Pradeep Kumar Gupta22020091612606
Pradeep Kumar Gupta22020091612606
Pradeep Kumar Gupta22020091612606
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1 author:
Pradeep Gupta
Thapar Institute of Engineering & Technology (Deemed to be University), Patiala, India
All content following this page was uploaded by Pradeep Gupta on 29 October 2015.
Abstract: While corporate governance may not state the economic prospects of developing countries, it
certainly takes part in shaping them. Good corporate governance is vital because of its role in attracting investors to
invest both in the domestic and in the international capital markets.
Investors primarily consider two variables before making investment decisions in the companies – the rate of return
on invested capital and the risk associated with the investment. Good corporate governance practices reduce this risk
by ensuring transparency, accountability, and enforceability in the capital marketplace. As a result, the investors
expect the Board and the Management in the companies to act in their best interests at all times so as to earn a risk
adjusted rate of return that is higher than the cost of capital.
Practices that the Board of Directors of a listed entity follows to fulfill the expectations of all stakeholders (i. e.
Shareholders, employees, creditors, customers, government, regulatory authorities and society at large) is called
corporate governance practices. While sound corporate governance practices ensure a company’s long-term success,
weak practices often lead to serious problems.
Key Words: Corporate, Good, Governance, Board, Management, Director, Stakeholder, Practices, Framework
In order to overcome the under noted serious Thus, in an efficient capital market,
concerns within the business community, investors will invest in companies with
there is a need to introduce a system of better corporate governance frameworks
corporate governance that will ensure the because of the lower risks and the likelihood
transparency, integrity and accountability of of higher returns. Good corporate
Management including non-executive governance practices also enable
directors. Management to allocate resources more
(9) efficiently, which increases the likelihood
• Concentration of greater financial that investors will obtain a higher rate of
power and authority in a lesser return on their investment. (11) Moreover,
number of individuals, Good corporate governance practices
• Violations of foreign exchange rules ensure:
and regulations,
• Large scale diversion of funds to Adequate disclosures and effective
associate companies and risky decision making to achieve corporate
ventures, objectives;
• Unfocussed business decisions Transparency in business
leading to losses, transactions;
• Preferential allotment of shares to Statutory and legal compliances;
promoters at low prices, Protection of shareholder interests;
• Exploited the weaknesses in the Commitment to values and ethical
Accounting Standards to inflate conduct of business.
profits and understate liabilities, Long-term survival of the
• Frequent changes in Board companies.
• Spinning off profitable business (12) Corporate governance in a developing
operations to subsidiary companies, country setting takes on additional
and importance. Good corporate governance is
vital because of its role in attracting foreign
investment. The extent of foreign
investment, in turn, shapes the prospects for employees, customers, shareholders and the
economic growth for many developing State.
countries. Generally developing countries
that have good corporate governance TESTS OF CORPORATE
structures consistently outperform GOVERNANCE
developing countries with poor corporate
governance structures. Moreover, corporate (16) Broadly, the test of corporate
governance can play a role in reducing governance should cover the following
corruption, and decreased corruption aspects:
significantly enhances a country’s • Whether the funds of the company
development prospects. Ultimately, the have been deployed for pursuing the
concept of corporate governance is not just main objects of the company as
one of those imported western luxuries; it is enshrined in the Memorandum?
a vital consideration to be enforced • Whether the funds acquired from
successfully. financial institutions and the capital
market have been utilized for the
(13) The aim of "Good Corporate purpose for which they were
Governance" is to ensure commitment of the intended?
board in managing the company in a • Whether the company has the core
transparent manner for maximizing long- competence to effectively manage its
term value of the company for its diversifications?
shareholders and all other partners. It • Whether there has been proper
integrates all the participants involved in a diversion of funds by way of loans
process, which is economic, and at the same and advances or investments to
time social. subsidiary?
