Wo Week 4 (Hyperthyroidism)
Wo Week 4 (Hyperthyroidism)
Wo Week 4 (Hyperthyroidism)
Binding of TSH to receptors on the thyroid gland leads to the release of thyroid
hormonesprimarily T4 and to a lesser extent T3. In turn, elevated levels of these
hormones act on the hypothalamus to decrease TRH secretion and thus the
synthesis of TSH.
Synthesis of thyroid hormone requires iodine. Dietary inorganic iodide is transported
into the gland by an iodide transporter, converted to iodine, and bound to
thyroglobulin by the enzyme thyroid peroxidase through a process called
organification. This results in the formation of monoiodotyrosine (MIT) and
diiodotyrosine (DIT), which are coupled to form T3 and T4; these are then stored
with thyroglobulin in the thyroids follicular lumen. The thyroid contains a large supply
of its preformed hormones.
Thyroid hormones diffuse into the peripheral circulation. More than 99.9% of T4 and
T3 in the peripheral circulation is bound to plasma proteins and is inactive. Free T3
is 20-100 times more biologically active than free T4. Free T3 acts by binding to
nuclear receptors (DNA-binding proteins in cell nuclei), regulating the transcription of
various cellular proteins.
Any process that causes an increase in the peripheral circulation of unbound thyroid
hormone can cause thyrotoxicosis. Disturbances of the normal homeostatic
mechanism can occur at the level of the pituitary gland, the thyroid gland, or in the
periphery. Regardless of etiology, the result is an increase in transcription in cellular
proteins, causing an increase in the basal metabolic rate. In many ways, signs and
United States
The overall incidence of hyperthyroidism is estimated between 0.05% and 1.3%,
with the majority consisting of subclinical disease. A population-based study in the
United Kingdom and Ireland found an incidence of 0.9 cases per 100,000 children
younger than 15 years, showing that the disease incidence increases with age. The
prevalence of hyperthyroidism is approximately 5-10 times less than hypothyroidism.
Thyroid storm is a rare disorder. Approximately 1-2% of patients with
hyperthyroidism progress to thyroid storm.
Thyroid storm, if unrecognized and untreated, is often fatal.
Adult mortality rate from thyroid storm is approximately 10-20%, but it has been
reported to be as high as 75% in hospitalized populations. Underlying precipitating
illness may contribute to high mortality.
White and Hispanic populations in the United States have a slightly higher
prevalence of hyperthyroidism in comparison with black populations.
A slight predominance of hyperthyroidism exists among females.
Thyroid storm may occur at any age but is most common in those in their third
through sixth decades of life.
Graves disease predominantly affects those aged 20-40 years.
The prevalence of toxic multinodular goiter increases with age and becomes the
primary cause of hyperthyroidism in elderly persons.
2. Recognize the typical clinical presentation, incl common symptoms & physical exam
Common symptoms include:
Other symptoms that can occur with this
Difficulty concentrating
Breast development in men
Clammy skin
Frequent bowel movements
Goiter (visibly enlarged thyroid
Hair loss
gland) or thyroid nodules
Hand tremor
High blood pressure
Heat intolerance
Itching - overall
Increased appetite
Lack of menstrual periods in women
Increased sweating
Nausea and vomiting
Irregular menstrual periods in
Protruding eyes (exophthalmos)
Rapid, forceful, or irregular heartbeat
Skin blushing or flushing
Sleep problems
Weight loss (or weight gain, in
rare cases)
Physical exam:
High systolic blood pressure (the first number in a blood pressure reading)
Increased heart rate
Enlarged thyroid gland
Shaking of the hands
Swelling or inflammation around the eyes
3. Generate an appropriate differential diagnosis
DD hyperthyroidism: euthyroid hyperthyroxinemia, goiter, graves disease, plummervinson syndrome, struma ovarii, thyrotoxicosis
4. Choose lab, imaging, and diagnostic studies, tests & procedures helpful in
confirming the diagnosis & recognize associated histological findings& staging
classifications (if applicable)
TSH test. The ultrasensitive TSH test is usually the first test a health care
provider performs. This test detects even tiny amounts of TSH in the blood and is
the most accurate measure of thyroid activity available. The TSH test is
especially useful in detecting mild hyperthyroidism. Generally, a TSH reading
below normal means a person has hyperthyroidism and a reading above normal
means a person has hypothyroidism. Health care providers may conduct
additional tests to help confirm the diagnosis or determine the cause of
T3 and T4 test. This test shows the levels of T3 and T4 in the blood. With
hyperthyroidism, the levels of one or both of these hormones in the blood are
higher than normal.
