the JEMMS Family League firing games of 268- the Garden State Mixed League rolling games of
200-235 for a high series of 793. 279-215-265 for a high series of 759.
Steven Columbus rolled 220-211-259-690, Brian Doro Sperantzas hit 258-228-245-731, Ken Martino
Pawelek 205-245, and Kyle OConnell 225. 227-225-258-710, Joe Grispart 208-223-258-689,
Ray Smarsh 783 and Lenny Novak 259. $5,000 Pezzano Scholarship
HOPELAWN, NJ - Ray Smarsh topped the scoring in Edward Patri 754
the Raritan Bay Men’s League firing games of 257- HOPELAWN, NJ - Edward Patri led the scoring in Deadline is April 30
256-270 for a high series of 783. the Friday Night Mixed League rolling games of 259- Do you know of a young person who loves bowling
Mike Ruffe rolled 258-258-248-764, William D 248-247 for a high series of 754.
Brett Morris rolled 213-247-278-738, Michael and loves writing?
Willard, Jr 259-247-257-763, Steve Brooks 216-268-
278-762, Gary Janz 257-268-232-757, and Steve Bauer 258-245-214-717 Salvatore Angotti 232-222-
Baum, Jr 259-231-254-744. 259-713, and Don Anione 237-246-227-710 The International Bowling Media Association
Sean McArthur 762 Brian Adamson 751 is working to help create the next generation of
HOPELAWN, NJ - Brian Adamson topped the scor- bowling journalists through the Chuck Pezzano Media
HOPELAWN, NJ - Sean McArthur topped the scor-
ing in the Premiere Pro Shop Sunday Trios League ing in the San Remo Open 4 League blasting games Scholarship, which is valued at $5,000.
rolling games of 258-279-225 for a high series of of 289-226-236 for a high series of 751. To learn more about the scholarship, or to direct a
762. Steve Peters shot 235-247-258-749, Bob Weisensee young person you know to the application form,
Kevin Butler rolled 226-269-257-752, Joey 258-247-231-736, and Bill Keim 225-257-227-709. use this link in your browser: :
Gramiak 257-258-236-751, Ryan Poli 279-242-229- Michael Hanlein 748 https://www.bowlingmedia.org/Portals/0/Documents/
750, Eduardo Pinzon 267-256-225-748, and Mike HOPELAWN, NJ - Michael Hanlein led the scoring CRITERIA%20WEB.pdf
Pagan 270-237-222-729. in the Friday Night Classic League firing games of The final application deadline is April 30, but interested students
In the Majestic Winter Senior Citizens League Ed 256-214-278 for a high series of 748 should begin the pre-application process immediately.
Novajoski rolled 162-161, and Jerry Petti 154. Joseph Parisi hit 238-214-248-700, Anthony Angotti
Eric Velazquez 759 238-237-202-677, and David Hanft 259 Even more imminent is the deadline for the
HOPELAWN, NJ - Eric Velazquez led the scoring in Rusty Thomsen 746 2019 IBMA Writing Competition.
the Middlesex County Classic League firing games HOPELAWN, NJ - Rusty Thomsen led the scoring in Entries must be received by March 15.
of 255-279-225 for a high series of 759 the Monday Goldstein & Hanel Singles League firing Information is available by using this link in your browser:
Stean Pech shot 26-248-244-754, Glenn Mohr 210- games of 222-246--278 for a high series of 746.
248-280-738, Rich Nicholls 258-236-2343-728, Bill Mark Simon rolled 255-220-669, Chris Hedges 221-
Daunno 247-202-278-727, and Vinny LaBella 226- 258, and Al Roque 222.
April 16, 2020 SPORTS REPORTER 7


