Final Reporting Toolkit Final Report Osiea 2018 1

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GRANTEE: The Open Society Innitiative For Eastern Africa

GRANT TITLE: Network Stregtherning
GRANT PERIOD: September 13th 2015- September 2016
ORGANIZATION NAME: Tanzania Network for People Who Use Drugs.
GRANT TITLE: Network Stregtherning
GRANT PERIOD: September 13th 2015- September 2016
GRANT NO: OR2015-23743
REPORTING PERIOD: September 13th 2015- September 2016


1st installment 15,000
2nd Installment 10,000
3rd Installment
Total Instalments 25,000.00
Total Expenditure for period
Fund balance

Total Total
Approved expenditure
Project Activity Lines Budget USD USD
Contribution to Staff Salaries 10,230.00 10,230.00
Mapping of individuals and PWUD groups,creating awareness and membership mobilizationat Tanga region 1,931.00 1,931.00
Mapping of idividuals and PWUD groups, creating awarenessand membership mobilization Mwanza region 2,600.00 2,600.00
Mapping of individual and PWUD groupps,creating awareness, membership mobilization in Dar es salaam reg 2,050.00 2,400.00
Develop IEC material and T'shirt 6,867.00 6,867.00
Lobby 812.00 812.00
Administrative/ overhead costs 2,417.00 2,417.00
GRAND TOTAL 26,907.00 27,257.00




ORGANIZATION NAME: Tanzania Network for People who use drugs

GRANT TITLE: Network Stregtherning
GRANT PERIOD: Two years and eight month
GRANT NO: OR2015-23743
REPORTING PERIOD: September 2015 to December 2016
TYPE OF REPORT: Annual report (one year and three month report period).
ANNUAL REPORT (tick as appropriate) X
INTERIM FINANCIAL (tick as appropriate) X
Approved Budget USD Expenditure in USD
Total Variance % Variance
Any variance ab
Line Items Lobbying Non-Lobbying Total Lobbying Non-Lobbying expenditure USD should be clear

1 Contribution to Staff Salaries

Network coordinators salary 250$ x 31 month 7,216 7,216 7,216 7,216 - 0
Regional coordinator stipend 90 x 31 month 2,309 2,309 2,309 2,309 - 0
Project Staff - - - #DIV/0!
Project Staff - - - #DIV/0!
Sub-total - 9,525 9,525 9,525 - 9,525 - 0
Mapping of individuals and PWUD
groups,creating awareness and membership
2 mobilizationat Tanga region 1,710 #DIV/0!
Transport to the Tanga region 225 225 225 225 0
Communication 80 80 80 80 0
Excersize books 68 68 68 68 -
DSA 1,300 1,300 1,300 1,300
Notebooks 40 40 40 40 - 0
Sub activity 4 - - #DIV/0!
Sub-total - 1,713 1,713 1,713 - 1,713 - 0
Mapping of idividuals and PWUD groups,
creating awarenessand membership mobilization
3 Mwanza region #DIV/0!
Transport 672 672 672 672 0
Communication 15 15 15 15 0
DSA 360 360 360 360
DSA 750 750 750 750
Notebooks 35 35 35 35 0
Refreshments 500 500 500 500
Meeting space 139 139 139 139
Excersize books 14 14 14 14 0
Sub-total - 2,485 2,485 2,485 - 2,485 0
Mapping of individual and PWUD
groupps,creating awareness, membership
4 mobilization in Dar es salaam region. #DIV/0!
Transport to districts 2,726 2,726 2,726 2,726 0
Communication 75 75 75 75 0
Notebooks 25 25 25 25 0
Excersizze books 6 6 6 6 - 0
Sub total - 2,832.00 2,832.00 2,832.00 - 2,832.00 - 0
5 Develop IEC material and T'shirt #DIV/0!
T'shirts 2,517 2,517 2,517 2,517 - 0
Banners 900 900 900 900 - 0
Leaflets 3,200 3,200 3,200 3,200 - 0
Forms 250 250 250 250 - 0
Sub -total - 6,867.0 6,867.0 6,867.0 - 6,867.0 - -
TOTAL PROJECT COSTS - 23,422 23,422 23,422 - 23,422 0
6 Administrative/ overhead costs 2,517 2,517 2,517 2,517 0
Administrative costs 2,417 2,417 2,417 2,417 0

