MyBenefits@Philips Leaflet

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• Spouse cover cannot exceed employee cover

• Employees op�ng for spouse coverage are required to submit

Non-Insurance Benefits Employee Benefits
declara�on of good health of spouse and the spouse may
require medical underwri�ng. In addi�on to the insurance benefits, Philips is extending the
MyBenefits@Philips program to avail certain non-insurance How to enroll?
Critical Illness Insurance benefits by way of reimbursements.
A Cri�cal Illness Insurance Plan protects against the financial The enrollment will open from 15th February, 2019 through
impact of 11 listed cri�cal illnesses. You receive a lump-sum • Vaccina�on BenefitsAsia portal.
benefit to cover out-of-pocket expenses for your treatment, • Physiotherapy
to take care of your everyday living expenses. • Logon to HR portal > My HR Applica�ons >
• Gym/Fitness/Yoga/Zumba MyBenefits@Philips
• Superfoods/Health coaches
Sum Insured Options INR 500,000 INR 1,000,000 • Verify/Edit/Add/Delete your dependent’s informa�on
• Lifestyle related
• Self Defense Workshop • Select your benefits and confirm your selec�on
• Condi�on management The choices made by you would be effective from 1st April,
Personal Accident • Mapmygenome 2019 onwards.
• Nutri�on Counselling/Die�cian
Accident insurance helps protect you from unexpected financial
• Wearable device/Physical Aids
stress for you or your spouse against death or disability due to
accident. • Learning & Development
If you do not enroll for benefits
Personal Accident - Employee Only
Core/Default Plan: As per grade ranging from INR 700,000 to Flex Points Utilization during annual enrollment
INR 10,000,000 • Each op�on within Flex Benefits has a price tag - Price • You will be automa�cally enrolled in the default level for
Employee Grade Sum Insured per employee (INR) Tag is the cost that an employee needs to pay for each benefit
EL Grade 10,000,000 addi�onal coverages or to top-up your benefits.
• You will not be able to make any changes to these
90 9,000,000 • Philips contributes a fixed number of Flex points to each elec�ons during the plan year, unless you experience an
80 8,000,000 employee’s flex account at the beginning of the benefit
eligible life event change (Marriage and child birth)
70 8,000,000
• Using the flex points, an employee can purchase any • The previous year’s voluntary parents plan will be
60 7,000,000 discon�nued as we are moving to our new flexible
benefit he/she desires.

50 4,000,000 benefits program this year. We request you to check your
40 & 45 2,000,000 • If employee chooses to opt for benefits that are dependents details and select a suitable plan for next year.
exceeding the available flex points balance, she would
30 2,000,000

