Castellana20xxspatial PDF
Castellana20xxspatial PDF
Castellana20xxspatial PDF
The cytoplasm of many bacterial cells exhibits a strik- the right half, from x = 0 at the cell center to x = l at
ing spatial organization: rather than filling the cell vol- the right cell pole (Fig. 1). The 1D concentration of free
ume, the DNA forms a condensed structure called a (F) ribosomes, cF (x), denotes the number of F ribosomes
“nucleoid” that is generally localized near midcell (Fig. per unit length in an infinitesimal slice of the cell perpen-
1) [1]. Moreover, ribosomes—large molecular complexes dicular to the x axis. Similarly, ρm,n (x) is the 1D con-
that translate messenger RNAs (mRNAs) into proteins— centration of mRNAs with m transiently bound (B) [7]
are observed to be anti-localized from the nucleoid [2]. ribosomes and n translating (T) ribosomes; consistently
These observations raise two natural questions: (1) What with the experimental evidence presented below, we fix
physical processes are responsible for this subcellular or- the maximal number of allowed B and T ribosomes per
ganization? (2) How does this internal structure influence mRNA at M = 8 and N = 20, respectively. The resulting
the basic processes of mRNA transcription and protein reaction-diffusion equation for the F-ribosome density is
translation in the cell?
In the model bacterium Escherichia coli, ∼1.5 mm of ∂cF (x, t) ∂ cF (x, t) d2 vF (x)
= DF v (x) − c (x, t)
DNA are compacted into a ∼1 µm3 nucleoid volume [2], ∂t ∂x2
thus forming a dense DNA mesh with average pore di- M
X −1 X
ameter ∼ 50 nm. As a result, free ribosomes, with di- B
−kon cF (x, t) B
ρm,n (x) + koff m ρm,n (x)
ameter ∼ 20 nm, can readily diffuse into the nucleoid [3], m=0 n=0 m=1 n=0
while polysomes, molecular complexes composed of mR- M N
X X −1 M X
NAs with multiple bound ribosomes and having an ef- −kon cF (x, t) ρm,n (x) + koff n ρm,n (x)
fective diameter & 50 nm, anti-localize from the nucleoid m=0 n=0 m=0 n=1
due to excluded-volume effects. In vivo measurements of M X
mRNA mobility suggest a typical diffusion coefficient of + β (m + n) ρm,n (x, t). (1)
D ∼ 0.05 µm2 /s, implying that mRNAs formed in the nu- m=0 n=0
cleoid by transcription from DNA can diffuse out of the
nucleoid to the ribosome-rich regions in a few seconds—a The first terms on the RHS represent diffusion including
time significantly shorter than the typical mRNA lifetime excluded-volume effects due to the condensed DNA (Fig.
of ∼5 min [2, 4]. These observations suggest that most 1); DF is the diffusion coefficient for F ribosomes, and
mRNAs formed in the nucleoid diffuse out of the nucleoid vF (x) is the fractional volume available to an F ribosome
to the ribosome-rich regions where ribosomes and mR- within the DNA mesh at position x (Fig. 2), see Supple-
NAs are colocalized, and where the bulk of translation mental Material Section S1 for details. The first term in
occurs. However, experimental measurements of mRNA the second line represents an F ribosome binding to an
localization in bacteria are challenging [5], and so far lim- mRNA and becoming a B ribosome, and is thus propor-
ited to specific mRNAs [6]: as a result, ribosome-mRNA tional to the F → B transition rate kon B
and to the total
colocalization still lacks experimental validation. In this local density of mRNA. The next term describes a B ribo-
Letter, we employ known properties of mRNAs, ribo- some unbinding from an mRNA, where koff B
denotes the
somes, and the nucleoid to predict the extent of mRNA unbinding rate and the multiplicity factor m accounts for
localization. Our approach also provides quantitative in- multiple B ribosomes on the mRNA. Similarly, the third
sights into the effect of mRNA degradation on ribosome line represents transitions between F and T ribosomes:
efficiency—a major determinant of the overall rate of cell since measurements suggest that the lifetime of the B
growth. state is significantly shorter than that of the T state [7],
We describe the coupled dynamics of ribosomes and here the F → B → T transition is incorporated into the
mRNAs in an E. coli cell using a minimal, 1D reaction- F → T transition, with an effective rate konT
. Finally, the
diffusion model. We introduce a coordinate x running last line represents B and T ribosomes being freed from
along the long cell axis, and, given the approximate left- mRNA molecules as these are degraded at a rate β [8].
