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Based on minimald6 rules v2 by Norbert G.

minimald6 is Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 4.0 International
(CC BY-SA 4.0)
Thanks to Zadmar for the Inspiration with Blood and Bile
A Point Of Inspiration for Blood & Wine
Norbert for minimald6
White Wolf for Vampire: The Masquerade

Illustrations by Joyce Maureura, used with permission

Writing & Layout by Marcus “Chaosmeister” Burggraf
Chaosmeister Games

Font: Blood Blocks by

We need your blood

We need your flesh
We want to see you fade to black

Do you like our white skin?

Do you like our eyes?
Do you want to follow us through the night?

We are your pleasure,

We are your destiny...
We are your pleasure,
We are your destiny...

We're living in the the darkness,

We hate the day
We're hunting in the night,
Take your children away

Your blood is our pleasure we want your soul

You will never die as a child of the night

We're living in the darkness,

We hate the day
We're hiding in the shadow,
To the moon we pray

We are the creatures of the night,

We want your blood
We're the seduction of evil,
Want to conquer your world
Blutengel – Children of The Night
The World of Shadows
This place has very little to do with the world as we know it. Vampires
Werewolves, Specters and Demons are all real. The world is dark, twisted,
brutal and gothic. There are schemes and secrets everywhere. The true powers
are those that thrive in the shadows. Surviving is an art and not at all guaranteed,
even for Vampires.
The only reason humanity survived this far is numbers. The Vampires try to
hide their existence from the world as to not draw undue attention. Attention
gets you killed. Hence a council was established a long time ago to uphold the
carnival, the thin layer of deception and secrets that keeps the vampires safe.
Only some of the many vampire lineages submit to the authority of this council:
The Beautiful, The Grotesque, The Highborn, The Mad, The Sorcerers, The
Untamed and the Warriors. The rest claim independence. But even they can
appreciate the usefulness of the carnival from time to time.
It is best to keep your head down and not be noticed, but when did that ever
work for long? Journey into an abyss of afterlife, un-death and blood.
Creating a Vampire
Vampires are not born naturally to this world, they are made in the darkest
corners of this horrible place. They are monsters, a sinister, twisted mirror of
mankind, driven by an incurable hunger and lust for power.

Roll Attributes
Roll a d6 for each attribute and note down its rank or distribute 11 points. You
can also use the below terms instead of numbers to refer to your attributes.

1 2 3 4 5 6
Terrible Poor Average Good Superb Legendary

The difference in attribute rating between two characters determines who has
advantage or disadvantage on a roll.
Glamour –Social aspects like charisma, manipulation, composure
Vigour –Physical aspects like strength, dexterity, stamina
Resolve – Willpower aspects like discipline, self-control and grit.
Acuity – Mental aspects like intelligence, wits, and perception

Other Characteristics
Vampires have several other characteristics besides attributes. They are:
Blood – Roll a D6 for your starting blood value. This is your most
precious resource. You can regenerate damage or fuel your sanguine
gifts with it. You need it to simply rise at night.
Essence – A Vampires Essence is equal to their highest attribute plus
their generation effect. It is the amount of damage a Vampire can take.
If this ever reaches 0 you are in deep slumber, unable to awaken easily.
Monster – This starts at 0 for a new Vampire. When it reaches 6 the
monster takes over and feeding, sleeping and killing is all that is left.
Generation – Player Vampires are of the 6th generation with an effect
of 1. This makes you more resilient against non-Vampires.
Choose a Lineage
 Roll 2 d6 to randomly determine your lineage or choose one.
 Select 2 Traits, 1 Flaw and 1 Gift from your lineage.
Traits, Flaws and Gifts can enable you to do things or hinder you. They can give
you advantage or disadvantage on rolls. There are no detailed descriptions of
either. Discuss around the table what these mean to your group in your game.
Interpreting them is part of the fun and keeps the game light. Trust the process
to shape your own game world with your preferences.

