A Tutorial Introduction To Nonlinear Dynamics and Chaos, Part 11: Modellng and Control
A Tutorial Introduction To Nonlinear Dynamics and Chaos, Part 11: Modellng and Control
A Tutorial Introduction To Nonlinear Dynamics and Chaos, Part 11: Modellng and Control
ABSTRACT - This is the second and final parI. of a In a subsequent phase, it was necessary both to develop
series of two papers on nonlinear dynamics and chaos. In criteria to detect chaotic dynamics and to establish C!y-
the first parI some tools. developed for analysing nonlinear namical invariants to quantify chaos (Guckenheimer, 1982;
systems, were c!esniiJec! in conjunction with a seI. of moc!els Eckmann and Ruelle, 1985; Denton and Diamond, 1991).
commonly llsed as benchmarks in the literature. This papel' Having succeeded in diagnosing chaos, the next step was to
investigates a llllIllber of isslles concerning the modeling, build mo deIs which would learn the dynamics f1'Om data
signal processillg anel control of nonlinear e1ynamics. This on the strange attractor. In this respect a number of
is carrieel ou! llsillg tbe tools and 1D0elels described in the model structures have been investigated such as local linear
first papel'. This inwstigation has th1'Own some new light mappings (Farmer and Sidorowich, 1987; Crutchfield and
on relevant p1'Oblems such as modeI parametrization, modeI McNamara, 1987), radial basis functions (B1'Oomhead and
validation. data smoothing anel control of nonliear systems. Lowe, 1988; Casdagli, 1989), neural networks (EIsner, 1992)
These issues are inwstigated using NARMAX polynomial and global nonlinear polynomials (Aguirre and Billings,
modeIs but it is believed that the conclusions are relevant 199.5c; Kadtke et alii, 1993). This phase is being currently
to nonlinear represelltaJiolls in general. Some numerical investigated with other equa.lly important issues concerning
examples are includecl. nonlinear dynamics such as noise reduction and control. It
is the objective of this papel' to p1'Ovide a brief int1'Oduction
to these issues.
The outline of the papel' is as follows. Section 2 discusses a
Chaotic systems have attractec! a great deal of attention in numbel' of issues concerning the modeling of nonlinea dy-
the last three decades. Systems and mo deIs which undergo namics. Embedding techniques in general and NARMAX
chaotic regimes for a rather wide range of operating condi- mo deIs in particular are brief!y presented in that section.
tions have been found in virtually every branch of science Section 3 is concerned with the noise reduction problem,
and engineering. which is a major limitation in the modeling of nonlinear
dynamics. Section 4 provides a very superficial int1'Oduc-
In the evolution of the study of chaotic systems, several tion to the subject of control and synchronization of chaos,
distinct but sometimes co-existent phases can be distin- nonetheless several references are p1'Ovided for further read-
guished. In the first phase, chaos was recognised as a de- ing. Some final remarks are made in section 5.
terministic dynamical regime which could be responsible for
f!uctuations that hitherto had been regarded as noise and 2 MODELlNG NONLlNEAR DYNAMICS
therefore modeled as stochastic processes (Lorenz, 1963).
50 SBA Controle & Automação jVol.7 no. IjJan., Fev., Mar. e Abril 1996
which operates on the entire state OI' phase space but which
SBA Controle &. Automação /Vol.7 no. I/Jan., Fev., Mar. e Abril 1996 51
window defined as (de - l)T (Albano et alú, 1988; Buzug
and Pfister, 1992; Martinerie et alii, 1992). Some of these
methods have recently been compareel in (Rosenstein et alii,
1994). There is some evielence that the 'optimum' vaIue
of T in system ielentification problems is shorter than for
phas-space reconstructions (Aguirre, 1994). Dynamical re-
constructions frol11 nonuniformly sampleel data has been
aelelressed in (Breeelon and Packarel, 1992) and phase space
reconstruction of symmetric a.ttractors has been consielereel
in (King anel Stewart, 1992).
