IT Risk Assessment: Quantitative and Qualitative Approach: Artur Rot
IT Risk Assessment: Quantitative and Qualitative Approach: Artur Rot
IT Risk Assessment: Quantitative and Qualitative Approach: Artur Rot
IT Risk Assessment:
Quantitative and Qualitative Approach
Artur Rot
definitions of risk analysis, and also in the fact that risk effectiveness as well.
analysis is often identified with its management [12]. Risk Information of such type will always have approximate
analysis is main and the most important process of risk character, however accurate, based on i.e. experiences of
management, identifies and evaluates risk which has to be another enterprises, execution of risk analysis may be very
controlled, minimized or accepted. helpful in realization of next processes of security
Risk analysis is comprehensive identification of threats management in organization. However, very important
and susceptibility if IT system’s assets and determination of problem of estimation and evaluation of Information
the need of its control or acceptance of determined measures Technology risk is left.
at previously stated level. The aim of risk analysis is
provision of information which is indispensable for decision
on application of specified methods, security resources in the IV. IT RISK ASSESSMENT AS AN ELEMENT OF RISK
enterprise. In figure 1 there was presented general model of ANALYSIS
risk analysis. Quantitative and qualitative methods are two fundamental
groups of methods are applied for analysis of risk on which
assets are exposed in organizations. The most important
advantages and disadvantages of IT risk assessment methods
have been presented in table I. Groups of IT risk analysis
methods [10]:
− Quantitative, where estimation of risk value is connected
with application of numerical measures – value of
resources is defined in amounts, the frequency of threat
Fig. 1 Risk analysis model occurrence in the number of cases, and susceptibility by
Source: [11, p. 232] the value of probability of its loss, those methods present
results in the shape of indicators. The examples of
Risk analysis inclines to carry out works in areas [4, p. quantitative methods: Annual Loss Expected, Courtney’s
283-284]: and Fisher’s methods, ISRAM model, etc.
− Resource evaluation (information, software, hardware − Qualitative, which do not operate on numerical data,
and physical resources) – value of resource it is not only presenting results in the form of descriptions,
value of its purchase but also short term effects and long recommendations, where risk assessment risk is
term consequences from its destruction, connected with:
− Assessment of consequences – definition of the degree of − Qualitative description of assets’ value, determination
destruction or losses, which can supposedly occur, of qualitative scales for the frequency of threat
− Identification of threats – analysis of threats should occurrence and susceptibility for a given threat or:
determine probability of its occurrence and possibility of − Description of so called threat scenarios by prediction
resource destruction, of the main risk factors.
− Analysis of protections in the aspect of effectiveness of The examples of quantitative methods: FMEA/FMECA,
existing means of protections, The Microsoft Corporate Security Group Risk Management
− Analysis of susceptibility of particular IS resources, Framework, NIST SP 800-30, CRAMM.
− Assessment of probability, it is frequency of threat Depending on the seriousness of a given threat there can be
occurrence – this mark should embrace presence, applied different risk measures from very simple
duration time and strength of threat, and protections assessments, determining the risk as high, medium and low,
to very precise indicators presented as probability of a given − Susceptibility of IT system on (or its element) threat,
event occurrence [11, p. 230]. In the case of evaluation of defined as probability measurement of loss occurrence as
information security risk in Information System there is a result of event occurrence.
