How To Pick Up Girls
How To Pick Up Girls
How To Pick Up Girls
The First Step Congratulations, you just made the first step by downloading this text from Give yourself a head start with picking up women with Concentrated Pheromone Spray available at! Nature has given all animals pheromones. Dogs, insects and humans use pheromones to attract the opposite sex. This is a proven, scientific fact. All human males produce the pheromone Androstenone (osmopherone) through the sweat glands to attract the opposite sex. Some men naturally produce more than others. Now even the most impossible to get beautiful women become possible with medical science's and nature's sexual secret weapon. Male Human Pheromones from Lets face it though, even if you have the added advantage of Pheromones, you cannot pick up girls without talking to them. Getting to talk to them is half the battle. This guide will make picking up girls easy. Let us start by looking at some of the excuses you have probably been using for not picking up girls. Yes - excuses. Do not be ashamed of admitting that at the end of a frustrating night you will dream up all sorts of reasons why you were unsuccessful. The trouble is that gradually you will begin to believe that they are true. I know because I have been there. Girls only go for handsome men. Wrong! Just look around you at the couples walking around arm in arm. Do the men all conform to some stereotype of an advert for Health & Efficiency? Look carefully and you will see that some of them have a beer belly or look as though the next puff of wind will knock them over. Not to put too fine a point on it, most of our fellow men are downright ugly! If they can pick up girls, so can you. But I am not very well hung. You have GOT to believe it, size does not matter. The average size of the erect penis of an Asian is just 4" but they seem to be managing OK don't they? And indeed it was the Asians who wrote the Kama Sutra. Certainly try a penis enlarger if it will make you feel any better. Some of them do give an increase in size but it will not make you or her enjoyment any greater, or help you pick up girls. After all you have got to pull them before you can bed them. Good quality Penis Enlargers are available from if you are shopping in the United Kingdom. It will probably be cheaper to purchase from the United States, if you reside there. Search for sex toys at Most sex toy companies will stock penis enlargers.
I can't tell funny stories We have all seen the brash confident type who is always the centre of attention. Look closely at the girls around him. Why aren't they trying to drag him away to a corner so they can talk intimately to him?
Yes just like you, most girls treat the loud brash type like the T.V. or radio - good entertainment but definitely not something to take to bed! I am too shy Most people are nervous when talking to strangers. This nervousness affects people in different ways. With some people they talk very loudly to give the impression that they are in command of the situation. Others appear to talk normally but inside they are seething with anxiety and self doubt. Then there are the tongue tied stammerers and/or blushers who end up not saying a word because they are scared of making a fool of themselves. It is this last group who always complain that they are too shy to pull girls and I will gladly admit that I used to be one of them. Then, after learning techniques for gaining confidence I started to use what I thought was a fault as a weapon. Even now I sometimes surprise my friends by deliberately putting on a stammer when I am in the presence of a girl I fancy. Girls absolutely LOVE the fact that they are having this effect on you. It boosts there ego and is a tremendous compliment. All the girls I meet are going out with someone That is like saying that because you use one particular pub regularly you will not go into another. In the dim distant past it may not have been too unusual for a girl to have gone out with one boy in her life. But those were also the days when a girl had to have a chaperone. Nowadays a girl will readily go out with someone even if she has a regular boyfriend. If her new friend suits her better than her old then she will switch allegiance. And don't start worrying about hurting her old boyfriends' feelings. I assure you he would not worry about yours if the position were reversed. Let the girl decide whom she wants, and if you follow the tips in this book she will choose you. I haven't got a place of my own to take her back to. If that were a real problem the human race would have died out centuries ago! Before contraceptives became available parents were even more concerned about the activities of the young, but that just means that most young couples had the stars above them rather than a ceiling when making love. If you are not into outdoor activities or the weather will not permit then cultivate a friend who has a flat that you can borrow. I am too old My grandfather was widowed at 89 and re-married at 91. And to stop some of you worrying about age the answer is that yes he was still enjoying full sex life. I am too young Oh how I envy those who think they fall into this category! Start learning the art of picking up girls now and you are in for a rich and rewarding life. Making Plans You are not a dashing young millionaire playboy who can jump into his Ferrari and pick up the first girl he sees. If you are, what are you doing reading this? So the first thing you have got to do is get yourself into close proximity with members of the opposite sex. Sit down with a pen and paper - yes I know it's corny, but lets face it you are about to change your whole life style. Why not forget what you have done in the past and treat this as day one of your new
life. At the top of that paper write Girls and the age range you are chasing. Now we start working the odds in your favour. List those places where in one hour you could meet ten girls who fall into the correct age range. This list should include some of the following: Public PlacesDances, Discos, Pubs Sports ClubsTennis, badminton, swimming (at least here you won't have to worry about what they look like under their jeans and baggy jumpers!), horse riding EducationalLibrary, night classes EventsFairs, fetes, shows and exhibitions You will see that for some of the places such as Clubs you will need to make an application to join. Do it NOW! If you leave it for a few days you will find those few days stretching into weeks and then into months. All the time you are delaying, some luscious chick is denied the pleasure of your company! While you are waiting for your applications to be accepted you have all those other places to attack. Yes I do mean ATTACK! And like a well-planned battle you should have a contingency plan. For instance, if you decide to go to a disco make sure you know the location of a second one. Remember that you are out to pick up girls. If the place you go to is virtually empty DO NOT STAY. Go on to your alternative target, and if that does not have enough girls then still do not give up but try the Casanova Method which is described in a later chapter. Now you know where you are going there only remains the actual pick-up. General tips on picking up girls Girls are not a different species, just like you or me they are human. They have exactly then same emotions as men although they attach different values to those emotions. For instance, girls have a sex drive just like you. The difference is that whereas if you do not jump into bed with a girl you feel frustrated, a girl will patiently wait for the next opportunity. All the time you are chatting up girls you must remember that they are probably feeling the same as you, but less urgently. This leads us to the 'No' syndrome. Let us look at the female use for that word and find out if you have been walking away from girls when you should have stayed. You approach two girls at the bar, the one you fancy is just finishing her drink. "Can I buy you a drink?" "No thanks, I am with my mate" This actually means 'Yes you can but if I do not like your company I have got my friend as an excuse not to talk to you'. The easiest way around this is to ask her mate what both girls are drinking. "No thanks, I am waiting for a friend"
Where I live this means 'Yes, but when my friend turns up I might ditch you'. Persevere, tell her you would like to talk to her until her friend turns up. Just think what an idiot you would feel if you immediately walk away and her friend turns out to be a right stunner who is looking for someone just like you. It all boils down to listening to how she says 'No'. If it is said gently, always assume it means 'maybe' and persevere. Girls are not offended by being approached, why else do you think they spend all that time in front of the mirror. Nor will you be accused of pestering a girl by asking her twice, although if she says 'No' and turns away, you might as well go on to the next girl. By not being put off by the first refusal you will at the very least DOUBLE your chances of picking up a girl. In its extreme it can result in the only time she says 'No' and means it is when you ask her if she would like breakfast! Do not turn your nose up at so called corny chat-up lines. They are only called corny because they are used so often, and hey are used so often because they work. "I love the way you have done your hair." This one must go back to the day some girl first picked up a bone or a flower and stuck it in her hair. Every girl in the world will tell you she is bored of hearing it but what happens when you use it? - they lap up every word. If a girl spends a long time getting ready then the last thing in the world she wants is to be ignored. If you are somewhere really modern, like a trendy bar or club, then modernise the old classics. "That haircut is so funky! I Love it! " or "That haircut is wicked! " If you are uneasy about using chat up lines, then pre-empt the girls thoughts with an intro such as: "I know you must be bored with people telling you so, but I really do love the way you have done your hair" It is IMPOSSIBLE to give a girl too many compliments. No man has ever got his face slapped by saying to a girl... "You are beautiful" "You are stunning" And those must be the corniest lines of all. Making a girl feel special is very important when trying to attract them. A pitch that is always worth while is: Im sorry for approaching you like this, Im really embarrassed. I never approach women I dont know, but there is something about you and I just cant take my eyes off you. If I didnt come over here and talk to you, I know that I would regret it for the rest of my life INCREDIBLE TECHNIQUE. Sometimes it is really difficult to talk in loud clubs. Another technique I have seen is performed by a good friend of mine, with so much success that I just HAD to include it in this guide.