right symmetry of a typical E. coli cell, we consider only The 1D reaction-diffusion equations for the mRNA
1 5 5,000
ρtot (x)
8 ρm,n (x)
10 60 ρ0,0 (x)
4 6 4,000
0.75 ρ8,20 (x)
30 Nm,n
α(x) (1/µm s)
0.5 0 5 10 15 20
5 n
2 2,000
vF (x) 0.25
vm+n (x) 1 1,000
0 0
0 0
0 0.25 0.5 0.75 1 0 0.25 0.5 0.75 1
x/l x/l
FIG. 2: mRNA production rate and available-volume pro- FIG. 3: Steady-state mRNA and polysome distributions. To-
files in 1D model of the E. coli transcriptional-translational tal mRNA density ρtot (x) (red) and density ρm,n (x) of mR-
machinery. Local rate of mRNA production α(x), available- NAs with m transiently bound (B) ribosomes and n translat-
volume profile for free ribosomes vF (x) = 1 − κ πr2 ϕ(x), ing (T) ribosomes (gray). The density ρ0,0 (x) of ribosome-free
and available-volume profiles for polysomes with m tran- mRNAs (green) and the density ρ8,20 (x) of mRNAs with the
siently bound and n translating ribosomes vm+n (x) = largest number of B, T ribosomes considered (blue) are also
exp[−κ πrm+n ϕ(x)] for right half of cell (cf. Fig. 1), where the shown. The profiles ρm,n (x), ρ0,0 (x), and ρ8,20 (x) are nor-
arrow indicates the direction of increasing m+n. Here the con- malized to unit area. Inset: distribution of mRNA species,
stant κ = 0.25 has been estimated by fitting the observed con- shown as a heat map of the number Nm,n of mRNAs with m
centration profile of freely diffusing ribosomesp [3], r = 10 nm B ribosomes and n T ribosomes in the right half of the cell.
is the ribosome radius [10], and rm+n = rR + (m + n)r2 ,
rR = 20 nm are the polysome effective radius and the mRNA
radius of gyration [11], respectively. Finally, ϕ(x) denotes the
axial density of DNA length, see Supplemental Material Sec-
As expected from the observed segregation of mRNAs,
tion S2 for details. the T and B ribosomes are markedly excluded from the
nucleoid, and there is a net poleward flux of T and B
Rl ribosomes. Notably, the effect of excluded volume in the
of the total number Nm,n = 0 dxρm,n (x) of mRNAs of nucleoid is so strong that mRNAs and their associated ri-
species m, n. Most mRNAs are loaded with ∼ 10 T ribo- bosomes flow from a low- to a high-concentration region.
somes and ∼ 2 B ribosomes. These loading numbers can By contrast, F ribosomes are small enough to freely pen-
be understood as follows: The number of T ribosomes per etrate the nucleoid, and a flux of F ribosomes is driven
mRNA is NT /NmRNA ∼ 80%Ntot /NmRNA ∼ 10; a similar by the gradient of these ribosomes from the poles to the
estimate yields ∼ 2 B ribosomes per mRNA. Since each nucleoid. Overall, these results illustrate and quantify a
ribosome has a linear size of ∼ 20 nm [10], the effective “circular” flux within the ensemble of T, B, and F ribo-
size of an mRNA molecule with ∼ 10 bound ribosomes is somes [13], cf. Fig. 1: First, multiple F ribosomes bind
significantly larger than the pore size of the DNA mesh to mRNAs made in the cell nucleoid. Each mRNA is thus
in the nucleoid, which we estimate to be ∼ 50 nm, see loaded with ∼ 10 actively translating T ribosomes, and
Section S2 for details. Thus, the majority of mRNAs ex- ∼ 2 transiently bound B ribosomes to become a polysome.