Thyroid-stimulating immunoglobulin (TSI) test. This test, also called a thyroid
stimulating antibody test, measures the level of TSI in the blood. Most people
with Graves disease have this antibody, but people whose hyperthyroidism is
caused by other conditions do not.
Radioactive iodine uptake test. The radioactive iodine uptake test measures
the amount of iodine the thyroid collects from the bloodstream. Measuring the
amount of iodine in a persons thyroid helps the health care provider determine
what is causing a persons hyperthyroidism. For example, low levels of iodine
uptake might be a sign of thyroiditis, whereas high levels could indicate Graves
Thyroid scan. A thyroid scan shows how and where iodine is distributed in the
thyroid. The images of nodules and other possible irregularities help the health
care provider diagnose the cause of a persons hyperthyroidism.
5. Administer proper medical/surgical care & recommend appropriate consultations,
diets, and activities
Radioactive Iodine therapy
Injury to the nerves in your vocal cords and larynx. problems : hard to
reaching high notes when singing, hoarseness, weakness of voice,
coughing, swallowing problems, or problems speaking. These problems
may be mild or severe.
Difficulty breathing. This is very rare. It almost always goes away several
weeks or months after surgery.
Bleeding and possible airway obstruction
A sharp rise in thyroid hormone levels (only around the time of surgery)
Injury to the parathyroid glands (small glands near the thyroid) or to
their blood supply. This can cause temporary low level of calcium in your
blood (hypocalcemia).
Too much thyroid hormone (thyroid storm).
Diet & Activity
No special diet must be followed by patients with thyroid disease. However,
some expectorants, radiographic contrast dyes, seaweed tablets, and health
food supplements contain excess amounts of iodide and should be avoided
because the iodide interferes with or complicates the management of
antithyroid and radioactive iodine therapies.
Exercise tolerance often is not significantly affected in otherwise healthy
patients with mild to moderate hyperthyroidism. For these patients, no
reduction in physical activity is necessary. For patients who are elderly or
have cardiopulmonary comorbidities or severe hyperthyroidism, a decrease in
activity is prudent until hyperthyroidism is medically controlled.
following year. Nodular forms of hyperthyroidism (ie, toxic multinodular goiter and
toxic adenoma) are permanent conditions and will not go into remission.
Methimazole is more potent than propylthiouracil and has a longer duration of
action. In addition, methimazole is taken once daily, whereas propylthiouracil is
taken 2-3 times daily; consequently, patient compliance is often better with
methimazole than with propylthiouracil. Methimazole is not recommended for use in
the first trimester of pregnancy, because it has been associated (albeit rarely) with
cloacal and scalp (cutis aplasia) abnormalities when given during early gestation.
Generally, if a nonpregnant woman who is receiving methimazole desires
pregnancy, she should be switched to propylthiouracil before conception. After 12
weeks of gestation, she can be switched back to methimazole, with frequent
Propylthiouracil remains the drug of choice in uncommon situations of lifethreatening severe thyrotoxicosis (ie, thyroid storm) because of the additional
benefit of inhibition of T4 -to-T3 conversion. In this setting, propylthiouracil should
be administered every 6-8 hours. The reduction in T3, which is 20-100 times more
potent than T4, theoretically helps reduce the thyrotoxic symptoms more quickly
than methimazole would. Once thyroid levels have decreased to nearly normal
values, the patient can be switched to methimazole therapy. Except in thyroid
storm, propylthiouracil is considered a second-line drug therapy. It is reserved for
use in patients who are allergic to or intolerant of methimazole and in women who
are in the first trimester of pregnancy or planning pregnancy.