Have some business cards printed with your direct work line on them, or a mobile number. Make the business you are in sound more interesting than it is, if you have a boring job. If you are an accountant, then Freelance Corporate Statistician may sound better If you cant think of a way to make the business you are in sound better (and you are prepared to do it) LIE! My friends business card reads Stunt Co-ordinator and he has had another with Corporate Entertainment. Before you go out for the evening, prepare a good handful of cards (15-20 minimum) by writing on the back: Im sorry for approaching you like this, Im really embarrassed. I never approach women I dont know, but there is something about you and I just cant take my eyes off you. If I didnt try to talk to you I know that I would regret it for the rest of my life. If you get a chance, please give me a call during the week, as it would be fantastic to put a voice to that incredible face. Yours, Paul (or whatever your name is) Every time my friend goes out to a club or pub (I advise performing this technique in clubs and pubs that you DO NOT regularly drink at.) he simply slips one of these cards in the hand of every single girl he fancies! He always tries to look embarrassed as he does it, as if he is really nervous. Its incredible but true. Every single week, without fail, the phone will ring and he KNOWS that the girl is good looking, because he only picked the good looking ones! Week in, week out, he has a beautiful girl on his arm. He is not a good looking guy. Hes a bit over weight and has a receding hairline, but has more success with this technique than anyone can believe! Any good salesman will tell you If you dont make any calls, you dont make any sales and by handing out LOADS of cards, you are bound to get lucky with a few intrigued girls! If you are not good at chatting on the phone, then simply have a line prepared so when the phone rings and the girl says Hi, its Blah Blah, from the club, you gave me your card You can have an immediate reply Oh my god, I cant believe you called! I was so embarrassed giving you that card. I wanted to talk to you so much, but never thought I stood a chance with a girl as incredible as you. Its so difficult to talk on the phone, why dont we meet up for a quiet drink somewhere so we can introduce ourselves? You know that they want to, because they phoned YOU! Half your work is already done! Remember the rest of the techniques you learn here and pick up that girl!
Do you dance? If you are young and buzzing, one of the most common places to pick up girls is the Disco or nightclub. Even if you are an older guy and not into the music, give it a try - after all, you might not be 'into' the sound of traffic but that would not stop you talking to a girl in the street. Similarly, if you are young do not turn your nose up at the local ballroom, a lot of young girls prefer more sedate music and the romance involved with ballroom dancing and in exchange for teaching you a few dance steps they might let you teach them a thing or two! Whether the disco of the ballroom, before you set off make sure you have the essential tools of a successful pick up artist. The address of another place to visit in case your primary venue is full of couples; a pen and paper for taking phone numbers; some condoms because the machine in the toilet will be empty, and with AIDS about you do not want to risk your life on a casual pick-up.
So it is early on a Saturday night and you enter the clun. Obviously you will have done your research, in some parts of the world early means about eight o'clock but in others early is 12 midnight. Let us say you enter when the girls have not yet got hitched up for the night, what next? Naturally you are not going to rush up to the first girl you see and ask her if she shags! Despite what you may have heard, the most likely result from such action is that the doormen will throw you out.after she has slapped your face! What you do is use your eyes. Look around you and select three or four girls you would be happy to pick up, then watch for a while. It seems to be a fact of life that in a club or dance the first girl you fancy has got a husband or boyfriend who has just nipped out to the Gents. After establishing that your 'targets' are not accompanied you make your choice, but still do not charge at her. Move close so you can hear her conversation. What you are trying to find out is what type of girl she is so you can tailor your approach. Even if you cannot get close enough to actually hear her you should be able to establish if she is the outward, talkative type, or the shy, quiet type, just by watching her closely. Remember girls LIKE to be noticed. Forget about what you have been told about it being rude to stare. You are giving the girl a compliment by noticing her. Dont be afraid to SMILE smiles are infectious!
Let us assume that she is the outward type who looks and talks in a confident way. Your best approach is to be direct. Introduce yourself (girls like to know who they are talking to) then ask her... "Would you like to dance or would you prefer a drink?" Then LISTEN to her answer and WATCH her face! You already know about the dubious meaning of the word 'No', but in a disco there is a situation where a follow up line does not work. If it is early in the evening and she is with a group of mates it is quite likely that she is catching up on all the local gossip. Now she is not going to tell you that she is more interested in who has been seen with whom in the stationary cupboard than dancing is she? Accept the fact that you are going to get nowhere, and with a smile move away. When she has finished gossiping she will be more receptive, a sure sign is when she starts looking round to see who is in. So now go back and ask her again. Pick Up Power is all about PERSEVERANCE. What about the shy or 'hard to get' type? A lot of people try the direct approach and are surprised when they fail. The secret is in the 'Ice Breaker'. Girls are brought up with their ears ringing with phrases like 'Don't talk to strangers' , 'Don't throw yourself at a man' , 'Wait until you are introduced' , and 'Men will not respect you if you are too easy'. It is hardly surprising when they give you a negative reaction when out of the blue a man walks up to them and asks them to dance, even though that is the precise reason that they are in that place! The 'Ice Breaker' is simply a method of talking to a girl without her in-built defences coming into operation. After just a few words, your are of course not a 'stranger', and can pick her up with a direct approach. Do not fall into the trap of thinking that girls are not aware of what you are doing. They are perfectly aware that they are being picked up, but because you are playing by their rules they will except it. Firstly, you want the girl to notice you, but you do not want to make it obvious that she is your 'target'. Stand in her view, glance around you - but only briefly, mostly you should be staring impatiently at the door. If your 'target' is sitting in the middle of a group of girls is may be necessary to walk about for a while and then return, as you want the girl in a position where you do not have to talk over someone to address her.