perience strong excluded-volume effects which push them Second, the effects of excluded volume in the nucleoid re-
out of the nucleoid region. sult in a net flow of these polysomes to the cell poles.
Since mRNAs are created by transcription in the nu- Once polysomes reach the poles, they ultimately decay
cleoid but end up segregated away from the nucleoid, and free their ribosomes. This “pumping” of T and B
ribosomes from the nucleoid to the poles results in an ex-
there must be a flux of mRNAs toward the cell poles.
cess of F ribosomes at the poles, and thus in a diffusive
Given that new mRNAs are rapidly loaded with T ribo-
somes at a rate konT
NF /(2l) = 6×10−4 µm/s×1200/3µm ' return flux of F ribosomes to the nucleoid.
0.24/s, implying full occupation by ∼ 10 T ribosomes The existence of a steady ribosome circulation implies
in ∼ 3 s, the poleward flux of mRNAs carries with it a that there must be an external source of energy driving
poleward flux of ribosomes. Since ribosomes are con- these circular fluxes. There are two possible candidates
served in our model, reflecting the long half-life of ri- within our model: Process (1) is the non-equilibrium
bosomal components [12], there must be a compensating creation and degradation of mRNAs, and Process (2) is
flux of F ribosomes from the poles toward the nucleoid. mRNA and F-ribosome binding in the nucleoid and sub-
In Fig. 4 we show the steady-state concentration of F ri- sequent expulsion from nucleoid by excluded-volume ef-
bosomes cP F (x), the concentrations of T and B ribosomes,
P fects. Process (1) should be strictly dependent on new
cT (x) = m,n n ρm,n (x), cB (x) = m,n m ρm,n (x), the mRNA production, whereas Process (2) should persist
flux JF = −DF [dcF (x)/dx vF (x)−cF (x) dvF (x)/dx] of F ri- even in the limit where the mRNA production and degra-
bosomes, and the fluxes JT and JB of T and B ribosomes. dation rates are both low, with the total number of mR-
References 6
In this Section we derive the diffusion equation for a population of F ribosomes, taking into account the effects of
excluded volume due to the nucleoid. The continuum limit of this equation can be derived starting from a discrete
version [1]. We divide the interval 0 ≤ x ≤ l, from midcell to the cell pole, into bins of width ∆x, where xi denotes the
position of bin i: Here, each bin represents a projection on the one-dimensional x axis of a three-dimensional section
of the cell obtained by slicing the cell perpendicularly to its long axis. The master equation for the F ribosome density
in bin i, cF (xi , t), can then be obtained by considering hopping of ribosomes between adjacent bins:
∂cF (xi , t)
= dF {[cF (xi−1 , t) + cF (xi+1 , t)]vF (xi ) − cF (xi , t)[vF (xi−1 ) + vF (xi+1 )]} , (S1)
where dF is the bare rate at which a ribosome hops from one site to another, and vF (x) is the fraction of available
volume at position x. The continuum limit of Eq. (S1) can be obtained by expanding cF (x, t) and vF (x) around x = xi ,
which yields
∂cF (x, t) ∂ cF (x, t) d2 vF (x)
= DF vF (x) − cF (x, t) , (S2)
∂t ∂x2 dx2
where DF = dF ∆x2 is the bare diffusion coefficient. The 1D free-ribosome flux at position x is given by
dcF (x) dvF (x)
JF (x) = −DF vF (x) − cF (x) . (S3)
dx dx
For steady state we assume no-flux boundary conditions at midcell and the cell pole, JF (0) = JF (l) = 0. Note that
in the absence of reaction terms, the steady-state solution of Eq. (S1) is
S2 Available-volume profiles
In this Section we estimate the available volume for ribosomes, mRNAs, and polysomes inside the nucleoid. To
estimate the DNA pore size inside the nucleoid, consider a DNA polymer of length L confined in a volume V . For
simplicity, suppose that the DNA is arranged to occupy the edges of a three-dimensional cubic lattice of total volume
V . The volume is divided into M cubic pores each with edge length a, so that
p V = M a . In addition, the DNA length
is related to the pore size by L = 3 a M , thus providing the estimate a = 3V /L. For a DNA length L = 1.5 mm and
nucleoid volume V = 1.2 µm3 [2], the estimated pore size is a ' 50 nm.