1-3 4-6

1 The Assassins The Lost

2 The Beautiful The Mad

3 The Dynasty The Nomads

4 The Faithful The Sorcerers

5 The Grotesque The Untamed

6 The Highborn The Warriors

What does Lineage mean?

Vampires stem from various lineages, each can be traced back to an ancestor
from the early time of humanity. Rumor has it that all have a single, biblical
forefather. The oldest of all, the 1st and 2nd generation, are currently either
missing or asleep. They have not been seen walking the earth for a very long
A lineage is in the blood of a vampire and determines the gifts they have access
to. But also the flaws that a lineage is afflicted with. It can never be changed
and is passed down from the vampire that turned you.
The Assassins
Hired killers and dreaded murderers, mercenaries of the shadow world.
Traits: professional killer, tenacious stalker, ruthless mercenary, quick blade
Flaws: cannibalistic tendencies, no subterfuge, blood addiction
Gifts: speed, concealment, silent death

The Beautiful
Artists, socialites and visionaries, dedicated to the finest things in the afterlife.
Traits: wicked cultured, social chameleon, perceptive artist, stunning beauty
Flaws: overly sensitive, attention deficit, tied to the human world
Gifts: perception and premonition, speed, charisma

The Dynasty
Old merchant clan, affluent beyond imagination and disciples of necromancy.
Traits: richer than god, remorseless backstabber, family ties, death dealer
Flaws: kiss of death, obviously evil, most despised
Gifts: mind control, necromancy, might

The Faithful
Cultists believing in their Lineage to an ancient god, corrupters of all.
Traits: unwavering faith, manipulative mind, occult knowledge, corruptor
Flaws: mistrusted by all, light sensitive, indulges in all desires
Gifts: concealment, charisma, the god’s avatar

The Grotesque
Disfigured and clearly inhuman, hiding underground with spies everywhere.
Traits: well informed, knows all dark corners, tech savvy, sneaky bastard
Flaws: loathsome to everyone, sewer rat, hatred for beauty
Gifts: animal affinity, concealment, might

The Highborn
Leaders and believers in their superiority, blue bloods of the shadow world.
Traits: natural leader, have connections, always plotting, badass in a suit
Flaws: picky people eater, noblesse oblige, only the best
Gifts: mind control, toughness, charisma
The Lost
They have no discernible Lineage, abandoned by their creators and shunned.
Traits: independent spirit, lone wanderer, often overlooked, chance survivor
Flaws: no lineage, choose any two from other Lineages.
Gifts: choose any three from other Lineages.

The Mad
Cursed and blessed by insanity, full of insight beyond their senses.
Traits: shared mind, collector of strange, mad oracle, nightmare fuel
Flaws: irredeemably insane, chaotic stupid, not to be trusted
Gifts: perception and premonition, infectious madness, concealment

The Nomads
Untrustworthy criminals and tricksters, wandering all over the world.
Traits: gifted deceiver, devils bargainer, master of illusion, karmic trickster
Flaws: addicted to vices, distrusting, not respected
Gifts: animal affinity, illusions, toughness

The Sorcerers
Used magic to gain immortality, masters of the darkest arts.
Traits: mystic library, dark scholar, brain over brawn, master planner
Flaws: overly prideful, bound to masters, weak constitution
Gifts: perception and premonition, mind control, blood sorcery

The Untamed
Loners and wanderers that love the wilderness beyond human civilization.
Traits: fierce fighter, big brute, determined hunter, animal senses
Flaws: beast within, uncivilized demeanor, no time for weakness
Gifts: animal affinity, toughness, shapechangeing

The Warriors
Fighters, street punks and brutes, ready to rally and fight for a cause.
Traits: proud warrior, smart brawler, heart of gold, boisterous renegade
Flaws: bad temper, full of wrath, rebellious spirit
Gifts: speed, might, charisma
Create a Coterie
You and the other vampires are part of what is commonly called a Coterie. A
loose alliance of Vampires from various clans that work together with the
blessing of the Council. Being in a Coterie has advantages and disadvantages.
The Bad stuff first. You need to regularly report your doings to the council. You
are also responsible for each other. Everything one of you does reflects back on
the whole group. Yes, if one of you breaks the carnival you all will be destroyed
without special consideration. On the plus side you are allowed to conduct
business, acquire assets and maintain a hideout. As a group decide on one trait
from each category for your Coterie or create your own if the GM agrees.

