Tiroiditis Subakut PDF
Tiroiditis Subakut PDF
Tiroiditis Subakut PDF
LORI B. SWEENEY, MD, Virginia Commonwealth University Health System, Richmond, Virginia
CHRISTOPHER STEWART, MD, Bayne-Jones Army Community Hospital, Fort Polk, Louisiana
DAVID Y. GAITONDE, MD, Dwight D. Eisenhower Army Medical Center, Fort Gordon, Georgia
Thyroiditis is a general term that encompasses several clinical disorders characterized by inflammation of the thyroid
gland. The most common is Hashimoto thyroiditis; patients typically present with a nontender goiter, hypothyroid-
ism, and an elevated thyroid peroxidase antibody level. Treatment with levothyroxine ameliorates the hypothyroid-
ism and may reduce goiter size. Postpartum thyroiditis is transient or persistent thyroid dysfunction that occurs
within one year of childbirth, miscarriage, or medical abortion. Release of preformed thyroid hormone into the
bloodstream may result in hyperthyroidism. This may be followed by transient or permanent hypothyroidism as a
result of depletion of thyroid hormone stores and destruction of thyroid hormone–producing cells. Patients should
be monitored for changes in thyroid function. Beta blockers can treat symptoms in the initial hyperthyroid phase; in
the subsequent hypothyroid phase, levothyroxine should be considered in women with a serum thyroid-stimulating
hormone level greater than 10 mIU per L, or in women with a thyroid-stimulating hormone level of 4 to 10 mIU per L
who are symptomatic or desire fertility. Subacute thyroiditis is a transient thyrotoxic state characterized by anterior
neck pain, suppressed thyroid-stimulating hormone, and low radioactive iodine uptake on thyroid scanning. Many
cases of subacute thyroiditis follow an upper respiratory viral illness, which is thought to trigger an inflammatory
destruction of thyroid follicles. In most cases, the thyroid gland spontaneously resumes normal thyroid hormone
production after several months. Treatment with high-dose acetylsalicylic acid or nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory
drugs is directed toward relief of thyroid pain. (Am Fam Physician. 2014;90(6):389-396. Copyright © 2014 American
Academy of Family Physicians.)
CME This clinical content hyroiditis is a general term that measured. Second, the laboratory test result
conforms to AAFP criteria refers to inflammation of the thy- should be interpreted within the context of
for continuing medical
education (CME). See roid gland and encompasses sev- the medical status of the patient. Patients
CME Quiz Questions on eral clinical disorders. The family recovering from recent illness or those tak-
page 372. physician will most commonly diagnose ing drugs such as glucocorticoids or opiates
Author disclosure: No rel- thyroiditis because of abnormal results on may have suppressed TSH, but free thy-
evant financial affiliations. thyroid function testing in a patient with roid hormone levels will be normal or low.
Patient information: symptoms of thyroid dysfunction or anterior Third, the degree of hyperthyroidism and
A handout on this topic neck pain. The diagnosis of chronic autoim- the severity of symptoms should be consid-
is available at http:// mune thyroiditis (Hashimoto thyroiditis) is ered. Patients with overt hyperthyroidism
usually straightforward. Patients typically (suppressed TSH and elevated free thyroid
conditions/thyroiditis.html. present with a nontender goiter, symptoms hormone levels) and significant symptoms
of hypothyroidism, and elevated thyroid can be treated with beta blockers, regardless
peroxidase (TPO) antibody level. However, a of the etiology. Fourth, the physician should
diagnostic dilemma occurs when the patient attempt to differentiate between Graves dis-
presents with thyroid-stimulating hormone ease and other forms of thyroiditis, because
(TSH) suppression. The natural history of patients with Graves disease are candidates
postpartum, silent, or subacute thyroiditis for thionamide therapy. This differentiation
may include a hyperthyroid or toxic phase of is best made by measuring radioactive iodine
short duration, followed by transient or per- uptake on a thyroid scan.