The next stage is the innocent question. "What is the name of this place?" or "What time do you make it?" Now what girl is going to get that defensive over a question like that? Even though the words she uses in her reply are unimportant, the way she says them and the way she looks are, so pay attention. You now need to get her conversing rather than just answering questions. "It looks like my friends have let me down. Is their a place called (the name of your alternative venue here) near here?" Again, listen to her reply and watch her reaction closely. "They have probably gone straight there or stayed in the pub. Tell me, what is (alternative place) like?" Even if she tells you that the other place is marvellous, smile and something like... "Thanks for your advice. I don't know where my friends have got to but I think I will stay here. I hope you don't mind me talking to you..." The smile is all important. You are playing the pickup game by her rules, and the smile tells her that she was your 'target' all along. By those very rules however you are no longer a stranger and therefore she can ignore what her mother has told her about strange men, and dance with you or accept a drink. Sometimes when you go into a disco you will find the girls dancing rather than sitting. If the lights are low and there are groups of girls dancing together, the temptation is to dive straight into the first group you see. Avoid the temptation. Fish swim in schools because the numbers confuse the attacker. The same theory applies to a group of girls. Having no specific target you will be wasting your efforts. Take you time, assess the talent, and only then make your move. Your objective here is not to upstage John Travolta, but to get the girl away from the group so you can talk to her. Having a mate with you helps because he can keep the other girls occupied while you go for the one you fancy. Don't be too pushy but try to get between your target and her friends. Smile and try to make eye contact with the girl. If this is successful steer her to the edge of the floor. If the music is very loud you may have to make gestures, but ask her if she wants a drink or if she would like to sit for a while. Don't no disheartened if she shows no interest. Leave the dance floor and wait for the girls to stop dancing, then approach the one you fancy and in a gentlemanly manner apologise for interrupting her on the dance floor. Even hard to get girls usually go for this approach so in no time at all you will find yourself in conversation. Easy isn't it? yet up and down this fair land of ours boys are going up to girls and getting refused, because they do not realise that some girls will always reject a direct approach. Once you have had a dance or bought her a drink, then you need to converse with her. Since it does not matter if you are in a disco, a pub, or a busy street, the art of conversation is VITAL to successful pulling, so much so that there is a separate section on conversation later on in this guide.
After conversing with the girl you will now have a pretty good idea whether she is going to let you bed her that night or not. Let us start with the girl who is the free and easy type. The first thing to remember is that she knows exactly what you are after but may not admit it directly. Many a guy has ruined his chances by saying something like... "I am looking forward to going to bed with you" Be more subtle, ask her... "If you come back to my place for a drink will your friends be able to get home without you?" Even free and easy girls go to discos in pairs, but if she is not worried about leaving them then you have cracked it, you can let nature take its lovely course. Notice that you have asked her a two part question. If you asked her "Would you like to come back to my place?", she would probably not give a direct answer, even the most liberated girls are masters of the word 'maybe'. By asking her about her friend however you have in the same sentence given her then chance to agree to going home with you without actually saying 'Yes'. This use of the double edged question is discussed further in the later section on conversation. The girl who will only be kissed and cuddled on the first date can also be tackled in a similar way. Tell her you would love to take her for a meal (or to a pub, or anywhere you can be alone with her) but you are worried about her friends. Your concern will go a long way to convincing her that you are the sort of guy she wants to know better. Even the guys well practised in the art of pick up power will not be able to get a shy girl into bed after the first meeting. The answer is not to try. Your sole objective should be to get a date with her. From the conversation you have had you know the sort of things she likes, so suggest the sort of place she talked about even if they do not appeal to you. I was once bored stiff trudging around a museum, until out of the blue the girl started talking about the use of phallic symbols in ancient art. You can guess where that conversation led... One final point about clubs or dances. Listen to what the DJ. is playing. Heavy rock music can excite a girl, but while it is playing she will be so engrossed in the physical aspect of the music that any approach that you make will be wasted. Wait until something more suitable is played. You should not go onto the dance floor if the current record is just finishing. If you do, then the chances are that the next record is something that does not suit your style. If none of the music is to your liking then remember that DJ's are always open to bribery! Pubs And Bars First of all a warning. A girl in a club or dance expects to be approached, but not necessarily so in a pub or bar. You have got to take your time. Don't rush it. Perseverance will pay off. If you are young and rather on the shy side then you would probably never dream of trying to pick up a girl in your local. Not only would you feel upset if you were rejected, but to have it happen in front of your mates would be even worse. The answer is don't even try. After reading this guide you will have a completely new attitude and will be far more at ease, and thus more successful in operating in a new place.
Get out a map and look at the areas around. You are seeking pubs where you can meet ten girls in one hour. A new estate with houses designed for first time buyers (babies only), or retired couples (daughters have left home) will not give you what you are looking for. Lots of flats and bedsits means a lot of single girls. Similarly, an area with a lot of well established three and four bedroomed houses will provide a lot of daughters. Since the techniques are the same I include some clubs in this section. Your local Working Mens Club or Conservative Club are ideal pulling grounds. Don't be put off by their names, you do not have to belong to or even support and particular political party to join either. The atmosphere in these places is often more relaxed than in a pub, and even a shy type of girl will go to a club unaccompanied. Having drawn up your list of pubs and bars you must now spend some time visiting them to sort out the good from the bad. A good idea is to give them a rating from one to ten. If a place is dominated with darts or pool etc. you can cross it off your list immediately, but with others first impressions can be misleading. In various parts of the country there are traditional nights for girls to go out by themselves. Where I live I can take you into pubs on a Tuesday or Thursday night and you will be amazed by the number of single girls, yet on other nights those same pubs are full of couples. Ask around to make sure you have not just chosen the wrong night. One of the best pulling places is the community type pub that is not too crowded. The novice puller is, however, likely to give this type of pub a miss because when he first walks in he will think everyone is staring at him. They are, but this is a GOOD sign. You might feel a bit uncomfortable at first but you are being noticed, which is the first step in picking up a girl. Be aware that people are watching and act accordingly. Do not loll back on the bar and leer at the girls. Get yourself a drink and sit quietly and keep your eyes and ears open. If there is a number of girls in the place then it is worth cultivating. If there are not, then ask the barman when is the best night. Do it politely, something like... "I have heard this is quite a lively pub, when do all the girls get in?" will get you more information than "hey you, when does all the crumpet arrive?". On your first visit you should not spend too much time in the place, so once you have given it its initial rating - leave. You should also keep a particular eye out for entertainment. Obviously some old boy playing the piano is no good unless you fancy a 'Grab a Granny Night', but watch out for the sort of entertainment that will attract the age group that you are looking for. The best way to suss out a pub or club with entertainment is to sit where you have a clear view of the ladies loo. Throughout the evening most ladies will pay a visit, so you will be able to judge if the place is worth cultivating. This initial survey can mean that you visit a lot of pubs in one evening. Watch your drinking carefully. You might feel sober, but if you walk into a place glassy eyed then you can bet some gorgeous girl will notice and cross you off HER list! I have used the word 'cultivating' a lot. This is the secret of Pick Up Power in pubs and bars. After a number of short visits to a place you will no longer feel people's eyes on the back of your neck. You will also have spotted several likely looking girls. More important, you will know something about the people. It is pure stupidity to walk into a pub or club and try to chat up a girl when her boyfriend/husband is serving behind the bar. Now you have learned something about the place you will be able to avoid such mistakes. The word 'cultivating' works two ways. Girls in the 'home' pub or club feel secure and safe. If a stranger comes up and tries to chat them up they will not be responsive,