52 SBA Controle & Automação jVol.7 no. 1jJan., Fev., Mar. e Abril 1996
oreler, the number of terms can become impractically large a.pproximation depeneis on the choice of several operating
(Farmer anel Sielorowich, 198830; Caselagli, 1989). Using regimes where the system dynamics are approximately lin-
polynomials to forecast chaotic time series, Caselagli (1989) ear. This information has to be available a priori anel is
has reporteel that such preelictors blow up in the iterative somewhat criticaI. The problem of selecting the operat-
proceelure anel suggests that this is because polynomial pre- ing points is similar to the choice of neighborhooels anel of
elictors give bael approximants to the true elynamics except centres in other approaches.
very elose to the attractor. On the other hanel, some of
the problems relateel to global polynomials are believeel Other representations for modelling nonlinear systems in-
to be connecteel to the structure of the moelels (Aguirre elude Legenelre polynomials (Cremers anel H ü bler, 1987),
anel Billings, 1995b) anel promising results have been re- neural networks (EIsner, 1992; Principe ei alii, 1992) and
porteel for some systems using nonlinear global polynomials weighteelmaps (Stokbro anel Umberger. 1992).
with simplifieel structure (Kaeltke ei aliz, 1993; Aguirre anel
Billings, 1994c). At present no particular representation can be regareleel as
the best for any application anel "fineling a good represen-
Rational moelels share with polynomials the advantage of tation is largely a matter of trial anel error" (Farmer anel
being linear in the parameters. This feature males it pos- Sielorowich, 198830). On the other hanel, it seems that global
sible to use well known anel numerically robust algorithms polynomial models are in many respects simpler and there-
to estimate the parameters of such models. Moreover, 1'30- fore more convenient (Kadtke ei alii, 1993).
tional moelels seem to extrapolate better than polynomials
(Farmer and Sidorowich, 198830). The remainder of this section investigates the use of global
polynomials with simplifieel structure to estimate elynami-
The radial basis funetion (RBF) approach is a global inter- cal invariants of strange attractors.
polation technique with good localization properties anel it
is easy to implement as the algorithm is essentially inelepen-
2.3 NARMAX Models
elent of the elimension (Broomheael and Lowe, 1988; Cas-
elagli, 1989; Whaha, 1992). However performance of raelial
basis functions depeneis critically upon the centres (Chen ei Consider the nonlinear -ªutoregressive moving -ªverage
alii, 1990). For a few hunelreel elata points the choice of the model with e2:;ogenous inputs (NARMAX) (Leontaritis anel
centres is a elifficult task and the solution of the problem Billings, 198530; Leontaritis anel Billings, 1985b)
could become infeasible (Casdagli, 1989; Billings anel Chen,
y(k) = F( [y(k - 1), y(k - n y ),
Local approximants are concerned with the mapping of a
set of neighbouring points in a reconstructed state space u(k - d), u(k-d-n,,+l),
into their future values. A major problem here is to se- e(k), ,e(k-n e )] , (4)
lect the neighbourhooels because such a choice is criticaI
anel there coulel be hundreels OI' even thousands of these
(Farmer anel Sielorowich, 1988ab). The size of the neigh- where n y , 71" anel n e are the maxÍlnUll1 lags consielereel for
bourhooels elepenels on the noise leveI and the complexity the output, input and noise terms, respectively anel d is the
of the dynamics (Farmer anel Sielorowich, 1991). elelay measured in sampling intervals, T s . Moreover, u( k)
and y(k) are respectively input and output time series ob-
A simpIe alternative to nonlinear modeling is the use of tained by sampling the continuous data ll(k) anel y(ld at
piecewise-linear representations (Billings anel Voon, 1987). T s . Furthermore, e( k) accounts for uncertainties, possible
The eliscontinuities among the several linear mo deIs which noise, unmodelleel dynamics, etc. anel p([.] is some nonlin-
compose a piecewise-linear moelel, can provide effects sim- ear function ofy(k), 1l.(k) anel e(k) with nonlinearity degree
ilar to those observeel in nonlinear mo deIs such as elmos f.E Z+. In this papel', the map F([.] is taken to be a poly-
(Mahfouz and Badrakhan, 199030; MahfollZ and Baelrakhan, nomial of elegreee. In oreler to estimate the parameters of
1990b ). However, as other local representations, the fi- this map, equation (4) has to be expresseel in preeliction
nal model is piecewise-linear and therefore eliscontinuous. errar form as
Piecewise-linear moelels have been founel to be unreliahle in-
dicators of the underlying dynamics in some cases (Billings y(k) = wT(k - 1)<3 + ç(k) (5)
and Voon, 1987), anel a possible explanation for this is that
such modeIs violate the physically motivated hypothesis of
smooth elynamical systems (Crutchfield anel McN amara, where
1987). Thus local predictors may not always be suitable
for predicting invariant measures (Brown ei alii, 1991).