manent hypothyroidism. In the case of postpartum, silent, or sub-
When hyperthyroidism does not match acute thyroiditis, the radioactive iodine
the clinical picture, several steps should be uptake during the hyperthyroid phase will be
taken. First, the laboratory test result should low. Most of these patients will have recovery
be confirmed, and free thyroxine (T4) and of euthyroidism, but some may benefit from
free triiodothyronine (T3) levels should be treatment aimed at relieving symptoms of
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hyperthyroidism or hypothyroidism, provided they are ing less common forms. Table 2 summarizes drugs asso-
monitored for anticipated changes in thyroid function. ciated with thyroiditis.1-8
Surveillance and clinical follow-up are necessary in all Figure 1 is an algorithm for the diagnosis of thyroiditis.9
forms of thyroiditis because of the potential for change
in thyroid status. Treatment with levothyroxine may Chronic Autoimmune Thyroiditis
result in iatrogenic hyperthyroidism. Chronic autoimmune thyroiditis (Hashimoto thyroid-
Table 1 summarizes key aspects of thyroiditis, includ- itis) is the most common form. It is characterized by
Infectious thyroiditis Thyroid pain, high fever, leukocytosis, and cervical lymphadenopathy; Multiple infectious organisms,
(suppurative thyroiditis) focal inflammation may result in compressive symptoms such as most commonly bacterial
dysphonia or dysphagia; patients may assume a posture to limit Streptococcus pyogenes;
neck extension; palpation may reveal focal or diffuse swelling Staphylococcus aureus and
of the thyroid gland and the overlying skin will be warm and Pneumococcus are among
erythematous; presence of fluctuance suggests abscess formation the most common isolates
Radiation-induced thyroiditis† Patients may present with thyroid pain and transient thyrotoxicosis Radiation
Riedel thyroiditis (fibrous Very firm goiter or compressive symptoms (dyspnea, stridor, Autoimmunity may contribute
thyroiditis)‡ dysphagia), which appear disproportionate to the size of to the pathogenesis
the thyroid; hypocalcemia may occur as a result of fibrotic
transformation of the parathyroid glands
Subacute thyroiditis (subacute Thyroid pain; hyperthyroidism followed by transient hypothyroidism Postviral
granulomatous thyroiditis, most commonly
giant cell thyroiditis,
de Quervain thyroiditis)
390 American Family Physician www.aafp.org/afp Volume 90, Number 6 ◆ September 15, 2014
varying degrees of lymphocytic infiltration and fibrotic A family or personal history of autoimmune thyroid
transformation of the thyroid gland. Patients typically disease confers increased risk, and there is a strong
present with a nontender goiter, hypothyroidism, and female predominance in this disorder. Higher rates of
an elevated TPO antibody level. It can, however, pres- chronic autoimmune thyroiditis have been observed in
ent without a goiter (atrophic form). The atrophic form patients with type 1 diabetes mellitus, Turner syndrome,
represents extensive thyroid fibrosis and is more likely to Addison disease, and untreated hepatitis C.10-12 The
result in overt hypothyroidism. annual incidence of chronic autoimmune thyroiditis is
Thyroid fine-needle aspiration with Gram stain and Acute complications may include Hospitalization and treatment with intravenous
culture; blood cultures; neck magnetic resonance septicemia and acute airway antibiotics (nafcillin plus gentamicin or a
imaging or computed tomography with contrast obstruction; later sequelae of third-generation cephalosporin); abscess
media; plain radiography of the lateral neck may the acute infection may include formation may necessitate surgical drainage;
reveal gas in the soft tissues; thyroid autoantibodies transient hypothyroidism or euthyroidism is generally restored after
are generally absent; serum thyroxine and vocal cord paralysis treatment of infection
triiodothyronine levels are usually normal
Thyroid function tests; elevated TPO antibody levels; Euthyroidism is generally Beta blockers can be considered for significant
low radioactive iodine uptake in the hyperthyroid achieved by 18 months, but hyperthyroid symptoms (in the hyperthyroid
phase* up to 25% of women become phase); levothyroxine for symptomatic
permanently hypothyroid; hypothyroidism (in the hypothyroid phase)
high rate of recurrence with and for permanent hypothyroidism
subsequent pregnancies
Clinical diagnosis made in the setting of recent Hyperthyroidism generally Self-limited, but symptoms may be treated
previous radiation resolves within one month with beta blockers and nonsteroidal anti-
inflammatory drugs
Thyroid function tests; elevated TPO antibody levels; Euthyroidism is generally achieved Beta blockers can be considered for significant
low radioactive iodine uptake in the hyperthyroid by 18 months, but up to 11% of hyperthyroid symptoms (in the hyperthyroid
phase patients become permanently phase); levothyroxine for symptomatic
hypothyroid; rarely recurs hypothyroidism (in the hypothyroid phase)
and permanent hypothyroidism
Thyroid function tests; elevated TPO antibody levels; Euthyroidism is generally achieved Beta blockers can be considered for significant
low radioactive iodine uptake in the hyperthyroid by 18 months, but up to 15% of hyperthyroid symptoms (in the hyperthyroid
phase patients become permanently phase); levothyroxine for symptomatic
hypothyroid; rarely recurs hypothyroidism (in the hypothyroid phase)
and permanent hypothyroidism
September 15, 2014 ◆ Volume 90, Number 6 www.aafp.org/afp American Family Physician 391
estimated to be 0.3 to 1.5 cases per 1,000 persons.13 Pre- per kg per day can be initiated, with subsequent incre-
senting symptoms depend on the degree of associated mental changes made every 10 to 12 weeks to achieve this
thyroid dysfunction, but most commonly include a feel- goal. Thyroid hormone therapy should resolve hypothy-
ing of fullness in the neck, generalized fatigue, weight roid symptoms and may result in a reduction in goiter size.
