Dictionary of Sexual Fetishes

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The document lists over 200 Greek-derived terms describing a wide variety of paraphilias or unusual sexual interests and practices.

Some examples of paraphilias related to body parts include acrotomophilia (amputees), algolagnia (pain), and trichopathophilia (hair).

Some paraphilias related to sexual activities mentioned include coprophilia (feces), dendrophilia (trees), and tribadism (mutual genital contact between lesbians).


ACAROPHILIA: Affinity for itching

ACHLUOPHILIA: Love of darkness
ACOMOCLITIC: Preference for hairless genitals
ACOUSTICOPHILIA: Arousal from sounds
ACROPHILIA: Arousal from heights or high altitudes
ACROTOMOPHILIA: Arousal from amputees
ACTIRASTY: To become aroused from exposure to sun's rays
ACYESIS: Female sterility
ADAMITISM: Going naked for God
ADOLESCENTILISM: Cross-dressing or playing the role of an adolescent
AELUROPHILIA: Deriving gratification from cats
AGALMATOPHILIA: Attractions to statues or mannequins
AGAMIC: Asexual; parthenogenic
AGENOBIOSIS: Married couple who consent to live together without sex
AGONOPHILIA: Person who is aroused by a partner pretending to struggle
AGORAPHILIA: Arousal from open spaces or having sex in public places
AGREXOPHILIA: Arousal from others knowing you are having sex
AICHMOPHILIA: Love of needles and other pointed objects
AISCHROLATREIA: Worship of filth, smut; obscenity cult
ALBUTOPHILIA: Arousal from water
ALGOLAGNIA: Sexual satisfaction resulting from giving or receiving pain; sadism or masochism
ALIPHINEUR: Person using lotion to arouse a partner
ALLOERASTY: Use of nudity of another person to arouse a partner
ALLOPELLIA: Having orgasm from watching others engaging in sex
ALLORGASMIA: Arousal from fantasizing about someone other than one's partner
ALLOTRIORASTY: Arousal from partners of other nations or races
ALPHAMEGAMIA: Attraction to partners of another age group
ALTOCALCIPHILIA: High heel fetish
ALVINOLAGNIA: Stomach fetish
AMATRIPSIS: Masturbation by rubbing labia together
AMAUROPHILIA: Preference for a blind or blindfolded sex partner
AMAXOPHILIA: Attraction to riding in cars and motor vehicles
AMBISEXTROUS: Pertaining to a bisexual person
AMELOTASIS: Attraction to absence of limb
AMOKOSCISIA: Arousal or sexual frenzy with desire to slash or mutilate women
AMOMAXIA: Sex in a parked car
AMPHIEROTISM: Capacity of erotic reaction toward either sex
AMPHIGENTIC INVERT: An individual who regularly engages in sexual activity with persons
of both genders
AMULIEROSIS: Result of sexual privacy
AMYCHESIS: Act of scratching partner during sexual passion
AMYCHOPHILIA: Deriving sexual pleasure from being scratched
ANACLITISM: Arousal from items used as infant
ANALINCTUS: Licking the anus
ANALINGUS: Rimming or penetration of anus with tongue
ANASTEEMAPHILIA: Attraction to a person because of a difference in height
ANAXIPHILIA: Act of falling in love with a loser by someone who should know better
ANDROGYNY: Having both male and female characteristics
ANDROIDISM: Arousal from robots with human features
ANDROMANIA: Nymphomania
ANDROMINETOPHILIA: Arousal from female partner who dresses like male
ANDROSODOMY: Anal sex with a male partner
ANILILAGNIA: Sexual desire for older women
ANISONOGAMIST: Attraction to either older or younger partners
ANOMEATIA: Anal sex with a female partner
ANOPHELORASTIA: Arousal from defiling or ravaging a partner
ANOPHILEMIA: Kissing anus
ANORAPTUS: Rapist who only attacks elderly women
ANTHOLAGNIA: Arousal from smelling flowers
ANTHROPOPHAGOLAGNIA: Rape with cannibalism
ANTHROPOPHAGY: Pleasure derived from the ingestion of human flesh
ANTIPUDIC: Covering ones genitals
ANTIOPHILIA: Fondness for floods
APELLOUS: Circumcision
APHEPHILIA: Deriving pleasure from being touched
APHILOPHRENIA: A feeling that one is unloved or unwanted
APISTIA: Adultery
APODYSOPHILIA: Feverish desire to undress
APOTEMNOPHILIA: Person who has sexual fantasies about losing a limb
ARACHNEPHILIA: Attraction to spiders