5BA Controle & Automação IVo!.? no. 1/Jan., Fev., Mar. e Abril 1996 53
including time k-l. The matrices \Ii;"ç(k:-l) and \Ii[(k-l) ana.logous to the monovariable case (Bi11ings cf ahi, 1989).
are defined similarly. The parameters corresponding to ~ach
term in such matrices are the elements of the vectors 8 y ", The quantity ERR provides an indication of which terms to
êy"ç anel ê ç , respectively. Fina11y, é,( k:) are the residuaIs include in the model. In other words, the ERR test provides
which are defined as the difference between the measureel a means of ordering all the candidate terms according to a
data y(k) and the one-step-ahead prediction \liT(k - 1)8. hierarchy which depends on the l'elative importance of each
The parameter vector 8 can be estimated by minimizing termo It should be noted that no trial-and-error is necessary
the fo11owing cost function (Chen ci alú, 1989). for this. However, the fo11owing question arises: how many
terms should be included in the model? A practica.l way of
addressing this question is by means of informaiion criieria
(7) such as the final prediction error (FPE) (Akaike, 1974),
Akaikc 's information criterion (AIC) (Akaike, 19(4), the
Bayes'ian infon11aiion criterion (ElC) (Kashyap, 1977), the
where II . II is the Euclidean norm. Moreover, least model eniropy (Crutchfield and McN amara, 1987) and the
squares minimization is performed using orthogonal tech- Schwar:: informaiion criierion (Mees, 199:3). See (Gooijer
niques in order to effectively overcome two major elifficul- ei alá, 198:3) for a survey of such techniques.
ties in nonlinear model identification, namely i) numeri-
cal i11-conditioning and ii) structure selection. In order
to circumvent such problems orthogonal techniques may 2.5 Model Validation
be used (Bi11ings ei alá, 1988; Korenberg and Paarmann,
1991). The last step in any identification problem is the valida-
tion of the estimated models which is not a trivial problem.
Most 'conventional' approaches to mo dei validation are not
2.4 Structure Selection particularly attractive when the mo deis are chaotic and
therefore alternative invariants should be used to quantify
The number of terms in a polynomial grows very rapidly the quality and adequacy of the estimated models. When
even for relativdy lo\\' values ofe, n y , n" and n e . This is va.lidating nonlinear models it is desirable that the crite-
too difficult a problem to be solved by trial and error. How- ria used should be sensitive to the 'fundamental' features
ever, effective anel elegant solutions to handle this prob- of the models. In this respect it has been shown that bi-
lem are availahk. see (Bi11ings ci alá, 1988; Aguirre and furcation diagrams are far more sensitive to variations in
Bi11ings, 199!)d) anel the survey paper by Haber anel Un- model structure (Aguirre and Billings, 1994c) than many
behauen (Haber anel Unbehauen, 1990). One solution is other nonlineal' invariants used in model validation such as
the crror ndl/clion ratio (ERR) test (Bi11ings ei alii, 1988; Poincaré maps (Casdagli, 1989; Gottwa.ld ei alii, 1992) cor-
Bi11ings ei alii. H)S9: h:orenberg ei alii, 1988). Two advan- relation dimension (Grassberger ei alli, 1991), Lyapunov
tages of this approach are i) it does not require the estima- exponents (Abarbanel et alii, 1989; Principe ei alii, 1992),
tion of a complete model to determine the significance of a reconstructed phase-space plots (Adomaitis ei alli, 1990).