gain, cold intolerance, and diffuse muscle pain. When This generally occurs within six months after achievement
chronic autoimmune thyroiditis is suspected, the family of euthyroidism. Treatment with thyroid hormone in
physician should perform a careful thyroid examination patients with elevated TPO antibody levels and subclinical
and measure serum TSH and TPO antibody levels. An hypothyroidism (TSH level greater than the upper limit of
elevated TPO antibody level may influence the decision the reference range, but less than 10 mIU per L) is reason-
to treat patients with subclinical hypothyroidism. able, especially if symptoms of hypothyroidism are pres-
The thyroid examination will commonly reveal a firm, ent. Dosages of 25 to 50 mcg per day of levothyroxine can
bumpy gland with symmetric enlargement. TPO antibod- be initiated in these patients and titrated to the same TSH
ies will be present in 90% of affected persons. The mere goals as in overt hypothyroidism. If no thyroid hormone is
presence of detectable TPO antibodies does not, however, administered, patients should be monitored annually for
necessitate empiric treatment with thyroid hormone. the development of overt hypothyroidism.12 Guidelines
Patients with overt hypothyroidism (elevated TSH and low exist to direct the family physician in the treatment of
free T4 levels) should be treated with levothyroxine to a goal women with detectable TPO antibodies who are pregnant
TSH level of 1 to 3 mIU per L. A starting dosage of 1.6 mcg or who desire fertility.14,15
Kinase inhibitors Gastrointestinal stromal tumors, Hypothyroidism Inhibition of uptake by the thyroid6
renal cell carcinoma
392 American Family Physician www.aafp.org/afp Volume 90, Number 6 ◆ September 15, 2014
Diagnosis of Suspected Thyroiditis
Thyroiditis suspected
Thyroid pain?
No Yes
History of Infectious
No Yes radiation thyroiditis
or trauma?
Measurement of Drug-induced
thyroid-stimulating thyroiditis
hormone level
No Yes
No Yes
No Yes No Yes
Thyroid Subacute
Thyroid scan Thyroid scan Hashimoto or Postpartum hemorrhage thyroiditis
with radioactive with radioactive silent thyroiditis or Hashimoto
iodine uptake iodine uptake or subacute thyroiditis
thyroiditis (hypothyroid
(hypothyroid phase)
September 15, 2014 ◆ Volume 90, Number 6 www.aafp.org/afp American Family Physician 393
Postpartum hyperthyroidism and Graves disease are high likelihood of recurrence of postpartum thyroiditis,
characterized by elevated free thyroid hormones and which approaches 70% with subsequent pregnancies.17
suppressed TSH; however, postpartum thyroiditis has a Hypothyroidism that occurs beyond one year postpar-
lower free T3 to free T4 ratio, because free T4 is the pre- tum should not be classified as postpartum thyroiditis.
