The Division 2 - Gear Attribute Sheet
The Division 2 - Gear Attribute Sheet
The Division 2 - Gear Attribute Sheet
Change Log:
04-06: Weapon mods updated with patch and gear set bonuses are added.
03-25: Added some more confirmed weapon mods as well as gear mod slot to Branded Gear.
DISCLAIMER: The data this sheet is based off includes datamined values and may not
represent the most accurate of numbers.
Credits: Dartrunner#0110 for helping with data entry. Regis l>#8014 for helping with talent corrections and data entry as well.
Additional Links:
Vendor Reset List - made by me and Ruben
Available on
Set Name Set Bonus (1) Set Bonus (2) Set Bonus (3) Mask Chest Holster Backpack Gloves Knee Pads
5.11 Tactical 5% Protection From Elites 10% Extra Incoming Healing 10% Weapon Handling x ✓ x ✓ ✓ x
Airaldi Holdings 10% Accuracy 10% Headshot Damage 10% Marksman Rifle Damage x x ✓ ✓ ✓ x
Alps Summit Armaments 10% Cooldown Reduction 5% Skill Power 15% Hive Skill Power x ✓ x ✓ ✓ x
Badger Tuff 7% Damage To Elites 15% Armor on Kill 15% Chem Launcher Skill Power ✓ x x ✓ ✓ x
China Light Industries Corporation 10% Explosives Damage 10% Shotgun Damage 10% Cooldown Reduction ✓ x x x ✓ ✓
Douglas & Harding 5% Accuracy 10% Critical Hit Damage 7% Critical Hit Chance ✓ x ✓ x x ✓
Fenris Group AB 10% Assault Rifle Damage 10% Protection From Elites 20% Health on Kill x ✓ ✓ x x ✓
Gila Guard 5% Total Armor 20% Hazard Protection 15% Pulse Skill Power ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Murakami Industries 8% Health 10% Hazard Protection 15% Firefly Skill Power ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Overlord Armaments 10% Rifle Damage 7.5% Total Armor 7% Damage To Elites x ✓ x x ✓ ✓
Petrov Defense Group 10% LMG Damage 15% Turret Skill Power 10% Cooldown Reduction x ✓ ✓ ✓ x x
Providence Defense 10% Skill Power 8% Health 5% Weapon Damage ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Richter & Kaiser GmbH 10% Hazard Protection 20% Pistol Damage 15% Shield Skill Power ✓ x ✓ ✓ x x
Sokolov Concern 10% SMG Damage 8% Critical Hit Damage 15% Seeker Skill Power ✓ ✓ x x x ✓
Wyvern Wear 7% Critical Hit Damage 15% Drone Skill Power 10% Critical Hit Chance ✓ x ✓ ✓ x ✓
Yaahl Gear 10% Weapon Handling 8% Hazard Protection 5% Weapon Damage ✓ ✓ x x ✓ x
Set Name Set Bonus (2) Set Bonus (3) Set Bonus (4) Set Bonus (5) Set Bonus (6)
System: Assist
Mod Type Attribute
Increased Disrupt Duration
System: Assist
Increased Ensnare Duration
Increased Kill XP
Increased Poison Duration
Increased Shock Duration
Reload Speed
XP Weakpoint Kills
Skill Name Skill Mod Description
Scanner The scanner pulses the surrounding area for hostiles and highlights them on the HUD. Applies "Pulsed" status effect on hostiles.
Pulse Remote The remote is deployed at a set location and continually pulses the surrounding area for hostiles and highlights them on the HUD. Applies "Pulsed" status effect on hostiles.
Jammer The jammer pulses outwards, overloading and disabling hostile electronics. Applies "Disrupted" status effect on hostiles.
Assault The assault turret tracks and attacks hostiles, but can be manually overridden to target a specific enemy.
Incinerator The incinerator turret is manually controlled to dispense streams of flam in a forward-facing cone. Applies "Burn" status effect on hostiles.
Sniper The sniper turret fires high-caliber rounds at manually selected targets.
Artillery The artillery turret launchers ordinance at nearby targeted locations. (Demo spec only)
Restorer The restorer hive sends out micro repair drones that repair allies' armour.
String The stinger hive sends out micro drones that attack and distract nearby enemies.
Reviver The reviver hive deploys small drones that revive nearby downed allies.
Booster The booster hive delivers a stimulant to nearby allies that increases their movement speed, skill haste, and weapon handling.
Reinforcer The reinforcer disperses a cloud of gas that repairs and reinforces armour.
Firestarter The firestarter creates a cloud of explosive gas that can be ignited by explosives, bullets, or manually detonated. Applies "Burn" status effect on hostiles.
Chem Launcher
Riot Foam The riot foam fires a payload of sticky foam that immobilizes targets. Applies "Ensnare" status effect on hostiles.
Oxidizer The oxidizer releases a cloud of corrosive gas that damages enemy armour, skill provies, and causes damage over time.
Blinder The blinder firefly blinds enemies that it flies over, causing them to not function at full combat effectiveness. Applies "Blind/Deaf" status on hostiles.
Firefly Burster The burster firefly attaches explosive charges to targets which detonate if two are in close proximity.