Fancy Nightclub, Dingy Bar, Lavish Restaurant, Old Cinema, Run Down
Theme Park, Dusty Museum, Modern Art Gallery, Cheap Theater, Shabby
Comedy Club, Illegal Fight Club, Underground Porn Studio, Outdated
Discotheque, Ratty Drug Den, High End Computer Store, Tacky Strip Club,
Secured Apartment, Furnished Subway station, Luxurious Flat, Fancy Loft,
Imposing Office, Run Down Factory, Shady Pawnshop, Decrepit Store, Fine
Suite, Urban Cave, Tidy Warehouse, Forgotten Bomb Shelter;

Skilled Employees, Dependable Employees, Perceptive Employees, Numerous
Soldiers, Well Trained Soldiers, Armed Guards, Loyal Guards, Staunch Fans,
Trustworthy Contacts, Well Informed Contacts, Bribed Policeman, Bought
Politician, Blackmailed Businessman, Hot Shot Lawyer, Rabid Vampire
Wannabes, Wealthy Patron, Reliable Mortician, Well off Clientele, Loyal
Customers, Indiscriminate Customers, Criminal Customers, Destitute
Costumers; Able Blood Puppets, Strong Blood Puppets, Clever Blood Puppets

Fearful, Reliable, Privileged, Honorable, Violent, Tough, Committed,
Unknown, Ambitious, Unreliable, Rich, Trustworthy, Deceitful, Dependable,
Strong, New, Established, Careful, Driven, Efficient, Fierce, Glamorous, Poor,
Gloomy, Greedy, Dangerous, Organized, Immoral, Corrupt, Principled,
Cheerful, Perverse, Resourceful, Crazy, Useful, Daring, Cautious, Organized,
Ethical, Generous, Helpful, Lazy, Observant, Patient, Young, Impulsive;
How the World works
Below you will find all the rules you need to know to play the game.

Describe what your vampire is doing. When the outcome is possible, uncertain
and a certain risk is involved Roll 2d6 dice.
 Add 1d6 for advantage of any kind: high attribute, good trait, etc.
 Subtract 1d6 for disadvantage of any kind: low attribute, bad trait etc.
 Look for Fives and Sixes. Every 5 or 6 is a success.
 More successes mean better results.
Never roll more than 3d6 task dice for a check. Never roll less than 1d6.
The GM will tell you when and why a task roll is necessary.

Secrets of Generation
Who made a Vampire defines their generation, there are six known today. Any
Vampire made by a member of the 6th and latest generation has such diluted and
weak lineage that they do not gain any benefits of their generation and are
considered “Frailbloods” and as such often outcasts. The generation effect is the
reverse of the generation. A Vampire of the 6th generation has a generation
effect of 1 while a Vampire of the 1st generation would have an effect of 6. The
difference between generations are additional successes required to affect the
creature with the higher generation. So a 6th generation Vampire fighting a 1st
generation one needs 5 additional successes to even affect the old Vampire in
any way. You can see that a single Vampire would be doomed at a task like this
and it must be a group effort. Ordinary humans or animals do not have a
generation so they always need one extra success to affect a Vampire of 6 th
generation and even more for Vampires of older generations. They do not
require extra successes against Frailbloods. There are dark rumors of ways to
“improve” ones generation but knowledge about these techniques is forbidden
on threat of destruction by the council of the carnival.
Secrets of Combat
Each success in combat causes 1 damage. Narrate what happens. If Essence is
ever dropped below 0 you will fall into a stupor you cannot awake from by
yourself. You are at the mercy of your opponent who could then proceed to
destroy you by staking. Everyone else just dies when their Essence reaches 0.
Usually your generation effect will protect you from a lot of damage,
considering a human would need 2 successes to cause 1 damage to a 6 th
generation Vampire. However certain attacks circumvent this protection! Any
attack made with fire, sunlight or the fangs and claws of Vampires or
Werewolves are not affected by the generation effect. Only the gift of toughness
can help you withstand that kind of damage even for a short while.
To heal damage you must transform one Blood into 1d6 + generation effect
Essence. That is the only way. You are dead after all, the emergency room is
for food not help.