candidate term and its contribution to the output, and ii) Recently, the concept of synchl'onization, which is rather
the ERR test is eleriveel as a by-product of the orthogonal we11 known in the field of control of chaos, has been sug-
estimatioll algori t hm. gested as a nontrivia.l test for validating estimated mo deis
(Brown ei alli, 1994).
Because the final models will be composed of a reduced
number of terms. which is a sma11 fraction of the total num- Finally, it should be pointed out that most of the results
ber of candidate terms, the models in this paper can be described so far in this section have been obtained using
viewed as 'simplified' or 'concise' global polynomials. It is the tools described in the first paper of the series. Many of
believed that these moelels overcome some of the practica.l the commonly used statistica.l toois are of very limited use
difficulties usua11y reported for non-simplified polynomials. in assessing dynamical properties of estimated models.
54 SBA Controle & Automação IVo!.? no. l/Jan., Fev., Mar. e Abril 1996
of this is that for inputjoutput systems, it is not required (a)
that the output be on any particular attractor. Once an
inputjoutput modeI has been estimated, a particular input 1.Sr--~--~--~-~--~----,
can be used to generate data on a specific attractor.
It seems that when the noise is white and enters the sys-
tem as a purely additive component, the division of the
data into neighbourhoods and subsequent estimation re-
duces the bias. This will not be the case however if the
modeI is global 01' if the noise is correlated. Thus in 01'-
der to avoid bias a mo deI for the noise and uncertainties, -o.s
w;lIç(k - 1)0 ylIç + wl(J..~ - 1)Ê>ç, is included in the model
-, .-.- .....
structure before proceeding to parameter estimation. Once
parameters have been estimated, only the deterministic
part of the model is used, namely W;lI (J..~ - 1)Ê>Yll' This -':l'::-.s---~,---o-::'.-=-s---=-o---::'o.-=-s--c------:",.s
procedure can handle moderate amounts of white and cor-
related noise.
Figure :3 - First return map for (a) the Hénon map con-
taminated with noise. Only the encircled data were used in
Summarising, equation (5) is a hybrid mo deI since it is com-
the estimation, (b) the identified map of equation (8).
posed of a deterministic part and a stochastic component.
The latter is only used during parameter estimation in 01'-
der to avoid bias on the formeI'. Therefore, in this papel'
the modeIs used to generate the surrogate data are purely marked with circles
deterministic a.!though the stochastic part of the mo deIs is
also represented for clarity. Thus, the deterministic com-
ponent of the identified mo deIs is an approximation to the
dynamics, that is, fT :::::: W;lI(J..~ - 1)Ê>y" where T=Ts · x(k) = 0.99433 - 1.3818 x(k - 1)2 + 0.29302 x( J..~ - 2) . (8)
SBA Controle & Automação jVol.? no. 1jJan., Fev., Mar. e Abril 1996 55
The fuzziness in the Poincaré sections introduced by the (a)
noise is a direct consequence of superimposing a stochas-
tic component on the top of a purely deterministic tra-
jectory. The Poincaré sections reconstructed using NARX
modeIs do not suffer from such fuzziness because although
the stochastic component was present during the model es-
timation, the effects of such a component were 'absorbec!'
by the moving average (MA) part of the moc!el enahling ã: O
unbiased estimation. The NARX part of the moc!el, which ~
is purely deterministic. will 110i inc!uce any fuzziness in the -0.5
Poincaré sections. The fact that the moc!els are not per-
fect, however, will be revealed by possible distortions in the -1
shape 01' the reconstructec! attractors.