Demolisher The demolisher firefly damages enemy weak points, skill proxies, and environmental explosives.
Explosive The explosive seeker tracks down hostiles and explodes when in close proximity.
Airburst The airburst seeker rolls to a targeted area and launchers an explosive burst into the air. Applies "Burn" status effect on hostiles.
Seeker Mine
Cluster The cluster seeker splits into multiple, smaller seeker mines and tracks down multiple enemies at once.
Mender The mender seeker follows allies, repairing their armour. (Survivalist spec only)
Striker The striker tracks a target and attempts to maintain line of sight while firing on them. Can be manually targeted.
Defender The defender attempts to deflect incoming bullets with a microwave emitter.
Drone Bombardier The bombardier drops miniature explosives between two points set by the agent.
Fixer The fixer repairs nearby allies' armour and can be manually targeted on a specific ally.
Tactician The tactician scouts and marks enemy targets, displaying them on the HUD. (Sharpshooter spec only)
Bulwark The bulwark shield provides near full-body coverage, but only sidearms can be used while deployed.
Shield Crusader The crusader shield allows the use of ARs, SMGs, and shotguns but does not protect your head or legs.
Deflector The deflector shield ricochets bullets to a nearby highlighted target within line of sight. Only sidearms can be used and does not protect your head or legs.
Skill Name Slot Name Attribute
Carbon Black Filler Ensnare Duration
Cell Penetrating Peptide Heal
Chromatics Training Radius
Feed Strip Ammo
Agitator Slot
Imbued Metal String Ensnare Health
Piranha Solution Damage
PVA Polymer Coating Duration
Slip Fit Tube Cooldown Reduction
Chem Launcher
Disintegrating Links Ammo
Ecotoxicology Research Duration
Hydrocloric Infusion Damage
Liquid Nitrogen Cooling System Cooldown Reduction
Pneumatics Slot
Pharmacokinetic Enhancer Heal
Polypropylene Recipe Ensnare Health
Styrofoam Infusion Ensnare Duration
Ultra-Thin Cartridges Radius
Blitzkrieg Blasting Powder Blast Radius
Electric Soldering Tool Cooldown Reduction
Battery Slot
Gimbal Vibration Damping Health
Graphene Battery Duration
Additional Ordnance Extra Bombs
Gaffer Tape Duration
Feed Slot
Hollow-point Bullets Damage
Micropulse Frequency Armor Repair
Carbon Fiber Frame Cooldown Reduction
Explosive Requisition Extra Bombs
Freedom Package Blast Radius
Hull Slot
Reinforced Rotor Blades Health
Terminal Ballistics Damage
Hull Slot
If the active weapon is an LMG, that weapon gets +5% reload speed.
If the active weapon is an SMG, that weapon gets +5% accuracy.
If the active weapon is an AR, that weapon gets +5% stability.
Overlap If the active weapon is a Shotgun, that weapon gets +5% rate of fire.
If the active weapon is a Rifle, that weapon gets +5% optimal range.
If the active weapon is an MMR, that weapon gets +5% magazine size.
If the active weapon is a Pistol, that weapon gets +5% handling.
Health: Health Damage
CHD: Critical Hit Damage
HSD: Headshot Damage
Melee: Melee Damage
OOC: Damage to Targets Out of Cover
CHC: Critical Hit Chance High End
Critical Hit Reload Speed Headshot 400 - 440
Type Variant Weapon Optimal Range RPM Mag Size Weapon Bonus Bonus %
Range (m) (ms) Multiplier (Crafted)
ACR 27 10 - 45 650 30 2000 1.55 Health 29% 8246 - 12061
ACR-E 27 10 - 45 650 30 2000 1.55 Health 29% 8246 - 12061
AK-M 31 10 - 45 600 30 2500 1.55 Health 29% 9401 - 13749
Black Market AK-M 31 10 - 45 600 30 2500 1.55 Health 29% 9401 - 13749
Black Market AK-M Replica 31 10 - 45 600 30 2500 1.55 Health 29% 9401 - 13749
Military AK-M 31 10 - 45 600 30 2500 1.55 Health 29% 9401 - 13749
AUG A3-CQC 27 10 - 45 680 30 2000 1.55 Health 29% 7834 - 11457
Invisible Hand - AUG A3-CQC 27 10 - 45 680 30 2000 1.55 Health 29% 7834 - 11457
F2000 27 10 - 45 850 30 1800 1.55 Health 29% 6597 - 9648
F2000 F2000 Replica 27 10 - 45 850 30 1800 1.55 Health 29% 6597 - 9648
Shield Splinterer - F2000 27 10 - 45 850 30 1800 1.55 Health 29% 6597 - 9648
FAL 32 10 - 45 650 20 2000 1.55 Health 29% 8246 - 12061