Page 3 of 14
Total Variance % Variance
Any variance ab
Line Items Lobbying Non-Lobbying Total Lobbying Non-Lobbying expenditure USD should be clear

Sub-total - 2,417.0 2,417.0 2,417.0 - 2,417.0 - -

GRAND TOTAL - 22,509 25,839 25,839 - 25,839 - 0

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1/28/2016 cash
1/29/2016 cash
1/29/2016 cash
1/29/2016 cash
1/30/2016 cash
1/30/2018 cash
2/27/2018 cash
2/27/2018 cash
2/28/2016 cash
3/9/2016 Cash
3/10/2016 Cash
3/30/2016 cash
3/30/2016 cash
3/30/2016 cash
4/30/2016 cash
4/30/2016 cash
3/30/2016 cash
3/30/2016 cash
4/4/2016 Cash
4/28/2016 cash
4/29/2016 cash
4/29/2016 cash
4/29/2016 cash
5/9/2016 Cash
5/30/2016 cash
5/30/2016 cash
5/30/2016 cash
5/30/2016 cash
6/29/2016 cash
6/30/2016 cash
6/30/2016 cash
6/30/2016 cash
6/30/2016 cash
7/27/2016 cash
7/28/2016 cash
7/29/2016 cash
7/29/2016 cash
7/30/2016 cash
7/30/2016 cash
8/30/2016 cash
8/30/2016 cash
8/30/2016 cash
8/30/2016 csh
8/20/2016 cash
9/3/2016 cash
9/5/2016 cash
9/12/2016 cash
9/12/2016 cash
9/30/2016 cash
9/28/2016 cash
9/30/2016 cash
10/30/2016 cash
10/30/2016 cash
10/30/2016 cash
10/30/2016 cash
11/6/2016 cash
11/15/2016 cash
11/21/2016 cash
11/30/2016 cash
11/30/2016 cash
11/30/2016 cash
11/30/2016 cash
12/23/2016 cash
12/23/2016 cash
12/23/2016 cash
12/23/2016 cash

27th January 2017 TaNPUD/OSIEA

27th January 2017 TaNPUD/OSIEA
28th January 2017 TaNPUD/OSIEA
26th February 2017 TaNPUD/OSIEA
26th February 2017 TaNPUD/OSIEA
27th February 2017 TaNPUD/OSIEA
25th March 2017 TaNPUD/OSIEA
28th March 2017 TaNPUD/OSIEA
28th March 2017 TaNPUD/OSIEA
24th April 2017 TaNPUD/OSIEA
24th April 2017 TaNPUD/OSIEA
24th April 2017 TaNPUD/OSIEA
25th April 2017 TaNPUD/OSIEA
26th May 2017 TaNPUD/OSIEA
26th May 2017 TaNPUD/OSIEA
2nd June 2017 TaNPUD/OSIEA
20-28th June 2017 TaNPUD/OSIEA
22nd June 2017 TaNPUD/OSIEA
29th June 2017 TaNPUD/OSIEA
29th June 2017 TaNPUD/OSIEA
2nd July 2017 TaNPUD/OSIEA
28th July 2017 TaNPUD/OSIEA
28th July 2017 TaNPUD/OSIEA
16-25th August 2017 TaNPUD/OSIEA
16th August 2017 TaNPUD/OSIEA
18-28th August 2017 TaNPUD/OSIEA
17th August 2017 TaNPUD/OSIEA
22nd August 2017 TaNPUD/OSIEA
25th August 2017 TaNPUD/OSIEA
30th August 2017 TaNPUD/OSIEA
30th August 2017 TaNPUD/OSIEA
31st August 2017 TaNPUD/OSIEA
26th Sep 2017 TaNPUD/OSIEA
28th Sep 2017 TaNPUD/OSIEA
2nd Oct 2017 TaNPUD/OSIEA
16th October 2017 TaNPUD/OSIEA
17th October 2017 Visa payment to Geneva, allowance for 4 nights and taxi to/from Airport in Dar
27th October 2017 TaNPUD/OSIEA
28th Novemebr 2017 TaNPUD/OSIEA
28h Novemebr 2017 TaNPUD/OSIEA
8th December 2017 TaNPUD/OSIEA
8th December 2017 TaNPUD/OSIEA
23rd December 2017 TaNPUD/OSIEA
23rd December 2017 TaNPUD/OSIEA