We now provide a rough, dimensional estimate of the available volume for an F ribosome inside the nucleoid.
Continuing to use the simple cubic lattice model for the nucleoid, we estimate the excluded volume inside each
cubic pore of DNA: as the ribosome approaches one of the lattice edges (which, by assumption, is occupied by
DNA), the excluded volume is given by the edge length a times the area within the pore from which the center
of mass of the ribosome is excluded when it approaches the edge, i.e. 1/4 of a circle with the ribosome’s radius
r ' 10 nm [3]. Multiplying by the total number of edges (12), we obtain an estimate for the excluded volume,
vexcl = 12 a πr2 /4 = 3 a πr2 . The available-volume fraction in the nucleoid, which we will denote by vFin , is then
expressed in terms of the ratio between the excluded volume and the pore volume as
vexcl L
vFin = 1 − κ 3
= 1 − κ πr2 . (S5)
a V
The numerical correction factor κ is introduced to improve our dimensional estimate, and is set by fitting our model to
the experimentally observed concentration profile of freely diffusing ribosomes. If we imagine dividing the cell into two
regions along the axial direction, the nucleoid region (in) and the polar region outside the nucleoid (out), then according
to Section S1 the concentration of freely diffusing ribosomes satisfies cin out
F /cF = vFin /vFout . Since the concentration of
freely diffusing ribosomes is roughly 10% larger outside the nucleoid than inside [4], we have vFin /vFout = vFin = 90%,
where vFout = 1 because there is no DNA in the out region. As a result, we obtain κ = 0.25 in Eq. (S5).
The available-volume fraction for mRNAs loaded with m B ribosomes and n T ribosomes can be estimated along
the same lines. Since the excluded volume for a single ribosome depends on its two-dimensional cross section πr2
rather than on its volume, we introduce an effective radius rm+n for an mRNA of species m, n, where rm+n is chosen
to reproduce the overall cross section of the mRNA along with its ribosomes: πrm+n = πrR2 + (m + n)πr2 , where
rR = 20 nm is a typical mRNA radius of gyration [5]. The mRNA excluded volume in the nucleoid vm+n is then
determined by replacing r with rm+n in Eq. (S5).
Finally, the smooth excluded-volume profiles vF (x), vm+n (x) shown in Fig. 2 were obtained from vFin , vm+nin
follows. We replaced L/V in Eq. (S5) with the local 1D density of DNA length ϕ(x) = dL/dV . The profile of
ϕ(x) ∝ 1/{1+exp[µ(x/l−1/2)]}, with µ = 20, was chosen to reproduce the observed axial DNA density and normalized
to the total DNA length per volume, (1/l) 0 dxϕ(x) = L/V [2]. Given that for mRNA species with large m + n the
excluded volume may be so large that vm+n (x) is negative in the nucleoid, whereas the flexibility of polysomes should
allow some penetration into the nucleoid region, we replaced the available-volume profile vm+n (x) = 1 − κ πrm+n ϕ(x)
with the linearly-equivalent, positive-definite form vm+n (x) = exp[−κ πrm+n ϕ(x)].