ARPAGEE: A raped woman
ASCETICISM: Religious self-denial often including celibacy
ASPHYXIAPHILIA: Arousal from lack of oxygen
ASTHENOLAGNIA: Arousal from weakness or being humiliated
ASTYPHIA: Impotence
ASYNODIA: Celibacy particularly due to impotence
AULOPHILIA: Love of flutes
AUTAGONISTOPHILIA: Exhibitionism; arousal from exposing naked body or genitals to
strangers while on stage or while being photographed
AUTASSASSINOPHILIA: Arousal from orchestrating one's own death by the hands of another
AUTOEROTIC ASPHYXIA: Arousal from oxygen deprivation and sometimes risk of dying
AUTOGYNEPHILIA: Arousal from crossdressing
AUTOMASOCHISM: Arousal from inflicting intense sensations of pain on one's own body
AUTONEPIOPHILIA: Sexual attraction from dressing or being treated like an infant
AUTOPEDERASTY: The insertion of one's own penis into their anus
AVERING: A boys begging in the nude to arouse sympathy
AVISODOMY: Breaking the neck of a bird while penetrating it for sex
AXILLISM: The use of the armpit for sex
BATHYCOLPIAN: Possessing a large bosom
BATRACHOPHILIA: Attraction to frogs
BELONEPHILIA: Arousal from pins or needles
BIASTOPHILIA: Pleasure from forcible rape of a terrified stranger
BLISSOM: To copulate with an ewe
BOLLOCKS: Testicles
BOTULINONIA: Sex with a sausage
BROMIDROPHILIA: Arousal from bodily smells
BRONTOPHILIA: Love of thunderstorms
CALLIPYGIAN: Having shapely buttocks
CANOPHILIA: Turned on by dogs
CAPNOLAGNIA: Arousal from watching others smoke
CAPONIZE: To castrate a chicken
CATAGELOPHILIA: Love of being ridiculed
CATAMENIA: Menstruation
CATAMITE: A boy used in homosexual relations
CHASMOPHILIA: Attraction to nooks, crannies, crevices, and chasms
CHEIMAPHILIA: Deriving pleasure from cold or winter
CHIONOPHILIA: Love of snow
CHREMATISTOPHILIA: Arousal from being charged for sex or robbed
CHRYSOPHILIA: Arousal from gold or golden objects
CLAUSTROPHILIA: Love of being confined in small places
CLIMACOPHILIA: Deriving pleasure by falling down stairs
COMMASCULATION: Homosexuality between men
CONCUPISCENCE: Excessive sexual desire
CONTRECTATION: The love play preceding sexual intercourse
CONVERTITE: A reformed prostitute
COPROLOGY: The study of pornography
COPROPHEMIA: Obscene language
COPROPHILIA: A fancier of feces
CRATOLAGNIA: Arousal from strength
CRUROPHILIA: Sexual arousal from legs
CYPRIAN: Lecherous
CYPRIDOPHOBIA: Fear of getting venereal disease
CYPRIPAREUNIA: Sexual intercourse with a prostitute
DACRYPHILIA: Arousal from seeing tears in the eyes of a partner
DASYPYGAL: Having hairy buttocks
DENDROPHILIA: Attraction to trees
DEOSCULATE: To kiss affectionately
DEPUSCELATE: To lose ones virginity
DIGENESIS: Alternately sexual and asexual reproduction
DIGENOUS: Bisexual
DIOESTRUM: The time when a female animal is not in heat
DORAPHILIA: Love of animal skins
DOWCET: A deers testicle
DYSTYCHIPHILIA: Deriving pleasure from accidents
ECDEMOLAGNIA: Arousal from traveling or being away from home
ECDYSIAST: A stripper
EDEA: The external genitals
ELUMBATED: Weak in the loins
EMETOPHILIA: Arousal from vomit or vomiting
EMMENOLOGY: The study of menstruation
ENCEINTE: Pregnant
ENCRATY: Abstinence
EONISM: Transvestitism
EPHEBOPHILIA: Compelling need for an older person to seek adolescent partners for sexual
EPICENE: Pertaining to both sexes
EPIGAMIC: Tending to attract the opposite sex during mating season
EPISTEMOPHILIA: Abnormal preoccupation with acquiring knowledge (This best describes me)
EREMOPHILIA: Maniacal desire to be left alone
ERGOPHILIA: Love of work and labor
EROTOPHOBIA: Fear of sexual love
EROTOPHONPHILIA: Attaining sexual satisfaction from murdering complete strangers
ERYTHROPHILIA: Becoming aroused by blushing
EUNUCHATE: To make a eunuch
EVIRATION: Emasculation, castration
FAM: To grope a woman
FEMORAL COITUS: Penis-thigh sex
FISSIPARISM: Reproduction by fissioning
FORMICOPHILIA: Enjoyment of the use of insects for sexual purposes
FROTTEUR: A person aroused by brushing up against clothed people in public places