Top-Up options (Voluntary) - INR 1,000,000/INR 2,000,000/

need to purchase the benefits from her salary.
• Salary contribu�on/deduc�on from payroll will be
• New joiners need to log in to enroll during the enrollment
period conveyed to them post joining Choose your own benefits!
INR 3,000,000/INR 4,000,000/INR 5,000,000 eligible for tax exemp�on as per the IT Rules.
Note -1 Point = 1 INR As part of our benefits strategy, we have commi�ed to
Personal Accident - Spouse Cover (Voluntary)
Personal Accident Insurance for spouse provides the provide comprehensive benefits choices to meet the
opportunity for individuals to purchase accident and disability Medical Insurance Claims needs and lifestyles of our diverse, mul�genera�onal
protec�on for his or her spouse. Contact us with your ques�ons or requests for workforce
The medical expenses can be claimed through cashless and addi�onal informa�on -
• Sum insured op�ons to choose from – INR 1,000,000/
reimbursement processes.
INR 2,000,000/ INR 3,000,000/INR 4,000,000/INR 5,000,000
mybenefi[email protected] Policy Period - 1st April 2019 to 31st March 2020
• Flex Points for spouse life cover will be calculated and All hospitaliza�on �ll the midnight of 31st March, 2019 should
displayed in Benefits Asia be reported and processed by HDFC Ergo and any Dedicated Toll Free Number : 1800 599 2588
• Spouse cover cannot exceed employee cover hospitaliza�ons from 1st April, 2019 has to be reported to FHPL.
Escalation Point : Mudit Gupta | [email protected]
• Day care treatments covered OPD Plans -
• New born baby covered from day 1 Coverages Plan 1 Plan 2 Plan 3 Plan 4 Plan 5
Au�sm care- for children
Insurer - The New India Assurance Co. Ltd. • Ambulance charges covered upto to 1% of Sum Insured INR INR INR INR INR
Well baby expenses - up to INR 5,000 over maternity limit Sum Insured 10,000 15,000 25,000 40,000 80,000
subject to max up to INR 2,000 per claim
TPA - Family Health Plan Insurance TPA Ltd External congenital anomalies - In-Pa�ent Treatment (IPD)
• Dental treatment covered on OPD basis up to INR 15,000 per Doctor Consultations
Medical insurance plan provides insurance benefits to pay for Infant and children (upto 14 years) vaccina�ons approved (General Physician, Specialist, Up to full sum insured
family per year including parents. Cost of bridge not Super Specialist)
hospitaliza�on care, if you or your declared dependents are covered, cosme�c treatment not covered, gold silver by WHO up to INR 2,000 per vaccina�on overall cap of INR
hospitalized for a period of 24 hours or more. 10,000 Prescribed diagnostics, Up to full sum insured
capping is not covered. preven�ve measures
• Mul�ple op�ons ranging from INR 300,000 to INR 1,000,000 • Mental illnesses (bi-polar disorder, anxiety, depression) or Treatment for gene�c disorders - In-Pa�ent Treatment (IPD) Dental- Dental Examina�on /
• Addi�onal Modules - Flex Plus plans for be�er coverage & psychiatric treatment during hospitaliza�on covered up to Scaling and Polishing / X-ray /
Fluoride Treatment / Filling /
addi�onal OPD covers full sum insured for employee, spouse and child FLEX PLUS PLAN 3 - WOMEN CARE Prophylaxis / Root Canal Up to full sum insured
• Dialysis done on IPD/OPD or even at home is covered Treatment / Extrac�ons / Oral
PLANS FAMILY DEFINITION SUM INSURED Cervical cancer vaccina�on - INR 10,000 (E + S) Surgery / Re-cementa�on /
• Congenital external is covered in case of life threatening Pregnancy care program Medica�on / Restora�on /
Core Benefit E Only INR 300,000 Crowning / Implant / Braces
Plan 2 E Only INR 500,000 Infer�lity treatment for up to INR 100,000 Vision- Prescrip�on lens/
• Administra�on of Rituximab/similar drugs either on
Plan 3 E+S INR 300,000 IVF- for both male and female members on IPD basis up to Vision check-up done by Up to full sum insured
standalone basis or along with other drugs covered on day optometrist / op�cian
INR 75,000 within full sum insured
Plan 4 E+S INR 500,000 care basis.
Maternity Plus - Addi�onal INR 25,000 over base maternity Pharmacy (Prescribed Covered up to 50% of the sum
Plan 5 E + S + 2C INR 300,000 • Disease sublimits - drugs only) insured amount
cover within sum insured
Default Benefit E + S + 2C INR 500,000 Cyber knife treatments - 50% co-pay Surrogacy (E only) - Cost of delivery covered within
INR 500,000 Stem cell treatment - 50% co-pay maternity limit
Plan 7 E + 2P/PIL (Parental sublimit of
INR 300,000) Cochlear transplant - 50% of Sum Insured Term Life Insurance
Plan 8 E + 2P/PIL INR 750,000 Func�onal endoscopic sinus surgery - INR 35,000 FLEX PLUS PLAN 4 - ADVANCED CARE This plan provides financial support to an employee’s family in
INR 500,000 Ayush Treatment - 25% of the sum insured Coverage for Keratoconus Treatment up to INR 22,000 case of an unfortunate event leading to the demise of the
Plan 9 E + S + 2C + 2P/PIL (Parental sublimit of
Age Related Macular Degenera�on (ARMD) - up to INR employee.
INR 300,000)
100,000 Term Life - Employee Only
Plan 10 E + S + 2C + 2P/PIL INR 750,000
Flex Plus Plans - You can choose to make your medical plan Expensive Diagnos�cs - 15,000 per family Core/Default Plan: 24 month's total fixed salary with a minimum
Plan 11 E + S + 2C + 2P/PIL INR 1,000,000
more robust by buying Flex Plus Modules. These modules will Lasik Surgery +/-5 of INR 2,000,000 and a maximum of INR 60,000,000 with
Plan 12 E + S + 2C + 2P + 2PIL INR 750,000 get plugged - in as part of the base medical plan under the Accelerated Terminal Illness benefit of INR 5,000,000. Flex Points
Healthcare at Home - Domiciliary up to full sum insured for
Plan 13 E + S + 2C + 2P + 2PIL INR 1,000,000 eligible sum insured. You can choose mul�ple flex plus plans. for life cover will be calculated and displayed on Benefits Asia.
medical treatment for an illness/disease/injury which in the
normal course would require care and treatment at a Employees are required to undergo health underwri�ng if the
Medical Insurance Coverages - FLEX PLUS PLAN 1 - LIFESTYLE CARE hospital but is actually taken while confined at home sum insured is above Free Cover Limit (FCL).
• Pre-exis�ng diseases are covered Rehabilita�on Expenses: All expenses related to Top-Up options (Voluntary) -
• Pre and post hospitaliza�on expenses are covered (30 days rehabilita�on of an employee following a major illness/
and 60 days respec�vely) injury/ medical condi�on as prescribed by the trea�ng FLEX PLUS PLAN 5 - ELDER CARE 1x 2x 3x
Top Up Annual Annual Annual
• Maternity benefit covered for Employee/Spouse for first 2 doctor Elder care facility Options Salary Salary Salary
deliveries insured lifespan All forms of cancer treatment Wellness pla�orm 24X7
Metro - INR 75,000 for Normal & C-sec�on Prosthe�c devices Doctor consulta�on : MBBS doctor 12 tele-consulta�on
Non-Metro - INR 50,000 for Normal & C-sec�on (Defini�on Term Life- Spouse (Voluntary)
of Metro Ci�es - Gurgaon, New Delhi, Mumbai, Kolkata, Bariatric surgery >= 36 BMI 24X7 Medical assistance Life Insurance for spouse provides the opportunity for individuals
Ahmedabad, Noida, Bangalore, Pune (Chakan & Pimpri), Organ donor - Coverage for hospitaliza�on expenses Elderly care helpline for inbound calls to purchase term life insurance protec�on for his or her spouse
Chennai & Hyderabad) Hospital cash allowance (E only) - Weekly Compensa�on: Storage electronic health records • Sum insured op�ons to choose from – INR 1,000,000/
• Pre and Post Natal expenses and baby expenses covered up to INR 1,000 hospitaliza�on beyond 10 days for maximum Discounts on medicines, nursing, physiotherapy, medical INR 2,000,000/ INR 3,000,000/INR 4,000,000/INR 5,000,000
INR 2,500 within Maternity limit 30 days equipment rentals, doctor home visits etc • Flex Points for spouse life cover will be calculated and
• Room rent eligibility - Normal & ICU charges on actual basis displayed in Benefits Asia
*E - Employee, S - Spouse, C - Children, P - Parents, PIL - Parents-in-law

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