Ahmad Rido'i Yuda Prayogi

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Empowerment of Guardians of Students to Implement Sex Education in Their Children as an Effort

to Increase Early Marriage in Banyuwangi

Ahmad Rido’I Yuda Prayogi1, Offa Afrilla2

Departemen of Public Health Science
Public Health Faculty, Airlangga University
Surabaya, Indonesia
[email protected]

Abstract— Maternal Mortality Rate (MMR) in Indonesia above the Banyuwangi, the target for SDGs is still 82.3 per 100,000 live
target of SDG's is 306 per 100,000 live births. In Banyuwangi still births. Still above the SDG's target of 72 per live birth. Factors
above SDG's target is 82.3 per 100,000 live births. Still above SDG's that cause high maternal mortality rates include early marriage
target of 72 per live birth. Factors that cause high Maternal Mortality that is still high. In Banyuwangi 12% of the total marriages
Rate include early marriage is still high. In Banyuwangi 12% of total between 10,000-15,000. The data shows the high level of early
marriage is between 10,000-15,000. The data shows the high early marriage in Banyuwangi (Profile of the Banyuwangi Health
marriage in Banyuwangi. Studies show that children who marry at an Office, 2017).
early age are at high risk of anxiety, depression, unable to apply safe There are a number of special behavioral traits that occur
sex, thus increasing susceptibility to sexually transmitted infections, in adolescence, that is, teens begin to express their freedom
as well as fetal or maternal mortality rates during pregnancy. The and their right to express their own opinions is unavoidable,
study by Unicef Indonesia in 2015 with BPS says that young brides this can create tension and disputes and can keep young
often experience physical, sexual, psychological, emotional and lack people away from adolescence. Teenagers are more easily
of sexual knowledge making them suffer from sexual violence and influenced by their friends than when they were children, this
death during pregnancy. The importance of sex education is applied means that the influence of parents is getting weaker.
to society early on as an effort to decrease early marriage which
Adolescents behave and have different pleasures even contrary
to their behavior. Teenagers experience extraordinary physical
result in decreasing of MMR and IMR. In Banyuwangi actually sex
changes, both their growth and their sexuality and sexual
education has been applied, but the rejection of the community who
feelings that appear can be frightening, confusing and a source
think this is a taboo for their children make sex education is not
of feeling wrong and frustrated. Teenagers often become too
successful. The purpose of this study is to make innovations by
confident (over confidence) and this together with their
empowering parents of guardians to apply sex education to their
emotions which usually increases, making it difficult to
children as an effort to decrease early marriage. The high early receive advice and directing parents (Khamim Zarkasih, 2017:
marriage in Banyuwangi caused because parents who decide their 26). Some of the dangers that may be experienced in
children to marry after graduating from elementary or junior high adolescence are variations in mental conditions and high
school. This thinking arises because of custom, economy and various curiosity and trial and error, where sexual and sexual curiosity
stigma. Empowerment of guardians to apply sex education to their clearly leads to a form of behavior (Khamim Zarkasih, 2017:
children, will be done alone, and feels effective for early marriage 26-27). Behavior and danger experienced in adolescence can
decline. The initial phase will be advocated to the health offices and lead to early marriage.
education offices as partners to run this innovation. The second stage Various studies show that the impact of married children at
of sex education will be given to the guardian of the students when an early age is at high risk of experiencing anxiety,
admission of new students, because the role of parents is very big depression, being unable to apply safe sex, thus increasing
influence for child development in decision making. Request susceptibility to sexually transmitted infections, as well as
approval to the guardian for giving sex education to her child so as fetal or maternal mortality during pregnancy. The age at first
not to arise rejection. The third stage of giving sex education to marriage can affect women's reproductive health. A woman
students every acceptance of student report cards. The uniqueness of tends to be at high risk when giving birth, even if she rarely
this program, we first involve parents for sex education, interesting dies in a mother or baby if the first marriage is getting
teaching methods, innovation by working with health offices and younger. (BPS Indonesia, 2014).
education offices. Early marriage in adolescents affects health, especially for
Keywords-Banyuwangi;empowerment of parents;early maternal mortality. Later it can experience uterine
marriage;sex education; MMR and IMR complications, bleeding and infant death. This is because the
age of the young is biologically not ready to experience a
I. INTRODUCTION period of pregnancy. It can be concluded that it will also affect
the psychological of women, where the marriage of someone
The Maternal Mortality Rate (MMR) in Indonesia is above who is still not old enough or underage will have the potential
the SDG's target of 306 per 100,000 live births. In to become a trauma. The emergence of this trauma is caused
by the unpreparedness to carry out new obligations that arise The purpose of this study was to empower student
after the marriage. While this is supported by the ability and guardians to provide sex education to children according to
self-maturity that is owned is still low (Jefri Setyawan et al, their age, so that the application of sex education can
2016: 16-17). Not only is the trauma that occurs in a married contribute to the reduction of early marriage and the impact of
person still not old enough, but many influences will occur early marriage indirectly affecting the reduction of maternal