Adverse effects of antithyroid medications
The most common adverse effects of antithyroid drugs are allergic reactions
manifesting as fever, rash, urticaria, and arthralgia, which occur in 1-5% of patients,
usually within the first few weeks of treatment. Serious adverse effects include
agranulocytosis, aplastic anemia, hepatitis, polyarthritis, and a lupuslike vasculitis.
All of these adverse effects, except agranulocytosis, occur more frequently with
propylthiouracil: agranulocytosis occurs in 0.2-0.5% of patients overall and is no
more common with one drug than with the other.
Patients with agranulocytosis usually present with fever and pharyngitis. After the
drug is stopped, granulocyte counts usually start to rise within several days but may
not normalize for 10-14 days. Granulocyte colony-stimulating factor (G-CSF)
appears to accelerate recovery in patients with a bone marrow aspiration showing a
granulocyte-to-erythrocyte ratio of 1:2 or greater than 0.5.
In 2010, the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) added a boxed warning, the
strongest warning issued by the FDA, to the prescribing information for
propylthiouracil. The warning emphasized the risk for severe liver injury and acute
liver failure, some cases of which have been fatal. Severe liver injury has rarely
been reported with methimazole (5 cases, 3 of which resulted in death). The FDA
recommends the following measures for patients receiving propylthiouracil:
Closely monitor patients for signs and symptoms of liver injury, especially
during the first 6 months after initiation of therapy. For suspected liver injury,
promptly discontinue propylthiouracil, evaluate the patient for evidence of liver
injury, and provide supportive care
Counsel patients to contact their health care provider promptly for the
following signs or symptoms: fatigue, weakness, vague abdominal pain, loss
of appetite, itching, easy bruising, or yellowing of the eyes or skin
Other drugs
In severe thyrotoxicosis from Graves disease or subacute thyroiditis, iodine or
iodinated contrast agents have been administered to block the conversion of T4 to
T3 and the release of thyroid hormone from the gland. This therapy is reserved for
severe thyrotoxicosis because its use prevents definitive therapy for Graves
thyrotoxicosis with radioactive iodine for many weeks.
A saturated solution of potassium iodide (SSKI) can be administered at a dosage of
10 drops twice daily, with a consequent rapid reduction in T3 levels. Iopanoic
acid/ipodate at a dosage of 1 g/day is also effective; it has not been available in the
United States for several years but is available in some areas of Europe.
These drugs must not be administered to patients with toxic multinodular goiter or
toxic adenomas. The autonomous nature of these conditions can lead to worsening
of the thyrotoxicosis in the presence of pharmacologic levels of iodide, a substrate
in thyroid hormone synthesis.
Radioactive iodine (RAI). The thyroid gland uses iodine to make thyroid
hormone. With this treatment, patient swallow a pill that contains RAI, which is a
form of iodine that damages the thyroid by giving it radiation. The RAI destroys
thyroid cells so that less thyroid hormone is made. This cures the overactive thyroid.
But patient will likely need to take thyroid hormone for the rest of your life to replace
the needed thyroid hormone your body can no longer make. RAI has been used for
a long time and does not harm other parts of the body or cause infertility or birth
defects. Although its effect is less rapid than that of antithyroid medication or
thyroidectomy, it is effective and safe and does not require hospitalization.
The iodine is quickly absorbed and taken up by the thyroid. No other tissue or organ
in the body is capable of retaining the radioactive iodine; consequently, very few
adverse effects are associated with this therapy. The treatment results in a thyroidspecific inflammatory response, causing fibrosis and destruction of the thyroid over
weeks to many months.
Generally, the dose of131 I administered is 75-200 Ci/g of estimated thyroid tissue
divided by the percent of123 I uptake in 24 hours. This dose is intended to render
the patient hypothyroid.
