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Miocene Larger Benthic Foraminifera from the Kalumpang Formation in

Tawau, Sabah

Article  in  Sains Malaysiana · October 2015

DOI: 10.17576/jsm-2015-4410-04


4 2,974

2 authors:

Junaidi Asis Basir Jasin

Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS) Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia


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Radiolarian biostratigraphy of Sarawak, Malaysia View project

Nukakatan Valley Geochemical Concentration View project

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Sains Malaysiana 44(10)(2015): 1397–1405

Miocene Larger Benthic Foraminifera from the Kalumpang

Formation in Tawau, Sabah
(Foraminifera Bentos Besar Berusia Miosen dari Formasi Kalumpang di Tawau, Sabah)


Miocene larger benthic foraminifera have been discovered from a limestone unit of the Kalumpang Formation.
The limestone is exposed at the Teck Guan Quarry, Tawau, southeast Sabah. The Kalumpang Formation consists
predominantly of interbedded mudstone and sandstone (graywacke), conglomerate, limestone, marl, chert and volcanic
rocks. Five limestone samples have been collected and processed for petrographic analysis and identification of larger
benthic foraminifera. The limestone is classified as packstone and mudstone. A total of seventeen species of larger
benthic foraminifera have been identified. The foraminifera are divided into two assemblages namely Assemblage I and
Assemblage II. Assemblage I is characterized by the presence of Lepidocyclina (Nephrolepidina) parva, Operculina sp.
and Lepidocyclina (Eulepidina) formosa. This assemblage is an indicative of Aquitanian to Burdigalian in age (Early
Miocene). Assembalge II comprises of Lepidocyclina (Nephrolepidina) sumatrensis, Lepidocyclina (Nephrolepidina)
angulosa, Lepidocyclina (Nephrolepidina) ferreroi Lepidocyclina sp., Miogypsina sp., Katacycloclypeus annulatus,
Katacyloclypeus martini, Cycloclypeus carpenteri, Cycloclypeus indopacificus, Cycloclypeus sp., Flosculinella
bontangensis, Operculina complanata, Amphistegina bowdenensis and Amphistegina sp. This assemblage is an indicative
of Langhian to Serravallian age (Middle Miocene). The foraminiferal assemblages suggest that the depositional
environment was a warm tropical shallow-marine at the fore-reef shelf zone.

Keywords: Kalumpang Formation; larger benthic foraminifera; Miocene; Tawau

Foraminifera bentos besar berusia Miosen telah ditemui daripada unit batu kapur Formasi Kalumpang. Batu kapur
tersebut terdedah di Kuari Tech Guan, Tawau, tenggara Sabah. Formasi Kalumpang ini terdiri daripada selang-lapis
batu lumpur dan batu pasir (greiwak), konglomerat, batu kapur, marmar, rijang dan batuan volkano. Lima sampel batu
kapur telah diambil dan diproses untuk analisis petrografi dan pengenalpastian foraminifera bentos besar. Sebanyak
tujuh belas spesies foraminifera bentos besar telah dikenal pasti. Foraminifera dibahagikan kepada dua himpunan iaitu
Himpunan I dan Himpunan II. Himpunan I dicirikan oleh kehadiran Lepidocyclina (Nephrolepidina) parva, Operculina sp.
dan Lepidocyclina (Eulepidina) formosa. Himpunan ini menunjukkan usia Aquitanian hingga Burdigalian (Miosen Awal).
Himpunan II terdiri daripada Lepidocyclina (Nephrolepidina) sumatrensis, Lepidocyclina (Nephrolepidina) angulosa,
Lepidocyclina (Nephrolepidina) ferreroi Lepidocyclina sp., Miogypsina sp., Katacycloclypeus annulatus, Katacyloclypeus
martini, Cycloclypeus carpenteri, Cycloclypeus indopacificus, Cycloclypeus sp., Flosculinella bontangensis, Operculina
complanata, Amphistegina bowdenensis dan Amphistegina sp. Himpunan ini menunjukkan usia Langhian hingga
Serravallian (Miosen Tengah). Himpunan foraminifera ini membuktikan bahawa sekitaran pengendapannya adalah
pada sekitaran laut cetek kawasan tropika di zon pelantar depan terumbu.

