III/IV B.Tech. (Mech), II Semester Me-351 Heat and Mass Transfer L-T-P (4-0-0) 4
III/IV B.Tech. (Mech), II Semester Me-351 Heat and Mass Transfer L-T-P (4-0-0) 4
III/IV B.Tech. (Mech), II Semester Me-351 Heat and Mass Transfer L-T-P (4-0-0) 4
CO4 Interpret and analyze forced and free convection heat transfer.
CO5 Understand the principles of radiation heat transfer and basics of mass transfer.
PO1 PO2 PO3 PO4 PO5 PO6 PO7 PO8 PO9 PO10 PO11 PO12
CO1 3 2 2 2 2 1 1
CO2 3 2 2 2 1 1 1
CO3 2 3 2 2 1 1 1 1
CO4 2 3 2 2 1 1 1 1
CO5 3 2 2 1 1 1 1 1
CO6 3 2 2 2 1 1 1
Detailed Syllabus:
Introduction: Heat Transfer – Different Modes, Governing Laws, Applications to Heat Transfer, Simple
Problems pertaining to the above.
General Heat Conduction Equation: Derivation of the equation in (i) Cartesian, (ii) Polar and (iii)
Spherical Co-ordinate Systems.
Steady-state one-dimensional heat conduction problems in Cartesian System: Steady-state one-
dimensional heat conduction problems with and without heat generation - in Cartesian system with
various possible boundary conditions, Thermal Resistances in Series and in Parallel, Various
Numerical Problems concerned to the above.
Steady-state radial heat conduction problems in Polar System: Steady-state one-dimensional heat
conduction problems with and without heat generation - in Cylindrical system with various possible
boundary conditions, Thermal Resistances in Series, Various Numerical Problems concerned to the
Steady-state radial heat conduction problems in Spherical System: Steady-state one-dimensional
heat conduction problems with and without heat generation - in Spherical system with various
possible boundary conditions, Thermal Resistances in Series, Various Numerical Problems concerned
to the above.
Critical Thickness of Insulation: Concept, Derivation and Numerical Problems
Extended Surfaces or Fins: Classification, Straight Rectangular and Circular Fins, Temperature
Distribution and Heat Transfer Calculations, Fin Efficiency and Effectiveness, Applications, Numerical
Problems covering all the topics.
Transient [Unsteady-state] heat conduction: Definition, Different cases - Negligible internal thermal
resistance, negligible surface resistance, comparable internal thermal and surface resistance,
Lumped body, Infinite Body and Semi-infinite Body, Numerical Problems, Heisler and Grober charts:
Solutions to various one-dimensional problems using the charts, Numerical problems.
Forced Convection: Boundary Layer Theory, Velocity and Thermal Boundary Layers, Prandtl number,
Governing Equations – Continuity, Navier-Stokes and Energy equations, Boundary layer assumptions,
Integral and Analytical solutions to above equations, Turbulent flow, Various empirical solutions,
Numerical Problems, Forced convection flow over cylinders and spheres, Internal flows –laminar and
turbulent flow solutions, Numerical Problems.
Free convection: Laminar and Turbulent flows, Vertical Plates, Vertical Tubes and Horizontal Tubes,
Empirical solutions, Numerical Problems.
Heat Exchangers: Definition, Classification, LMTD method, Effectiveness - NTU method, Numerical
Problems, Chart Solution Procedures for solving Heat Exchanger problems: Correction Factor Charts
and Effectiveness-NTU Charts, Numerical Problems.
Thermal Radiation: Fundamental principles - Gray, White, Opaque, Transparent and Black bodies,
Spectral emissive power, Wien’s, Rayleigh-Jeans’ and Planck’s laws, Hemispherical Emissive Power,
Stefan-Boltzmann law for the total emissive power of a black body, Emissivity and Kirchhoff’s Laws,
View factor, View factor algebra.
Mass Transfer: Definition, Examples, Fick’s law of diffusion, Fick’s law as referred to ideal gases,
Steady-state equi-molal counter diffusion of ideal gases, Mass diffusivity.
1. Incropera, F. P. and De Witt, D. P., Fundamentals of Heat and Mass Transfer, 5 th Edition, John Wiley
and Sons, New York, 2006.
2. M. Necati Ozisik, Heat Transfer – A Basic Approach, McGraw Hill, New York, 2005.
3. Holman, J. P., Heat Transfer, 9th Edition, Tata McGraw Hill, New York, 2008.
4. Alan J. Chapman, Heat Transfer, 4th Edition, Macmillan, New York, 1987.
Lecture Schedule:
Topic Contact Hrs.
Basic Modes and laws of Heat transfer 2
Thermal conductivity, Steady state Heat Conduction 3
General conduction equation in Cartesian, Cylindrical 4
General conduction equation in Spherical coordinates. 5
ONE DIMENSIONAL HEAT CONDUCTION: Heat flow through plane wall 6
Heat flow through cylinder and sphere 7
Heat flow through composite slab 8
Heat flow through composite Cylinders and Sphere, Thermal resistance,
Electrical analogy
Minor Test -I
Thermal contact resistance, critical insulation thickness 10
Heat source systems: Simple systems with uniform heat generation in
systems with uniform heat generation in cylinders 12
Problem practice 13
EXTENDED SURFACES: Types and Applications 14
Heat transfer from fins with uniform cross section 15
Fin efficiency and Effectiveness 16
Problem practicing 17
One dimensional lumped heat capacity systems. 19
Transient Heat Conduction in large plane walls, long cylinders and
spheres –Heisler and Grober Charts.
Transient Heat Conduction in semi-infinite Solids. 22
Problem practice 23, 24
Mid Semester Exam
FORCED CONVECTION: Introduction 25
Principles of convection, Differential equation of continuity 26
Differential equation of Energy and momentum, solution to fluid flow
and energy equations.
Hydrodynamic and thermal boundary layers.
Flow over bodies, Heat transfer coefficient, Empirical and semi empirical
relations for heat transfer in Laminar and Turbulent flows over a flat 30
Problem practicing 31
Internal flows: Laminar flow heat transfer in a pipe- Empirical relations 32
Turbulent flow heat transfer in a pipe- Empirical relations 33
Problem practicing 34
FREE CONVECTION: Introduction 35
Correlations for vertical plates 36
Horizontal plates 37
Problem practicing 38
Vertical and horizontal cylinders 39
Problem practicing 40, 41
Minor Test-II
HEAT EXCHANGERS: Classification of heat exchangers 42
Flow arrangement & Temperature distribution, Overall heat transfer
coefficient, Fouling factor & numerical problems
LMTD method of Heat exchanger analysis 45
correction for LMTD for use with multi pass and cross flow Heat
Numerical problems 47
Effectiveness NTU method for Heat Exchanger analysis
Numerical problems
RADIATION: Fundamentals of Radiation: Basic Concepts and definitions,
Absorptivity, Reflectivity & Transmissivity.
Laws of Radiation, Kirchhoff's law & Stefan Boltzman's law 50
RADIATION HEAT TRANSFER: Heat Exchange by radiation between two
finite parallel surfaces
Numerical problems 52
Electrical analogy, solid angle and Radiation intensity 53
Numerical problems 54
MASS TRANSFER: Introduction, modes of mass transfer 55
Fick’s Law, steady state diffusion through a plain membrane 56
Scheme of Evaluation:
Minor – 1 10
Mid Semester 30
Minor – 2 10
End Semester 50