but if they have seen you before then they will be receptive. Making yourself known in a pub is very much like the 'Ice Breaker' technique in the disco. It has taken a bit of time, but finally you are setting off to a pub or a bar with the object of picking up a girl. Along with your pen you will have a small notebook. This will contain a list of the names that you have overheard during your research period. Look around the place and find out who is in. You will now have realised that people sit or stand around in groups. These groups are made up of assorted people and often have no age similarity, especially in a community pub or club. Your objective is to talk to someone in the group that contains the girl/girls that you fancy. There is an old saying 'Plant rice and rice will grow - plant fear and fear will grow'. It is natural that you will be nervous when approaching a girl and that nervousness can grow into downright fear with some people. As you practice the lessons you learn here you will gain confidence, but in the early days this third party pick-up is ideal for the nervous type. Obviously your opening conversation will be polite and complimentary. Whatever you say don't be brash or pushy, it could be one of your 'targets' relations you are talking to! While you are chatting away, make complimentary comments about the pub or club and the people in it and let your eyes stray to your 'target'. Smile and show your interest in her. Slowly, Slowly, is the motto here. If the girl smiles back, do not suddenly switch all your attention on to her. Any girl in a group has a loyalty to that group, and will not be pleased if she thinks you have offended one of the members. Returning from the bar or toilet is an ideal situation to position yourself next to you target. Now it is just remembering about the art of conversation. If you are following this advice you will not be downhearted of your target shows no interest in you the first time you try an approach. You can quite easily drift away from the first group and approach another group. Or, if you have done your research, there is always an alternative venue. A final point on pubs. The girl you are interested in may be in a group but standing or sitting next to a chap who could be her boyfriend. Now boyfriends come in all sorts of strengths, and I do not mean physical strength. There is the type the girl is madly in love with, they will be very close together with the girl hanging on to his every word. Do not waste your time here. Then there is the couple who go out regularly but are not madly in love. Ensure you remember to include this semi-boyfriend in your conversation and do not make a particularly strong play for the girl, then it is possible to start up a relationship with the girl without getting a black eye. In this day and age it is fairly common for a girl to be going out with more than one boy. The real prize is the girl who is with a boy who is not a boyfriend in the true sense of the word, but just a chap she knows and occasionally goes out with. Again make sure you include the chap in the conversation, but if she starts paying more attention to you than the bloke she was with you can then steer her away and operate as though she had come in to the place by herself or make your excuses to leave but arrange to meet her again at a certain date. If she turns up by herself you have a successful pick up and it is now just down to the continuing conversation. Sports Clubs If you are reasonably fit, or want to get fit, then a sports club is the ideal place for you. You should treat them very much like pubs or clubs. Do not expect to waltz in and pick up a girl straight away. Take you time so that when you make your first approach to a girl you know something about her. The 'Ice Breaker' to use here is of course rather particular. Again remember that the girl will be perfectly aware that you are chatting her up. If after talking about sport for a while you invite her out for a drink or a meal, she will feel complimented. However unlike the disco or dance the girl will be around for some time, and she might decline the a date with you on the principal that she does not
want to appear easy and if you are serious you will ask again. Make sure you do, otherwise you will get the reputation of being insincere. Previously I have mentioned that girls like being noticed. This applies to situations where the girl is dressed to be noticed such as dances or discos. You might think that a girl dressed for tennis, squash, or swimming looks absolutely divine, but beware of the Peeping Tom Syndrome. If a girl takes her sport seriously she might dress in short revealing clothes because it helps her compete, and not to catch the eye of a passing male. If you stand behind a squash court making it obvious that the only things you are watching are the long legs and flashing knickers, do not be surprised if the girls are not very pleased. Even is you do not take the particular sport very seriously it is always worth reading the magazine which caters for that particular activity. Mention of a particular story or article may get a girls interest. What would then be more natural than to invite her back to your place so she can read it for herself. Most towns have a sports centre these days go along and investigate. Even if you decide not to join you may notice a girl who you have seen before. What better conversation opener is there than "Didn't I see you playing badminton last week?" By all means visit the local riding stable, but from my experience you will be disappointed. Yes they will be full of girls, but the stallions they like have four legs, not two. Public Events Don't turn your nose up at events like flower or dog shows. They are usually held on a Saturday afternoon so can be ideal for picking up a girl for the night. You are looking for one of two types of girl. Either one who is interested in the event, or one who has been dragged along and is bored stiff. Let us start with the flower/dog buff - she will be going around minutely inspecting the exhibits. Wait until she is looking at a particular exhibit, then go up to her and stand beside her and check whether it got a prize. After a few moments turn to her and say... "Excuse me, sorry to interrupt you, but why did that dog/flower/cat etc. get a prize and that one didn't?" Don't worry if you do not understand the answer. Tell her you know nothing about dogs/flowers/cats etc. and ask her to explain further. She will be so engrossed in talking about something she is obviously interested in that she will ignore the fact that a stranger has just walked up and started to chat her up. Keep her talking (even if you are bored) ask her questions like... "Does your husband/boyfriend share your interest in flowers/dogs etc.?" Once you have found out that she is single or unattached let her take you round the show for a while, then casually ask her what she is doing afterwards. The bored girl will be the one who is looking everywhere but at the exhibits. She may be wandering round after one of her relations but don't let that worry you, they will be more interested in the exhibits that noticing you pull the girl. Go up to her and say... "You look as bored as I feel. This is the first dog/cat/cactus etc. show that I have been to, and you are the most interesting thing here."
Yes, I know it sounds really corny, but if the girl is bored she will welcome the approach as a light relief. Tell her you came in so you would be able to tell your aged aunt about flowers/dogs etc. That will make her think that you are a kind and caring type. Then you find out what she is interested in and by some coincidence you have always wanted to do that/go there too, so why not arrange a date and go together. Simple isn't it? Educational If you find it difficult to talk to anyone let alone a girl, then evening classes might be the best for you. The studious type of girl will be more likely to spot your shyness and make allowances. Choose a subject that you like, but steer clear of things like woodwork or metalwork where there are unlikely to be many girls. Treat the girls as part of your course. Set yourself a target of finding out as much about them as possible. Quite soon you will find that the knowledge you have gained will give you the confidence to talk to them freely. Before you know it you will be asking one of them out. Having done so once, then next time will be easier, and with the help of this book you will be picking up girls to your hearts content. On Holiday Holidays can be the best time of the year - or the worst. If you have good company, especially female, then you are going to enjoy yourself; but if you are by yourself the holiday can turn into a shatteringly lonely experience, no matter how good the resort. If you are young and single but cannot go with a group of friends, then you are really best advised to go abroad with one of the companies specialising in singles holidays. This will mean that even if you don't manage a holiday romance you will have a good time. They can be a little regimented, but joining in organised events is far better than being lonely. For the older guy who does not enjoy travelling with groups there are a few basic rules to follow. Always choose a resort where there are a lot of English speaking tourists. Even if you speak the language, in most countries the local girls will have no interest in a foreign tourist. Bangkok, Singapore, Philippines and Thailand are the exceptions. These are renowned for the welcome they give to the foreign male; watch Thailand, because it is the sex centre of the world and definitely only for the broadminded. Of the four I would recommend the Philippines because of the relatively low cost and the Filipinos uninhibited love of the British. When on holiday girls are far more relaxed and open to romance. Many girls not normally on the pill even go on it for a short period every year to protect themselves during their holiday. We therefore have the ideal circumstances for picking up girls - sun, sand and lots of ladies looking for a holiday romance. Even though life will be much easier for you, don't forget all the tips you have learned here. There are also a number of special factors to watch out for. With the heat there is a need to replace the moisture lost through sweating. The trouble is that with such ready access to alcohol you can end up in a rather 'over tired' state. I assure you that even on holiday a girl will be turned off by some drunken lout trying to grope her. The heat can also have quite a devastating effect on your stamina. It is not laziness that brought about the institution of the Siesta, they make up the time lost by starting work earlier and finishing later. You may think it sissy to, but after living in Spain I can assure you that a couple of hours sleep around midday will enable you to enjoy your holiday much more. There is also the fact that in Britain the pubs close at 11.00pm and even the clubs are only opened until 2.00am many of the clubs in Spain for example OPEN at 11.00pm and close when the sun rises or the last person leaves!