Kata kunci: Foraminifera bentos besar; Formasi Kalumpang; Miosen; Tawau

hills on the north coast of Semporna Peninsular. The
The Kalumpang Formation was first introduced by limestone forms seven small N-S trending hills at km 50
Kirk (1962) and consists predominantly of interbedded from Tawau along the Kunak Road (Lim 1981).
mudstone and sandstone (graywacke), conglomerate, Recently, we discovered well-preserved Miocene
limestone, marl, chert and volcanic rocks. The formation larger benthic foraminifera from the Sipit Limestone
is located at Upper Sungai Kalumpang, Binuang Valley, Member of the Kalumpang Formation. The outcrop is
Sebatik Island and Semporna Peninsular, southeast Sabah. exposed at the Teck Guan Quarry along the Kunak-Tawau
The formation is divided into 4 rock units namely Sebatik road. It overlies tuff and contains coral, algae, echinoids
Sandstone-Shale Member, Sipit Limestone Member, and foraminifera. This limestone is generally massive
Sandstone Chert Facies and Volcanic Facies (Kirk 1962). consisting of grey color and white spot of larger benthic
The Sipit Limestone Member forms four small isolated foraminifera. The objective of this research was to identify

larger benthic foraminiferal species and their significance OCCURRENCE OF LIMESTONE

in determination of age and depositional environments.
An extensive outcrop of bedded limestone was exposed at
the Teck Guan Quarry site, approximately 50 km east of
GEOLOGICAL SETTING Tawau Town (Figure 1). The bedded limestone occurs as
small hills with high cliff that represents karst topography.
Kirk (1962) suggested that the age of the Kalumpang
The thickness of exposed rock is about 46 m. The rocks
Formation range from Upper Oligocene to Upper Miocene
strike almost north-south direction and dip eastwards. The
and the age has been confirmed by Lee (1988). However,
limestone is grey in colour and is overlain by green tuff.
Lim (1981) reported that the age of the Kalumpang
Formation is Early to Middle Miocene age. The formation
is faulted and thrusted against the Darvel Bay Ophiolite MATERIALS AND METHODS
Complex at the Darvel Bay area. The basal boundary of
A total of five samples of carbonate rocks have been
the Darvel Bay Ophiolite Complex and the Kalumpang
collected from the Teck Guan Quarry at the interval of
Formation is not exposed. The Darvel Bay Ophiolite
5 m. The limestone samples have been cut into several
Complex (DBOC) is composed of ophiolitic rock association
which represents remnant of supra-oceanic crust. The age thin sections. A total of fifty thin sections have been
of chert sediment was thought to be Cretaceous ranging analyzed for carbonate rock classification and foraminiferal
from Barremian to Valanginian (Leong 1977) and later identification. Preparations of thin sections are based on
revised and assigned to a range from Aptian to Turonian standard micropaleontology method. The thin section
in age (Junaidi & Basir 2013, 2012, 2010). The age of examined by using polarized microscope for petrographic
igneous rock was older than chert perhaps Jurassic in analysis and foraminiferal identification. The identification
age. The Kalumpang Formation is overlain by the Umas- of larger benthic and other faunas is based on previous
Umas Formation in the lower of the Umas-Umas Valley. works (Adam 1970; BouDagher-Fadel 2008; Cole 1963;
The boundary between the Kalumpang Formation and Ellis & Messina 1965).
Umas-Umas Formation was probably unconformable. The
Kalumpang Formation is also overlain by Tertiary volcanic RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
rock in the Mount Wullersdorf and the Mount Magdalena
area. Then formation is covered by Quaternary sediments
in the Balung Valley (Kirk 1962; Lee et al. 2004).
Lee et al. (2004) suggested the carbonaceous Fifty thin section samples from five samples of carbonate
sediments of the Sebatik Sandstone-Shale Member rock have been cut for petrographic analysis. The
and the limestone of the Sipit Limestone member were classification of rock is based on Dunham (1962). Sample
deposited in a geosynclinal environment. The Kalumpang LKF1, LKF2, LKF3 and LKF4 are classified as wackstone
Formation was deposited in a shelf environment. Hutchison (Figure 2(a), 2(b), 2(c)). All four samples are matrix
(2005) stated depositional environment of the Kalumpang supported and contain more than 10% of skeletal grains.
Formation was in transition to shallower water on the apron Sample LKF5 is grains supported with low percentage of
of the volcanic arc and it includes volcanic and pyroclastic matrix. The grains comprise mainly larger foraminifera.
material. This sample is classified as packstone. All the limestone