Administration of lithium in the weeks following radioactive iodine therapy may
extend the retention of radioactive iodine and increase its efficacy. This may be
considered in Graves disease patients with especially large Graves glands (> 60 g)
or in patients with extremely high thyroidal iodine uptake (> 95% in 4 hours), which
is associated with high iodine turnover in the gland. However, studies have yielded
inconsistent results, and the benefits of using lithium with radioactive iodine must be
weighed against the toxicities associated with lithium.
Hypothyroidism is considered by many experts to be the expected goal of
radioactive iodine therapy. In several large epidemiologic studies of radioactive
iodine therapy in patients with Graves disease, no evidence indicated that
radioactive iodine therapy caused the development of thyroid carcinoma. There is
also no evidence that radioactive iodine therapy for hyperthyroidism results in
increased mortality for any other form of cancer, including leukemia.
Long-term follow-up data of children and adolescents treated with radioactive iodine
are lacking. ATA guidelines recommend avoiding131 I therapy in children younger
than 5 years of age. In children 5 to 10 years old,131 I therapy is acceptable if the
calculated activity of administered131 I is less than 10 mCi. In children older than
10 years of age, radioactive iodine therapy is acceptable if the activity is greater
than 150 Ci/g of thyroid tissue.
Radioactive iodine should never be administered to pregnant women, because it
can cross the placenta and ablate the fetuss thyroid, resulting in hypothyroidism.
Similarly, breastfeeding is a contraindication, in that the radioisotope is secreted in
breast milk. Women will continue to receive increased radiation to the breast from
radioactive iodine for a few months after ceasing lactation; accordingly, initiation of
this therapy should be delayed.
It is standard practice to check for pregnancy before starting radioactive iodine
therapy and to recommend that the patient not become pregnant for at least 3-6
months after the treatment or until thyroid functions normalize. No excess fetal
malformations or increased miscarriage rates have been found in women previously
treated with radioactive iodine for hyperthyroidism.
Radioactive iodine usually is not administered to patients with severe
ophthalmopathy, because clinical evidence suggests that worsening of thyroid eye
disease occurs after radioactive iodine therapy. This worsening is usually mild but
occasionally severe. The risk of ophthalmopathy is greater in patients who smoke
cigarettes, but it can be reduced by providing glucocorticoid therapy (prednisone
0.4 mg/kg for 1 month with subsequent taper) after radioactive iodine therapy.
Surgery. Most or all the thyroid is removed. As with RAI, surgery cures
overactive thyroid. But patient will need to take thyroid hormone to replace the
needed thyroid hormone your body can no longer make.
Subtotal thyroidectomy is the oldest form of treatment for hyperthyroidism. Total
thyroidectomy and combinations of hemithyroidectomies and contralateral subtotal
thyroidectomies also have been used. Because of the excellent efficacy of
antithyroid medications and radioactive iodine therapy in regulating thyroid function,
thyroidectomy is generally reserved for special circumstances, including the
Severe hyperthyroidism in children
Pregnant women who are noncompliant with or intolerant of antithyroid
patient should have thyroid function tests performed every 4-6 weeks until thyroid
hormone levels are stabilized on a low dosage of antithyroid medication.
Patients with non-Graves hyperthyroidism rarely experience remissions. In patients
who are placed on long-term antithyroid drug therapy with the goal of remission,
follow-up tests of thyroid function should be performed at least every 3 months for
the first year.
In patients with Graves disease, antithyroid medication should be stopped or
decreased after 12-18 months to determine whether the patient has gone into
remission. In these patients, remission is defined as a normal TSH level after
cessation of antithyroid drug therapy.
Once a patient with Graves hyperthyroidism becomes euthyroid on oral antithyroid
medication, other definitive treatment, such as radioactive iodine therapy or surgery,
should be considered. Although a significant fraction of patients with Graves
disease go into remission, as many as 20% become hypothyroid over subsequent
years as a consequence of autoimmune destruction of the gland.