FAL SA-58 32 10 - 45 650 20 2000 1.55 Health 29% 8246 - 12061
FAL SA-58 Para 32 10 - 45 650 20 2000 1.55 Health 29% 8246 - 12061
FAL SA-58 Para Replica 32 10 - 45 650 20 2000 1.55 Health 29% 8246 - 12061
Assault Rifle FAMAS 2010 28 10 - 45 900 30 1900 1.55 Health 29% 7010 - 10251
FAMAS 2010 Replica 28 10 - 45 900 30 1900 1.55 Health 29% 7010 - 10251
G36 C 32 10 - 45 750 30 2000 1.55 Health 29% 7422 - 10854
G36 Enhanced 32 10 - 45 750 30 2000 1.55 Health 29% 7422 - 10854
G36 Enhanced Replica 32 10 - 45 750 30 2000 1.55 Health 29% 7422 - 10854
Military G36 32 10 - 45 750 30 2000 1.55 Health 29% 7422 - 10854
Police M4 35 10 - 45 850 30 2100 1.55 Health 29% 6597 - 9648
Police M4 Replica 35 10 - 45 850 30 2100 1.55 Health 29% 6597 - 9648
Custom P416 G3 26 10 - 45 750 30 2000 1.55 Health 29% 8246 - 12061
Military P416 26 10 - 45 750 30 2000 1.55 Health 29% 8246 - 12061
Mk16 40 10 - 45 625 30 2000 1.55 Health 29% 8659 - 12664
SOCOM Mk16 40 10 - 45 625 30 2000 1.55 Health 29% 8659 - 12664
Tactical Mk 16 35 10 - 45 625 30 2000 1.55 Health 29% 8659 - 12664
Tactical Mk 16 Replica 35 10 - 45 625 30 2000 1.55 Health 29% 8659 - 12664
CTAR-21 35 10 - 45 900 30 2000 1.55 Health 29% 6185 - 9045
The Railsplitter - CTAR-21 35 10 - 45 900 30 2000 1.55 Health 29% 6185 - 9045
Custom L86 A2 32 10 - 50 610 30 2500 1.65 OOC 15% 8246 - 12061
Custom L86 A2 Replica 32 10 - 50 610 30 2500 1.65 OOC 15% 8246 - 12061
Military L86 LSW 32 10 - 50 610 30 2500 1.65 OOC 15% 8246 - 12061
Tabula Rasa - Military L86 LSW 32 10 - 50 610 30 2500 1.65 OOC 15% 8246 - 12061
M249 B 35 10 - 50 550 100 5600 1.65 OOC 15% 9371 - 13706
Military MK46 35 10 - 50 550 100 5600 1.65 OOC 15% 9371 - 13706
M249 Military MK46 Replica 35 10 - 50 550 100 5600 1.65 OOC 15% 9371 - 13706
October Fifth - M249 B 35 10 - 50 550 100 5600 1.65 OOC 15% 9371 - 13706
Magnum Critical Hit Reload Speed Headshot 400 - 440
Type Weapon Optimal Range RPM Mag Size Weapon Bonus Bonus %
Range (m) (ms) Multiplier (Crafted)
Police 686 Magnum Replica 18 0 - 30 160 6 1800 2 - - 17992 - 26315
D50 16 0 - 30 150 8 1900 2 - - 29988 - 43859
Desert Eagle Liberty 16 0 - 30 150 8 1900 2 - - 30587 - 44736
Survivalist D50 16 0 - 30 150 8 1900 2 - - 29988 - 43859
M1911 12 0 - 30 310 7 1700 2 - - 17393 - 25438
M45A1 12 0 - 30 310 7 1700 2 - - 17393 - 25438
Tactical M1911 12 0 - 30 310 7 1700 2 - - 17393 - 25438
Tactical M1911 Replica 12 0 - 30 310 7 1700 2 - - 17393 - 25438
Military M9 16 0 - 30 350 15 1900 2 - - 11995 - 17543
M9 Military M9 Replica 16 0 - 30 350 15 1900 2 - - 11995 - 17543
Pistol Officer's M9 A1 16 0 - 30 350 15 1900 2 - - 11995 - 17543
Custom PF45 14 0 - 30 370 12 1700 2 - - 11620 - 16995
PF45 First Wave PF45 14 0 - 30 370 12 1700 2 - - 11620 - 16995
Lightning Rod - Custom PF45 14 0 - 30 370 12 1700 2 - - 11620 - 16995
Px4 Storm Type F 16 0 - 30 380 17 1700 2 - - 12744 - 18640
Px4 Px4 Storm Type T 16 0 - 30 380 17 1700 2 - - 12744 - 18640
Px4 Storm Type T Replica 16 0 - 30 380 17 1700 2 - - 12744 - 18640
Diceros 18 0 - 30 180 6 1800 2 - - 25489 - 37280
Diceros Replica 18 0 - 30 180 6 1800 2 - - 25489 - 37280
Diceros Special 18 0 - 30 180 6 1800 2 - - 25489 - 37280
Snubnosed Diceros 18 0 - 30 180 6 1800 2 - - 25489 - 37280
X-45 16 0 - 30 400 15 1700 2 - - 12220 - 17872
X-45 X-45 Tactical 16 0 - 30 400 15 1700 2 - - 12220 - 17872
X-45 Tactical Replica 16 0 - 30 400 15 1700 2 - - 12220 - 17872
1886 28 10 - 60 100 5 650 1.6 CHD 15% 47229 - 69076
The Australian - 1886 28 10 - 60 100 5 650 1.6 CHD 15% 47229 - 69076
ACR ACR SS 50 10 - 60 420 30 2000 1.6 CHD 15% 15113 - 22105
Merciless 50 10 - 60 260 30 2200 1.6 CHD 15% 14168 - 20723
Ruthless 50 10 - 60 260 30 2200 1.6 CHD 15% 14168 - 20723
M16A2 400 10 - 60 300 30 2100 1.6 CHD 15% 17002 - 24868
M16A2 Replica 400 10 - 60 300 30 2100 1.6 CHD 15% 17002 - 24868
Classic M1A 60 10 - 60 300 10 2500 1.6 CHD 15% 22669 - 33157
M1A CQB 60 10 - 60 300 10 2500 1.6 CHD 15% 22669 - 33157
M1A CQB Replica 60 10 - 60 300 10 2500 1.6 CHD 15% 22669 - 33157