10th January 2018 Board meeting 7 people attended

25th January 2018 TaNPUD/OSIEA
25th January 2018 TaNPUD/OSIEA
18th January 2018 TaNPUD/OSIEA
29th january 2018 TaNPUD/OSIEA
31st January 2018 TaNPUD/OSIEA
2nd February 2018 TaNPUD/OSIEA
6th February 2018 TaNPUD/OSIEA
7th February 2018 TaNPUD/OSIEA
8th February 2018 TaNPUD/OSIEA
9th February 2018 TaNPUD/OSIEA
12th February 2018 TaNPUD/OSIEA
26th February 2018 TaNPUD/OSIEA
29th February 2018 TaNPUD/OSIEA
29th February 2018 TaNPUD/OSIEA
29th February 2018 TaNPUD/OSIEA
29th February 2018 TaNPUD/OSIEA
8th March 2018 TaNPUD/OSIEA
20th March 2018 TaNPUD/OSIEA
24th March 2018 TaNPUD/OSIEA
27th March 2018 TaNPUD/OSIEA
29th March 2018 TaNPUD/OSIEA
29th March 2018 TaNPUD/OSIEA
6th April 2018 TaNPUD/OSIEA
7th April 2018 TaNPUD/OSIEA
30th May 2018 TaNPUD/OSIEA
31st May
31st May
31st May
31st May
31st May
31st May

Salary for network coordinator
Stipend for regional coordinator
Rim papers
electricity bill
cleaniner stipend
eleactricty bill
cleaners stipent
Stiend for rgonal coorsinator
Transport and allowance 6 people mapping outreach
Outreach workers attending maskani and leaders of the camps
Salary for Network coordinator
Stipend for regional coordinator
Stipend for regional coordinator
Salry for network coordinator
electricty bill
cleaner stipend
For photocopy and envolopes
electricity bill
Stipend for regional coordinator
Salary for network coordiantor
cleaners stipentd fees
Transport and allowancce to 4 pp X 4days doing outreach in Dar
electricity bill
cleaners stipent
Stipend for reginal coordinator
Salary for network coordinator
Mapping outreach
Stipend for regional coordinator
Salary for Network coordinator
cleaners stipent
electricity bill
cleaners stipent
lectricity bill
Stipend regional cordinator
Salary network coordinator
cleaners stipent
electricity bill
Stipend regional cordinator
Salary network coordinator
Mapping outreach
Identity card print for board members
Identity card for crises response team
cleaners stipend
Accounting tutorial and utting proper structurers
electricity bill
cleaners stipent
Salary for network coordinator
Stipend for regional coordinator
electricity bill
Mappinng outreach in Mwanza
cleaners stipent
electricity bill
Salary for network coordinator
Stipend for regional coordinator
cleaners stipent
electricity bill
Salary for network coordinator
Stipend for regional coordinator