FIGURE 1. Geological Map of the study area and its locations


a b

c d

FIGURE 2. Photomicrographs of limestone (a) Sample LKF1-wackstone, (b) Sample LKF2-wackstone,

(c) Sample LKF3-wackstone and (d) Sample LKF5-packstone

samples contain skeletal allochems of algae, bivalves, The photomicrographs of foraminifera are portrayed
foraminifera and corals. in Figures 3, 4 and 5. Larger benthic foraminifera species
distribution is shown in Figure 6.
BIOSTRATIGRAPHY The ‘Letter Stage’ classification was first published
by Van der Vlerk and Umbgrove (1927) based on larger
The limestone contains well-preserved fossils like larger benthic foraminifera from Indonesia area. This scheme has
benthic foraminifera, alga, coral and planktic foraminifera. been successfully used for biostratigraphic scheme for the
The most abundance fossils are larger benthic foraminifera. Southeast Asia region. BouDagher-Fadel (2008) has done
A total of 17 species of larger benthic foraminifera have some modification on this ‘Letter Stage’ classification
been indentified and listed in alphabetical order as follow: based on research from larger foraminifera of Indonesian
Amphistegina bowdenensis Bermudez (Figure 5; 1-5) region. In this study we use the ‘Letter Stage’ classification
Amphistegina sp. (Figure 5; 6-7) revised by BouDagher-Fadel (2008) to establish the age of
larger benthic foraminifera of the Kalumpang Formation
Cycloclypeus carpenteri (Martin) (Figure 3; 9-11) (Figure 3). The larger benthic foraminifera are divided into
Cycloclypeus indopacificus Tan Sin Hok (Figure 3; 8) two assemblages namely Assemblage I and Assemblage
Cycloclypeus sp. (Figure 3; 12-13) II based on the previous stratigraphic distribution chart of
Flosculinella bontangensis (Rutten) (Figure 5; 8) larger benthic foraminifera species range established by
Adam (1970), BouDagher-Fadel (2008), Cole (1963) and
Katacycloclypeus annulatus (Martin) (Figure 3; 1-6) Ellis and Messina (1965) (Figure 7).
Katacyloclypeus martini (Van der Vlerk) (Figure 3; 7)
Lepidocyclina (Eulepidina) formosa Schlumberger (Figure ASSEMBLAGE I
4; 1-2)
The first assemblage was found in sample LKF1 (mudstone)
Lepidocyclina (Nephrolepidina) angulosa Provale (Figure and LKF2 (wackstone). This assemblage contains rare fauna
4; 3-6) of Lepidocyclina (Nephrolepidina) parva Oppenoorth,
Lepidocyclina (Nephrolepidina) ferreroi Provale (Figure Operculina sp. and Lepidocyclina (Eulepidina) formosa
4; 7) Schlumberger. These two species of foraminifera indicate
Lepidocyclina (Nephrolepidina) parva Oppenoorth (Figure an age not younger than lower Tf1 or equivalent the top
4; 12-17) of Burdigalian. The first appearance of Lepidocyclina
(Eulepidina) formosa Schlumberger is in Early Oligocene
Lepidocyclina (Nephrolepidina) sumatrensis (Brady)
and became extinct at the top stage of Te5 ‘Letter Stage’
(Figure 4; 8-11)
(Ellis & Messina 1965). This species has also been found
Lepidocyclina sp. (Figure 4; 18-19) in the Lower Miocene deposits (upper Te/Te5) of East
Miogypsina sp. (Figure 4; 20-21) Java (Sharaf et al. 2005). Adam (1970) stated that the
Operculina complanata (Defrance) (Figure 5; 9-11) age for Lepidocyclina (Nephrolepidina) parva is in Early
Miocene or in Te5 of ‘Letter Stage’. Cole (1957) reported
Operculina sp. (Figure 5; 12)
that the age of Lepidocyclina (Nephrolepidina) parva from

