Savanna Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences (June, 2020), 2(1): 15-22
ISSN: 2695-2335
was deposited in West Baram Delta under wave- and tide- diffraction (XRD) (Bruker-AXS model D8 Advance) was
dominated conditions (Simmons et al., 1999). performed for mineral identification using XRD
spectrometer. The Fourier Transform Infrared (FTIR)
MATERIALS AND METHODS spectra were recorded at room temperature using a
The sample area is precisely located at Tusan headland, Miri, Shimadzu FTIR 8400S. The total organic carbon content
Sarawak with coordinates: N4°24’89.04”, E114°03’50.78”. (TOC) of the sample was measured using TOC analyzer
Field samples were collected from the outcrop exposed in multi N/C 3100.
the Tusan Beach area, along Miri - Bintulu coastline. The The porosity, pore size and pore size distribution of the
outcrops of Lambir Formation are labeled ‘L’ in the North samples were determined using mercury intrusion
East Sarawak, shown in Fig.1. Representative samples were porosimetry (MIP). The mercury porosimetry analysis
selected to provide reliable laboratory analysis results. The involves the use of high pressure to force intrusion of
characterization techniques carried out include thin sections, mercury into smaller pores, while mercury intrusion in
andfield emission scanning electron microscopy (FESEM: larger pores takes place at relatively lower pressure. Thus,
Carl Zeiss Supra 55VP; operated at 5 to 20 kV). X-ray an extensive array of pore sizes can be measured and a pore
Fluorescence (Bruker-AXS model S4 Pioneer XRF) was size distribution can be acquired beginning from 4 nm (400
used for the inorganic geochemical analysis of bulk MPa) up to approximately 800 µm (vacuum).
chemical composition of whole rock samples. X-ray
Figure 1: Map of the study area (modified after Geological Survey of Malaysia, 1995; Hutchinson, 2005).
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XRD, XRF and FTIR identified, indicating the presence of organics and
The XRD spectrum of the pyritic sandstones is presented sulfate minerals (pyrite), as shown in Fig. 4.The bands
in Fig. 3. XRD spectra of the pyritic sandstones display at 677 cm-1and 786 cm-1 denote S-O-Si bonding and Si-
peaks indicating quartz, hematite and pyrite minerals. O quartz, respectively. The peaks at 920 cm-1 is assigned
Quartz is identified by its typical d-spacing values of to Si-O stretching. The peak at 1633 cm-1is assigned to
3.343, 4.26, 2.282, 2.13, 1.817 and 1.541Å. The pyrite the H-O-H bending bond of water. X-ray fluorescence
is recognized by d-spacing values of 2.21 and 1.916, (XRF) show that the sulphur content is as high as 34%
while hematite by d-spacing value of 2.69. The FTIR and 35.1%, with iron content of 12% and 13%, as shown
characteristic absorbance of peaks at 1150cm-1,1240 cm- in Table 1. TOC duplicate values of 4.04% and 3.85%
1and 1090 cm-1for Si-O-C, CH , and SO
3 4 were were recorded (Fig. 5).
Fig. 3: X-ray powder diffraction spectra indicating the presence of quartz (Q), pyrite (Py) and hematite (H).
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Fig. 4: FTIR spectra of the samples) indicating the presence of Fe-O, Si-O quartz, Si-O-Si, H2O, Si-O-C, SO4, CH3 bonds
2 44.3 2.1 1.1 0.9 13 1.2 0.7 35.1 0.4 0.22 0.11 0.36 0.05
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Thin sections and FESEM cementation (Fig. 6B). The detrital quartz grains are
The petrographic analysis was based on the renowned observed to be preferentially aligned along the axis of the
studies of Dickinson (1985) and Tucker (1991). The thin organic matter and pyrite particles. The fine-grained clay-
sections show the pyritic sandstones lithofacies consist of rich matrix material invades the intergranular pore spaces
friable ferruginous sandstone, pyrite with organic matter and and slightly replaces the margins of the sand grains. The
rock fragments (Fig. 6A). The porous sandstones comprise pyrite and clay matrix fill the interstices of the sand grains.
highly fractured quartz grains. Quartz is the main The FESEM images of the sample are depicted in Fig. 7. Fig.
sedimentary mineral. The quartz grains vary from fine 7A shows the pyrite framboids. These syngenetic framboids
grained to coarse grained sediments with high sphericity. have an average grain size of 2 µm, which indicates the
The grains are sub-rounded and moderately sorted and sedimentary water body was a euxinic environment (Liu et
relatively low clay matrix, which indicates moderate textural al., 2019). The pyrite framboids are shown to coat the quartz,
maturity. Opaque minerals like iron oxides and rock and infilling inter-granular space. The lithic minerals (pyrite
fragments are also observed. The detrital quartz grains are and clay minerals (C)) are shown coating the detrital quartz
characterized by point (tangential) and minimal floating grains and infilling the pore spaces (Fig. 7B).The pyrite
grain contacts (Fig. 6B). The arbitrarily oriented grains composition is confirmed by the EDX spectra in Fig. 8, with
indicate inactive water deposition. Distinctive for this rock the weight percentages of sulphur and iron being 2.74% and
type is high inter-granular porosity due to possibly leached 47.98%, respectively.
matrix content during weathering, and poor or sparse quartz
Fig. 6: Optical micrographs of sample showing [A] highly fractured quartz grains sparsely cemented by pyrite, clay matrix,
organic matter, and rock fragments, [B] re-alignment of the quartz grains along the axis of the columnar shaped organics
Fig. 7: The SEM micrographs of Lambir sandstone (L1) showing (A) pyrite framboids [Py], (B) pyrite framboids
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Fig. 8: EDX spectra showing Fe, K, S, indicating the presence of pyrites, iron oxides and clay minerals
DISCUSSION samples. The organics and pyrite fill the rock pore spacesand
According to Petranekand Van Houten (1997), iron reorganize the detrital grains in a preferential alignment to
infiltration suggests the samples were deposited in marine create micro-laminations. The unstable more soluble
deltaic, nearshore and shallow offshore environments. The reduced or ferrous iron (Fe2+) suggests water-logged soils,
ferric (Fe3+) and/or ferrous (Fe2+) ions are derived from local euxinic marine and organic-rich saline waters, all denoting
dissolution of iron-rich minerals or introduced as iron-rich anoxic environments, given that oxygenated environments
fluid from an external source. The high organic matter are particularly depleted in organic matter which is
results from the fact that fine organic matter tends to be destroyed by oxidation. Besides bacteria sulfate reduction
preferentially deposited with clay-and silt-size sandstone (BSR) at low temperatures, sulfate reduction occurs
matrix since the low permeability of the clay matrix inhibits thermochemically at higher temperatures (Orr, 1977;
the influx of oxygen bearing fluid into the sediments. The Berner, 1982; Cross et al., 2004), resulting in the oxidation
iron oxides, pyrite and organic matter hinder quartz of organic matter and the loss of carbon based functional
cementation, as indicated by the friability of the rock groups (Ardakani et al., 2016). The H2S generated by the
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thermochemical process can be depleted by the iron content Cross, M. M.; Manning, D. A.; Bottrell, S. H. and Worden,
(Machael, 2001). Thus, it can be inferred that the R.H. (2004). Thermochemical sulphate reduction
thermochemical generation of sulfate could have led to the (TSR): Experimental determination of reaction
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