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Unit Name ## Adv Mar Dis HP Def ResArm Spe Att Off Str AP Agi Type Cost
Mount (Omen): Throne of 1 9 9 5 4+ D6 5 2 LCo 155
Overwhelming Splendour Fly (9", 9"); Swiftstride; Tall; Towering Presence; Inanimate; Impact Hits (D6);
Rising Star
Writhing Majesties 1 4 4 4 1 4 [0]
Courtesan of Cibaresh Apprentice 1 9 18 9 6 7 5 5+ 6 7 5 4 7 GB 520
Gigantic Beast; Supernal; Fearless; Strider; Aegis (5+); Hard Target (1); Distracting;
Wizard Apprentice; The Witchcraft; Avert Your Gaze; Razor Tentacles
Option Footnotes:
Avert Your Gaze Enemy units within 6” of one or more models with Avert Your Gaze suffer -2
Discipline when taking Combat Reform tests.
Razor Tentacles The model gains +3 Attack Value while Engaged with one or more Flank or Rear
Facings of enemy units. The additional attacks must be allocated towards R&F
models in these units. Ignore this effect if the model cannot allocate any Close
Combat Attacks towards R&F models.
Rising Star Each time attacks made by the model kill an enemy model in a Duel, the model
gains a +1 Combat Score modifier for the rest of the game.
Wizard Apprentice Know 1 Spell. Can choose between the Learned Spell 1 of their chosen Path and the
Hereditary Spell of their army.
Total 675
Immortal Denizens: Casting rolls made by models in a Daemon Legions army with one or two dice gain a +1 Casting Modifier. In
addition, each player adds +2 Veil Tokens to their Veil Token pool in the Magic Phase during Siphon the Veil, whenthey are the
Active Player.
Greater Dominion: At the start of each friendly Player Turn, you may choose one friendly unit within the Commanding Presence
range of the model with Greater Dominion. All R&F models in the chosen unit must reroll failed Aegis Save rolls of ‘1’ until the
end of the next Player Turn.
Models in Army: 1
Validation Results for Army List 'Standard Army' using Rule-Set 'Primary Rule Set':
Army must have one General.
You must select both Omen that rides the Throne and the Throne mount.
Composition group 'Core' does not satisfy requirements (>=25%).
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