FIGURE 3. 1-3. Katacycloclypeus annulatus (Martin), equatorial section; 4-6. Katacycloclypeus annulatus
(Martin), vertical section; 7. Katacycloclypeus martini (Van der Vlerk), vertical section; 8. Cycloclypeus
indopaficus Tan Sin Hok, vertical section; 9-11. Cycloclypeus carpenteri (Martin), vertical section;
12. Cycloclypeus sp. equatorial section; 13. Cycloclypeus sp. half of vertical section

South Celebes is in upper Te ‘stage’ or Early Miocene. complanata (Defrance), Amphistegina bowdenensis
BouDagher-Fadel and Wilson (2000) found this species Bermudez and Amphistegina sp. Cycloclypeus and
in Tf1, of Burdigalian to Langhian age from Southeast Katacycloclypeus are common in this assemblage.
Kalimantan. In this study Lepidocyclina (Nephrolepidina) Katacycloclypeus annulatus Katacyloclypeus martini and
parva and Lepidocyclina (Eulepidina) Formosa are Cycloclypeus indopacificus were dated as Serravallian
discovered in sample LKF2 of Te5 or Burdigalian in age. of Tf2 by Cole (1963) from Tertiary deposits at Guam
These two foraminifers’ faunas indicate an age not younger and Fiji. BouDagher-Fadel and Wilson (2000) reported
than lower Tf1 or equivalent the top of Burdigalian (Early this species in the lower Mid Miocene, Tf2 (early
Miocene) (Figure 6). Serravallian) of Kalimantan. Similar faunas have also
been recorded from Middle Miocene (Langhian to
ASSEMBLAGE II Serravalian) of Sulawesi, South Central Java and East
The second assemblage was discovered from sample Java Indonesia (BouDagher-Fadel 2002; BouDagher-
LKF3 and LKF4 of wackstone and sample LKF5 of
Fadel & Lokier 2005; Sharaf et al. 2005). Flosculinella
packstone. The foraminifera consist of Lepidocyclina bontangensis has been found in Serravalian deposits
(Nephrolepidina) sumatrensis (Brady), Lepidocyclina (Tf2) at South Central Java, Indonesia by BouDagher-
(Nephrolepidina) angulosa Provale, Lepidocyclina Fadel and Lokier (2005). The presence of Lepidocyclina
(Nephrolepidina) ferreroi Provale, Miogypsina sp., (Nephrolepidina) ferreroi, Katacycloclypeus annulatus,
Katacycloclypeus annulatus (Martin), Katacyloclypeus Katacyloclypeus martini, Cycloclypeus indopacificus
martini (Van der Vlerk), Cycloclypeus carpenteri (Martin), and Flosculinella bontangensis indicated that the age
Cycloclypeus indopacificus Tan Sin Hok, Cycloclypeus is in Tf1/Tf2 or equivalent to Langhian to Serravallian
sp., Flosculinella bontangensis (Rutten), Operculina (Middle Miocene) (Figure 6).

FIGURE 4. Lepidocyclina (Eulepidina) formosa Schlumberger, equatorial section; Lepidocyclina (Eulepidina) formosa
Schlumberger, vertical section; 3-6. Lepidocyclina (Nephrolepidina) angulosa Provale, equatorial section; 7. Lepidocyclina
(Nephrolepidina) ferreroi Provale, vertical section; 8-10. Lepidocyclina (Nephrolepidina) sumatrensis (Brady), equatorial
section; 11. Lepidocyclina (Nephrolepidina) sumatrensis (Brady), vertical section; 12-17. Lepidocyclina (Nephrolepidina) parva
Oppenoorth vertical section; 18-19. Lepidocyclina sp. oblique equatorial section; 20-21. Miogyspina sp. equatorial section