SOCOM M1A 60 10 - 60 300 10 2500 1.6 CHD 15% 22669 - 33157
Lightweight M4 35 10 - 60 240 30 2100 1.6 CHD 15% 16057 - 23486
Rifle M4 LVOA-C 35 10 - 60 240 30 2100 1.6 CHD 15% 16057 - 23486
LVOA-C Replica 35 10 - 60 240 30 2100 1.6 CHD 15% 16057 - 23486
Urban MDR 28 10 - 60 360 20 2200 1.95 CHD 15% 17947 - 26249
Health: Health Damage
CHD: Critical Hit Damage
HSD: Headshot Damage
Melee: Melee Damage
OOC: Damage to Targets Out of Cover
RifleHit Chance
CHC: Critical High End
Critical Hit Reload Speed Headshot 400 - 440
Type Variant Weapon Optimal Range RPM Mag Size Weapon Bonus Bonus %
Range (m) (ms) Multiplier (Crafted)
Urban MDR Replica 28 10 - 60 360 20 2200 1.95 CHD 15% 17947 - 26249
Military Mk17 50 10 - 60 275 20 1900 1.6 CHD 15% 26448 - 38683
SCAR Police Mk17 50 10 - 60 275 20 1900 1.6 CHD 15% 26448 - 38683
Police Mk17 Replica 50 10 - 60 275 20 1900 1.6 CHD 15% 26448 - 38683
Artist's Tool - SIG 716 CQB 60 10 - 60 320 20 2100 1.6 CHD 15% 19836 - 29012
SIG 716 60 10 - 60 320 20 2100 1.6 CHD 15% 19836 - 29012
SIG 716
SIG 716 CQB 60 10 - 60 320 20 2100 1.6 CHD 15% 19836 - 29012
SIG 716 Replica 60 10 - 60 320 20 2100 1.6 CHD 15% 19836 - 29012
USC .45 ACP 50 10 - 60 420 20 2000 1.6 CHD 15% 15113 - 22105
USC .45 ACP Replica 50 10 - 60 420 20 2000 1.6 CHD 15% 15113 - 22105
ACS-12 14 0 - 20 300 8 2000 1.45 Melee 144% 37784 - 55261
Rock n' Roll - ACS-12 14 0 - 20 300 8 2000 1.45 Melee 144% 37784 - 55261
Double Barrel Sawed Off 11 0 - 20 200 2 900 1.45 Melee 144% 77968 - 114032
Double Barrel Double Barrel Shotgun 11 0 - 20 200 2 900 1.45 Melee 144% 77968 - 114032
Double Barrel Shotgun Replica 11 0 - 20 200 2 900 1.45 Melee 144% 77968 - 114032
Cuélebre – Military M870 14 0 - 20 75 5 700 1.45 Melee 144% 65973 - 96488
Custom M870 MCS 14 0 - 20 75 5 700 1.45 Melee 144% 65973 - 96488
Custom M870 MCS Replica 14 0 - 20 75 5 700 1.45 Melee 144% 65973 - 96488
M870 Express 14 0 - 20 75 5 700 1.45 Melee 144% 65973 - 96488
M870 Express Replica 14 0 - 20 75 5 700 1.45 Melee 144% 65973 - 96488
Military M870 14 0 - 20 75 5 700 1.45 Melee 144% 65973 - 96488
Black Market SASG-12 S 14 0 - 20 180 7 2100 1.45 Melee 144% 26989 - 39472
Shotgun Black Market SASG-12 S Replica 14 0 - 20 180 7 2100 1.45 Melee 144% 26989 - 39472
SASG-12 SASG-12 14 0 - 20 180 7 2100 1.45 Melee 144% 26989 - 39472
Tactical SASG-12 K 14 0 - 20 180 7 2100 1.45 Melee 144% 26989 - 39472
Tsunami - Tactical SASG-12 K 14 0 - 20 180 7 2100 1.45 Melee 144% 26989 - 39472
Lullaby 10 0 - 20 70 8 650 1.45 Melee 144% 77968 - 114032
SPAS-12 10 0 - 20 70 8 650 1.25 Melee 144% 71971 - 105260
SPAS-12 Replica 10 0 - 20 70 8 650 1.25 Melee 144% 71971 - 105260
Sweet Dreams 10 0 - 20 70 8 650 1.45 Melee 144% 77968 - 114032
Marine Super 90 16 0 - 20 160 8 600 1.45 Melee 144% 35985 - 52630
Super 90 16 0 - 20 160 8 600 1.45 Melee 144% 35985 - 52630
Super 90 Super 90 Replica 16 0 - 20 160 8 600 1.45 Melee 144% 35985 - 52630
Tactical Super 90 SBS 16 0 - 20 160 8 600 1.45 Melee 144% 35985 - 52630
Tactical Super 90 SBS Replica 16 0 - 20 160 8 600 1.45 Melee 144% 35985 - 52630
AUG A3 Para XS 18 0 - 30 725 25 1800 1.5 CHC 14.5% 7497 - 10964
Enhanced AUG A3P 18 0 - 30 725 25 1800 1.5 CHC 14.5% 7497 - 10964
Tactical AUG A3P 18 0 - 30 725 25 1800 1.5 CHC 14.5% 7497 - 10964
Tactical AUG A3P Replica 18 0 - 30 725 25 1800 1.5 CHC 14.5% 7497 - 10964
Health: Health Damage
CHD: Critical Hit Damage
HSD: Headshot Damage
Melee: Melee Damage
OOC: Damage to Targets Out of Cover
CHC: Critical Hit Chance High End
Critical Hit Reload Speed Headshot 400 - 440
Type Variant Weapon Optimal Range RPM Mag Size Weapon Bonus Bonus %
Range (m) (ms) Multiplier (Crafted)
MP5 ST 16 0 - 21 800 32 1800 1.5 CHC 14.5% 6747 - 9868
MP5 ST Replica 16 0 - 21 800 32 1800 1.5 CHC 14.5% 6747 - 9868
MP5-N 16 0 - 21 800 32 1800 1.5 CHC 14.5% 6747 - 9868
MP5A2 16 0 - 21 800 32 1800 1.5 CHC 14.5% 6747 - 9868
MP7 19 0 - 30 950 40 1700 1.5 CHC 14.5% 5622 - 8223
Margaret's Swap Chain - MP7 19 0 - 30 950 40 1700 1.5 CHC 14.5% 5622 - 8223
MPX 22 0 - 21 850 30 2200 1.5 CHC 14.5% 5997 - 8771