Steven Friedman 299 Donald Jones 298-780 John LaBau 289 Jamal Steele 278 Mike Leccese 288
Steven Friedman topped the scor- Donald Jones topped the scoring John LaBau fired a high game of Jamal Steele fired a high game of Mike Leccese fired a high game of
ing in the Wednesday Early Men’s in the Sunday Adult/Child League 289 in the Wednesday Night 278 in the Custom Thumbz 288 in the Friday Night Mixed
League firing games of 299-266 blasting games of 298-235-247 for Mixed League. Doubles League. League.
for a high series of 772. a high series of 780. Gregory Frank shot 278, Charlie Thomas Sullivan rolled 268, Rafael Acosta rolled 279, Felix
Bob Thorne rolled 277, James Keith Nicholson rolled 269, Joe Harris 268-264, TJ Lucente 258 Steve Freidman and Leroy Moronta 269, Pat Zenker and
Guardino 268, Ed Boremski 265- LaSpina 263-256, and Thomas and Willie Fessler 246. Singletary 258, Dana Weissman Robert Burling 258, Paul Smith
259, Charlie Torres 258, and Winchell 243. 256, Ron Pitts 255, and Alby 256, and John LaBau 250.
Brandon Warthen 256. Dawn Waldhof rolled 188-170, Vernon Mackey269 Pezzella 254.
Susanna Railey rolled 233, Lisa Norris 184, and Cherilyn ROCKVILLE CENTRE, NY - Vinny Giacomazza 258
Patrice Nolan 226, and Vicky DePalma and Danielle Davis 180 Vernon Mackey rolled 269, Jerry Frank Krulish, ROCKVILLE CENTRE, NY -
Lockwood 216 in the Rockvilles in the Monday Ladies Classic George 254, and Thomas
League. League. Randy Catania 267 Vinny Giacomazza rolled 258
Romanelli 253 in the Thursday ROCKVILLE CENTRE NY - Jackie LaBau 257, Lucas Barmack
Senior Birds League. Frank Kruslish and Randy Catania 253, and Brian Dubler 244 in the
each rolled a high game of 267 in Thursday El Cheapo Mixed
the Thursday Mixed League. League.
Kyle O'Connor hit 257, Gary Ton Kami Radin rolled 201-180,
254, Teddy Avgerinos 242, Charlie Kelly Pecora and Erica
Torres, Phillip Karfinkel, and Gershkowitz 179, and Anita
Robert Hernandez 237, Rich Sitt, LaSpina and Teresa McCarthy 178
Rick Boremski, and Vicky in the Tuesday Long Beach
Lockwood each rolled a 236. Catholics League.

Dear Bowlers, while we know that all of the

leagues would love to continue bowling, we feel it
is in everyone's best interest to close Lodi Lanes.
We will reevaluate the coronavirus situation and
tentatively reopen on March 30th.
This is an unfortunate situation, but we want
everyone to be safe so we can get through this
together. As a precautionary measure we
will be closed until further notice.
Thank you all for your understanding. We will
keep you updated. We will post on our Website and
Facebook page
Lodi Lanes
when we are open again.
Everyone be safe.
8 SPORTS REPORTER April 16, 2020