Secrets of Blood
Blood. The drug that keeps a Vampire alive. And is has so many uses! You can
use 1 Blood to appear living for one scene. This lets you fake a heartbeat, warm
your skin and even allows you to keep food and drink down. At least for a short
while before you need to throw up. You can also let others drink your Blood.
This will slowly bind them to you with their feelings towards you increasing
with each drink. After the third time they are absolutely, irrevocably bound to
you. You also need to spend 1 blood to simply rise from slumber every night.
A Vampire can have a max Blood of 6. To replenish it you must feed. A human
gives you 1d6 Blood if not drained and a sure 4 Blood if drained dead. Don’t
feed from the already rotting dead as this will probably cause nausea and result
in you throwing up precious Blood.
You can use Animal blood in a pinch, but every animal only gives 1 Blood.
There are also blood bags that Vampires can drink. They will give you 2 Blood
per bag. Sadly not something you can buy at the corner store.
Vampires need blood, so sometimes you may be overcome with hunger. If you
are feeding while your Blood is below 3 you need to make a resolve check to
avoid draining the victim dry and killing it by engorging yourself.
Secrets of Gifts
All Gifts work similarly. Gifts can give you advantage on rolls, the same as
Traits. But you can also channel Blood into your Gift for automatic successes
at a 1:1 ratio. You can do this after the dice are rolled and the result determined.
The Gift must be applicable to the situation at hand. You explain how the Gift
affects the scene and changes the outcome. The GM OKs it.

Secrets of the Monster

Every Vampire is a monster, period. The question is: How far are you gone? A
freshly made Vampire usually has a monster score of 0, except if he was a
monster as a human already. The score describes your behavior towards others,
vampires or humans as noted in the table under behavior. If your essence is ever
reduced to zero you fall into a deep slumber. The amount of time listed must
pass before you can reawaken by spending a blood point.

Behavior Slumber

0 Normal One Day

1 Distant One Week

2 Removed One Month

3 Unfeeling One Year

4 Cold One Decade

5 Horrific One Century

6 Monstrous Millennium+

Your inner Monster can rise whenever you commit an act that is abhorrent to
you relative to your Monster rating. At 0 simply injuring someone would be
enough for this to trigger. At 1 accidentally draining someone would do it. At 3
this would need an outright planned murder. And at 5 only gruesome torture or
bizarre serial killings will cause a further rise. In any such situation the GM can
ask you for a Resolve roll. If it fails your monster rises. If it ever does so above
6 there is nothing sane left in you and the Monster takes over.

When your Monster is above 0 the GM can ask you to roll an additional monster
dice during stressful situations where there is a risk of exposing your true nature
or the monster rearing its head. You are more on edge and not quiet yourself. If
that dice rolls equal or lower than your monster your actions become coloured
by it. Attacks become needlessly brutal, a negotiation easily turns aggressive,
an interrogation turns violent or you will suddenly accept civilian casualties.
These things in turn could trigger your
monster to rise even further
To reduce the monster you must take extra
effort to be “human”. Do good deeds,
truthfully change your ways. You can reduce
the Monster by 1 if instead of any other
advances from a level. Your behaviour must
reflect your wish to reduce the influence of
the monster before the GM will allow for this
to occur of course. Feeding the monster is
easy, starving it less so.