Stipend for Network coordinator

Stipend for regional cooordintor
allowance for outreach workers 6 people for 2 days @ paid 18,334 per day
Stipend for Network coordinator
Stipend for regional cooordintor
allowance for outreach worker 6 people for 2 days @ paid 18,334 per day
allowance for outreach worker 6 people for 2days @ paid 18,334 per day
Stipend for coordinator
Stipend for regional cooordintor
stipend for coordinator
Stipend for regional cooordintor
Announcement board and cartridge
Transport to the airport
Stipend for coordinator
Stipend for regional cooordintor
Taxi to/from DHL sending docs to Nairobi
allowance for outreach worker 6 people for 8 days @ paid 18,334 per day
Design and Printing Support don't punish leaflets
Stipend for coordinator
Stipend for regional cooordintor
transport to/from printing company
Stipend for regional coordinator
Stipend for coordinator
Taxi 6 trips to/from all the following up of the re-registering
Print office forms
Payments for consultant helping on constitution amendment
Print and photocopy
Payment for lawyer to approve the constitution 6pieces
Payment for two annual network fees
Stipend for regional coordinator
stipend for coordinator
Educational session conducted by outreach workers to PWUD on OD day
Stipend for regional coordinator
stipend for coordinator
Design 2 Banners for preseenting at the Harm reduction conference and Taxi
Health insurance payment and Taxi
ment to Geneva, allowance for 4 nights and taxi to/from Airport in Dar
stipend for coordinator
stipend for regionl coordinator
stipend for coordinator
Transport to/from Bank
Photocopy financial file
Stipend for regional coordinator
Stipend for Network coordinator
eting 7 people attended
Stipend regional coorrdinator
Stipend Network coordinator
Coordinator allowance participating on Harm reduction final phase studies
Taxi - GF in Country grant signing meeting
Taxi- PEPFAR meeting
Electicity and Toilet cleaning material
Photocopyand printing office sheets
7 people outrach visits in Dar Ilala camps
7 people outreach visits in Dar Kinondoni and Temeke camps
2 Banners, 500pcs leaflets and 20pcs Tshirts printed
Taxi to/from Bank then to Airport from Office
Taxi to Airport 6 people attending Harm reduction conference in Kenya
Coordination and report writing of the conference
Electricity and Monthly Internet charges
Stipend for regional coordinator
Stipend for Network coordinator
Taxi to the Airport from office from Tandika Maguruwe
Electricity bill and internet charges
Tanga outreach 3 people perdiem and allowances
DSD,Viral,Hep C and STIs training for 20 participants
Stipend regional coordinator
Stipend for network coordinator
Perdiem 5 days and communication with quastinaire for Mbeya outreaching
Allowance for 2 days outreach in Dar Temeke,Ilala and Kinondoni distric 7 people
Five month salary for network coordinator 2,500,000 1250
Five month stipend for regional coordinator 900,000 450
Payment for stationary requirement 300,000 150
24 pieaces of rim papers bought 335,000 167.5
monthly bill 40,000 20
monthly fees 40,000 20
monthly payments 40,000 20
monthly fees 40,000 20
Monthly stipend for regional coordiantor 180,000 90
two days 320,000 160
One dday 320,000 160
Two month salary for network coordianntor 1,000,000 500
Monthly stipend for regional coordinator 180,000 90
payment for mapping outreach in Tanga 1,080,000 540
Monthly payments for Reginal co 180,000 90
Monthly salary for Network coodiantor 500,000 250
monthly fees 40,000 20
mothly fees 40,000 20
Office doc 10,000 5
mothly fees payment 40,000 20
Stipend for regional 180,000 90
One moth salary 500,000 250
mothly fees payment 40,000 20
$days X4pp 320,000 160
mothly fees payment 40,000 20
mothly fees payment 40,000 20
Monthly salary to Reginal coordiantor 180,000 90
Monthly salary to Network coordiantor 500,000 250
Payment for mapping activities in Mwanza 1,080,000 540
Monthly salary for Reginal coordiantor 180,000 90
Monthly salary for Network coordiantor 500,000 250
mothly fees payment 40,000 20
mothly fees payment 40,000 20
T'shirt printing 1,200,000 600
Mapping outreach in Dar 320,000 160
mothly fees payment 40,000 20
mothly fees payment 40,000 20
Stipend for Reginal coordiantor 160,000 90
salary for Network coordiantor 500,000 250
mothly fees stipend 40,000 20
mothly fees payments 40,000 20
to and from the airport 70,000 35
salary for Reginal coordiantor 160,000 180
salary for Network coordiantor 500,000 250
Payment for mapping outreach in Dar 320,000 160
payment for mapping outreach in Dar 320,000 160
Nine identity card designed and Printed for booard embers 224,000 112
Design and print twenty five ID cards 375,000 187.5
mothly fees stipend 40,000 20
One month 700,000 350
mothly fees payments 40,000 20
mothly fees stipend 40,000 20
One month salary 500,000 250
Ome ,oth stipend 160,000 90
mothly fees payments 40,000 20
to and from the airport 70,000 35
Mapping outreach 5 days and one meeting day in Mwanza 2,782,000 1391
to and from the airport 70,000 35
mothly fees stipend 40,000 20
mothly fees payments 40,000 20
One month salary 500,000 250
Ome ,oth stipend 160,000 90
mothly fees stipend 40,000 20
mothly fees payments 40,000 20
One month salary 500,000 250
One ,month stipend 160,000 90