• Whether the provisions of the
(14) The fundamental objective of corporate Companies Act, the Foreign
governance is to enhance shareholders' value Exchange Management Act, the
and protect the interests of other Factories Act and other statutes are
stakeholders by improving the corporate complied with in letter and in spirit?
performance and accountability. Hence it • Whether the practices adopted by the
harmonizes the need for a company to strike company and its Management
a balance at all times between the need to towards its shareholders, customers,
enhance shareholders' wealth whilst not in suppliers, employees and the society
any way being detrimental to the interests of at large are ethical and fair?
the other stakeholders in the company. • Whether the directors are provided
Further, its objective is to generate an with the information on the working
environment of trust and confidence of the company and whether the
amongst those having competing and institutional and non-executive
conflicting interests. directors play an active role in the
functioning of the companies?
(15) There is a global consensus about the
• Whether the internal controls in
objective of ‘good’ corporate governance:
place are effective?
maximizing long term shareholder value.
• Whether there is transparent
Since shareholders are residual claimants,
financial reporting and audit
this objective follows from a premise that, in
practices and the accounting
well performing capital market, whatever
practices adopted by the company
maximizes shareholder value must
are in accordance with Accounting
necessarily maximize corporate prosperity,
Standards of The Institute of
and best satisfy the claims of creditors,
Chartered Accountants of India (ICAI)?
(17) The three key constituents of corporate governance are the Board of Directors or Board, the
Shareholders and the Management. These can further be detailed as:
To highlight the frauds and irregularities in (44) Good corporate governance may not
the corporate sector (41) the issues of be the engine of economic growth, but it is
governance, accountability and essential for the proper functioning of the
transparency in the affairs of the company, engine. (45) The investors both National
as well as about the rights of shareholders and International would be loyal to invest
and role of Board of Directors have never in the Indian companies if they follow all
been as prominent as it is today. With the the standards of corporate governance
integration of Indian economy with global practices. (46) Further, to nurture and
markets, industrialists and corporations in strengthen this loyalty, our companies need
the country are being increasingly asked to to give clear-cut signal that the words “your
adopt better and transparent corporate company” have real meaning. That requires
practices. The degree to which corporations well functioning Board, greater disclosure,
observe basic principles of good corporate better management practices, and a more
governance is an increasingly important open, interactive and dynamic corporate
factor for taking key investment decisions. governance environment. Quite simply,
If companies are to reap the full benefits of share holders’ and creditors’ support are
the global capital market, capture efficiency vital for the survival, growth and
gains, benefit by economies of scale and competitiveness of India’s companies.
attract long term capital, adoption of
corporate governance standards must be (47) Effectiveness of corporate governance
credible, consistent, coherent and inspiring. system cannot merely be legislated by law
neither can any system of corporate
(42) Hence, in the years to come, corporate governance be static. As competition
governance will become more relevant and a increases, the environment in which
more acceptable practice worldwide. This is companies operate also changes and in such
easily evident from the various activities a dynamic environment the systems of
undertaken by many companies in framing corporate governance also need to evolve.
and enforcing codes of conduct and honest Failure to implement good governance
procedures has a cost in terms of a corporate governance practices we do need
significant risk premium when competing more laws but better enforcement because
for scarce capital in today's public markets. the effectiveness and the utility of good
Thus, the essence of corporate governance corporate governance practices rest on its
is in promoting and maintaining integrity, enforceability. Ultimately, good corporate
transparency and accountability in the governance practices in India will be
management of the company as well as in shaped by our administrative and regulatory
manifestation of the values, principles and authorities like SEBI, MCA, etc. by
policies of a corporation. In order to make implementing transparent and effective
an honest and objective assessment on corporate governance laws.
Corporate Governance Framework
• Bhat & Varun, publication of Iowa Law Review, University of Iowa dated 1st May,
• Desirable Code for Corporate Governance recommended by the Confederation of
Indian Industry (CII),
• Press Release published on by IndiaPRwire Pvt. Ltd. dtd. 19-01-09.
• D. Murali, Excerpts from the interview with Ms. Lalita Som, Author ‘Stock market
capitalization and corporate Governance’,
• Ravi M. Kishore, Taxmann’s Advanced Accounting, 2nd edition 2007.
• FAQs on corporate governance, National Stock Exchange of India Ltd.,
• India_Murthy CTee_Febo3, Report of the SEBI Committee on Corporate
Governance, Feb 08, 2008