Craig's Soil Mechanics 7th Edition

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Base Plate Design

Maximum compression case

Fy 40.25 KN
Fx 3.758 KN
Fz 2.824 KN
Mx 10.394 KNm
Mz 35.494 KNm

Fhorz 4.700802 KN
M res 36.98458 KNm

Base plate 600 mm

Bolt from edge 50 mm
h 550 mm

permissble stress 6.25 Mpa

k 0.314308
Tension in bolt 283.8801 KN
Moment at edge 14.19 KNm

Take 32mm base plate

Stress 138.6133 N/mm2 <185 ok

Maximum tension case

Fy -35.327 KN
Fx -3.758 KN
Fz -2.815 KN
Mx 10.351 KNm
Mz 51.442 KNm

Fhorz 4.695401 KN
M res 52.47307 KNm

Base plate 600 mm

Bolt from edge 50 mm
h 550 mm

permissble stress 6.25 Mpa

k 0.38554
Tension in bolt 432.9154 KN
Moment at edge 21.65 KNm

Take 32mm base plate

Stress 211.3845 N/mm2 >185 NG

Provide 32mm thk base Plate

Permisssble tensile strength of M20-bolt 88.2 KN

No of bolts required 4.908338

Provide 9 nos. of bolt each face

Circular base plate

277 88.2 277 0.277 80.79151 277 88.2

115 88.2 47.7436823105 0.047744 16.7708 115 88.2

277 88.2 277 0.277 40.39576 277 88.2

115 88.2 47.7436823105 0.047744 16.7708 115 88.2

Max F 80.79151
Tension in each bolt due axial tension 4.415875 Tension in each bolt due axial
Max tension 85.20739 Max tension
Shear in each bolt 0.586925 Shear in each bolt

Permissible shear force 36.3 KN

Permissible tension 54.46 KN
ratio 1.580755 <1.4 ok

Force in stiffener plate 85.20739 KN

Shear capacity of plate 180 KN
Weld required 185.9871


Slenderness of stiffener 32.47595

Permissble compression 360
277 0.277 80.79151
47.74368 0.047744 16.7708

277 0.277 40.39576

47.74368 0.047744 16.7708

Max F 80.79151
in each bolt due axial 4.415875

Base Plate Design

Maximum compression case

Fy 171.25 KN
Fx 45.346 KN
Fz 11.189 KN
Mx 39.895 KNm
Mz 50.019 KNm

Fhorz 46.70603 KN
M res 63.98055 KNm

Base plate 600 mm

Bolt from edge 50 mm
h 550 mm

permissble stress 6.25 Mpa

k 0.441563
Tension in bolt 284.1121 KN
Moment at edge 14.21 KNm

Take 32mm base plate

Stress 138.7266 N/mm2 <185 ok

Maximum tension case

Fy -197.015 KN
Fx 4.372 KN
Fz 2.201 KN
Mx 0.836 KNm
Mz 50.24 KNm

Fhorz 4.894771 KN
M res 50.24696 KNm

Base plate 600 mm

Bolt from edge 50 mm
h 550 mm

permissble stress 6.25 Mpa

k 0.375025
Tension in bolt 583.7592 KN
Moment at edge 29.19 KNm

Take 40mm base plate

Stress 182.4248 N/mm2 <185 ok

Provide 40mm thk base Plate

Permisssble tensile strength of M20-bolt 88.2 KN

No of bolts required 6.618585

Provide 9 nos. of bolt each face

Circular base plate

280 88.2 280 0.28 25.7558 269.7 88.2

273 88.2 266.175 0.266175 12.55595 228.7 88.2
252.3 88.2 227.3403 0.22734 11.60391 152.8 88.2
215.9 88.2 166.4743 0.166474 9.929781 53.6 88.2
174.6 88.2 108.8756 0.108876 8.030291 269.7 88.2
121.5 88.2 52.72232 0.052722 5.588089 228.7 88.2
62.3 88.2 13.86175 0.013862 2.865333 152.8 88.2
273 88.2 266.175 0.266175 12.55595 53.6 88.2
252.3 88.2 227.3403 0.22734 11.60391
215.9 88.2 166.4743 0.166474 9.929781
174.6 88.2 108.8756 0.108876 8.030291
121.5 88.2 52.72232 0.052722 5.588089
62.3 88.2 13.86175 0.013862 2.865333
Max F 25.7558
Tension in each bolt due axial t 7.03625 Tension in each bolt due axial
Max tension 32.79205 Max tension
Shear in each bolt 0.174813 Shear in each bolt

Permissible shear force 50.2 KN

Permissible tension 127 KN
ratio 0.261687 <1.4 ok

Force in stiffener plate 114.2168 KN

Shear capacity of plate 180 KN
Weld required 249.3076


Slenderness of stiffener 16.23798

Permissble compression 270
269.7 0.2697 24.80836
193.9329 0.193933 10.51849
86.56967 0.08657 7.027654
10.65243 0.010652 2.465198
269.7 0.2697 12.40418
193.9329 0.193933 10.51849
86.56967 0.08657 7.027654
10.65243 0.010652 2.465198

Max F 44.79496
in each bolt due axial 12.31344

Foundation forces



Dry Density of Soil 18 KN/m3

Safe bearing capacity 120 KN/m3

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