One program prson 500,000 250

Coordinator 160,000 90
6 outreach workers X 2 days 220,000 110
One program prson 500,000 250
Coordinator 160,000 90
6 outreach workers X 2 days 220,000 110
6 outreach workers X 2 days 220,000 110
One program prson 500,000 250
Coordinator 160,000 90
One program prson 500,000 250
Coordinator 160,000 90
Board & Cartridge 270,000 135
Taxi 40,000 20
One program prson 500,000 250
Coordinator 160,000 90
Taxi 50,000 25
6 outreach workers X 8 days 880,032 441
Leaf lets 1000 pcs @ 2000 2,000,000 1000
One program prson 500,000 250
Coordinator 160,000 90
Taxi 30,000 15
One program prson 160,000 90
Coordinator 500,000 250
Taxi for 6 trips followin up on re-registration 150,000 75
Print Office forms 22,700 11.35
Consultant 600,000 300
Print & photocopy 17,800 8.9
Lawyer payment 200,000 100
2 Annual fees payment 520,000 260
One program prson 160,000 90
Coordinator 500,000 250
Overdose education session 50,000 25
One program prson 160,000 90
Coordinator 500,000 250
Design 2 banners 300,000 150
Insurance for travelling 140,000 70
4 days attending Policy studies Happy 855,000 427.5
Coordinator 500,000 250
One program prson 160,000 90
Coordinator 500,000.00 250
Transport 40,000.00 20
Photocopy 30,000.00 15
December 160,000.00 90
December 500,000.00 250

January 160,000.00 90
January 500,000.00 250
770,000.00 347
55,000 25
45,000 20.22
45,000.00 20.22
12,800.00 5
210,000.00 95
210,000.00 95
3,360,000.00 1510.11
100,000.00 45
240,000.00 107.8
2,100,000.00 943.8
60,000.00 26.96
February 160,000.00 90
February 500,000.00 250
50,000.00 22.47
March 60,000.00 26.96
1,761,000.00 791.46
March 2,645,000.00 1188.76
March 160,000.00 90
March 500,000.00 250
April 3,352,000 1506.51
April 200,000 94
May 110,000 49.43
20,000 8.98
1,000,000 449.43
460,000 206.7
300,000 134.83
150,000 67.41
200,000 94

Bank Name: Akiba Commercial Bank

Balance as per cashbook #REF!

Add back:
Unpresented Cheques -

Interest earned from the bank (if not recorded in the cashbook) -

Amounts not reflected by the bank -


Bank Charges 300.00


Balance as per Bank Statement #REF!

Approved By: Happy Assan

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