DR in Ayurveda
DR in Ayurveda
DR in Ayurveda
Review Article
a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Article history: Inclusion of Prameha among the eight major disorders in Charaka Samhita shows the importance of the
Received 23 May 2016 disease given by ancient seers. The risk of development of blindness in diabetics increases by 20e25
Received in revised form times as compared to the normal population. High prevalence rate of Diabetic Retinopathy (34.6%),
14 November 2016
proliferative diabetic retinopathy (7%), diabetic macular edema (6.8%), and Vision threatening Diabetic
Accepted 22 December 2016
Available online 16 May 2017
retinopathy (10.2%) in diabetics was great concerns which led to search and analyze the disease process
on the basis of modern pathogenesis and different Timirvyadhi mentioned in Ayurvedic authoritative
texts. Thus the present study endeavors to discuss the similarities and differences among the various
Diabetic retinopathy
components of Prameha/Madhumehajanya Timir with Diabetic retinopathy and its stages. To establish a
Ayurveda probable etiopathogenesis of the disease from Ayurveda prospective, all the important literature of both
Timir modern medicine and Ayurveda along with online sources were searched and analyzed. All the three
Avarana dosha along with Raktadosha and Saptadhatu with four internal Dristipatals of eye are affected in Mad-
Ama dosha humehajanya timir in different stages of the disease. Avarana and Dhatu kshaya too have important role in
Raktapitta development of diabetic retinopathy due to prolonged and uncontrolled hyperglycemia. Agnimandya
related Ama formation has a role in pathology of diabetic retinopathy which is quite similar to oxidative
theory of diabetic retinopathy explained in modern pathology. Urdhwaga raktapitta, Ojas kshaya, Rak-
tavritta vata, and Pranavritta vyana are other causes in development of diabetic retinopathy.
© 2017 Transdisciplinary University, Bangalore and World Ayurveda Foundation. Publishing Services by
Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (http://creativecommons.org/
1. Introduction leading to malfunction and failure of various organs like eyes, kid-
neys, heart, nerves and blood vessels [1].
Diabetes mellitus has in recent times, gained importance as one Diabetic retinopathy is a chronic progressive, potentially sight-
of the most common, non communicable disease, which contributes threatening disease of the retinal microvasculature associated
to death and disability worldwide. Diabetes affects almost all aspects with prolonged hyperglycemia and other conditions linked to
of intermediary metabolism and is also associated with accelerated diabetes mellitus such as hypertension, hyperlipidemia and pro-
aging of the cardiovascular system. Hence diabetes is best defined as teinuria etc. [2]Almost all the patients with Type I diabetes develop
a metabolic cum vascular syndrome of multiple etiologies charac- retinopathy in about 15 years. In those with Type II diabetes, the
terized by chronic hyperglycemia with disturbances of carbohy- risk of DR increases with the duration of diabetes, accompanying
drate, fat and protein metabolism resulting from defects in insulin hypertension and smoking. Diabetics have a 20e25 times greater
secretion, insulin action or both, leading to changes in both small risk of blindness as compared to the normal population [3]. As far as
blood vessels (microangiopathy) and large blood vessels (macro- the working class or industrial areas are concerned Diabetic Reti-
angiopathy) and which is often associated with long term damage, nopathy is 2nd leading cause of blindness in working age group
(<55 years old) in industrialized countries [4].
Diabetic Retinopathy (DR) is one of the major complications of
diabetes mellitus. It is a leading cause of blindness in developed as
well as developing countries. According to VISION 2020 (Working
* Corresponding author. Department of Shalakya Tantra, National Institute of
together to eliminate avoidable blindness) up to 80% of the world's
Ayurveda, Amer Road, Madhav Vilas, Jaipur 302002, Rajasthan, India.
E-mail address: [email protected] (P.K. Sahoo). blindness is avoidable. Avoidable blindness is defined as blindness
Peer review under responsibility of Transdisciplinary University, Bangalore. which can be either treated or prevented by known, cost-effective
0975-9476/© 2017 Transdisciplinary University, Bangalore and World Ayurveda Foundation. Publishing Services by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC
BY-NC-ND license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/).
