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Surat Session

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SURAT SESSION: SPLIT IN CONGRESS Suppression of the Extremists

The suddenness of the Surat flasco took the
Confrontation at the Session extremists leaders by surprise and they offered their
cooperation to the working committee of the Congress
The Indian National Congress split into two
by accepting the presidentship of Ras Behari Bose.
groups-the extremists and the moderates-at the Surat
However, the moderates would not relent as they
session in 1907, held on the banks of the Tapti River.
found themselves on firm ground. The government
The extremists were led by lokmanya Tilak, Lajpat Rai
used this opportunity to launch a massive attack on the
and Bipin Chandra Pal and the moderates were led by
extremists by suppressing their newspaper and
Gopal Krishna Gokhale. At the Surat session, the
arresting their main leader, Tilak, and sending him to
moderate and the extremists’ delegates of the Congress
Mandalay jail for 6 years. It passed the Seditious
met in an atmosphere surcharged with excitement and
Meeting Act (1907), to control demonstrations and
public meetings, and also enacted the Newspaper
The moderates were deeply hurt by the ridicule and Incitement to Officences Act (1908) to curb the critical
venorn poured on them by the extremists in the mass press. Later, it passed the Criminal Law Amendment
meetings held at Surat a few days before the session Act (1908) to bring to trial the agitating politicians
and the extremists were excited by the rumour that the under the charges of terrorist’s offences. The
moderates wanted to scuttle their Kolkata resolutions. extremists were not able to organise an effective
The Congress session started with the objection made alternate party, or to sustain the movement. Aurobindo
by the extremists to the duly elected president for the Ghosh gave up politics and left for Puducherry. Bipin
year, Ras Behari Bose. As both sides came to the Chandra Pal also left politics temporarily and Lala
session prepared for the confrontation, the split was Lajpat Rai left for Britain. After 1908, the national
inevitable. movement as a whole declined.

Gopal Krishna Gokhale (1866-1915) Bal Gangadar Tilak(1856-1920)

A Brahmin from Maharastra, he was educated in India Tilak was a journalist in poona, and in his newspapers,
and became involved in the nationalist movement kesari [lion] in Marathi and Mahratta in English, he set
when he was quitter young. A moderate, he stressed fourth his nationalist ideals. He sought a Hindu revival
negotiation and conciliation rather than non- based on Maratha traditions and independence
cooperation or violence. He was elected to the Mumbai [Swaraj] from the Britain. After the Indian National
Legislative Council in 1902. The conflict of Gokhale’s Congress was founded (1885), Tilak became the
moderate views with the more militant ideas of Bal acknowledged leader of the extreme wing. He fought
Gangadhar Tilak led to a breach in the Indian National the moderate measures of Gopal Krishna Gokhale and
Congress that nearly immobilised it from 1907 to advocated resistance to the British rule. He was
1916. Gokhale was instrumental in forming the arrested (1897) by the British and imprisoned for 18
Servants of India Society, a nationalist orgainsation months. In 1907, a split took place in the Congress,
whose members, sworn to poverty and obedience, and Tilak led his extremist’s wing out of the party. The
were enlisted to serve as volunteers for the social, next year he was again imprisoned this time for 6
political and economic welfare of India. In the course years. Unlike Gandhi, he welcomed the Mantague-
of the Indian freedom, he rejected the little of Chelmstord Repot (1918), which conceded a
‘knighthood’ and refused to accept a position in the substantial measure of self-rule.
council of the Secretary of State for India. Page 1
Surat Session
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Influence of the Extremists on the National

Movement Before 1916
Despite an able leadership, the extremists
could not influence the course of the national GK Study Materials PDF Download
movement in the direction of active political agitation,
as the moderates, who were still a stronger group,
would not allow them. The moderates still firmly All subject Study Materials PDF Download
belived in the policy of social reforms, gradual
political development and the remaking of India
largely in the image of the west. Soon ater the Surat 2018 Current Affairs Download – PDF Download
split, the moderates called a conventiuon in 1908, and
framed a party constitution to debar the extremist’s
leaders from the Indian National Congress. It was only
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in 1916, that the moderates and the extremists again
joined hands for the national cause.
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The achievements of the extremists were:

1. They instilled courage and self-confidence

among the masses; Join Us on FB : English – Examsdaily
2. They made the concept of the Indian nation
more precise and force-ful; Follow US on Twitter - Examsdaily
3. They made patriotism a major factor in Indian
4. Their sacrifices helped the cause of freedom
and democracy in the country;
5. They championed the boycott of foreign
goods, which helped in the development of
Indian industries. Page 2

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