Whatever you do, do not go to sleep on the beach otherwise you are going to have a problem with sunburn. Yes I know a well bronzed body looks sexy but you cannot get that way in just a couple of weeks. If you want to look as though you have spent a couple of months in the sun (and prepare your skin for the foreign climate), then you will have to be prepared to lash out some money and take a sunbed course before you go abroad. If you are a little overweight if may also be advised to take a course at the local gym to tone up ready for the beach. There is also the rather delicate problem of personal hygiene. In a cold country you can probably get away without bathing or showering every day, but if you try that in a hot climate you will be a walking advert for body deodorant. Shower or bath two or three time a day - it may sound a lot but you want the girls to wrinkle their noses in pleasure not in disgust. When you go on holiday do not forget your address book. It might be your intention to have a quick holiday fling, but ask around you may be surprised how many marriages started with a quick holiday romance. Your address book will also be needed to record the details of those girls who live in your own home town. If you don't manage to pull them on holiday then try contacting them when you get home your 'Ice Breaker' is of course talking about the holiday. Singles Clubs Singles clubs are an up and coming thing. They exist in all cities and major towns and are rapidly spreading to the smaller towns. You will find them advertised in the local paper or up on the library notice board. Sometime there is a membership charge but more often there is just a small entrance fee for the meetings to cover food/room costs. People who go to these clubs range in age from late twenties to early sixties and they have one thing in common - they are all there to meet someone of the opposite sex.. That is about the only thing they have in common. Good looking single girls who are just out for a good time; divorcees hoping to find another husband; shy, timid girls who would run a mile if you spoke to them in the street; grannies who want a live in chap to help with the garden - every type you could wish for. The smaller clubs may have about twenty or thirty members, the large city clubs can have a membership running into hundreds. However numbers are not all that important since there is a constant turnover of members, so if on your first visit there is no-one you fancy just wait till the next meeting. As I have recommended throughout, it will pay you dividends to do a little research. Even those clubs that charge a membership fee usually have guest nights. Go along and see if this form of meeting girls suits you. Some clubs are highly organised, while others are more in line with a singles bar - where people just turn up. Whatever type you choose you will be warmly welcomed. The people who run these clubs all seem to have a special knack of boosting your confidence, Their sole intention being to help you to meet someone special. Picking up a girl at a singles club is no problem at all. In fact, some people find that it all too easy and prefer the challenge of a pub, club etc. If you are looking for girls in their twenties and upwards then I highly recommend joining at least one singles club. It is also worth noting that these clubs organise singles holidays which are well worth finding out about. Computer Dating And Introduction Agencies Practically every magazine you pick up will have an advert for a computer dating or introduction agency. Let us start with the cost - you can pay out a lot of money to use their service. Be very, very
careful, it is not necessarily true that the more you pay the more you get. These days there are scores of internet dating agencies, plenty of them are free earning THEIR revenue from advertising. Take advantage. Computer dating agencies require you to fill in a questionnaire which covers your age, height likes and dislikes. A separate section covers the type of girls you would like to meet. This information is fed into a computer and your details sent on to the girls, while you get a print out of the girls who match your requirements. Well that is the theory. In practice you get a print out of all the girls on their list who vaguely match your requirements. This is not altogether a bad thing, The agencies' files are full of letters from guys who asked for slim blondes, were sent files of plump brunettes, but are now happily married. It just confirms the old saying that love is blind. It is up to you to make contact with the girl, so ACT FAST. Her details will be circulated to all the other guys on the agencies' books. Introduction agencies work on a similar basis except the details you supply are not processed by a computer. You get a list, usually on a monthly basis, of all the girls along with their details. The girls get a similar list of all the guys, and it is up you to make contact. Some agencies do not give out names and addresses but require you to operate via their offices. This can slow things down a bit, so all the more reason for acting fast as soon as you get your list. If the girl you fancy gives a phone number then make your call early evening and mention the agencies name, otherwise she might think you just got her name out of the phone book. Give her a brief description of yourself and be honest about it. Remember girls judge far less on appearances than a guy, and if you meet her and look nothing like your description you are going to look a right twerp ( "Tom Cruise? - I didn't remember him being five feet two with ginger hair!"). Sometimes a girl will ask you to send a photo, especially if the last contact she had was a baldy sixty year old who described himself as a virile twenty year old! If you are using dating agencies a lot, then it might be worth spending some money on a professional photo shoot. This sounds expensive, but nearly every town has a Family Portrait photographer, who will also be happy to take a photo booth style shot but with great lighting and skill. A lot of these photographers will only charge you, if you are happy with the results. Because phones are impersonal most people find that they are a great way to break the ice. However, if you have a tendency to be tongue tied then before you phone jot down on a piece of paper what you want to tell her and what you want to ask her. Then when that horrible pause occurs you can refer to your notes. If no phone number is given then you will have to write. Be polite, give a description of yourself along with your likes and dislikes. Don't go on about your virility as this will just turn the girl off. It is a good idea to ask the girl to send a photo of herself. Further tips on letter writing are included in a later section. A word of warning - if you have a girls address, do not go round. Even if it is local you must make the initial contact by phone or letter and wait to be invited. Apart from being the height of bad manners, if you break this rule the agency will terminate your membership and probably blacklist you with all the other agencies. All in all, computer and introduction agencies are useful for the twenties and upward age range who are looking for a permanent relationship. Friendship and Contact Magazines There are many friendship and contact magazines available. Prices vary but they nearly always represent excellent value for money. The range of magazines is truly staggering - pen friends, shared interest groups like stamp collecting or other hobbies, international meetings, romance and marriage, swingers I could go on and on.