Safety Distance - MPX 22 0 - 21 850 30 2200 1.5 CHC 14.5% 5997 - 8771
P90 15 0 - 30 900 50 2200 1.5 CHC 14.5% 5997 - 8771
P90 Replica 15 0 - 30 900 50 2200 1.5 CHC 14.5% 5997 - 8771
The Chatterbox 15 0 - 30 700 60 2500 1.5 CHC 14.5% 6147 - 8991
Tom's Chamber - P90 15 0 - 30 900 50 2200 1.5 CHC 14.5% 5997 - 8771
Submachine Gun Enhanced PP-19 16 0 - 30 700 53 2200 1.5 CHC 14.5% 7122 - 10416
PP-19 16 0 - 30 700 53 2200 1.5 CHC 14.5% 7122 - 10416
Converted SMG-9 20 0 - 30 825 32 1700 1.5 CHC 14.5% 6747 - 9868
SMG-9 Converted SMG-9 A2 20 0 - 30 825 32 1700 1.5 CHC 14.5% 6747 - 9868
Converted SMG-9 Replica 20 0 - 30 825 32 1700 1.5 CHC 14.5% 6747 - 9868
Black Market T821 17 0 - 30 550 32 1600 1.5 CHC 14.5% 9746 - 14254
T821 Black Market T821 Replica 17 0 - 30 550 32 1600 1.5 CHC 14.5% 9746 - 14254
Police T821 17 0 - 30 550 32 1600 1.5 CHC 14.5% 9746 - 14254
M1928 16 0 - 30 800 50 2000 1.5 CHC 14.5% 5997 - 8771
Tommy Gun 16 0 - 30 600 30 2000 1.5 CHC 14.5% 8246 - 12061
Police UMP-45 14 0 - 30 600 26 2000 1.5 CHC 14.5% 8246 - 12061
UMP-45 Tactical UMP-45 14 0 - 30 600 26 2000 1.5 CHC 14.5% 8246 - 12061
Tactical UMP-45 Replica 14 0 - 30 600 26 2000 1.5 CHC 14.5% 8246 - 12061
Tactical Vector SBR 9mm 15 0 - 30 1400 19 1600 1.5 CHC 14.5% 5247 - 7675
Vector SBR .45 ACP 15 0 - 30 1200 33 1600 1.5 CHC 14.5% 4498 - 6578
Vector SBR .45 ACP Replica 15 0 - 30 1200 33 1600 1.5 CHC 14.5% 4498 - 6578
Vector SBR 9mm 15 0 - 30 1200 33 1600 1.5 CHC 14.5% 4498 - 6578
Slot Type Name Positive Attribute Negative Attribute
Iron Sights Open Iron Sights +10% Accuracy -
Iron Sights Streamlined Iron Sights +10% Reload Speed -
Iron Sights Weighted Iron Sights +10% Stability -
Micro Low Reflex Sight +10% Damage To Elites -10% Optimal Range
Micro Rugged Mini Reflex Sight +5% Critical Hit Chance -
Short PRO Red Dot Sight +5% Stability -
Short Reflex Sight +20% Critical Hit Range -
Short Russian Red Dot Sight +5% Critical Hit Damage -
Short Small RDS Scope +15% Stability -5% Accuracy
Short T2 Micro Red Dot Sight +10% Accuracy -
Long 552 Holo Sight +10% Accuracy -
Long ACOG Scope (4x) +20% Optimal Range -
Long C79 Scope (3.4x) +5% Damage To Elites -
Long CQBSS Scope (8x) +30% Headshot Damage -
Long Digital Scope +45% Headshot Damage -5% Critical Hit Damage
Long EXPS3 Holo Sight +8% Damage To Elites -
Long MK5 Scope (15x) +40% Headshot Damage -20% Reload Speed
Long VX-1 Scope (12x) +35% Headshot Damage -10% Reload Speed
Gadget Compact Coupled Laser Pointer +10% Headshot Damage -
Gadget Compact Coupled Small Laser Pointer +10% Critical Hit Chance -
Side Flashlight - -
Side Laser Pointer +5% Critical Hit Chance -
Under Barrel Side Small Laser Pointer +7% Critical Hit Chance -
Short Angled Grip +10% Stability -
Short Vertical Grip +10% Accuracy -
Long Handstop +10% Reload Speed -
Long Short Grip +5% Critical Hit Damage -
.45 ACP Extended .45 ACP Mag +10 Extra Rounds -
.45 ACP Force Feed .45 ACP Mag +10% Damage To Elites -
.45 ACP Oversized .45 ACP Mag +20 Extra Rounds -10% Reload Speed
.45 ACP Precision Feeding .45 Mag +20% Stability -
Slot Type Name Positive Attribute Negative Attribute
.45 ACP Short Spring .45 ACP Mag +20% Reload Speed -
5.56 Balanced Spring 5.56 Mag +20% Stability -
5.56 Infantry 5.56 Mag +30% Optimal Range -
5.56 Light Extended 5.56 Mag +10 Extra Rounds -
5.56 Sturdy Extended 5.56 Mag +20 Extra Rounds -10% Reload Speed
5.56 Tactical 5.56 Mag +10% Critical Hit Damage -
7.62 Light Extended 7.62 Mag +10 Extra Rounds -
7.62 Precision 7.62 Mag +7% Headshot Damage -
7.62 Sturdy Extended 7.62 Mag +20 Extra Rounds -10% Reload Speed
7.62 Thin 7.62 Mag +20% Reload Speed -
7.62 Weighted 7.62 Mag +20% Stability -
9mm Extended 9mm Mag +20 Extra Rounds -10% Reload Speed
9mm Heavy Spring 9mm Mag +10% Critical Hit Damage -
9mm Oversized 9mm Mag +10 Extra Rounds -
9mm Segmented 9mm Mag +20% Reload Speed -
9mm Special Forces 9mm Mag +10% Damage To Elites -
Magazine Ammunition Belt Calibrated Link +15% Stability -
Ammunition Belt Large Pouch +35 Extra Rounds -
Ammunition Belt Nimble Link Belt +5% Rate of Fire -
