This rubric evaluates students on an architectural clay sculpture project. Students were asked to research a historical period and incorporate at least two significant architectural elements from that time into their sculpture. They are graded on envisioning and expressing their ideas through preliminary sketches, craftsmanship in constructing the sculpture using clay and relevant design elements, maintaining good studio habits during class, and reflecting on what they learned from the project. Areas of evaluation include development of original ideas, effective use of materials and design elements, focus during class, cleanup, and thoughtful self-assessment.
This rubric evaluates students on an architectural clay sculpture project. Students were asked to research a historical period and incorporate at least two significant architectural elements from that time into their sculpture. They are graded on envisioning and expressing their ideas through preliminary sketches, craftsmanship in constructing the sculpture using clay and relevant design elements, maintaining good studio habits during class, and reflecting on what they learned from the project. Areas of evaluation include development of original ideas, effective use of materials and design elements, focus during class, cleanup, and thoughtful self-assessment.
This rubric evaluates students on an architectural clay sculpture project. Students were asked to research a historical period and incorporate at least two significant architectural elements from that time into their sculpture. They are graded on envisioning and expressing their ideas through preliminary sketches, craftsmanship in constructing the sculpture using clay and relevant design elements, maintaining good studio habits during class, and reflecting on what they learned from the project. Areas of evaluation include development of original ideas, effective use of materials and design elements, focus during class, cleanup, and thoughtful self-assessment.
This rubric evaluates students on an architectural clay sculpture project. Students were asked to research a historical period and incorporate at least two significant architectural elements from that time into their sculpture. They are graded on envisioning and expressing their ideas through preliminary sketches, craftsmanship in constructing the sculpture using clay and relevant design elements, maintaining good studio habits during class, and reflecting on what they learned from the project. Areas of evaluation include development of original ideas, effective use of materials and design elements, focus during class, cleanup, and thoughtful self-assessment.
Prompt: Research a historical period and the significant architectural elements of its time. Utilize at least 2 of the elements to create an architectural clay sculpture.
Envision and Expression (10 pts) Student Teacher
I made preliminary sketches before choosing a final idea I had well-developed ideas that challenged me as ________ /10 ________/10 an artist My ideas are original and unique
Craftsmanship (10 pts)
I made an architectural clay sculpture I used at least 2 architectural elements of design ________ /10 ________/10 from a historic time period I fully and effectively glazed my piece to support the design of my structure
Studio Habits (10 pts)
I tried my best in class and was not on my phone ________ /10 ________/10 I stayed on task throughout the class period I cleaned up my area and my materials everyday
Reflection/Self-Assessment (10 pts)
I thoughtfully reflected on my experience making this project ________ /10 ________/10 I regularly evaluated my progress and made changes if necessary
What time period/culture are your architectural elements
from? What elements did you use and why? Total: _________/40
What did you learn from this project? Is there anything