Secrets of Power
When a Vampire has survived a while and
it‘s dramatically appropriate they reach a
new experience level. You may then pick
another trait from your list (or, with a GM
OK, from another list. You can even make up
your own). You can also select another Gift
your Lineage has access to. But then you
must also choose one of the weaknesses as
well! You can also decide to choose a trait
for your coterie instead of for yourself.
Lastly you can reduce the monster by 1
instead of anything else if narratively
A GM’s calling
You play the grimy world and everything in it. Roll for it, if necessary. When a
success is likely: don’t roll dice, it just happens. If it is Impossible: don’t roll
dice, tell the players what happens. Any skill like traits are always considered
likely, except when the desired outcome is impossible. Every roll must change
the situation, everything needs to keep moving forward and not stall.
Always remember: Rulings, not rules- The game is light and does not provide
you with detailed procedures for every occasion. It’s expected you’ll make
rulings on the spot. Keep it fair and be a fan of your player’s characters when
deciding how a situation should be resolved. All rules are somewhat optional.
Make this game your own. If you don`t like a rule toss it or create an alternative
that works for you and your group. While being fair also make it dreary and
miserable. The world is bleak and full of horrors and existential angst. As
Vampires the player characters are the monsters after all.

If it’s required, create traits for your NPCs (just like vampires) and create some
in advance. If you are comfortable with it: just wing it. Disposable mortals and
mooks just have one or two Essence, henchman have a handful and only bosses
will have more.
Remember the Generation Effect. It is an important way to distinguish the
supernatural from the mundane. Mythic monsters like Specters or Werewolves
should have a generation rating themselves. They are a true threat to Vampires.
Make the story…
Roll up one threat for each Vampire in the Coterie.
The antagonist is a…

1-2 3-4 5-6

1 Politician Dark Mage Scientist

2 Tycoon Vampire Hunter Rival Vampire

3 Former Soldier Gangster Demon

4 Werewolf Cultist Specter

5 Police Chief Homeless Rock Star

6 Mythical Creature Religious Official Reporter

Who is…

1-2 3-4 5-6

1 Slaying Vampires Following you Attacking Hideouts

Conducting Investigating a
2 Spreading lies
Sabotage Crime
3 Stealing Framing you
4 Searching for you Conducting a Ritual
5 Spreading truth Luring Werewolves
Interviewing Seeking
6 Researching
Informants blood puppets
They Want to…

1-2 3-4 5-6

1 Destroy your Coterie Uncover the truth Make a Deal

2 Become Rich Become a Vampire Bring you to Justice

Experiment on
3 Destroy You Become your Lord
Take over your Cover up what they
4 Make you Soldiers
business have done

5 Cure all Vampires Become Powerful Learn Secrets

Make Vampires Destroy all Turn you into

Public Vampires blood puppets

Because You…

1-2 3-4 5-6

Hurt their Interfered with Took their friend as
Loved ones their business a blood puppet
Took something Ruined their Turned someone
from them authority they know
3 Were Friends once Committed a crime Used them

4 Killed someone Broke an Oath Destroyed a place

Manipulated their
5 Ruined their lives Are a Vampire
Didn’t stick
6 Where seen feeding Were lovers once
to a deal
1-2 3-4 5-6
1 Fancy Nightclub Dingy Bar
2 Modern Art Gallery Ratty Drug Den Seedy Strip Club

3 Old Subway Station Derelict Asylum Run Down Hospital

4 New Museum Shabby Library Dirty Alley

5 Cheap Diner Decrepit offices Shady Pawnshop

Forgotten Bomb
6 Sleazy Cinema Neglected Mansion

Location Detail
The location has been
1 Guarded
fortified against intrusion
The location was heavily
2 Damaged
damaged by something.

3 Renovated The place has been recently renovated.

4 Inhabited There are clear signs of people living here.

5 Destroyed The place is only a ruin

6 Overrun An enemy occupies the place

Name _____________________________________Lineage _______________________

Glamour Gen Blood

Vigour Effect
Resolve Monster
Acuity Essence
Traits Assets

Flaws People

Gifts Rep

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