To show that the division of non-T ribosomes into F and B ribosomes has little effect on the results, in Fig. S1 we
show the solution of the reaction-diffusion equations (1), (2) with no B ribosomes: In the left panel we show the mRNA
densities ρn (x), labeled uniquely by the number n of T ribosomes, while in the right panel we show the concentrations
cT (x), cF (x) of T and F ribosomes, and the ribosome fluxes.
In Fig. S2 we show the distribution of mRNA species in the nucleoid region and in the polar region as heat maps
in out
for the numbers Nm,n , Nm,n of mRNAs of species m, n for 0 ≤ x ≤ l/2 and l/2 ≤ x ≤ l, respectively.
5 5,000 4 × 104
ρtot (x) cT (x)
200 ρn (x) cF (x)
4 ρ0 (x) 4,000
ρ20 (x)
3 3,000
c(x) (1/µm)
0 5 10 15 20 104
2 2,000
4 × 103
1 1,000
0 0
0 0.25 0.5 0.75 1 0 0.25 0.5 0.75 1
x/l x/l
JT (x)
JF (x)
FIG. S1: Steady-state mRNA and ribosome distributions for the model with no transiently bound ribosomes. Left: Total
mRNA density ρtot (x) (red), and density ρn (x) of mRNAs with n translating (T) ribosomes (gray). The density ρ0 (x) of
ribosome-free mRNAs (green) and the density ρ20 (x) of mRNAs with the largest number of T ribosomes considered (blue) are
also shown. The profiles ρn (x), ρ0 (x), and ρ20 (x) are normalized to unit area. Inset: distribution Nn = 0 dxρn (x) of mRNAs
with n T ribosomes in the right half of the cell as a function of n. Right: On the top, we show the concentrations cT (x), cF (x) of
T and free (F) ribosomes, for the right half of the cell. Bottom: Fluxes of T and F ribosomes along the cell’s long axis depicted
in the top panel, where the arrow length is proportional to local ribosome flux, and the arrows in the legends correspond to a
flux of 14/s.
8 8 80
6 6 60
in out
4 Nm,n 4 40 Nm,n
2 2 2 20
0 0 0 0
0 5 10 15 20 0 5 10 15 20
n n
FIG. S2: Comparison of mRNA species inside versus outside the nucleoid. Left: heat map of the number of mRNAs inside the
R l/2
nucleoid Nm,n = 0 ρm,n (x) in the right half cell for mRNAs of species m, n as a function of the numbers m, n of transiently
bound and translating ribosomes, respectively. Here ρm,n (x) is the solution of Eqs. (1) and (2), l/2 is the position of the edge
of the nucleoid along the cell’s long axis (cf. Figs. 1, 2), and the model parameters are discussed in the main text. Right: same
plot as in the left panel for the number of mRNAs outside the nucleoid Nm,n = l/2 ρm,n (x).
In this Section, we present an analytical estimate of the flux of mRNA-bound ribosomes flowing from the nucleoid
region toward one cell pole. The ribosome flux can be estimated by assuming that every newly synthesized mRNA
migrates from the nucleoid to the pole, and carries an average load of ribosomes, yielding an estimated ribosome flux
est αtot NT + NB
JT+B = , (S6)
where αtot = 2 0 dxα(x) ∼ 17/s is the total mRNA transcription rate in the nucleoid region, and the second factor is
the average number of ribosomes carried by each mRNA, with NT = 4.8 × 104 , NB = 1.1 × 104 , NmRNA = 5 × 103 .