ENVIRONMENT OF DEPOSITION low percentage of micrite because lime mud was flushed
The carbonate rock in this study area was deposited in away by the wave action. The distal part of the forereef,
warm and very shallow-marine environment. The presence was located below the wave base and the larger benthic
of well-preserved larger benthic foraminifera associated foraminifera have been diminished and the mud became
with coral and alga that found in limestone samples of the more dominant. This represented by samples LKF1, LKF2,
Kalumpang Formation indicate that the deposition occur LKF3 and LKF4 of wackstone which have scattered larger
within photic zone, that is less than 120 m. BouDagher- foraminifera and high percentage of matrix. The fossil
Fadel (2008) divided a patch into three parts namely reef, assemblages and the litholofacies of the limestone indicate
fore-reef shelf and back-reef shelf. Fore-reef is the area that the depositional environment of the limestone unit was a
attacked by ocean swell and back-reef is the area where it fore-reef shelf.
sheltered from most of oceanic wave energies. The energy
distribution produced characteristic carbonate lithofacies COMPARISON WITH SOME SELECTED LIMESTONE UNIT
and allowed distinctive assemblages of foraminifera FROM BORNEO AND INDONESIA REGION
to flourish. In proximal fore-reef shelf, the most The Cenozoic limestone was widespread in Southeast
dominant foraminifera are cycloclypids, lepidocyclinids, Asia region. We try to compare the fauna assemblage and
operculinids, Amphistegina and Heterosteginids associated environment of depositional setting of the Kalumpang
with scattered alga and coral and cemented by sparite and Formation and the limestone units at surrounding area.
micrite (BouDagher-Fadel 2008) (Figure 8). This area The age of the Gomantong limestone has been studied
represents the sample LKF5 of packstone which has high by McMonagle et al. (2011) and classified the limestone at
percentage grains of larger benthic foraminifera and it has Sukau area into two different unit based on larger benthic

FIGURE 5. 1-2. Amphistegina bowdenensis Bermudez, equatorial-oblique section; 3-5. Amphistegina bowdenensis Bermudez, vertical
section; 6-7. Amphistegina sp. vertical section; 8. Flosculinella bontangensis (Rutten) half equatorial section; 9-10. Operculina
complanata (Defrance), equatorial section; 11. Operculina complanata (Defrance), vertical section; 12. Operculina sp. equatorial section

FIGURE 6. Stratigraphic distribution of larger benthic foraminiferal taxa in the limestone samples

FIGURE 7. Stratigraphic distribution of selected species from previous studies; 1. Ellis and Messina
(1965); 2. Adam (1970); 3. BouDagher-Fadel (2008); and 4. Cole (1963)

FIGURE 8. Depositional environment model of the limestone unit from the

Kalumpang Formation (after BouDagher-Fadel, 2008)