dominant form of thyroid hormone produced by the thy- Women with postpartum thyroiditis and subclinical
roid gland, and thereby is released into the bloodstream hypothyroidism should be treated with levothyroxine to
secondary to glandular inflammation and destruction. achieve a TSH level of less than 2.5 mIU per L if they are
As such, antithyroid medications (thioureas) are inef- pregnant or desire fertility.15
fective for postpartum thyroiditis. Treatment with beta
blockers (propranolol, 10 to 20 mg four times per day) Silent Thyroiditis
may be initiated in symptomatic women and is accept- Silent thyroiditis is similar to postpartum thyroiditis,
able in those who are breastfeeding.18 Therapy is usually but its presentation is not limited to the postpartum
required for only one to three months, and patients can state. Patients may present in the hypothyroid or hyper-
be tapered off medication fairly quickly. thyroid phase. In contrast with postpartum thyroiditis,
In postpartum thyroiditis, the hypothyroid phase gen- silent thyroiditis is less likely to result in permanent
erally presents at four to eight months postpartum and hypothyroidism (up to 11% of patients), and recurrence
lasts four to six months, although permanent hypothy- is less common.19 The considerations for initiation of
roidism occurs in 25% of women.17 The presenting symp- therapy and the treatment approach are the same as for
toms typically include fatigue, cognitive dysfunction postpartum thyroiditis.
(or depression), and cold intolerance. Although most
women with postpartum thyroiditis will become euthy- Subacute Thyroiditis
roid, treatment with levothyroxine should be considered Subacute thyroiditis is a transient thyrotoxic state char-
in women with a serum TSH level greater than 10 mIU acterized by anterior neck pain, suppressed TSH, and
per L, or in women with a TSH level of 4 to 10 mIU per L low uptake of iodine 123 on thyroid scanning. Patients
who are symptomatic or desire fertility. Treatment with may also have typical symptoms of hyperthyroidism.20,21
levothyroxine is generally initiated at 50 mcg per day and Many cases of subacute thyroiditis follow an upper
titrated to achieve a TSH level between 1 and 2.5 mIU respiratory viral illness, which is thought to trigger an
per L. Given the natural course of postpartum thyroid- inflammatory destruction of thyroid follicles. As in other
itis, tapering of levothyroxine may be considered after forms of destructive thyroiditis, preformed thyroid hor-
12 months of therapy.17 This may be accomplished by mone is released into the blood, leading to increased lev-
reducing the dose by 50% and repeating thyroid func- els of thyroid hormone and suppressed TSH.
tion testing at four- to eight-week intervals.17 Alterna- There are few large epidemiologic studies on subacute
tively, it is reasonable to continue levothyroxine therapy thyroiditis; however, one large community-based study
during a woman’s reproductive years, given the poten- performed in Olmstead County, Minn., between 1960
tial adverse effects of maternal hypothyroidism and the and 1997 reported an incidence of 4.9 cases per 100,000
persons per year.20 Women are significantly
more likely to be affected than men, and the
peak incidence in both sexes occurs at 40 to
50 years of age.20,21 Cases of subacute thy-
Recommendation Sponsoring organization roiditis generally cluster in the late summer
and fall.20,21 An increased association of sub-
Do not routinely order a thyroid ultrasound The Endocrine Society/
in patients with abnormal thyroid American Association of acute thyroiditis in persons with HLA-B35 is
function tests if there is no palpable Clinical Endocrinologists well established.22-24
abnormality of the thyroid gland. Anterior neck pain in the area of the thy-
Do not order a total or free triiodothyronine The Endocrine Society/ roid bed is the cardinal feature of subacute
level when assessing levothyroxine dose in American Association of
hypothyroid patients. Clinical Endocrinologists
thyroiditis and is most often what prompts
patients to seek medical attention. The
Source: For supporting citations, see http://www.aafp.org/afp/cw-table.pdf. For neck pain may be bilateral or unilateral,
more information on the Choosing Wisely Campaign, see http://www.aafp.org/ and may radiate to the jaw.20,21,25 Dysphagia
afp/choosingwisely. To search Choosing Wisely recommendations relevant to pri-
mary care, see http://www.aafp.org/afp/recommendations/search.htm. is also reported by patients, with increased
sweating, tremor, and weight loss. Up to
394 American Family Physician www.aafp.org/afp Volume 90, Number 6 ◆ September 15, 2014
Clinical recommendation rating References
Patients with elevated thyroid peroxidase antibody levels and subclinical hypothyroidism should be C 12
monitored annually for the development of overt hypothyroidism.
Women with postpartum thyroiditis and subclinical hypothyroidism should be treated with levothyroxine to C 15
achieve a thyroid-stimulating hormone level of less than 2.5 mIU per L if they are pregnant or desire fertility.
Patients with subacute thyroiditis should be started on high-dose acetylsalicylic acid or nonsteroidal anti- C 25
inflammatory drugs as first-line therapy.
