Study/Research Plan For Masters' at China
Study/Research Plan For Masters' at China
Study/Research Plan For Masters' at China
I come to know the vast practical applications of the electrical power system, this caught my
attention and created a thirst of knowledge in me to move forward with my chosen field of study.
I am highly motivated to work in an international field related to Electrical Engineering and its
applications. Therefore, I would like to gain deeper theoretical and practical knowledge being
active and hardworking part of most innovative projects. I am very much looking forward to
conducting some excellent research in this filed under the umbrella of your kind guidance.
I am fluent in English with excellent speaking, reading and writing skills. However, if you find
some other related field more suitable keeping in view my education and experience profile, I am
willing to pursue it. I am of the opinion that postgraduate study with expert professors and well-
established facilities will be the most logical extension of my academic pursuits and a significant
step towards achieving my research objectives
I believe that this Master’s Program will provide me a chance to get to know more about Electrical
systems and will affiliate me dedicatedly to the industries, which are working symbols and
standards of Electrical and automation engineering. I hope that I can gain more experience in
dealing with any situation, troubleshooting, people, systems and industrial demands which will be
of a great help in my future career.
All these reasons put together make China an ideal place for me to do my Master’s degree.
Moreover, I want to continue my master’s study in “China” because the Environment of
China is best for innovative and ideal ideas. Knowledgeable and intellectual professors inspire
the whole world students to go and study at China. The impact of new research and
contributions to the field of science will make it much interesting and attractive.
Concluding it, with high hopes I believe this application will receive your favorable consideration.
I will be happy to provide any additional information you may need. I look forward to receive your
kind reply.
Thank you.