Whatever walk of life you come from or whatever type of person you are seeking, there is bound to be a magazine that will suit you. When replying, the same situation applies as with dating agencies. If a particular ad catches you eye - then reply fast. Bearing in mind the low cost of advertising it is well worth while placing an ad yourself. Most magazines will publish a photo free of charge (preferably black and white as colour does not reproduce well) look through the magazine for an ad that appeals to you, then copy the style. If you are broad minded then you may like to try the 'Swingers' or 'Adult' contact magazines. Despite what you think most of the ads are from genuine people looking for a free and easy relationship. There are some gold diggers, but with so many enthusiastic amateurs about these are becoming less and less. Again act fast as most girls will only entertain one relationship at a time and it's first come first served. As with the more sedate contact magazines most of the adult ones will publish a free photo as they elicit more responses. Again, a quick search on the internet for swingers or contacts with provide hundreds of sites dedicated to getting people together. If you pick the most local ones, and put your advert on every free one you can find, you are naturally increasing your chances dramatically. Writing Letters Let me start by admitting that my handwriting and spelling are appalling. The only reason I can make a living as a writer is because of the word processor and the built in dictionary. There are occasions when I have to write by hand. A letter thanking a girl for a lovely night but apologising for being a bit pushy and trying to get her into be (yes we all make mistakes) should always be hand-written. So what do I do? Well, the first thing is never to use a ball-point pen, they have a fine point so any shakiness or unevenness is exaggerated. If your handwriting looks like a drunken spider has crawled across the page buy yourself a fountain pen with a broad nib. Make a rough draft of your letter then sit down with a dictionary and check the spelling. If you have made the draft on your computer, your spelling can be checked as you go. It takes time with a standard dictionary but the girl you are writing to will appreciate the effort you have gone to. Now copy it out on to good quality paper. Again take you time make sure you can read each word. With a broad nibbed fountain pen you may have to write a bit larger than normal but it will be worth while. Finally go through what you have written and make sure all the T's are crossed and dot all the I's. That is VITAL, if you do not believe me get a friend to write you two notes, one with the I's dotted and the T's crossed and one without and you find a staggering difference in legibility. If your handwriting is poor you should use a word processor or typewriter for all but the most intimate letters. If you are a serious devotee of How To Pick Up Girls you will go out and buy a second hand machine. An old but working PC and printer will cost you less than a large night out in a pub so there is no excuse for not being able to afford one. Typewriters are practically a thing of the past now! Im sure you could find someone to give you one for free! if they havent become collectors items yet! When it comes to what you should write then the best advice I can give, is trust yourself. While a girl will get fed up if they cannot read a letter they will not get uptight about grammar and punctuation. (Some of you have spotted that the last sentence is incorrect but it makes sense doesn't it?). Write from the heart and you will not go wrong. You may think it is a good idea to visit the library and copy some pieces from romantic books. Be very careful. The girl reading your letter will know how you speak and if you suddenly come out with phrases you do not normally use she will be suspicious of your sincerity. There is nothing wrong with quoting from a love poem as long as you put it in quotation marks, so she knows you are not trying to
impress her with your command of the English language - you are just trying to let her know how you feel about her. The Art of Conversation Does a girls stare at you in rapt attention whenever you speak? Are you sure it is not the glassy stare of boredom? Conversation is a two way street, if one of the parties does not speak then it is a lecture and most people are bored by lectures. Once you have got a girl in a situation which enables you to converse remind yourself of the objective. You are out to PICK UP THE GIRL. To do so you need information which means it is more important for her to talk than you. The best way of achieving this is by asking questions. You must however avoid the yes/no answers by making your questions open ended. An open ended question is one that asks far more than a straight yes/no answer For example: "Do you like music?" "YES/NO" You have not got very far with this. Now try : "Which is your favourite type of music" The chances are that are going to get an animated talk. LISTEN carefully even if you do not like the same music it may be worthwhile taking her to a classical concert so she can later show her gratitude! "Do you like reading?" "YES/NO" Rather uninspiring isn't it? But now how about: "What type of books do you read?" This one really is a must even if the girl does not look the studious type you will get valuable information. Apart from listening it will pay huge dividends if you LOOK at the girl. Not only will it show her that she is not boring you but will give you a clue if she evading the truth. I once met a girl who blushed slightly and told me she did not read much. It turned out later that her favourite reading was sex magazines! Asking open ended questions is a secret known by few but practised by even less. In the presence of a beautiful girl even the most eloquent man can find himself floundering. WHAT, WHEN, WHICH and WHY will come to your rescue think of any question and start off by using one of those 'W' words and it is almost impossible for a girl to answer Yes/No. You will have noticed that all through this book I have been emphasising that you must LOOK and LISTEN when talking to a girl. To show you how important it is consider the following: "WHAT type of films do you like watching?" "I don't like going to the cinema"
Most people stop listening when they have heard "I don't like ..." they assume the girl is going to complete the sentence with the word "..films" what a glorious opportunity they have missed. "WHY don't you like going to the cinema?" "There is always someone with a hat sitting in front of me" Short girls often dislike the cinema. "Yes it can be annoying. I prefer watching videos. WHAT type of videos do you watch?" Watching a video with the lights down will probably be more productive and cheaper than going out for a meal. Just by listening you have got the ideal lead-in for an evening together. We touched on the double question in the chapter on clubs. If you remember the idea is to ask two questions at the same time so by answering the second question the girl commits herself to the first part. "If you come home with me will your friend be able to get home all right?" is a classic example. Another name for this type of phrase is the assumptive question because the first part assumes she agrees to your proposition. Sometimes you can bury the assumption so deeply in the question that a girl can commit herself and it is almost impossible to back track. "Would you prefer to stop at an Indian or Chinese restaurant on the way home?" if the question is slipped into the natural flow of the conversation the girl will concentrate on deciding Indian or Chinese and commit herself to one or the other rather than pointing out that only five minutes ago she declined your offer for a meal! "Shall I pick you up Friday or would you prefer Saturday?" is a far batter way of asking "Can I take you out next weekend?" It is also far easier for those of you who are a little shy to assume something rather than asking directly. Again we have one of those little tricks that are so simple that if you have not been using it you might feel like kicking yourself. If you have seen any books on the art of conversation you will probably read about the need to use someones name as frequently as possible. While is true that a person like to hear his or her own name there are occasions where it can be overdone. If you are talking to a girl alone it can sound a bit odd if you start each sentence with her name. It tends to create the impression that you think she is not listening and are trying to attract her attention. Now comes the decision time. You have learned quite a bit about girl and in the old days you would be quite happy just continuing to chat to her. The secret is to decide if you really want to pull her. With your new found pulling power you can chat to as many girls as you want, so it is not a question of can you take it further, but do you want that particular girl. Getting Her Phone Number
Often you will get better results using the above technique when asking for her phone number. Instead of asking Can I have your phone number You can re-word the question: Shall I write my number down, or would you prefer to give me yours?
Body Language You might have heard about body language. The idea is that man is still an animal and retains all the characteristics he had when he first thought about climbing down from the trees. Yes it is true that if a female monkey sticks her bottom in the air and exudes a specific smell the male of the species will correctly interpret the signal as "come on big boy, lets make babies". The human race has however, developed considerably since its days in the trees. If you are in a restaurant and see a waitress leaning across a table thus displaying her bottom, you are going to be terribly disappointed and certainly whacked if you interpret this as an invitation to have sex with her! When using body language to assist you in picking up girls be very careful not to attach too much importance to the signal. As an example let us look at what is being signalled when a girl crosses or uncrosses her legs. The behavioural physcologists tell us that a person sitting cross legged is feeling uncommunicative. In other words if the girl you are talking to has her legs crossed she is not interested in you. Conversely if she uncrosses her legs when you approach she likes you. While it is a useful pointer, such a signal can be very misleading. Imagine the following: You are at a party and you see a girl sat on the sofa with her legs crossed. When she sees you approaching she immediately uncrosses her legs and sits up straight. Because you believe the so called experts - you spend the next few hours chatting her up, but she may not be the least bit interested in you. Sitting cross legged is a very comfortable position. Most children however are brought up being told that such a position is unsightly. This is especially relevant to girls because there is no doubt that the drape of a dress is spoilt by sitting with the legs crossed. So the girl on the sofa is quietly relaxing when she sees someone approach, it doesn't matter who it is, her first reaction will be to follow her childhood training and sit up straight with her legs decorously on the floor. Another misleading signal is the crossed arms. We are told that crossing ones arms is an unconscious desire to protect oneself from whoever is talking. Does that mean if you are talking to a girl and she crosses her arms you should walk away? By no means. Let us look at some other reasons other than dislike of the person she is talking to. If a girl really likes a bloke she might be thinking it would be really wonderful if he put his arms around her. At such an early stage in a chat up routine, she is not going to come out and ask him. She might, however fold her arms about her as a substitute. Another common occurrence is the young girl in the low-cut dress. The dress is rather revealing and her parents have made several comments about it showing too much cleavage. She is now chatting to some dishy young man and is aware that his eyes are roving. Suddenly she is full of self-doubt. Isn't the dress a little too low, will the young man think her a slut? These feelings could easily lead her to fold her arms to hide the source of her concern. As you will see it is all too easy to misread body language because in the examples the girl uncrossing her legs might fancy the chap and the girl folding her arms might be bored silly with the man she is talking to. The basic rule is use body language as an indicator and not to act on a single signal that you might have misinterpreted.