normally conducted qualitative analysis of risk. This method The most common and most frequently used quantitative
is most often based on information security criteria such as: method of risk assessment is ALE model (Annual Loss
confidentiality, integrity and accessibility. Full analysis of Expected), based on the idea of expected loss, which is the
risk may be carried out separately for each of mentioned product of probability of occurrence of events which have
criterion. For the purpose of analysis there is being fixed negative impact on IT and values of caused by them losses. It
value scale of information (low, medium, high). Finally the is presented in the form of the following models [12]:
value of risk may be defined as e.g. very low, low, medium,
high and very high. ALE = (Probability of event) x (value of loss) (2)
Correct assessment of risk and evaluation of its occurrence
probability gives clear image of its impact on functionality of
the whole Information System. n
ALE = ∑ I (Oi ) Fi (3)
i =1
It results from the fact that assessment of IT risk is most Presented Courtney’s method distinguishes six general
often represented as the value of expected losses, which is groups of threats like: accidental data reveal accidental
based on definition of three basic volumes [10]: modification of data, accidental removal of data, deliberate
− Resource value (e.g.. information) for correct functioning reveal of data, deliberate modification of data, deliberate data
of enterprise, defined in amounts, removal. This method was accepted by national institutions
− Frequency of threat for resource occurrence (e.g. in United States of America as official method of risk
processed information), defined as the number of analysis [5].
occurrences – in practice for definition of frequency of In the elaboration of [7] there was presented a few
threats there is set a period in which will considered its derivative factors concerning risk assessment, based on
occurrence (most often period of one year). presented expected loss (ALE) method. The ways of its value
determination are presented in table II.
Among them there is indicator determining profit from mechanisms is interpreted as operational profit, and assessed
applied protections (S) presented extensively in the work of cost of control mechanism is treated as the value of invested
[8]. Development of Courtney method into complete capital [5].
methodology of designing of Information Systems security The next presented in the article method is ISRAM model
solutions is Fisher’s method elaborated in 1984. In order to (Information Security Risk Analysis Method), based on
apply it correctly there exist a necessity for organization to presented ALE (Annual Loss Expected) method, however
posses information security policy. This methodology using survey researches as the main tool. Assessment of
distinguishes the following phases of the process of information technology risk is done by application of the
Information Systems risk management [5]: following formula [3], [12]:
− Phase 1 – collection of information, (identification and
classification of Information Systems resources, ⎛ ⎛ ⎞ ⎞⎛ ⎛ ⎞⎞
⎜ ∑ T1 ⎜ ∑ wi pi ⎟ ⎟⎜ ∑ T2 ⎜⎜ ∑ w j p j ⎟⎟ ⎟ (7)
collecting information concerning Information Systems ⎜
Risk = ⎜ m ⎝ i ⎠ ⎟⎜ m ⎝ j ⎠⎟
resources which undergo further analysis); m ⎟⎜ n
⎜⎜ ⎟⎟⎜ ⎟
− Phase 2 – identification of threats (process of threats ⎝ ⎠⎜⎝ ⎟
mapping (previously mentioned 6 groups of threats from
Courtney’s method) into 11 Fisher control points such where:
as.: acquirement, transmission, change of form, transport, i – the number of survey questions concerning assessment of
reception, processing, migration, removal, data usage probability of occurrence of incidents;
etc.); j – number of questions in survey concerning assessment of
− Phase 3 – risk evaluation (determination of the level of consequences;
risk with the use of Courtney’s method: R = P × C, where: m, n – number of survey’s respondents;
P – probability of occurrence defined number of times in wi, wj – weighs of questions „i” „j”;
a year, of event causing loss for organization; pi, pj – value corresponding to selected answers „i” „j”;
C – loss for a given organization which is the result of T1 – table of probabilities of events occurrence;
single occurrence of event causing loss); T2 – table of negative results of events occurrence.
− Phase 4 – design of control mechanisms (in its result for
every identified risk there should be selected appropriate The example of qualitative method enriched in quality
mechanism of control: preventive, detective or corrective; elements is Parker method, created for the needs of Computer
− Phase 5 – evaluation of economical profitability of Security Institute in 1981, embracing five different
mechanisms (business evaluation of identified fundamental stages:
mechanisms with the use of previously mentioned ROI − identification and evaluation of resources,
indicator – Return on Investment), expressed with − identification of threats,
following formula: − risk assessment,
− identification, selection and implementation of
Operationa l profit in a given period (6) protections
Value of invested capital − implementation of protections system.
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