The following model was obtainec! from 1500 data points -1.5 -1 -0.5 O 0.5 1.5
on the Duffing- Holmes attractor shown in figure 4a y(t)
y(k) 0.84725 y(l.:-l)+ 0.35713 y(I.:-3)
+ 0.12780 x 10- 1 y( k-4)
0.694:31 x 10- 1 y( k _1)3
+ 0.61:319 x 10- 1 tl( k-l) + 0.40:325 y( k - 2)
0.24:349 x 10- 3 y( k-1)y(I.:-2)y(k-5) - 0.46215 y(k-5)
+ 0.096:n9u(k-:3) - 0.15316 y(k-2)y(k-3)y(k-4)
0.7:3618 x 10- 2 y(k-l )2 y ( k-5)
+ 0.0711:.'22 1/(/;-I)y(k-3)y(k-4)
+ IJiT(k - 1 )Êle+~(k) . (9)
An estimate of lhe original Poincaré section is shown in fig-
ure 4b which \"as obtained by iterating equation (9). This -1.5 -1 -0.5 O 0.5 1.5
reconstruct.eel Poincaré section is very similar to the original y(k)
Figure 4 - Poincaré sections (a) obtained f1'Om a noisy 01'-
bit of the Duffing- Holmes oscillator, (b) of the identified
moc!el ofequation (9). A=0.3 anel w=lrad/s,~) = 5.
2.7.2 Bifurcation Diagrams
56 SBA Controle 8< Automação jVol.7 no. ljJan., Fev., Mar. e Abril 1996
3,--------.----.--------.-----,.-------, (a)
5 10 15 20 O 2
-0.5 -2 O
y(t) x(t)
Figure 5 - Bifurcation diagram of the identified model of
equation (10). w=4rad/s.
:r(k) 0.11282 x 10x(k -1) + 0.55867 y(k - 1)
0.47190 X 10- 1 :r( k - 1)3
+ 0.39895 X 10-1 y( k - 1 )z( k - 1)2
0.31229 X 10- 2 ;;( k - 1 )2. + 0.18363 x 10-1 z(k - 1)
+ 'lilrçyç, (k - 1 )Ê>çrçyç, +~x( k)
y(k) 0.91948y(k -1) - 0.10392x10- 3 z(k _1)2' 0.5
+ 0.70843 x 10-1 x( k - 1) + 0.67800 x 10- 1 ;;( k - 1) O
O 2
-0.5 -2
0.13424 X 10- 2 x( k - 1)3 y(k) x(k)
+ 0.44206 x 10- 3 x(k - l/y(k - 1)
Figure 6 - (a) Noisy trajectory used for identification,
+ 'liL M , (k - l)Ê>çrM' +~y(k)
SNR=72.9, 39.9 and75.5 dB for x, y and z components, re-
spectively. (b) Double scroll Chua's attractor reconstructed
;;(k) 0.96628 z(k - 1) - 0.95854 y(k - 1) from the identified modei in equation (11).
0.36719 X 10- 1 x( k - 1) - 0.55765 X 10- 1 y(k - 1)3
+ 0.10333x10- 2 x(k _1)3
+ 0.0020536 x(k-1)y(k-l)z(k-1)
+ 'lilrçyç, (k - l)Ê>çrçyç, +Uk) . (11) systems. This comprises one of the current phases in the
investigation of chaos (Mitschke, 1990; Chennaoui et alii,
1990; Schreiber and Grassberger, 1991; Broomhead et alii,
1992; Davies, 1992; Grassberger et alii, 1993; Holzfuss and
This estimated model settles to a strange attractor which Kadtke, 1993).