Let us now look at some signals and what they MIGHT mean. Mimicking movements When two people are enjoying each others company they will tend to mimic each others movements. Next time you are in a pub in deep conversation with a mate try this experiment. Adopt the same position he is in then after a few minutes change position, for example rest your hand on the bar or turn so you are facing away from the bar. In a short while your friend should follow suit. If you are chatting up a girl watch her movements to see if she is copying you. Do not think she is madly in love with you if she does. All it means is that she is interested in you. If she does not copy your movements, try copying hers. It tends to make people feel safe if the person they are talking to adopts the same pose. Eye contact If you are out with a girl and you spend five minutes gazing into each others eyes without saying a word then don't worry about misinterpreting the signal - you've got it made! However if a girl looks directly when she speaks do not jump to the conclusion that she is interested in you. It may be only politeness on her part. However if a girl does not look at you it could be one of two reasons. If someone is not interested in you their eyes will rove. They will look around to see who else is about, their eyes everywhere but on you. When this happens either change your conversational approach dramatically or make your excuses to walk away and find another girl. This signal is usually accompanied by fidgeting and when it happens you will not mistake is for embarrassment. Some girls are very easily embarrassed. Until they know you very well they will feel uncomfortable looking into your eyes. The shy girls eyes will not actually rove, she will tend to look downwards staring at her hands or at the floor. Occasionally her eyes will flick up as is to check that you are still there. The guideline is that if her eyes never get above your shoulders, you are talking to a shy but pullable girl. Body To Body Irrespective of the fact that a girl is looking at you when she is speaking, if her body is not turned towards you she might not be as interested as you think. Turning your head without your body is sometimes called the defensive stance. It is always a good sign when you are chatting up a girl and she turns and faces you full but it is not the end of the world if she does not. If she is sitting then by turning towards you she might increase the distance between you. Or if she is standing she may not want to face you as she would rather have your arm around her! All in all a very suspect signal. Crossing Arms Or Legs As mentioned before these defensive positions should only be used ass indicators. Body Space Every person has a space around them that they do not want a stranger to encroach upon. The space varies from person to person and can be as little as a couple of inches to a couple of feet. If you are talking to a girl and she starts to back away it could be that you are invading her space. Until she knows you better she will feel uncomfortable if you get too close. If you can spot this limit then you can use it as a gauge as to how you are getting on. When she lets you stand so close you can feel her breath you are no longer a stranger.
Flower Power You might not be impressed if someone sent you a bunch of flowers, but girls are. Just read the stories in womens magazines and you would expect Interflora to have more staff than the Postal Service. So when was the last time you sent a girl a single red rose? If you admire a girl but have not plucked up the courage to talk to her can you think of a better opening line than ... "Did you get the flowers I sent you?" or if you are following How To Pick Up Girls properly you will have the names and addresses of several good looking girls so in order to keep your expenses down the first time you see one of them in an approachable position go up and ask her if she got the flowers. When she says "No" look confused, pull out your address book and confirm her address making sure you get the right street but the wrong number! Also for goodness sake don't forget that the girl in the florists is not just there for selling flowers. If she is a good looking and does not have a wedding or engagement ring on she is a 'Target'. Explain to her that have seen this lovely girl and you know where she works but you don't know her name. Ask her what sort of flowers she would like to receive and get her to select them for you. Yes you've guessed it...they are for her. After all you can always go to another florists to get the flowers you originally intended.
The First Date Don't rush but do not be too slow because a girl expects the man to take the lead. It is no good trying to give specific details as the judgement as to how fast to work is, I am afraid a matter of experience. The only guide I can give is that the shy bloke rather tends to be slow and hesitant which a girl can forgive, while a brash confident type goes too fast, a failing that sometimes leads to them not getting a second chance. You will tell the truth with more sincerity than you will lie. If you are out of work but don't want to admit it, for goodness sake don't invent a story about what a great job you've got. Even if you tend to only have a brief affair with a girl, once you start lying you will get into all sorts of problems. Unlike a bloke a girl will not tell that she knows you are lying, she will keep the knowledge to use the very first time you have a quarrel. If you are in sales or have heard salesmen talk you will know you can talk yourself out of a sale. If you want to bed her and she is willing, stop talking and start acting! By following How To Pick Up Girls you are going to see a lot of girls in various states of undress. If you have not had much previous experience you are going to be surprised by some girls opinion of their own bodies. In particular some girls seem to worry about the size of their breasts as some men worry about the size of their penises. For one particular area of my research I asked my readers to specify the personal details of the characters. It came as no surprise that most men prefer blondes but what did come as a shock was that when given a choice between large or small boobs, 75% choose small. I had always assumed I was in a minority preferring small, a view that the more popular papers have supported. It is hardly surprising then that most girls are convinced that the bigger their breasts the more attractive they are and those that are not particularly well endowed feel inadequate. If a girl insists on undressing in the dark don't be surprised. Limit your comments to telling her that it's a pity because she has a lovely body. Whatever you do don't make any comments like "Why? you've got nothing to hide". You may have meant it as a joke but she will take it seriously and it may even end your relationship there and then. Just think how you would feel, if just before you started lovemaking she started making jokes about the size of your penis.
When finally a girl is curled up in your arms staring into your eyes, forget all that you have read in this book. Talking sweet nothings is not a figment of some romantic novelists mind but a fact. If you start thinking about the art of conversation or double questions you will spoil one of lifes most precious moments. Check List Always make sure you have a notebook with you. As you start picking up more and more girls it might be an idea to jot down a brief description of the one alongside her name and address so that you don't confuse Suzanne Jones with Suzanne Smith. Are you in a place with sufficient girls? If there is only one girl then you only have one chance and nobody can score 100% of the time. Are you dressed correctly for the situation? Punk gear in a riding stable will not only frighten the horses. Designer stubble might be the 'in thing' but bad breath and body odour are not. Listen to what a girl says. How many girls have you walked away from because you did not listen carefully enough to realise they were saying 'Yes'? LOOK at the girl - a 'No' with a smile is a YES. Perseverance pays. A lot of girls automatically rebuff the first approach. Be honest if being with a girl makes you tongue tied. Tell her so. Even if you have to write her a letter. First approaches must be according to the girls rules. Study the girl to find out what rules she is currently operating. Your initial conversation is about getting information from her. A lecture on the pros and cons of overhead cam shafts is not the best method for pulling a girl. Remember WHEN, WHAT, WHICH and Why. The Casanova Method So you have done everything right and still end up with no girl for the evening. Buy yourself a drink and cheer up. Even Casanova did not have a 100% success rate. While you are sipping your drink look at the people around you. You are looking for a couple who are by themselves. They should be talking but not too intimately otherwise they might resent your approach. If there is more than one couple who fits the bill then choose one with the plainest girl. Beautiful girls usually have very plain girls as mates, it makes them look even better and The Casanova Method works on the principle that every girl knows another girl who is free and easily available. Do not look too cheerful when you make your approach. You are fed up and disheartened - so look it. Over confidence will also ruin the effect so throw in a few ums and errs. "Er...excuse me but I wonder if you can help me. I er... am using a technique I have read about and I seem to have um...ground to a halt" Wait for a reply. It will usually be a confused "What?" Make sure you address your next remarks to the chap to make it clear that you are not trying to pull his girlfriend!
