Unit 3 Lesson Plan 1

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Unit 3: Lesson Plan Template

Teacher: Lane Subject: flag football Grade Level: 6th-8th

Overall Goal of Lesson: students will receive the daily exercise they need along with learning new skills to
help overall abilities. Will also teach students hard work and team work. This sport will also teach
Instructional Objectives: students will learn the rules of the game and what positions best suit their
abilities. The students will learn all the skills it takes to play football. ( throwing, catching, blocking,
covering, etc. ) students will also learn that this is a team sport and without a team you cant play.
Texas Essential Knowledge & Skills (TEKS) & ELPS: Key Vocabulary: Catch, Run, Jump, Dive, Chase,
116.22 B(1-2, 5, 7) Throw, Catch, Pursuit.

Higher Order Questions: What is teamwork? How can you be a better teammate? What is leadership, and
what does it mean to be a good leader?
Student Activities: (Keep in mind the following: Scaffolding, Independent or Cooperative activities, Groupings,
Reading, Writing, Listening, Hands-On/Minds-On, Connections to previous knowledge, etc.)
This will teach kids how to work in a group to reach a common goal and work well with other. This
activity will teach kids coordination, listening, teamwork, and how to help teammates to
become better.
Modifications/ELL Strategies: For special Anticipatory Activity for Lesson:
education students there is a variation to Before playing I would put students through some
football called ( at least where I played it ) basic stretches to avoid muscles in juries warming up
owl ball. You would use a dodge ball to
throw or even a soccer ball because it is
the shoulders and then do a lap or two around the
easier to catch. Also, when the ball is field to warm up the legs.
caught you don’t run with it you have to
stand in the place you caught it and then
you become the quarterback and the play
continues for four downs, this makes for
less chances for contact. Also the field will
be 30 yards instead of 50-100 yards.
Time Teacher Input/Lesson Activity: Students will split up into even teams with 14 people on the
field at once, 7 on offense and 7 on defense. 3 wide receivers, 1 quarterback (who can run
with the ball if nobody’s is open and is behind the linemen for at least a 3 second count) , 2
linemen (blockers) and 1 center. Linemen are eligible to go out for passes after a 3 second
count which I will provide. On the defense there will be 3 defensive backs (cover guys) 2
linebackers (cover guys who are awaiting a QB run and the linemen going out for a pass)
and 2 defensive linemen (who rush the QB after a 3 second hold and cover the linemen if
they go out for a pass.)
The offense will have 4 plays to make a touchdown or it is a turnover ( or if the defense
intercepts the throw) there will be no fumbles. NO TACKLING MUST GRAB FLAGS
AROUND WAIST. Whoever has the most points in the end of the game wins.

Modeling: I will teach the students the proper way to throw a football, proper technique on
how to catch a football, teach how to cover a receiver, teach how to properly block without
any real contact, and teach methods on how to grab a flag without having to wrap up
offensive players. I will also teach proper running form in order for them to develop
Guided Practice: I will show examples and give drills on how to catch like teaming up and
throwing it back and forth ( which will also teach catching and students can talk amongst
each other to provide their own insight to be a good teammate) Examples on how to catch
and put them through drills on where I will throw to them and they will catch my passes so I
can truly evaluate there skill. Also, examples on how to block and a drill called mirror drill
where student face each other and shuffle back and fourth and have to keep pace with one
another. Also, covering drill where I will have a student start running and the other chase
soon after and try to jeep pace.
Independent Practice: I will give students a football so they can practice catching and
throwing on their own, and drill I provide can be done at home as well with a sibling, friend
or a parent.
Lesson Closure: Students when the lesson is over will pick up the equipment used and put
them away.

Assessment Methods/Strategies: Students will be quizzed by showing me the techniques they

have learned and the knowledge of the game I have given them and if they pass it will show
me they were listening and understand and are ready to play the game.
Resources (supplies, equipment, software, etc.): One football will be used and cones to mark off the endzones
to determine touchdowns. I will also have a whistle to indicate when the play is over.

Reflection: This game provides the cardio that students need, and they will have a good time doing so. This
game really can build character for I have played my entire life and it has helped me get to where I am.

Lesson plans differ from instructional design documents in many ways. The ways I most saw
when researching is that and instructional design document more involve a teacher plan on how
to get through an activity and to me seems like it more benefits the teacher. Where as lesson
plans more focus on a student’s development and how the teacher is designing a way that will
best suit the students learning of the activity. Instructional design is more of the teaching
showing how to do the task at hand and then telling the student to do it, many students do not
learn this way and I see it as less effective. Lesson plans gets the students involved and allows
them to get a hand on feel of how to do things. This will allow students to also learn through trial
and error which is how many things in life work and can help students later in life. What I also
discovered through my research is that when having a lesson plan it more helps students see a
goal and pave a path to reach it, while a instructional design is more of an outline and doesn’t
have nearly as much clear direction and to me may even confuse some students.

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