Equation (S6) predicts a flow of Jrib ∼ 100/s, in rough agreement with our numerical result JT+B ∼ 20/s for the
fluxes of T, B ribosomes at the nucleoid edge shown in Figs. 4, S5. The factor of ∼ 5 discrepancy is not due to our
JT (x)
JB (x) β = 1/(5 min)
JF (x)
β = 1/(10 min)
β = 1/(20 min)
FIG. S3: Fluxes of translating (T), transiently bound (B) and free (F) ribosomes along the cell’s long axis: The arrow length
is proportional to local ribosome flux, and the arrows in the legends correspond to a flux of 20/s. The fluxes are shown for
different values of mRNA degradation rate β, where β and the total mRNA production rate αtot are varied together, keeping
the total mRNA number constant.
estimate of the mRNA flux JmRNA ' αtot /2 ' 8.5/s, which agrees well with the numerical result JmRNA ' 7/s at the
edge of the nucleoid. Rather, the difference is due to the fact that mRNAs with fewer ribosomes diffuse faster due
to the strong dependence of the available volume factor vm,n on m + n, which means that most of the diffusive flux
of mRNAs is due to polysomes with a number of ribosomes substantially smaller than average. Thus our use of the
average ribosome loading in Eq. (S6) substantially overestimates the ribosome flux carried by mRNAs. However, the
estimate JT+B in Eq. (S6) does correctly capture the full numerical result that the ribosome flux is proportional to
the total mRNA production rate αtot . This proportionality leads us to conclude that ribosome circulation is driven
by the flux of new mRNAs from the nucleoid to the poles, and not by binding of mature mRNAs and F ribosomes in
the nucleoid with subsequent expulsion from the nucleoid due to excluded-volume effects—see the main text and Fig.
In this Section, we extend our model to include the fact that mRNAs remain bound to the nucleoid while being
transcribed. We introduce an additional set of mRNA species with m B ribosomes and n T ribosomes, whose densities
we denote by ρ∗m,n (x, t). The 1D equations for the nucleoid-bound mRNA densities are
∂ρ∗m,n (x, t) B
= − kon cF (x, t)ρ∗m,n (x, t) − m koff
ρ∗m,n (x, t) − kon
cF (x, t)ρ∗m,n (x, t) − n koff
ρ∗m,n (x, t)
+ kon cF (x, t)ρ∗m−1,n (x, t)+ koff
(m + 1) ρ∗m+1,n (x, t)+ kon T
cF (x, t)ρ∗m,n−1 (x, t)+ koffT
(n + 1) ρ∗m,n+1 (x, t)
+δm,0 δn,0 α(x) − β ρ∗m,n (x, t) − γ ρ∗m,n (x, t). (S7)
Since the mRNA species ρ∗m,n are bound to the nucleoid, there is no diffusion term. The terms in the first and second
lines in the right-hand side correspond to ribosome binding and unbinding as in Eq. (2). Finally, the first two terms
in the last line represent mRNA transcription and degradation, while the last term represents unbinding of an mRNA
from the nucleoid at rate γ. The dynamics of free mRNA species is still described by Eq. (2), where the mRNA-
transcription term in the last line is replaced by the source term γ ρ∗m,n (x), which represents a nucleoid-bound mRNA
becoming a free mRNA. We take the unbinding rate of nucleoid-bound mRNAs to be γ = 1/min, i.e. the inverse of
the average time for mRNA transcription [6].
We numerically solved the equations for ρm,n and ρ∗m,n at steady state. The resulting mRNA profiles and ribosome
concentrations are shown in Figs. S4 and S5, respectively. The results confirm the qualitative behavior of the model
with only free mRNAs, see Figs. 3, 4. The plots of ρtot (x) and ρ∗tot (x) in Fig. S4 show that the large majority
of mRNAs are free, and that free mRNAs are strongly segregated from the nucleoid, while nucleoid-bound mRNAs
are by construction localized in the nucleoid region. For free mRNAs, the larger m, n, the stronger the segregation
away from the nucleoid, and the overall free polysome distribution is still peaked around ∼ 10 T ribosomes and ∼ 2
B ribosomes per mRNA as in Fig. 3. For nucleoid-bound mRNAs, the vast majority of mRNAs have low m, n, with
the distribution peaked at m ∼ 1 and n ∼ 3 − 4, reflecting the somewhat lower concentration of F ribosomes in the
nucleoid (Fig. S5), and, more importantly, the limited time for ribosomes to bind before the mRNAs become free.