FURTLING: The use of fingers underneath cut-outs in genital areas of photos for arousal
GAMIC: Sexual
GAMOPHOBIA: Fear of marriage
GENICON: A sexual partner imagined by one who is dissatisfied with her actual partner
GENOPHOBIA: Fear of sex
GERONOSEXUALITY: An attraction where the object of desire is 30 years older or more
GERONTOPHILIA: Arousal from an older partner
GOMPHIPOTHIC: Arousal by the sight of teeth
GRAPHOLAGNIA: Maniacal interest in obscene pictures
GRIVOISERIE: Lewd and lascivious behavior
GUNZEL: A passive, orally oriented, male homosexual
GYMNOPHOBIA: Fear of nudity
GYNANDER: A female pseudo-hermaphrodite
GYNANDRY: Hermaphroditism
GYNOPHOBIA: Fear of women
GYNOTIKOLOBOMASSOPHILIA: Deriving sexual pleasure by nibbling on a womans earlobe
HAMARTOPHILIA: Love of committing sinful acts
HAPTEPHILIA: Arousal by being touched
HARPAXOPHILIA: Getting pleasure by robbery or being robbed
HEBETIC: Happening at puberty
HEDONOPHOBIA: Fear of pleasure
HEMATOLAGNIA: Sexual stimulation from blood
HEMIPENIS: One of the paired sex organs of many reptiles
HETAERISM: Extramarital sex; communal marriage
HOMILOPHILIA: Arousal from hearing or giving sermons
HYMENORRHEXIS: Defloration of the hymen
HYPNOPHILIA: Turned on by the thought of sleeping
ICOLAGNIA: Arousal from contemplation of, or contact with sculptures or pictures
INCUBUS: A male demon who has intercourse with a woman while she is sleeping
INFANTILISM: Attraction to childhood items
IPSISM: Masturbation
ISOPHILIC: Relating to same gender affection sans sex
ITHYPHALLIC: Pertaining to the phallus carried in Bacchanalian festivals; lewd
JOCKER: A male homosexual
KAINOTOPHILIA: Getting pleasure from change
KAKORRHAPHIOPHILIA: Arousal from failure
KALOPSIA: Condition where things appear more beautiful than they really are (e.g. when youre
KENOPHILIA: Attraction to empty or open spaces
KERAUNOPHILIA: Turned on by thunder and lightning
KINESOPHILIA: Arousal from movement and exercise
KLISMAPHILIA: Sexual pleasure from enemas
KNISSOPHILIA: Attraction to incense-burning
KOPOPHILIA: Arousal from physical or mental exhaustion
LAGNOSIS: Satyriasis
LALIOPHILIA: Arousal from public speaking
LALOCHEZIA: Talking dirty to relieve tension
reproductive organs
LEMAN: A mistress or lover
LIGYROPHILIA: Turned on by loud noises
LILAPSOPHILIA: Arousal from tornadoes
LOBCOCK: A large, relaxed penis
LITHOPHILIA: Attraction to stones, gravel, or mud
LOVERTINE: Addicted to love-making
LUPANARIAN: Lubricious, lascivious, lewd
LYGOPHILIA: Love of darkness
LYSSOPHILIA: Sexual arousal from becoming angry or upset
MACHLAENOMANIA: Masochism in women
MACROMASTIC: Pertaining to large breasts
MACROPHILIA: Attraction to giants or giant creatures
MAIESIOPHILIA: Arousal from childbirth or pregnant women
MAMMILLATED: Having nipples
MANIAPHILIA: Attraction to insane people
MASTIGOPHILIA: Sexual gratification from punishment or being whipped; masochism
MATUTOLAGNIA: Antemerdian sexual desire
MAZOPHILIA: Compulsion for breasts
MECHANOPHILIA: Turned on by machines
MEGALOPHILIA: Arousal from large objects (not necessarily fat)
MELISSOPHILIA: Attraction to bees
MENACME: The menstruating part of a womans life
MENOPHANIA: The onset of menstruation; false menstruation
MENTULATE: Possessing a large penis; well-hung
MERKIN: A pubic hair wig
METOPOPHILIA: Turned on by a persons face
METROPHILIA: Arousal from poetry
MISAPODYSIS: Hatred of undressing in front of someone
MISEROTIA: Aversion to sex
MIXOSCOPIA: Orgasm achieved by watching ones beloved have sex with someone else;
MOLYSMOPHILIA: Attraction to dirt, filth, or contamination (see MYSOPHILIA)
MONOECIOUS: Hermaphroditic
MONORCHID: Having one testicle
MULIEBRITY: Assumption of female characteristics by a male
MULTIGRAVIDA: A woman who has been pregnant more than once
MUSOPHILIA: Attraction to mice
MYSOPHILIA: Love of dirt or becoming dirty
NANOPHILIA: Sexual attraction to a short partner
NARRATOPHILIA: Arousal from erotic conversations
NASOPHILIA: Arousal from the sight, touch, licking, or sucking of a partner's nose.