Corticosteroid therapy for subacute thyroiditis should be initiated in patients with severe neck pain or minimal C 25
response to acetylsalicylic acid or nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs after four days.
Patients with severe thyroid pain and systemic symptoms (e.g., high fever, leukocytosis, cervical C 26
lymphadenopathy) should undergo fine-needle aspiration to rule out infectious thyroiditis.
A = consistent, good-quality patient-oriented evidence; B = inconsistent or limited-quality patient-oriented evidence; C = consensus, disease-oriented
evidence, usual practice, expert opinion, or case series. For information about the SORT evidence rating system, go to http://www.aafp.org/afpsort.
one-fourth of patients report symptoms of an upper Thyroid hormone supplementation is generally not
respiratory infection in the 30 days before initial presen- necessary for the transient hypothyroid phase of subacute
tation.20,21 The thyroid may also be diffusely enlarged. thyroiditis unless patients are symptomatic or have clear
Other signs of thyrotoxicosis such as fever, tachycardia, signs of hypothyroidism. Permanent hypothyroidism is
tremor, and increased skin warmth may be present. uncommon but is reported to develop in up to 15% of
In the thyrotoxic phase, thyroid function tests show patients with subacute thyroiditis, and can develop more
suppressed TSH and free T4 and free T3 levels that are than one year following presentation.20 It should be noted
within the normal range or frankly elevated. If the that the use of corticosteroids is not associated with a
patient presents beyond the thyrotoxic phase, which typ- lower incidence of permanent hypothyroidism.20 Rarely,
ically lasts four to eight weeks, TSH and free T4 levels may patients may experience recurrent episodes of subacute
be low. Supporting laboratory data include an elevated thyroiditis. There is no role for antibiotics in the treat-
erythrocyte sedimentation rate, C-reactive protein level, ment of subacute thyroiditis, and referral for thyroidec-
and thyroglobulin level. A thyroid scan with radioactive tomy is not warranted.25 The differential diagnosis for
iodine uptake is the preferred imaging test to determine thyroid bed pain includes hemorrhage into a thyroid cyst
the cause of low TSH levels. During the thyrotoxic phase and acute infectious or suppurative thyroiditis. Thyroid
of subacute thyroiditis, this test shows a low uptake of ultrasonography in subacute thyroiditis shows a nonuni-
iodine (less than 1% to 2%). form echotexture, hypoechoic areas, and decreased vas-
Subacute thyroiditis is self-limited, and in most cases cularity throughout the gland. In contrast, acute thyroid
the thyroid gland spontaneously resumes normal thy- hemorrhage and acute infectious thyroiditis will show a
roid hormone production after several months. Treat- focal cystic and/or solid mass in the region of the thyroid
ment, therefore, is directed toward relief of thyroid pain. bed pain. Patients with severe thyroid pain and systemic
High-dose acetylsalicylic acid or nonsteroidal anti- symptoms (e.g., high fever, leukocytosis, cervical lymph-
inflammatory drugs are usually the first-line treatment.25 adenopathy) should undergo fine-needle aspiration to
There are no randomized controlled trials comparing rule out infectious thyroiditis.26
doses or agents. Aspirin (2,600 mg per day in divided The views expressed in this article are those of the authors and do not
doses) or ibuprofen (3,200 mg per day in divided doses) reflect the policy or position of the U.S. Army Medical Department,
is appropriate. If the neck pain is not improved after four Department of the Army, Department of Defense, or the U.S. government.
days, or if the patient presents with severe neck pain, then Data Sources: A search was completed using the following sources:
corticosteroids can be considered.25 In one study, the American Thyroid Association, American Association of Clinical Endocri-
mean starting dosage was 40 mg of prednisone per day.20 nologists, PubMed, U.S. Preventive Services Task Force, UpToDate, and
The Endocrine Society. Search terms included thyroiditis, thyroid inflam-
Pain should rapidly improve within two days with use of mation, autoimmune thyroiditis, Hashimoto’s thyroiditis, lymphocytic
prednisone. After five to seven days of high-dose predni- thyroiditis, acute thyroiditis, infectious thyroiditis, bacterial thyroiditis,
sone, the dose is then tapered over the next 30 days. postpartum thyroiditis, drug-induced thyroiditis, clinical presentation,
September 15, 2014 ◆ Volume 90, Number 6 www.aafp.org/afp American Family Physician 395
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