closely resembles the original double scroll Chua's attractor,
see figure 6b. Some authors assume that some kind of a priori knowl-
edge concerning the original system is available such as a
Similar models for the Lorenz and Rossler attractors have piece of noise-free data (Marteau and Abarbanel, 1991),
been reported in (Aguirre and Billings, 1995e). the structure of the maps describing the underlying dy-
namics (Davies, 1992), ar even the complete maps, that
is, structure and parameters are known (Hammel, 1990;
3 NOl5E REDUCTION Ozaki, 1993). However, a clear limitation in any real noise
reduction problem is that the underlying dynamics are not
A difficulty which a.ppears to be common to most ap- usually known a priori and the map has to be estimated
proaches for modelling nonlinear dynamical systems and (learned) from the noisy data as an integral part of the
chaotic attractors is that realistically noise will be present noise reduction processo Consequently, the noise will pose
in the data. In particular, it has been conjectured that the limitations on the amount of noise which can effectively be
local divergence of nearby orbits in a chaotic system seems eliminated. In the field of nonlinear dynamics, the main
to impose a natural limit on the accuracy of prediction- objective of filtering a chaotic time series is to enable the
based identification algorithms when the data are noisy reconstruction and estimation of dynamical invariants such
(Aguirre and Billings, 1995c). Consequently, there has been as Poincarê sections, Lyapunov exponents and fractal di-
great motivation to develop filtering techniques for chaotic 111enSlOns.
SBA Controle & Automação jVo!.7 no. ljJan., Fev., Mar. e Abril 1996 57
Another objective of filtering nonlinear data is to enable
the identification of dynamically valid mo deis which would
reproduce the aforementioned invariants from sequences of II [.] =11 f}(k) - gdf}(k - 1)) li" + 11 f}(k + 1) - gJ.;(f}(k)) li"
filtered data. In a first attempt to solve this identifica- (13)
tion problem, globalnonlinear predictors were used to filter
the data (Aguirre and Billings, 1995c). In such a proce- where 11 . II is the Euclielean norm, anel
dure the noise was separated from the signal by means of
(very) short-term predictions. Because a chaotic predictor
actl1 ally am plifies uncertainties in some' direction' in state h['] =11 f}(k) - y(k) li" (14)
space, the aforementioned approach cannot be used to fil-
ter the noise by successive passes through the data and this
Another option is to choose h['] as above and
therefore limits the achievable noise reduction.
3.1 Filtering Techniques In the field of system identification, improving the signol to
noise ratio (SNR) is also of interest because this facilitates
both the unbiaseel estimation of the parameter vector anel
It is usua.lly assumed that the noise is purely additive, 01' in
other words the noise is entirely observational (Crutchfield the correct determination of the moelel structure. The chief
and McNamara, 1987; Casdagli ef alii, 1991; Grassberger et idea is to estimate the noise-fl'ee e1ata anel then use this
alii, 1991). Thus the noise reduction problem can be stated estimate to perform parameter estimation. A way of doing
as follows: given a chaotic time series x(t). it is desired to this is to use the following preelictor which can be e1erived
from equation (5)
filter the measured data y(t)=x(t)+e(t), where e(t) is the
addi tive noise, in order to recover x (i). This is useful in
'deaning' Poincaré sections and embedded attractors which
have been blurreel by noise. (16)
Another aspect of this problem is to find a 'noise-reduced' It should be realiseel that in the last equation the parame-
orbit f}(i) from which invariants such as '\1, De and the ter vector 0 yu was estimateel from the original noisy data
attractor geometry can be more accurately estimated than as is indicateel by the absence of the hat on the subscript
if the noisy data y(t) were used. This is sometimes referred y. On the other hand, the matrix lliJu
(t - 1) was formed
to as statistical noise reduction as opposed to recovering using predicted values of the data, that is y(t.) up to and
x(t) from y(t) which has been called detailed noise reduetion induding time t - 1. Because y( t) is an estimate of x(t),
(Farmer anel Sidorowich, 1991). In this paper, the objective equation (16) can be used in suboptimal parameter esti-
is to be able to identify e1ynamically valid models from f}(t). mation schemes (Billings and Voon, 1984). However, ifthe
data were chaotic aftel' a few iterations iJ(t) would not be
Filtering based on model predicteel outputs, whilst reducing an accurate estimate of x(t) because of the sensitive de-
the noise content, in the data, willnot guarantee that f}(i) pendence on initial conditions. Therefore the use of iJ(t) in
remains dose to y(t) (and ultimately dose to xCi)) if the suboptimal schemes seems somewhat restricted for chaotic
latter is chaotic. Thus, to ensure that f}(t) remains close to systems. The next two sections describe approaches which
y(t), the following cost function can be useel overcome some of these problems.
