EquationsforSeismic0DCalculator Rev 2

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Equations that can be used for Petrel – Seismic Calculator

1. To create a volume that is cut back to a surface

NewVol=If(Z>Surface Name(X,Y),U,Seismic Volume)

where - NewVol is the name of the new volume

- Surface Name is the name of the surface you are using as a reference
- Seismic Volume is the name of the volume to perform the operation on.

2. To create a bulk-shifted volume.

NewVol=Seismic Volume(K+25)

where - NewVol is the name of the new volume

- Seismic Volume is the name of the volume to perform the operation on.
- K is the sample index

Note: - For a 100 ms shift on a 2 ms sampled cube, the correct expression will be
- A positive or negative integer can be used.

3. To clip values to a value range of (MinVal,MaxVal)

Clip_Vol=Min(MaxVal , Max(Input_cube , MinVal))

where - Clip_Vol is the new clipped output volume

- Input_cube is the seismic volume to perform the calculation on

4. To transform seismic using a function;


where - NewVol is the name of the new volume

- Input_cube is the seismic volume to perform the transform on.
- Function is a function stored in the Input tab acting like a lookup table.

Note: the function can also refer to variables like the samples’ Z values to transform seismic
based on depth or time, NewVol=Function(Z)

5. To cut back seismic cube between two surfaces

New_Vol=if (z<S2(x,y) And z> S1(x,y), Amp, U)

where - NewVol is the name of the new volume

- S2 is surface 2
- S1 is surface 1
- Amp is amplitude

6. To generate a combination of amplitude of >80 and Apparent Polarity of <0.

Notes: - Apparent polarity is always either -1, 0 or 1. This equation would be useful to
isolate areas for autopicking. Similar equations can be built for other attributes including
Instantaneous phase and Instantaneous Frequency.
- The amplitude used (80) is for 8-bit data. If using 16-bit data then an amplitude
value of 14000 would be used.

New_Vol=if (Amp > 80 And AppPol <0, Amp, 0)

where - NewVol is the name of the new volume

- AppPol = Apparent Polarity
- Amp= Amplitude

7. To filter out any phase values other than between 0 and 45 degrees.

Note: This equation can be used as an Areal filter

New_Vol=If( inst_phase >0 And inst_phase < 45,inst_phase,0 )

where - NewVol is the name of the new volume

- inst_phase is the instantaneous phase volume

8. To get a more consistent seismic to structure relationship

Note: The following set of 2 equations would provide greater consistency between the
seismic and the structure. This could be used as input for autopicking

Part1. To leave only dip values of 45 degrees or less

dipband=If( struc_dip <-45,struc_dip, 0)

Where - dipband is the name of the new volume

- struc_dip is the structural dip volume

Part2. Combine dip and amplitude.

New_Vol=If( Amp>0 And dipband <>0, Amp, 0)

Where - New_Vol is the name of the new volume

- Amp is the amplitude volume
- dipband is the dip volume

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