P.K. Sahoo, S. Fiaz / Journal of Ayurveda and Integrative Medicine 8 (2017) 122e131 123
means. Although there are many other causes of vision impairment, Few predisposing factors also influence the development of
VISION 2020 seeks to address the main causes of avoidable blind- eye disease associated with prameha. These include- 1. Pittap-
ness, in order to have the greatest possible impact on vision loss rakritti of the patient. 2. Hereditary factors 3. Pitta Kapha pre-
worldwide. Diabetic retinopathy is one among the target diseases dominant season, foods and psychological stress factors like
for VISION 2020 [5]. krodha, soka etc., which contribute towards vitiation of Pitta.
The prevalence of DR, proliferative diabetic retinopathy (PDR), Vitiated Pitta reaches and amalgamated with Rakta dhatu due to
diabetic macular edema (DME), and VTDR (Vision threatening similar properties. All these factors altogether promote prominent
Diabetic retinopathy) among individuals with diabetes is 34.6%, changes in the vessels of Dristipatalm. The texture of the vessels is
7.0%, 6.8%, and 10.2%, respectively. Estimate shows that the number damaged and hence the permeability increases. This results in
of people with DR will grow from 126.6 million in 2011 to 191.0 leakage and hemorrhages from the blood vessels. The blood oozes
million by 2030, and the number of people with VTDR will increase out like sweat. This again correlates with pathogenesis of Rakt-
from 37.3 million to 56.3 million, if no urgent action is taken [6]. tapitta, specially quoted by Charaka. Due to lack of circulation
Innovative alternative therapies and comprehensive approaches there is localized hypoxia which results in development of new
are needed to reduce the risk of vision loss by prompt diagnosis and vessels. As these vessels are fragile they bleed easily. Exudates
early treatment of Vision Threatening DR (VTDR). formation, neovascularization and proliferation of the tissues
After viewing the magnitude of the problem of the disease, a which leads to degenerative changes in the retina. In this context
comprehensive and thorough analysis of all the important Urdhwaga Raktapitta can be correlated with Diabetic Retinopathy,
literature of both modern and Ayurveda was done and online sources as the seat of Urdhwag Raktapitta are all the seven natural open-
are searched to establish a probable etiopathogenesis of the disease ings of the head. And in eye, as the vessels are minute and due to
on Ayurvedic prospective. Though there are no direct references are achakshyushya factors the vessels of dristipatala or retina are
available regarding Madhumeha/Prameha janya Timir, enough evi- affected mostly [Fig. A.1].
dences are available in all leading treaties of Ayurveda, which sub-
stantiate that Timir can be a complication of Madhumeha. In this 2.2. Avaranajanya, Dhatukshyajanya Timir and diabetic retinopahy
review study many aspects of basic concepts of Ayurveda were
analyzed to find out the probable etiology and pathogenesis of Dia- According to Vagbhata, Madhumeha is chronic progressive stage
betic retinopathy with probable correlation of different stages of the of Prameha and of two types: Avaranajanya and Dhatukshyajanya
disease with different types of Timir described in Ayurvedic literature. [8]. Madhumeha is Vataja type of prameha and Vata can be aggra-
vated by two ways i.e. Avarana and Kshaya [9]. Avritta vatajanya
madhumeha is krichhrasadhya and dhatukshyajanya madhumeha is
2. Samprapti (pathogenesis) of diabetic retinopathy asadhya (incurable). As per charak “prameha anusanginam” means
diabetes is concomitant in nature. Thus diabetes remains always
2.1. Role of Raktapitta in manifestation of diabetic retinopathy present with its complications. Due to both avarana and dhatukshya
all the ten dushyas goes into state of depletion and produce
Diabetic retinopathy basically a Dristipatalagata roga is mainly symptoms according to the seat of that particular dhatu. In the case
attributed to Sira srotasabhisyandam and raktavaha sroto dusti due of Diabetic retinopathy main affected dhatu is Rakta dhatu, though
to a variety of Achakshyushya ahara and vihara karanas especially in all the dhatus gets affected and srotas affected are Raktvaha, mam-
Prameha patients. In order to understand the samprapti of diabetic savaha and medovahasrotas mostly. List of doshas, important
retinopathy in Ayurveda, general samprapti of eye disease must be dushya, dhatu kshaya symptoms, srotas affected and their modern
considered. Nidana of endogenic eye diseases are mainly Achak- interpretation for pathogenesis of Diabetic retinopathy are
shyushya factors which vitiates Pitta. The vitiated Pitta in turn vi- mentioned in Table A.1.