Ammunition Belt Non-disruptive Link +10% Critical Hit Damage -
Ammunition Belt Tactical Small Pouch +20% Reload Speed -
Integrated Compensated Integrated Spring +20% Reload Speed -
Integrated Overbalanced Integrated Spring +20% Stability -
Integrated Stiff Integrated Spring +5% Weapon Damage -
Integrated Underbalanced Integrated Spring +10% Damage To Elites -
Marksman 7.62 Compact Marksman Mag +10% Damage To Elites -
Marksman 7.62 Lightweight Marksman Mag +20% Reload Speed -
Marksman 7.62 Mended Marksman Mag +20% Optimal Range -
Marksman 7.62 Sturdy Marksman Mag +20% Stability -
Marksman 7.62 Tightly Packed Marksman Mag +5 Extra Rounds -
Pistol Extended Pistol Mag +11 Extra Rounds -
Slot Type Name Positive Attribute Negative Attribute
Pistol Field Pistol Mag +30% Optimal Range -
Pistol Police Pistol Mag +20% Reload Speed -
Revolver Drum Speed Loading Revolver Drum +20% Reload Speed -
Tubular Counter-Clockwise Tubular Spring +10% Damage To Elites -
Tubular Flexible Tubular Spring +20% Reload Speed -
Tubular Hard Tubular Spring +5% Rate of Fire -
.45 ACP Compensator .45 +10% Stability -
.45 ACP Flash Hider .45 +5% Critical Hit Damage -
.45 ACP Loud Vent Brake .45 +10% Optimal Range -
.45 ACP Muzzle Brake .45 +5% Damage To Elites -
.45 ACP Osprey .45 Suppressor +5% Critical Hit Chance -
.45 ACP Small Suppressor .45 +10% Accuracy -
5.56 Compensator 5.56 +10% Stability -
5.56 Flash Hider 5.56 +5% Critical Hit Damage -
5.56 Large Suppressor 5.56 +10% Accuracy -
5.56 Loud Vent Brake 5.56 +10% Optimal Range -
5.56 Muzzle Brake 5.56 +5% Damage To Elites -
Muzzle 5.56 Omega 5.56 Rifle Suppressor +20% Stability -10% Optimal Range
7.62 Compensator 7.62 +10% Stability -
7.62 Flash Hider 7.62 +5% Critical Hit Damage -
7.62 Large Suppressor 7.62 +10% Accuracy -
7.62 Loud Vent Brake 7.62 +10% Optimal Range -
7.62 Muzzle Brake 7.62 +5% Damage To Elites -
7.62 Omega 7.62 Rifle Suppressor +20% Stability -10% Optimal Range
9mm Compensator 9mm +10% Stability -
9mm Flash Hider 9mm +5% Critical Hit Damage -
9mm Loud Vent Brake 9mm +10% Optimal Range -
9mm Muzzle Brake 9mm +5% Damage To Elites -
9mm Osprey 9mm Suppressor +5% Critical Hit Chance -
Category Name Description Points
Accuracy Distinction Get 5 consecutive headshots on 5 separate enemies without missing. 50
Air & Space Museum Combat Merit Complete the mission on hard or above and get 20 headshot kills in one run. 30
American History Museum Combat Merit Complete the mission on hard or above and get 20 headshot kills in one run. 30
Ammo Specialist Merit Use each type of special ammo (shock, bleed, burn, stagger) to affect 37 enemies. 65
Armor Breaker Distinction Destroy all pieces of armor on an elite destroying the helmet last. 50
Bank Headquarters Combat Merit Complete the mission on hard or above and get 20 headshot kills in one run. 30
Battlefield Awareness Distinction While elevated, kill 3 enemies with your primary weapon, then kill 3 enemies with your secondary, without missing or taking damage. 50
Capitol Building Combat Merit Complete the mission on hard or above and get 20 headshot kills in one run. 30
Combat Proficiency Merit Kill 36 enemies with headshots, melee, grenades, and special ammo. 65
DCD Headquarters Combat Merit Complete the mission on hard or above and get 20 headshot kills in one run. 30
District Union Arena Combat Merit Complete the mission on hard or above and get 20 headshot kills in one run. 30
Elite Accuracy Award Without missing, destroy an elite's weakpoint then kill them. 10
Combat Federal Emergency Bunker Combat Merit Complete the mission on hard or above and get 20 headshot kills in one run. 30
Grand Washington Hotel Combat Merit Complete the mission on hard or above and get 20 headshot kills in one run. 30
Heavy Support Merit Kill 10 enemies with a minigun turret without dismounting or disengaging. 30
Jefferson Plaza Combat Merit Complete the mission on hard or above and get 20 headshot kills in one run. 30
Jefferson Trade Center Combat Merit Complete the mission on hard or above and get 20 headshot kills in one run. 30
