Plaster Hand Rubric

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Name: _______________________________________ Hour: _________________

Architectural Slab Structures Rubric

Prompt: Research a historical period and the significant architectural elements of its time.
Utilize at least 2 of the elements to create an architectural clay sculpture.

Envision and Expression (10 pts) Student Teacher

 I made preliminary sketches before choosing a final
 I had well-developed ideas that challenged me as ________ /10 ________/10
an artist
 My ideas are original and unique

Craftsmanship (10 pts)

 I made an architectural clay sculpture
 I used at least 2 architectural elements of design ________ /10 ________/10
from a historic time period
 I fully and effectively glazed my piece to support
the design of my structure

Studio Habits (10 pts)

 I tried my best in class and was not on my phone ________ /10 ________/10
 I stayed on task throughout the class period
 I cleaned up my area and my materials everyday

Reflection/Self-Assessment (10 pts)

 I thoughtfully reflected on my experience making
this project ________ /10 ________/10
 I regularly evaluated my progress and made
changes if necessary

What time period/culture are your architectural elements

from? What elements did you use and why? Total: _________/40

What did you learn from this project? Is there anything

you would change if you could do it again?

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