By John Jennings
Snickers got the edge 5-2 over Get Webzy, but Snickers Gus Frank at 78 points will battle HOTT FUZZ at 76 GUYS AND DOLLS LEAGUE
still trail going into the deciding last night of the George points in the upcoming final week of the first half. WET Top bowlers of the week were Shawn Carr 279 (78
Hankel Classic First Half. Larry Gitlitz led the Snickers with WILLIES at 74 points takes on We’ve Been Framed (70 POA)-266-729 (106 POA), Jordan Marangelli 268-256-
a 686, while Mike Stevens fired a 709. Get Webzy at 74 points points). High games were: Tino Polce 266 (56 POA), 724 (76 POA), and Alexander Marx 268 (55 POA)-728
gives 33 pins to the Snickers (72 points) in their fourth face- Andy Allen of HOTT FUZZ 245 (personal season high (89 POA). Substitute Leslie Bohn scored another 700,
off this season. In third and charging, Team Eleven grabbed all and 61 POA), Mark Gollinge 243 and Doreen Donovan 704 including a 257 game. Jamie Carr had a 194 (34
7 points against The Hell with Spares. Eleven has 71 points 221 (48 POA). Throwing high series was Shawn POA). The standings: Here 4 the Beer 94 points, Dizzie
and a chance to capture first based on Mike Conti stroked a Delvecchio 687, followed by Tino Ploce 678, and Mark Lizzies 83 points, F.B.I. 80 points, and Team Thirteen 79
279-726 and the team bowled 10 of 12 games above average Gollinge 667. Leading the women was Donovan with a points. Match of the week will be F.B.I. against Team 13.
and a net 168 POA. Destino’s Pizzeria at 69 points will be giv- 573 series.
ing 9 pins to Team Eleven. Radical Rita’s and No Mannequin WEDNESDAY NIGHT MIXED HANKEL CLASSIC
Here receiving 106 pins will also try to move up to at possi- With two sessions to go: THEM 73 points, Bowling for Eugene Olson of Hometown Realty threw high series
bly third or fourth place with Rita’s an outside shot for second Soup 70 points, and three teams at 65 points (Team 9, 774 with games of 258-248-238. Joseph Inserra had high
place. Anthony Passeretti, Sr. high series 760 and sub Mark Where’s Maria? and JSSB) Top score of the night went to game 279 followed by Vinny D’Ambrosio 277-709, Jim
Gold high game 289-746 as Shade Chiropractic walloped the supersub Doug Birdsall with a 276 and 737 on Where’s Benson 276, James Rogers 270, and Ralph Carbone 269.
pins for a series 285 pins over average. Bob Dail also 279- Maria? Robert White of THEM delivered his high game of Jerry Gringoli, Team One had his high series of the sea-
715, and Bruce Camp 720. Mike Denorscio 277, and Kathy the season 273 (68 POA) and a 641 series. Eric Hasenpusch son 734 (146 POA) for second high series of the night
Hoffman 218 for their high games of this season. Denorscio had second high series 652 and Ken Chelednik third high including a 269 game. D’Ambrosio 709 and Jeff Smith
fired 696 his high series of the season. The 18th week could game 356. Trish Straman high women’s game 214 and 705 for third and fourth men’s high series. Leslie Bohn
come down to the third game and last frame. Tracey Marra series 544. scored her second in a row 700 series with a 705 on
games of 231-25-226 for Radical Rita’s. Jackie
FREEHOLD CHURCH LEAGUE THURSDAY NIGHT TRIOS Valanzano rolled a 248 game. Needless to say, Hometown
St. Rose won a game and total wood for three points and Team Nine defeated the SDPF 5-2 to take the First Half was 5-2 with Who’s Your Daddy taking game one. Team
take the first half with 78 points, one point ahead of Reformed Championship in the Thursday Night Trios. Court Jesters One 7-0 for the night and Pha-Q 7-0 over Team Thirteen.
at 77 points beating St. Rose 4-3. Colts Neck also ended up finished third with 77 points and fourth was Rival Suns at 69 So two teams are undefeated and seven teams have a 5-2
with 77 points. The Colts Neck team consists of Howard Olt 1/2 points in the fourteen team league. Team Nine consists record.
with the high series 672 and two high games 255-245, Alan of John Norman, Joseph Martin, and John
Zaccaria with a 233 game, Peter Angress and Bill Luke. Other Morano.
high scores were Bob Pullen 236, and Don Davison 627. Brian Larson, the 2016-17 Hankel Bowler of
Ashley Chiaramonte rolled a big series 668-243, and Lisa
Force had a 223-565.
the Year, fired a lights out series 763 including a
278 game. John Norman a fantastic 267 game (77
POA) along with Eric Kirstein (SDPF) coming in
Ed Checkett fired a 279 (85 POA), a 250, and a 729 series
with a 722 series. Jordan Marangelli 265-710 and
Janine Smith a 222 game.
To our valued customers,
(147 POA) in the Thursday Night Trios. The only other 700
was Brian Shade 707 including a 245-237. Ed Vasquez 247, CHEAP THRILLS Rockaway Lanes will be closed due to
Eric Kirstein 245, and Janine Smith 213. Jeff Warbet of Jim Cherin was hot with a 744 high series in
Walkin’ Wounded had third high series 667. Meanwhile, Cheap Thrills. Mike Fogarty threw just another the government limitations in place to
Team Nine 5-2 over SDPF gained a three-point lead going 700 series, 731 including a 268 game. Tony
into the last week of the first half. Court Jesters and Rival “One-Ball” Tesoriero banged the pins for a slow the spread of the Coronavirus.
Sons follow in third and fourth. super 715 series with Frank Molfetta and Matt
Sperling, each putting together 267s. We will resume our normal operations
CHEAP THRILLS “No Effort” leads with 31 points, We’ve Been
Greg DiNapoli rolled high series 666 and a 278 (78 POA) Framed 29 points, W=MC2 at 28 points, and once the Governor lifts the ban.
in the Thursday Night Cheap Thrills. Jimmy Tamai 664, Mike Team 16 with 27 points.
Fogarty 656, Justin Lieberman 641 (104 POA), Doug Phillips
277 (87 POA) and Mark Sperling 259 (81 POA). Standings PARKER BOHN III &
Please stay safe and healthy during
are: “No Effort” 25 points, Three Cheeses 24 points, and three
teams with 23 points- Rita’s Ice, W=MC2, and High Rollers.
Tyler Moore was right on target with a 778
this time!
series with 267-235-276 in the early Friday
FREEHOLD CHURCH LEAGUE evening league at Howell Lanes. Parker
Bob Pullen had high score 268 and Joe Bonica high series
593 in the Church League. Lisa Force second high game
Laubach threw his high game of the season 278
(63 POA) and a 668 series. Sarah Orensky
229, Dan Davison 224, Bill Luke 214, and Barbara
DeLorenzo 201-520 series. POP and Ardena are tied for
bowled a 255 (64 POA) and her season person-
al best 631 series. Alexi Wands 239 (67 POA)
The Management and Staff
first at 7-0. and her high series 590 (74 POA). Brianna
Mester 239 for 52 POA. Rockaway Lanes

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