NEANILAGNIA: A yen for nymphets
NEBULOPHILIA: Arousal from fog
NECROPHILIA: Sexual gratification only by having sex with the dead
NEMOPHILIA: Love of forests
NEOPHILIA: Arousal from anything new
NOSOPHILIA: Love of becoming ill
NOTHOSONOMIA: Calling someone a bastard
NOVERCAMANIA: Sexual attraction to ones stepmother
NYCTOPHILIA: Love of night
NYMPHOLEPSY: Trance incurred by erotic daydreams
OBSOLAGNIUM: Waning sexual desire due to age
OCHLOPHILIA: Attraction to crowds
OCNOPHILE: Someone chronically dependent on their lover
OCULOLINCTUS: The act of licking a partner's eyeball
ODYNOPHILIA: Deriving pleasure from pain; masochism
OIKOPHILIA: Attraction to ones home
OLFACTOPHILIA: Sexual gratification from smells
OMBROPHILIA: Turned on by rain or being rained upon
ONANISM: Masturbation
OPHELIMITY: The ability to please sexually
OPHIDIOPHILIA: Arousal from snakes
ORNITHOPHILIA: Love of birds
OSMOLAGNIA: Arousal caused by bodily odors, such as sweat or menses
OSPHRESIOPHILIA: An inordinate love of smells
OZOLAGNIA: Arousal from odors
PANTOPHILIA: Arousal from just about everything imaginable
PAPHIAN: Erotic; pertaining to illicit love
PAPILLA: A nipple
PARACOITA: A female sexual partner
PARACOITUS: A male sexual partner
PAREUNIA: Sexual intercourse
PARTHENOLATRY: Virgin worship
PARTHENOPHILIA: Attraction only to virgins
PECCATOPHILIA: Arousal from sinning or having committed an imaginary crime
PEDIOPHILIA: Attraction to dolls
PEDOPHILIA: Sexual attraction to children
PENIAPHILIA: Erotic fascination with poverty
PENTHERAPHILIA: Sexual attraction to ones mother-in-law
PEODEIKTOPHILIA: Sexual arousal from exhibitionism
PEOTOMY: Surgical amputation of the penis
PESSARY: A vaginal suppository
PHALLATION: Movement of the penis in sexual intercourse
PHILOPHOBIA: Fear of falling in love or of being loved
PHILOPORNIST: A lover of prostitutes
PHRONEMOPHILIA: Turned on by the act of thinking
PHTHIRIOPHILIA: Attraction to lice
PHYGEPHILIA: Arousal from being a fugitive
PICTOPHILIA: Arousal only from looking at erotic pictures
PIZZLE: A whip made of an animals penis
PLACOPHILIA: Arousal from tombstones
PLANISTETHIC: Flat-chested
PLUVIOPHILIA: Sexual stimulation from rain or being rained upon
PNIGOPHILIA: Aroused from people choking
POINEPHILIA: Turned on by punishment; masochism
PONOPHILIA: Attraction to overwork
PORNERASTIC: Licentious, lewd, and horny
PORNOCRACY: A government by prostitutes
PORNOLAGNIA: Desire for prostitutes
POTAMOPHILIA: Arousal from streams and rivers
PREMENACMIUM: Life before menstruation begins
PRESBYTOREAN: An erotic poem
PRIAPISM: Persistent and painful erection, usually the result of a disease
PRONOVALENCE: Ability to have sexual intercourse in a prone position only
PSELLISMOPHILIA: Becoming aroused by stuttering
PTERIDOMANIA: An intense desire for ferns
PTERONOPHILIA: Sexual gratification from being tickled by feathers
PUCELAGE: Virginity
PUNQUETTO: A prostitute
PUTANISM: Prostitution
PYGMALIIONISM: Falling in love with ones creation (a la "My Fair Lady")
PYGOPHILIA: Aroused from buttocks
PYROLAGNIA: Sexual stimulation from watching fires
QUADOSHKA: American Indian form of tantric sex
QUEENING: Sitting on the side of a person's face as a form of bondage
QUIM: The vagina
RAMMISH: Lustful and horny
RANTALLION: One whose scrotum is longer than his penis
RENIFLEUR: One who gets sexual pleasure from body smells
RTIFISM: Foot and shoe fetishism, including using the shoe for masturbation