Lincoln Memorial Combat Merit Complete the mission on hard or above and get 20 headshot kills in one run. 30
Marksman Distinction Get 5 consecutive headshots on 5 separate enemies from over 80 meters away without missing. 50
Melee Recognition Award Melee kill an elite enemy. 10
Potomac Event Center Combat Merit Complete the mission on hard or above and get 20 headshot kills in one run. 30
Rapid Targeting Award Shoot 5 grenades out of the air. 10
Roosevelt Island Combat Merit Complete the mission on hard or above and get 20 headshot kills in one run. 30
Space Administration HQ Combat Merit Complete the mission on hard or above and get 20 headshot kills in one run. 30
ViewPoint Museum Combat Merit Complete the mission on hard or above and get 20 headshot kills in one run. 30
Air & Space Museum Tactical Merit Complete the mission on hard or above without losing all your armor. 30
American History Museum Tactical Merit Complete the mission on hard or above without losing all your armor. 30
Bank Headquarters Tactical Merit Complete the mission on hard or above without losing all your armor. 30
Capitol Building Tactical Merit Complete the mission on hard or above without losing all your armor. 30
Chem Expert Merit Kill 19 enemies each while they are affected by chem launcher mods (burn, riot foam, corroded.) 60
Combustion Award Use the chem launcher to burn 6 enemies within 30 seconds. 10
DCD Headquarters Tactical Merit Complete the mission on hard or above without losing all your armor. 30
Demolitions Merit Get 19 skill kills each with each explosive mod: artillery turret, explosive vapor, cluster seeker mine, explosive seeker mine. 65
District Union Arena Tactical Merit Complete the mission on hard or above without losing all your armor. 30
Drone System Distinction Kill 8 enemies with a single drone. 50
Federal Emergency Bunker Tactical Merit Complete the mission on hard or above without losing all your armor. 30
Full Package Distinction Acquire all six pieces of the same gear set, equip it, and eliminate 10 hostiles. 50
Tactical Grand Washington Hotel Tactical Merit Complete the mission on hard or above without losing all your armor. 30
Guardian Award Complete a main mission in a group without using healing skills or any agent going down. 10
Jefferson Plaza Tactical Merit Complete the mission on hard or above without losing all your armor. 30
Jefferson Trade Center Tactical Merit Complete the mission on hard or above without losing all your armor. 30
Lincoln Memorial Tactical Merit Complete the mission on hard or above without losing all your armor. 30
Potomac Event Center Tactical Merit Complete the mission on hard or above without losing all your armor. 30
Prone Target Award Damage 10 prone enemies with skills. 10
Rapid Destruction Distinction Kill an elite by destroying all of it's armor in under 1 minute. 50
Roosevelt Island Tactical Merit Complete the mission on hard or above without losing all your armor. 30
Category Name Description Points
SHD Skill Merit Kill 10 enemies each with the drone, wasp hive, seeker mine, and turret. 30
Space Administration HQ Tactical Merit Complete the mission on hard or above without losing all your armor. 30
Specialization Distinction Kill 10 enemies with each specialization weapon. 50
ViewPoint Museum Tactical Merit Complete the mission on hard or above without losing all your armor. 30
Air & Space Museum Discovery Merit Complete the mission on hard or above and open 10 loot boxes in one run. 30
American History Museum Discovery Merit Complete the mission on hard or above and open 10 loot boxes in one run. 30
Bank Headquarters Discovery Merit Complete the mission on hard or above and open 10 loot boxes in one run. 30
Calibration Award Calibrate a weapon to increase its damage by 100. 10
Capitol Building Discovery Merit Complete the mission on hard or above and open 10 loot boxes in one run. 30
Collectors Merit Find all collectibles in Constitution Hall. 30