tiates the Pitta vaha srothas. Due to interconnection of Pitta and
Rakta, which shares Ashrya Ashrayee bhava, the raktavaha srotas is 2.2.1. Avarana
also gets vitiated due to Pitta vitiation. As the nidana factors are
Achakshyushya, the vitiated pitta and rakta have an affinity towards A. Pranavritta vyana: Pranavayu acts like a controller. It is
penetrating the eyes. Hence the vitiated dosha move towards the responsible for Adana karma. Sense organs perceive their objects
eyes through Jatroordhwa srotas and finally gets confined to the with the help of Pranavayu. Vyanavayu is responsible for gati or
eyes, there is a stage when the Sirasrothas are deeply involved conduction. Hence vyanavayu plays a significance role in Rasa-
which is known as Sira abhisyanda [7]. The whole pathology of vikshepana. Conduction is not only related to cardiac cycle but all
diabetic retinopathy which starts with sroto dusti of Raktavaha types of neural conduction should be considered. Whenever the
srotas manifested as microangiopathy in the form of Attipravriti, controller Pranavayu will restrict the gati of conducting vyana-
Sanga and Granthi as haemorrhages, exudates and venous beading vayu, the Indriya will not be able to perceive its visaya. It may
in diabetic retinopathy respectively. happen in one Indriya (homonymous) or in all indriyas (heter-
In this context of Siroabhisyandam in eye diseases the Ashraya onymous) together. If it happens in all indriyas it can be
sthana is Srotas, affected dhatu is Rakta and vitiated dosha is Pitta. compared with the vegetative stage or deep coma. Rasa-Rakta
Prameha brings out changes in the dristipatalam which greatly af- vikshepana (blood circulation) is function of vyanavayu. In case
fects vision. In the initial stage, the etiological factors promote of diabetic retinopathy vascular disorder may arise due to Pra-
utklesa in the vessels which causes changes in the permeability of navritta vyana. This initially causes retinal ischemia and fol-
the vessels especially of head region which is the basic pathologic lowed with successive cascade of retinopathic changes like
change for the development of eye diseases. If the stage of Sira neovascularisation, cotton wool spots and intra retinal micro-
abhisyanda continues it spreads to netrasrotas and the same vascular abnormalities (IRMA). Early break down of blood
vascular changes takes place in the vessels of eye, because Achak- retinal barrier (BRB), hard exudates formation and macular
syushya factors always have affinity towards the ophthalmic tis- edema are other symptoms to follow. Symptoms of Pranavritta
sues. In the stage of netraabhisyandam, if there is further vitiation of vyana are Sarva indriya sunyata, smriti kshaya and bala kshaya
Pitta dosha, the condition further aggravates and will be confined to and the treatment is Urdwa Jatrugata cikitsa (Tripathy Brahma-
Dristipatalam. nanda, 1999, Caraka Samhita, Chikitsa Sthana, 28:202; P 974). In
124 P.K. Sahoo, S. Fiaz / Journal of Ayurveda and Integrative Medicine 8 (2017) 122e131
this stage Nasya (Trans nasal medication) can be employed to D. Timiradarshana is one of the symptoms of majjakshaya (Gupta
relieve the signs and symptoms of Diabetic Retinopathy. Atridev, 2008, Ashtanga Hridaya, Sootrasthan, 11:19; P 116) and
B. Raktavritta vata: Etiologies explained in vidhisonitiya adhyaya thus leads to Vata kshaya. Depletion of marrow tissue leads to
of Charak Sutrasthan are responsible for quantitative increase of decrease in blood cells formation and results in hypoxic con-
Rakta dhatu, which impedes the movement of Vata dosha hence dition of retinal neurons. Axonal degeneration of retinal nerve
normal circulation is hampered and stagnation takes place fibers occur due to Vata kshaya, which may be correlated with
leading to Sanga of Raktavaha srotas. Symptoms of Rakatvrita- hypoxia and this hypoxic axonal degeneration leads to forma-
vata are: Twakmamsa antarajadaha and Raktayukta sotha tion of cotton wool spots or soft exudates in severe NPDR stages
mandala (Tripathy Brahmananda, 1999, Caraka Samhita, Chi- of Diabetic retina. In latent stages when Sukradhatu gets
kitsa Sthana, 28:63; P 949). This type of symptoms can be affected signs of paleness of retina and optic atrophy appears as
correlated with general neuropathy; Raktayukta sotha mandala Panduta is one of the features of sukrakshaya (Tripathy Brah-
can be correlated with splinter haemorrhages and IRMA as well mananda, 1999, Caraka Samhita, Sootra Sthana, 17:69; P 351). In
retinal edema. Most of the etiological factors responsible for this stage the disease becomes incurable and this proves the
Raktaja vyadhi have similarity with madhumeha and prameha hereditary and genetic predisposition nature of diabetic
etiological factors. Akshiragam, Tamasyatidarshanam and Rak- retinopathy.