foraminifera, nanofossil and strontium isotop dating. carbonate deposited in warm and very shallow marine
The muddy carbonate unit was dated into Early to Late (Lokier 2000). Thirteen larger benthic foraminifera
Oligocene and the Limestone unit of Gomantong Hill was species have been identified and classified into two
date into Early Miocene. The Early Miocene of Gomantong assemblages. The species are Austrotrillina asmariensis,
Limestone was equivalent to lower unit or Assemblage Austrotrillina howchini, Katacycloclypeus annulatus,
I of limestone from the Kalumpang Formation. Larger Katacycloclypeus martini, Lepidocyclina (N.) oneatensis,
benthic foraminifera assemblage from the Gomantong Miogypsina kotoi, Lepidocyclina stratifera, Lepidocyclina
Limestone comprises Miogypsinoides, Miogypsina, (N.) rutteni quadrata, Lepidocyclina (N.) sumatrensis,
Heterostegina borneensis, Neorotalia mecatepecensis, Lepidocyclina (Nephrolepidina) parva, Lepidocyclina
Lepidocyclina (Eulepidina) sp. Lepidocycclina (N.). delicate, Lepidocyclina stillafera, Cycloclypeus sp. and
ferreroi, Lepidocyclina crucifera and Lepidocyclina Amphistegina sp. The assemblages are indicative of Tf1
radiata. This assemblage indicates Early Miocene in age or to Tf2 or equivalent to Langhian to Serravallian in age.
equivalent to Te5. Noad (2001) has studied the Gomantong The assemblage is also similar to Assemblage II of the
Limestone from Sukau, Sabah. Environment of deposition Kalumpang Formation except for the absence of genus
of Gomantong limestone was a shallow marine at an open Austrotrillina, Lepidocyclina (N.) oneatensis, Miogypsina
shelf, adjacent to a coastline formed of uplifted Labang kotoi, Lepidocyclina stratifera, and Lepidocyclina (N.)
Formation. The Labang Formation consists of deep marine rutteni quadrata.
sediment. The Gomantong Limestone deposited in variety Tacipi Formation in Sulawesi, Indonesia was deposited
of depositional environments and receiving reworked during Middle Miocene to Early Pliocene. The formation
clasts from the Labang Formation. Coralline algal facies was deposited in large shallow marine carbonate platform
passed seaward into flats with patch reefs. Down-foreslope with some deeper water sediment at the north. The lithology
contains of massive corals and occasional grainstone of this formation was dominated by coral, coralline algae,
shoals gave way into branching corals and interbedded molluscs, benthic foraminifera and planktic foraminifera
with rudstones. A sheet-like corals and giant benthic (dominated at the north). BouDagher-Fadel (2002) recorded
foraminiferal packstones were deposited towards the three assemblages of larger benthic foraminifera. The
base of the slope. In the Kalumpang Formation the down- lower part of the Tacipi Formation was characterized by
foreslope and deep marine environment are not present Mid-Miocene assemblage consisting of Katacycloclypeus
in the outcrop section. This indicates that the Kalumpang annulatus, Katacycloclypeus martini, Lepidocyclina (N.)
Formation carbonate was deposited in a proximal part of oneatensis, Lepidocyclina (N.) sondaica, Planorbulinella
the shelf far from the slope. solida and Cycloclypeus sp., Katacycloclypeus annulatus
BouDagher-Fadel and Wilson (2000) have studied and Katacycloclypeus martini. The species were common
the some larger benthic foraminifera from the Batu Putih throughout Langhian to Serravallian (Middle Miocene).
limestone at Kalimantan, Indonesia. The larger benthic The assemblage is partly equivalent to Assemblage II of
foraminifera assemblage consist of Lepidocyclina (N.) the Kalumpang Formation. Other two assemblages of the
sumatrensis, Lepidocyclina (N.) angulosa, Lepidocyclina Tacipi Formation are younger (Late Miocene to Pliocene)
(N.) ferreroi Lepidocyclina sp., Miogypsina sp., than limestone from the Kalumpang Formation.
Katacycloclypeus annulatus, Katacyloclypeus martini, The larger benthic foraminiferal assemblages from the
Cycloclypeus carpenteri, Cycloclypeus indopacificus, Kalumpang Formation were deposited during Burdigalian
Cycloclypeus sp. and Amphistegina sp. These spesies were to Serravallian (Late Early Miocene to Middle Miocene).
also found in the limestone of Kalumpang Formation. This The same assemblage can also be found and widespread
assemblage has been reported ranging from Burdigalian to at Southeast Asia region. The development of carbonate
Serravallian or equivalent to Tf1 to Tf2. This assemblage sediment during Miocene was probably related to
has equivalent in age with Assemblage II of Kalumpang fluctuation of sea-level caused by tectonic events.
Formation limestone which indicates Langhian to
Serravallian in age (Middle Miocene). The limestone of CONCLUSION
the Batu Putih is dominated by corals and larger benthic
foraminifera are common in the basal and the upper parts The limestone unit from the Teck Guan Quarry is a part of
of the limestone succession. The limestone was interpreted Sipit Limestone Member in the Kalumpang Formation. The
deposited in shallow water less than 20 m deep, as a patch limestone is classified as wackstone and packstone. The
reef on the delta front mouth bar with some influx of fine larger benthic foraminifera indicate the age of the limestone
clastic material from the delta. unit ranges from Aquitanian to Serravallian (Early Miocene
Middle Miocene carbonate has also been reported to Middle Miocene). Based on larger benthic foraminiferal
from the Gunung Sewu Limestone, South Central assemblage, two assemblages have been identified namely
Java, Indonesia (BouDagher-Fadel & Lokier 2005). Assemblage I ranges from Aquitanian to Burdigalian and
The limestone consists of packstone, grainstone and Assembalge II ranges from Langhian to Serravallian. The
rudstone dominated by coralline algae and larger benthic depositional environment was a warm tropical shallow-
foraminifera. The limestone was considered as a platform marine at the fore-reef shelf zone.

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