The localization pattern of these typical bound mRNAs matches the profile of the nucleoid, i.e. the profile of mRNA
production. By contrast, the spatial distributions of the few bound mRNA species with large m, n are strongly peaked
at the edge of the nucleoid, reflecting the higher density of free ribosomes outside versus inside the nucleoid.
Figure S5 shows the steady-state concentrations, cT (x) and cB (x), of T and B ribosomes loaded on free mRNAs,
as well as the concentration of F ribosomes cF (x), and the fluxes JT (x), JB (x), and JF (x). The figure also shows
5 5,000 12 1,000
ρtot (x) 8 16
8 60 ρm,n (x) ρ∗m,n (x)
ρ0,0 (x) ρ∗0,0 (x) 6
4 6 4,000 ρ∗8,20 (x) 800
40 ρ8,20 (x) 4 ∗
8 Nm,n
4 Nm,n ρ∗tot (x)
20 8 2
ρm,n (x) (1/µm)
1 1,000 200
0 0 0 0
0 0.25 0.5 0.75 1 0 0.25 0.5 0.75 1
x/l x/l
FIG. S4: Steady-state mRNA and polysome distributions for the extended model including both free and nucleoid-bound
mRNAs. Left: mRNA and polysome distribution for free mRNAs. Total mRNA density ρtot (x) (red) and density ρm,n (x) of
mRNAs with m transiently bound (B) ribosomes and n translating (T) ribosomes (gray). The density ρ0,0 (x) of ribosome-free
mRNAs (green) and the density ρ8,20 (x) of mRNAs with the largest number of B, T ribosomes considered (blue) are also shown.
The profiles ρm,n (x), ρ0,0 (x), and ρ8,20 (x) are normalized to unit area. Inset: distribution of mRNA species, shown as a heat
map of the number Nm,n = 0 dxρm,n (x) of mRNAs in the right half of the cell with m B ribosomes and n T ribosomes. Right:
same as left panel for nucleoid-bound mRNAs, with Nm,n = 0 dxρ∗m,n (x) .
cT (x)
cB (x) 103
10 4 cF (x)
c∗ (x) (1/µm)
c(x) (1/µm)
c∗T (x)
10−1 c∗B (x)
0 0.25 0.5 0.75 1 0 0.25 0.5 0.75 1
x/l x/l
JT (x)
JB (x)
JF (x)
FIG. S5: Steady-state ribosome concentrations and ribosome fluxes for the extended model including both free and nucleoid-
bound mRNAs. Left: concentrations and fluxes for translating (T) and transiently bound (B) ribosomes loaded on free mRNAs,
and for free (F) ribosomes. On the top, we show the concentrations cT (x), cB (x), and cF (x) of T, B, and F ribosomes, for the
right half of the cell. Bottom: Fluxes of T, B, and F ribosomes along the cell’s long axis depicted in the top panel, where
the arrow length is proportional to local ribosome flux, and the arrows in the legends correspond to a flux of 35/s. Right:
Concentrations c∗T (x), c∗B (x) of T and B ribosomes loaded on ribosome-bound mRNAs.
the concentrations of T and B ribosomes loaded on nucleoid-bound mRNAs, c∗T (x) = m,n n ρ∗m,n (x) and c∗B (x) =
P ∗
m,n m ρm,n (x), respectively. While T and B ribosomes loaded on free mRNAs are strongly excluded from the
nucleoid, F ribosomes can penetrate the nucleoid region. In addition, there is a net poleward flux of T and B
ribosomes loaded on free mRNAs and a net flux of F ribosomes toward the cell center, in agreement with the model
with only free mRNAs. Finally, T and B ribosomes loaded on nucleoid-bound mRNAs are localized approximately
uniformly throughout the nucleoid region.
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