RETROCOPULATION: Fornicating from behind ("Doggie position")
RHABDOPHILIA: Finding pleasure in being severely criticized
RHYTIPHILIA: Arousal from facial wrinkles
RUTTISH: Horny; in heat
SACOFRICOSIS: The practice of cutting a hole in the bottom of a front pant pocket in order to
masturbate in public with less risk of detection
SAPPHISM: Lesbianism
SCELEROPHILIA: Attraction to bad guys or unsavory characters
SCOTOPHILIA: Turned on by darkness
SEPTOPHILIA: Sexual attraction to decaying matter
SIDERODROMOPHILIA: Arousal from riding in trains
SITOPHILIA: Deriving pleasure from eating
SOCERAPHILIA: Excitement from ones parents-in-law
SOPHOPHILIA: Sexual gratification from learning
SOROPHILIA: Attraction to ones sister
SPECTROPHILIA: Arousal from looking at oneself in a mirror
SPINTRY: A male whore
STASIVALENCE: Ability to have sexual intercourse only while standing
STAUROPHILIA: Arousal from the cross or crucifix
STHENOLAGNIA: Arousal from displaying strength or muscles
STYGIOPHILIA: Deriving pleasure from thoughts of hell
SUCCUBUS: A female demon who seduces men in their sleep
SUPINOVALENT: Able to fornicate only while lying on the back
SYMPHOROPHILIA: Arousal by accidents or catastrophes
SYNGENESOPHILIA: Sexual attraction to ones relatives
TAPHEPHILIA: Arousal from being buried alive
TAPHOPHILIA: Love of funerals
TELEOPHILIA: Affinity for religious ceremonies
TERATOPHILIA: Arousal from deformed or monstrous people
THALASSOPHILIA: Love of the sea
THASSOPHILIA: Attraction to sitting
THREPTEROPHILIA: A fondness for female nurses
THYGATRILAGNIA: A fathers sexual love for his daughter
TIMOPHILIA: Arousal from gold or wealth
TOCOPHILIA: Fondness for pregnancy and childbirth
TONITROPHILIA: Love of thunder
TOXIPHILIA: Attraction to poisons
TOXOPHILIA: Love of archery
TRAGALISM: Lust; lechery; obscenity
TRANSFEMINATE: To change from woman to man
TRAUMATOPHILIA: An unconscious desire to be injured
TRIBADISM: Mutual genital-fondling between lesbians
TRICHOPATHOPHILIA: Sexual attraction to hair
TRIPSOLAGNIA: Arousal from having hair shampooed
UNDINISM: The association of water with erotic thoughts
URANISM: Homosexuality
URANOPHILIA: Sexual arousal by heavenly thoughts
UROLAGNIA: Sexual pleasure from urinating
URTICATION: The use of nettles to create extra sensation
UXORAVALENT: Only able to attain sex extramaritally (applied to men)
UXOROVALENT: Able to score only with ones wife
VACCINOPHILIA: Turned on by becoming vaccinated
VAMPIRISM: Consuming blood of a partner for arousal
VICARPHILIA: Arousal from other people's exciting experiences
VINCILAGNIA: Arousal from bondage
VIRAGINITY: Masculinity in a woman
VIRGIN: You really need to ask?
VIRIMIMISM: Adoption of masculinity
VIRIPOTENT: Sexually mature
VITRICOPHILIA: Sexual attraction to ones stepfather
WETHER: A castrated ram
WHELP: To bear offspring
WITTOL: A husband who tolerates his wifes infidelity
XENODYNAMIC: Person who is only potent with strangers
XENOPHILIA: An attraction to foreign customs, traditions, and foreigners
XERONISUS: Inability to reach orgasm
XYLOPHILIA: Turned on by wooden objects
YELD: Not old enough to procreate
YLOPHILIA: Affinity for forests
YONI WORSHIP: Worship of the female genitals
ZELOPHILIA: Sexual arousal from jealousy
ZOOERASTIA: Sexual intercourse with an animal
ZOOPHILIA: One who is strongly attracted to animals in a spiritual, sexual, or emotional sense
ZWISCHENSTUFE: Arousal from a person of the same sex

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