such as dropping out of school, loss of childhood and causing and infant mortality. In order to avoid rejection from parents
high rates of divorce. and sex education it will be easier for the guardians of the
The causes of high early marriages due to several factors student and child to accept it as our target.
include low economy, education, forced parents, mass media
or the internet, pregnancy outside marriage or behavior, and II. EASE OF USE
habits or customs (Windi Yohana, 2014). In Banyuwangi the Based on the results of the above research it can be
factor of early marriage is caused by two factors, internal concluded that some layers of society have never received sex
factors and external factors. Internal factors are caused by low education or do not dare to give sex education to their
knowledge about sex education, deviant adolescent behavior children. Because sex education is considered a taboo thing
and premarital sex. While external factors include coercion for the community. Knowledge about reproductive health can
from parents to get married early, the family economy is affect the behavior of adolescents when dating. The
lacking to meet the needs of children, the low sex education importance of sex education in this case is a major effort in
that is known to parents, the idea that sex education is a taboo preventing free sex, premarital sex and other sexual deviations
and traditional belief that older women mean that their child is that can affect the high rate of early marriage.
not sell off or spinster. The rejection by parents who make sex education is
According to Indarto and Sigit, (2012) early marriage can difficult to apply among adolescents and children. However,
actually be prevented through sex education. The higher we overcome this by empowering students and providing
knowledge about reproductive health, the lower the early insight into the importance of sex education for their children,
marriage. The benefits of knowing sex education from an while at the same time they can apply at home to provide sex
early age are very influential on children's behavior as adults. education in their daily activities, and provide advocacy to the
The earlier the child's knowledge about sex education will government regarding this latest innovation. The difference
make the child understand how dangerous it is if he does an between this innovation and the existing one is the
early marriage or premarital sex. Other benefits are the higher empowerment of parents as our main target in providing sex
education of children if they avoid early marriage, children do education, so parents can be aware and understand that the
not lose their adolescence, the maturity of children's thinking importance of giving sex education to children starts early.
so that they are ready mentally and biologically when married, Barriers that may arise may be rejection from guardian
as well as a safer and more comfortable home life later. students, guardians of students difficult to understand sex
According to the General Chair of IDI, (2017) the education material, and seek support from the government to
obstacles that arise when applying sex education in Indonesia establish sex education in the education curriculum.
to elementary and junior high school children are the rejection
of parents. Parents' understanding of sex education is still low,
so this thinking is inappropriate for their children to go to III. DISCUSSION
school, and many still think sex education means inviting Therefore an innovation was made, namely "
children to act or think about sex. However, also the obstacles Empowerment of Guardians of Students to Implement Sex
to implementing it are still difficult, because it requires Education in Their Children as an Effort to Increase Early
support from the government as well as to carry out sex Marriage in Banyuwangi". The rejection when giving sex
education in a sustainable manner in schools. Then our time is education by parents makes this innovation emerge, by
limited to giving sex education to children, because we cannot making barriers become strengths by empowering guardians
meet children at any time. as primary targets to provide sex education to their children.
Effectiveness if sex education is carried out by family Parents who usually reject the existence of sex education with
members or parents or guardians of students to their children. this we use as an educational tool and parents who are always
This is because guardians have more time with their children perceived as influencing their children's development for
at home so they can provide sex education at any time. Parents decision making.
can sort out which information is more needed and in The first stage was a workshop with lecturers,
accordance with the child's development, the relationship and representatives from the DHO and student representatives to
emotional closeness of the child can be well established and make the sex education module. The making of this module is
the child will also be more confident to share reproductive used to blend the implementation of sex education. This
health problems with his parents than medical personnel. As module is as attractive as possible with a user-friendly design.
well as being with family is an environment that is considered Users of this module are for parents, teachers and students.
a safe environment. So that sex education can be carried out The module making was carried out for 2 weeks in the
without the fear that occurs in parents. Banyuwangi Regional Government Minim Jinggo Hall. The
output of the module, it is expected that when the application
of sex education is in line with expectations, the module is The sixth stage is advocacy to policy makers in this case
used as a basis in conducting sex education, and technical for the relevant government. This stage is the presentation of the
sex education. results of this innovation trial in several schools to the relevant
In the second stage so that this innovation can run well, we government in order to make sex education an educational
