Examinations by NED University.
Examinations by NED University.
Examinations by NED University.
Prospectus 2017
of Engineering & Technology
7.3.1 Admit Card for the examination shall be issued to any 7.7. AWARD OF DEGREE
candidate who is eligible / allowed to appear in the course(s)
as mentioned on his/ her Card. 7.7.1 Any student who was admitted in First Year and
has passed all courses as prescribed for his/her
7.3.2 The Admit Card must be in possession of the candidate Discipline with CGPA of at least 2.0 shall be eligible
while appearing in the examination for any course for which for the award of Degree in that Discipline.
he / she has been allowed.
7.7.2 Any student who was admitted directly in Second
7.4 GRADE POINTS Year on migration from any recognized Institution
Grade / grade point equated with percentage of and has passed all courses as prescribed for that
marks and other grades shall be as follows: Discipline with CGPA of at least 2.0 shall be eligible
for award of a Degree in that Discipline. The
Grade course(s), if any, in which the student was allowed
Grade % Marks Remakrs exemption on the basis of having studied the
course(s) in the former Institution shall not however
A+ 4.0 94 – 100 Extra Ordinary be counted for determining his/her GPA/CGPA.
A 4.0 85 – 93 Excellent
A– 3.7 80 – 84 7.7.3 Any student who was admitted directly in Third Year
Very Good
B+ 3.4 75 – 79 on the basis of B. Tech (Pass) conversion programme
B 3.0 70 – 74 Good of this University and has passed all courses of Third
B– 2.7 67 – 69 Above Average Year onwards as prescribed for that Discipline with
C+ 2.4 64 – 66 Average CGPA of at least 2.0 shall be eligible for the award
C 2.0 60 – 63 Satisfactory of Degree in that Discipline.
C– 1.7 57 – 59 Adequate
D+ 1.4 54 – 56
D 1.0 50 – 53
F 0.0 Below 50 Fail
P - 50 – 100 Pass in non-credit course
IP - - In progress*
X - - Exempted
I - - Incomplete
W - - Withdrawal
WU - - Withdrawal Unofficially