58 SBA Controle & Automação jVol.? no. 1jJan., Fev., Mar. e Abril 1996
be interpreted as being a consequence of the resetting effect
achieved by using measured data to initialise the predictor r ~ r r
r J
at each step. The predictor in equation (17) wiH be referred
to as the resetting filter (RF) and it is adequate for filtering
chaotic signals. N
The qualitative effect attained by the resetting filter is, in 0.8
some respects, analogous to other methods. The resetting
effect of the RF guarantees that h['] (see equation (12))
is kept smal!. Moreover. the parameter vector of the RF is
obtained by millimising JLS in equation (7), which is clearly 0.4
analogous to -h['] in equation (12). The main difference ~ V \
is that whilst gd') usually represents local linear maps,
\JíT(t - 1) e is a global nonlinear map which may include
o 200 500 700
inputs and residual in addition to output terms. Figure I - Noise-free original time senes for the
Mackey-Glass modei
Predictor-basecl filtering for chaotic systems will not work
in general because of the inability of making long-term
accurate predictions along the unstable manifold. There-
fore in such directions, the filter would actually amplify 1.2
the noise (Schreiber and Grassberger, 1991). The same is
valid for the RF, but to a much lesser extent because of the
J ~ ~ ~
resetting effect which will guarantee that any noise ampli-
fication along the unstable manifold is kept to a minimum. 0.8 r ~
However, if several passes through the data are required to
attain the desired levei of noise reduction, it is inevitable
that the effect of positive Lyapunov exponents be mani-
fest. Consequently, the filtered data may not resemble the 0.4
original sequence and, in fact, might have a greater noise
content than the raw data. \
o 200 500 700
3.3 Global Nonlinear Smoothers Figure 8 Noisy (raw) time series for the Mackey-Glass
mo dei
The difficulty with the resetting filter in equation (17) is
that it only uses past information to predict the future.
However, the dynamics can only be predicted with any cer-
tainty as t --;. ex) along the stable manifold. Conversely, the
dynamics can only be 'predicted' along the unstable man- unstable directions because it contains terms which relate
ifold in reverse time, that is as t --;. -<Xi (Schreiber and to the future. Such terms will enable 'predicting' in reverse
Grassberger, 1991). In other words, in order to estimate time since orbits converge along the unstable manifold as
y(t), future information as weH as past information is re- t --;. -'x'. An iterative procedure for smoothing data us-
quired (Schreiber and Grassberger, 1991). ing nonlinear smoothers has been given in (Aguirre et alii,
This motivates the search for NARMAX smoothers of the
y(t) F s' [y(t - n y ), ... , y(t - I), y(t + 1), ... , y(t + n y ),
'U(t - d - nu + 1), ... , 'U(t - d), 'U(t + d), ...
+ d + nu -
... , 'll(t I),
ç(t-1), ... ,Ç(t-n e )]+ç(t). (18)
3.3.1 An Example
SBA Controle & Automação /Vol.7 no. l/Jan., Fev., Mar. e Abril 1996 59
enhances heat transfer (Chang, 1992), improves 111lXlllg
in chemical reactions (Ottino, 1992), reduces ielle-channel
tones in modulators (Schreier, 1994) anel seems to have a
promising future in secure communication systems (Cuomo
ei alá, 199;3; "'"U anel CIma, 1993; Parlitz ef alii, 1992).
In aclelition, some authors have suggested that chaotic cly-
0.8 namics inelicate a hea.lthy state as opposed to the eliseases
which manifest as physiological periodic signa.ls (Glass et
alii, 1987; Golelberger ei alii, 1990). The matter of how
healthy chaos is, however. is far from settleel (Pool, 1989).