ask for permission and socialization in advance about this curriculum. Shows supporting data to the government, that by
program to the government in this case the health department having sex education it is possible to be one of the factors to
and the education office. As well as to elementary and junior reduce the rate of early marriage (data taken from the
high school parties that we will use as an innovation target Banyuwangi Ministry of Religion before sex education and
"Efforts to Decrease Early Marriage in Banyuwangi Through afterwards, that there is a decline in early marriage). As well
Empowering Student Guardians to Implement Sex Education as allowing influence on reducing maternal and child mortality
in Children in Order to Realize Healthy Indonesia 2025". At in Banyuwangi district.
this stage, it will be carried out for 2 months to carry out Potential problems that might arise from this innovation
socialization of innovation and providing understanding are difficult to collect or look for student guardians to attend
regarding the usefulness of the module. The implementation training, during intensive lectures, I need a large amount of
process will be carried out at the Education Office with money to conduct trials in several schools, and advocate for
participants from the BK teacher representatives from each relevant government to make this a difficult and necessary
school. education curriculum cooperation by all layers so that this
The third stage recruits sex education training participants, innovation runs.
because it is too realistic if we apply it to all student guardians. I solved this solution to the problem by training the
So in this case we recruited participants in several student guardians of the students during the new student admission
guardians, all teaching teachers in the target schools in meeting, because surely the guardians of the students were
Banyuwangi, and several students from the first or second attending school. Secondly so that this activity does not
semester that we made as sex education cadres. We prefer interfere with college time, I hold sex education activities on
semester one or two because they still feel the atmosphere of Saturdays and semester holidays to be more effective. Thirdly,
the education bench at the age of the children, not too busy I will look for funding by submitting proposals to local
with the lecture assignments and the idealism of the students governments and including these ideas in competition, if I win
not too high. Which selection of cadres will be conducted the results I will use it to help with the costs of activities, and
every year so that the cadre sex education system can be open donations to all levels of society who want to share their
sustainable. fortune for sex education. Fourth, I will do advocacy by
The fourth stage is training and sex education. Training bringing supporting data to convince the government that the
and the implementation of sex education itself has three importance of sex education is applied early and is required in
stages. The first stage will be given to the teacher and the education curriculum, because sex education can be an
guardian of the student first at the beginning of the first enabling factor for the decline in early marriage in
semester. The second stage of training for students as cadres to Banyuwangi. And provide an understanding of the importance
ensure the sustainability of this program is to continue. Then of sex education so that all levels of government, society and
sex education which I will do as an example to cadres and medical personnel can work together. Because there needs to
some guardians of students and teachers. The hope is that they be support from various parties so that sex education can be
can emulate how to provide good sex education. In this third accepted and applied in the community without the thought
stage, I also gave a pretest to students so that I knew the initial that sex education is a taboo and other objections from the
knowledge about sex education. Guardian students can apply community
sex education to their children at home at any time, because The uniqueness of this program, first we involve parents
the guardian student has received debriefing about sex for sex education, interesting teaching methods, the role of
education. Teachers can apply sex education on the sidelines students in becoming reproductive health cadres that will
of school learning and students can provide sex education continue every generation, education provided by reproductive
while carrying out activities at Airlangga University Sapa in health cadres in their respective regions, and innovation in
their respective regions. And will be combined with routine collaboration with the health department and the education
campus activities, namely the Airlangga Mengajar Movement. office as a driver of this study.
The fifth stage is monitoring and evaluation. At this stage,
monitoring the implementation of sex education is carried out. CONCLUSIONS
Is it in line with expectations or not. Then the posttest will be The high rate of early marriage in Indonesia has an effect
carried out on students to measure the level of success of sex on the Maternal Mortality Rate (MMR) in Indonesia which is
education that has been given by student guardians at home above the SDG's target of 306 per 100,000 live births. This is
and teachers and students at school. As well as providing due to low reproductive health knowledge and various other
evaluations to guardians of students, teachers and students. factors. Sex education is still considered a taboo thing by
Evaluation based on the results of the pretest and posttest that guardians of students, so it becomes the biggest obstacle for
have been given. us. The impact of the low sex education is the behavior of
children when dating deviates from the norm, many free sex
and promiscuity, frequent sexual, premarital sexual violence pengantar/993-pencegahan-pernikahan-dini-sebagai-
and failure during pregnancy. At the same time it will affect upaya-menurunkan-angka-kematian-ibu
the high MMR and IMR in Indonesia.
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