BD Unit 3 - Value

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Unit: Unit 3: Value (Week 10, 5 Weeks)

Individual Map
Big Ideas / Understandings / Essential Questions Students will learn basic shading techniques to assist them in creating small scale compositions within a larger composition through the use of value. Students will be introduced to common artists' supplies and pencil types and they will have the opportunity to use these supplies while creating their work. Students will learn to make sound compositional choices by cropping their still life (project from the previous unit) to create interesting/different compositions/ shapes. Time will play a large factor in this unit because good value in an artwork is only achieved through discipline, hard work and patience. Content Consensus Skills

Supply Demo/ Lecture Handout: Supplies and Pencils Small Group Activity: Supply Test Order supplies (optional) Slide show and lecture:Lawrence, Erte and Kegley Sketchbook: Create (2 pages) using the shading style of the artists listed above. Page should include information about 1 or 2 of the artists covered.

H.1.4a Identify connections between visual arts education and potential job offerings in the community and beyond. H.1.6a Identify the knowledge and skills gained in art experiences that transfer to daily life. H.3.1a Analyze the effective use of symbols, elements, principles, and media in works of art, using appropriate terminology. H.4.4a Engage in critical reading, writing, and discourse to improve understanding of own work and that of others. H.6.1a Demonstrate skill in perception from real life (not photographs or flat imagery) to present convincing, accurately rendered objects or subject matter. H.6.2a Make informed choices about specific subject matter or concepts and defend those choices when given a range of objects or spaces. H.6.4a Demonstrate thoughtful revision and refinement of original work based upon reflection, critique, practice, and research. H.6.5a Examine and establish criteria for judging excellence in work and revise and refine work through analysis, synthesis, peer critique, and self-evaluation, utilizing established criteria for the purpose of creating portfolio level work. H.6.6a Demonstrate respect for personal work and the work of others. H.7.1a Evaluate the effectiveness of elements and principles in works of art and use this evaluation to inform personal work. H.7.2a Create works that use specific elements, principles, and functions to solve problems and communicate ideas. H.7.3a Create artworks that demonstrate skill and understanding of different media, processes, and techniques.

Production & Aesthetics

**Challenge Assignment: Sketchbook/ Handout; Value Designs Test: 5 Value Scale Sketchbook: Coca-cola bottle shaded Project: Modified Still Life Cropping Shading Drop-shadows

Criticism & Aesthetics

Critique: Composition vs technical skill Class will decide which projects have the best compositions and discuss why. Can you have a strong composition without technical skill?

Core Vocabulary

Additional Vocabulary

Supplemental Skills

form value unity balance movement emphasis contrast composition

criticism formalism imitationalism

Assessment Sketchbook Formative/Summative: Sketchbook Page(s)

____/10 Small Groups Game: Supply Test


Slide show and lecture: Lawrence, Erte and Kegley Sketchbook: Create (2 pages) using the shading style of the artists listed above. Page should include information about 1 or 2 of the artists covered.

_____/20 Test: 5 Value Scale _____/20 Sketchbook: Coca-cola bottle shaded _____/50 EC **Challenge Assignment: Sketchbook/ Handout; Value Designs**

_____/80 TOTAL

Project Formative/Summative: Visual Arts Project

_____/50 Project: Modified Still Life Cropping Shading Drop-shadows

Critique Formative/Summative: Student-lead Lecture/seminar

_____/40 Critique: Composition vs technical skill Class will decide which projects have the best compositions Can you have a strong composition without technical skill? and discuss why.

Lessons & Resources DAY 1 Supply Demo/ Lecture Handout: Supplies and Pencils Order supplies (optional) Small Groups Game: Supply Test

DAYS 2-5 Slide show and lecture: Lawrence, Erte and Kegley

Sketchbook: Create (2 pages) using the shading style of the artists listed above. Page should include information about 1 or 2 of the artists covered.

DAYS 6-8 Test: 5 Value Scale Sketchbook: Coca-cola bottle shaded **Challenge Assignment: Sketchbook/ Handout; Value Designs**

DAYS 9-14 Demo: Cropping within the artwork Project: Modified Still Life Cropping Shading Drop-shadows DAY 15 Critique: Composition vs technical skill Class will decide which projects have the best compositions and discuss why. Can you have a strong composition without technical skill?

Informed choices 5 value scale (white, light, medium, dark, black) Unit Reflection

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