0.4 Consequently, techniques for controlling nonlinear elynam-
v V ics are requireel in oreler to provoke or suppress chaos or any
other elynamical regime accoreling to the particular appli-
o 200 700 cation at hand (Chen anel Dong, 1993a; Ditto anel Pecora,
1993; Hunt anel Johnson, 1993).
Figure 9 - Smoothed time series for the Mackey-Glass
model. Terms with both negative and positive lags were
used to compose the smoother, N p = 10. Most of the works concerned with the control of chaos are
clevoted to stabilising a chaotic system to regular clynam-
ics, that is, fixeel points, perioelic orbits or quasiperioelic
regimes. The relateel pl'Oblem of elriving a system from a
1.2 regular to a chaotic regime has received less attention. This
type of control coulel be important in situations where chaos
is not only welcome but a.lso desirable (Golelberger ei alá,
1990; Chang, 1992; Ottino, 1992; Cuomo ei alii, 199;3; Wu
0.8 and CIma, 1993).
In other applications the onset of chaos seems to have sev- Chaos can be suppressed by the addition of small ampli-
eral aclvantages. For instance, it has been argued that "a tude perturbations (Braiman and Goldhirsch, 1991), ran-
cognitive system musi be chaotic in order to perform ef- dom perturbations (Kapitaniak, 1991), by paramet.ric driv-
fective signal processing" (Nicolis, 1984). Further, chaos ing (Dorning ei alii, 1992; Fl'Onzoni ei alii, 1991; Lima and
60 SBA Controle & Automação jVol.? no. 1jJan., Fev., Mar. e Abril 1996
Pettini, 1990), by means of feedback (Liu et alii, 1994). revieweel in a rather general framework anel two algorithms,
the resetting filter anel nonlinear smoothers, have been de-
The problem of synchronization has been investigated in scribed in some eletail. It has been pointeel out that if the
(CIma et alii, 1993; Kocarev et alii, 1993; Ogorzalek, 199:3; elata are chaotic special algorithms are usually required to
Pecora, 1990; Wu anel CIma, 1993). achieve effeetive noise reduction.
The stahilization of chaotic systems has been achieveel by Finally, a major issue in nonlinear dynamics nowaelays is
applying feedback (Chen and Dong, 1993b; Deelieu anel the control of chaotic systems. An enormous amount of
Ogorzalek, 1994; Hunt, 1991; Pyragas, 1992; Roy et alii, papers have been publisheel on this subjeet in the last years
1992), frequency harmonic balance techniques (Genesio and and a thorough review would be impossible. Nonetheless,
Tesi, 199:3; Genesio anel Tesi, 1992), conventional control several relevant references have been provieled in oreler to
techniques (Hartley anel Mossayebi, 1993), open plus closeel enable the reaeler to further investigate this topic.
loop control (.lackson anel Grosu . 1994), dynamical vibra-
tion absorbers (Kapitaniak et alii, 1993), adaptive control Throughout the papel' it has been shown how NARMAX
(Sinha et alii, 1990; Vassiliaelis, 1993) and quantitative moelels can be useel in the various problems concerning the
feeelback elesign (QFD) (Yau et alii, 1993). The control of moeleling, noise reduction and control of nonlinear systems
multipie attraetor systems has been investigateel in (.J ack- and chaos.
son, 1990).
Most of the references above are concerneel with systems
which are chaotic before control is applied. However, chaos
has been eletected in control systems in which the plant Financiai support from CNPq under grant 522538/95-9 is
was not chaotic. Conelitions for the occurrence of chaos in gratefully acknowledged.
feeelback systems (Genesio anel Tesi, 1991), adaptive control
(Mareels anel Bitmead, 1986; Mareels and Bitmeael, 1988;
Golden anel Yelstie, 1992) anel in eligital systems (Ushio and REFERENCE5
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