Thermal Syllabus
Thermal Syllabus
Thermal Syllabus
6 Entropy 4
Inequality of Clausius, Entropy as a property of a system, Entropy of pure substance, Entropy
change in reversible process, lost work, principle of increase of entropy, Entropy change of an
ideal gas, the poly-topic process for an ideal gas, concepts of reversibility, irreversibility and
7 Some Power Cycles 4
• Vapor Power Cycles: Rankine cycle (working process, efficiency, Effect of pressure and
temperature on Rankine cycle)
• Air Standard Cycles: Air standard cycles: Carnot cycle (Working processes & Efficiency),
Brayton cycle (Working processes & Efficiency)
• Internal combustion engines: Otto cycle (Workings processes & Efficiency), Diesel cycle
(Working processes & Efficiency), Comparison between Otto an diesel cycle
Laboratory Work:
1. To measure the pressure, specific volume and temperature
2. To find out the efficiency of a compressor.
3. To measure the rate of heat transfer by conduction.
4. To measure performance of a small internal combustion engine
5. To measure the heat transfer by thermal radiation.
6. To measure the performance of a Refrigeration/Heat pump
1. Howell J.R. and R.O. Buckius, Fundamentals of Engineering Thermodynamics, McGrow-Hill
Publishers, 1994.
Reference Books:
1. Van Wylen, G.J. and Richard E. Sonntag, Fundamentals of Classical Thermodynamics, Wiley
Eastern Limited, New Delhi, 1989.
2. Bayazitoglu, Y. and M. Necati Ozisik, Elements of Heat Transfer, McGraw-Hill Book Company,
3. Kreith, F., Principles of Heat Transfer, International Text book Company, Scranton Pennsylvania,
2nd Edition, I965.