Crafting Award Craft an exotic weapon with a damage rating over 5000 10
DCD Headquarters Discovery Merit Complete the mission on hard or above and open 10 loot boxes in one run. 30
District Union Arena Discovery Merit Complete the mission on hard or above and open 10 loot boxes in one run. 30
Equipement Adaptability Merit Kill an enemy while wearing a gear piece from each gear brand. 30
Explorer Distinction In a single play session without being downed, rescue 20 civilians, gather 20 resources, and photograph 20 enemies. 50
Federal Emergency Bunker Discovery Merit Complete the mission on hard or above and open 10 loot boxes in one run. 30
Discovery Grand Washington Hotel Discovery Merit Complete the mission on hard or above and open 10 loot boxes in one run. 30
Jefferson Plaza Discovery Merit Complete the mission on hard or above and open 10 loot boxes in one run. 30
Jefferson Trade Center Discovery Merit Complete the mission on hard or above and open 10 loot boxes in one run. 30
Liberation Distinction In a single play session without being downed, travel through 5 districts and capture 3 control points. 50
Lincoln Memorial Discovery Merit Complete the mission on hard or above and open 10 loot boxes in one run. 30
Northern Award Find the northern most safe house. 10
Potomac Event Center Discovery Merit Complete the mission on hard or above and open 10 loot boxes in one run. 30
Recruitment Merit Recruit all and talk to all 8 BoO staff members. 30
Resource Distribution Merit Capture a control point and donate resources to max either supplies. 30
Roosevelt Island Discovery Merit Complete the mission on hard or above and open 10 loot boxes in one run. 30
Space Administration HQ Discovery Merit Complete the mission on hard or above and open 10 loot boxes in one run. 30
Training Expert Award Hit every target to complete a target practice. 10
ViewPoint Museum Discovery Merit Complete the mission on hard or above and open 10 loot boxes in one run. 30
Air & Space Museum Teamwork Merit While in a full group, complete the mission on hard or above without any agent being downed. 30
American History Museum Teamwork Merit While in a full group, complete the mission on hard or above without any agent being downed. 30
Bank Headquarters Teamwork Merit While in a full group, complete the mission on hard or above without any agent being downed. 30
Benevolence Award Share 5 high end weapons with a group member. The group member must fire each weapon. 10
Capitol Building Teamwork Merit In a group of 4, complete the mission on hard or above without any agent being downed. 30
Clan Distinction While in a full group of clan member, then complete a main mission without any agent being downed. 50
Dark Zone Medic Merit Heal 30 agents in each DZ who are not in your group. 65
DCD Headquarters Teamwork Merit While in a full group, complete the mission on hard or above without any agent being downed. 30
District Union Arena Teamwork Merit While in a full group, complete the mission on hard or above without any agent being downed. 30
Extreme Operations Distinction Complete a raid in an 8 player group without anyone being killed. 50
Federal Emergency Bunker Teamwork Merit While in a full group, complete the mission on hard or above without any agent being downed. 30
Foam Rescue Award Rescue a group member from riot foam. 10
Teamwork Grand Washington Hotel Teamwork Merit While in a full group, complete the mission on hard or above without any agent being downed. 30
Jefferson Plaza Teamwork Merit While in a full group, complete the mission on hard or above without any agent being downed. 30
Jefferson Trade Center Teamwork Merit While in a full group, complete the mission on hard or above without any agent being downed. 30
Lifesaving Distinction Respond to a call for backup for a main mission. Revive an agent then complete an objective without use a healing skill or armor pack. 50
Lincoln Memorial teamwork Merit While in a full group, complete the mission on hard or above without any agent being downed. 30