"Well I have this book entitled How To Pick Up Girls and it says I should visit places where I can speak to at least ten unattached girls in an hour. As you can see all the girls are accompanied in here and I was wondering if I could ask your girlfriend where her mates go on an evening." At this stage say nothing else. It will take a few moments for what you have said to sink in. If you can manage a confused/embarrassed look so much the better. If they ask you to explain further, do so and be perfectly honest about your reasons. Remember it is a laudable objective for a man to seek out a girl and the couple you are speaking to should be flattered that it is them that you are asking for help. I have used this method myself even admitting that How To Pick Up Girls was still being written and that Mark Mason was my pen name, with remarkable results. The best was a girl who produced an address book and gave me fifteen names and telephone numbers along with permission to use her as a reference! At worst I have got no information at all but rounded the evening off with some interesting conversation. And Finally You are in a bar with a beautiful girl clinging on to your arm and you see some guy looking forlornly at all the talent he is not pulling. Don't give him a self satisfied smirk, remember how you used to feel. Go over and tell him to download a copy of How To Pick Up Girls from Chat up Lines Some of these chat up lines will almost certainly result in a slapped face! They are included here for entertainment value, and because no guide to picking up girls is complete without them! Your body's name must be Visa, because it's everywhere I want to be. Can I buy you a drink, or do you just want the money. I may not be Fred Flintstone, but I bet I can make your bed rock. I may not be the best looking guy here, but I'm the only one talking to you. Yo Baby, you be my Dairy Queen, I'll be your Burger King, you treat me right, and I'll do it your way. Excuse me, do you have your phone number, I seem to have lost mine. I can't find my puppy, can you help me find him? I think he went into this cheap motel room. I'm new in town, could I have directions to your house. If you were a new hamburger at McDonald's, you would be McGorgeous. You might not be the best looking girl here, but beauty is only a light switch away. That's a nice shirt. Can I talk you out of it? There must be something wrong with my eyes, I can't take them off you. Are you from Tennessee? Because you're the only ten I see! Was your father a thief? 'Cause someone stole the stars from the sky and put them in your eyes.
Your daddy must have been a baker, 'cause you've got a nice set of buns. Do you have a map? I just keep on getting lost in your eyes. Is it that cold out or are you just smuggling tic-tac's. Excuse me I lost my teddy bear will you sleep with me tonight. If you were a buger I would pick you first. You: Can I borrow a quarter/ten pence/5 yen? She: why? ( if she says sure or something else get her to ask you why) You: so I can call my mom and tell her I just met the girl of my dreams. ( have something quick to say afterwards) Are your pants from outer space? 'cause your butt is out of this world. Are you a parking ticket? 'cause you got fine-fine-fine written all over ya. I can't wait until tomorrow. She replys why not. You say cause you look better everyday. Are you tired? Cause you've been running through my mind all day! If I could rearrange the alphabet I'd put U and I together! I must be in heaven cause I've seen an angel. Did it hurt when you fell from heaven? Are you a surgeon? CAuse you've just took my heart away! Have I seen you before? OH yeah it was in the dictionary under the word KABLAM!! There must be a keg in your pants, cuz I want to tap that ass. You're like milk, I want to make you a part of my complete breakfast. My pickup line was published on the Internet... Would you like to hear it. Hey gorgeous the power company is looking for you you're so electrifying. I'm not actually this tall. I'm sitting on my wallet. Excuse me, but I think I dropped something!!! MY JAW!! Is your name Gillette? ...because you're the best a man can get. I want to melt in your mouth, not in your hand. Hi, I make more money than you can spend. Bond. James Bond
How do you like your eggs cooked? Why? Well I just wanted know what to make for you in the morning! If I pet you, would you follow me home? I'm not wearing any pants. I'd like to wrap your legs around my head and wear you like a feed bag. I love the way you butter on a bald monkey. You remind me of my Grandma except I haven't slept with you yet. You stole my heart. But that's okay; I have another one at home in the fridge. Do you just wanna get naked? Do you work for UPS? 'Cause I swear I saw you checking out my package! Why do I have a pierced tongue? You'll soon find out. Are you free tonight or is it gonna cost me? Come on baby, sex is like pizza: Even if it's bad, it's still pretty good. Do you wanna have kids with me??? No? Then do you just wanna practice? I wish you were a carousel at Wal-Mart so I could ride you all day long for just a quarter!! Aw, girl, I'm gonna have to put you on my "To Do" List! Save a horse -- ride a cowboy. Hey baby, will you be my love buffet so I can lay you on the table and take what I want? You know, it's not premarital sex unless you plan on getting married. Hi, I make more money than you can spend. I'd walk a million miles for one of your smiles, and even farther for that thing you do with your tongue. Your eyes are as blue as window cleaner. Mmmm, you bring new meaning to the word "edible". Hey babe, do you realize that my mouth can generate over 750 psi? Hey babe, wanna get LUCKY!?!?!! Sex is a killer...want to die happy? Hi! Can I buy you a car?
I had sex with someone last night. Was that you? You look like a hooker I knew in Fresno. You're ugly but you intrigue me. Hey baby...infect me! Picture this, you, me, bubble baths, and a bottle of champagne. No, I'm not a cop. What can I get for fifty bucks? Be unique and different, say yes. If you ever want to see your children again, you'll do what I want. Inheriting eighty million bucks doesn't mean much when you have a weak heart. I'm sorry, were you talking to me? No? Oh well then, please start. I'd like to wrap your legs around my head and wear you like a feed bag. If it's true that we are what we eat, I could be you by morning! How do you like your eggs: poached, scrambled, or fertilized? I was about to go masturbate and I needed a name to go with your face. My love for you is like diarrhea, I just can't hold it in. Roses are red. Violets are blue. I like spaghetti. Let's go screw. Is that a keg in your pants? 'Cause I would love to tap that ass! If your right leg was Thanksgiving, and your left leg was Christmas, could I meet you between the holidays? You remind me of a championship bass, I don't know whether to mount you or eat you! Your parents must be retarded, because you are special. Could I touch your belly button . . . from the inside? I'm not too good at algebra, but doesn't U+I = 69? How about we play lion and lion tamer? You hold your mouth open, and I'll give you the meat. If I had a rose for everytime I thought of you, I'd be walking in my garden forever. (To someone wearing a wetsuit, i.e. surfer, bodyboarder, etc.): Are you wet in that suit? What do you say we go behind a rock and get a little boulder?
Hi there! Do you wanna see something really swell? Why don't you surprise your room-mate and not come home tonite? I lost my teddy bear. Will you sleep with me?