tapitta are described as Raktaja vyadhi in Charak samhita. These
can be correlated with vision defects in diabetics due to When Avarana samprapti is continued for longer period, it will
microvascular complications. In diabetic retinopathy though attain dhatu kshaya avasta and dhatukshayaja samprapti will
initially Raktakshya and ischemia occur but later on blood cir- continue in further stages of disease process. Again due to Dhat-
culation increases, which lead to haemorrhages and exudative wagnimandya improperly formed Rasa dhatu in inadequate form is
features. Treatment of Raktavritta vata should be done as per released, which leads to successive Anulomajanya Dhatu kshaya.
Vataraktachikitsa (Tripathy Brahmananda, 1999, Caraka Sam- Here Dhatu kshaya indicates the sookshma/poshak dhatu not the
hita, Chikitsa Sthana, 28:194; P 972) to normalize the move- sthoolarupidhatu. Four internal patalas of eye are based on func-
ment of obstructed Vata dosha. And Charak has mentioned Basti tional part of sookshma and asthayeedhatus. The manifestations of
as the best treatment for Vatarakta (Tripathy Brahmananda, the diseases depend on the affected dosha, dhatu and srotas. These
1999, Caraka Samhita, Chikitsa Sthana, 29:88; P 998). Thus Basti sookshma rupi dhatus of Dristipatala in eyes gets affected easily by
(therapeutic enema) treatment can be administered in this type the vitiated doshas due to either Avarana or dhatukshyajanya sam-
of pathological symptoms of Diabetic Retinopathy. Avar- prapti alone or by combination of both. Probable correlation of
anajanyasamprapti and pathogenesis of Diabetic Retinopathy dhatu kshaya symptoms and pathogenesis of Diabetic Retinopathy
depicted in Fig. A.2. is depicted in Fig. A.3.
A. Sirasaithilya [10] is one of the major signs of raktakshayaas per Agnimandya at the gastric level (Jatharagni) and at the tissue
Sushruta. Loss of pericytes and formation of microaneurysms level is well established in Prameha and Madhumeha in Ayurveda.
are earliest signs of Diabetic Retinopathy. These can be corre- And in Raktaja vyadhi, Agnisada is another feature according to
lated with Sirasaithilya due to Raktakshaya. First Patala consists Charak (Tripathy Brahmananda, 1999, Caraka Samhita, Sootra
of rasa and rakta dhatu, so manifestation of the disease is in the Sthana, 24:13; P 430) and Rakta is one of the dushya in madhu-
form of microaneurysms and less severe in nature, which are meha. Dhatwagnimandya leads to accumulation of Ama at the
very similar to background Diabetic retinopathy or mild NPDR tissue level. This can be correlated with generation of reactive
and symptoms of 1st Patalagata Timir appears in this stage. If oxygen species (ROS), activation of polyol pathway and accumu-
Raktakshaya persists for long time, it may leads to hypoxia lation of Advanced Glycation End products (AGEs), which are the
related neovascularization in Diabetic retina. main pathways of development of retinopathy in diabetics. Both
B. Dhamanisaithilya [10] is one of the features of mamsakshaya. Charak and Sarangadhar have mentioned very profoundly about
This can be correlated with endothelial cell loss due to improper Dhatumalas and all these can be corroborated to dhatwagni-
apoptosis and loss of capillaries, leads to early break down of mandya related malavriddhi. In the context of dhatusneha parm-
blood retinal barriers and signs like dot/blot or flame shape para in Grahanichikitsa, Charak has described the Prasadabhaga,
hemorrhages appear in this stage. As 2nd patala consists of which nourishes the successive dhatu and Kittabhaga, which
sookshma rupi mamsa dhatu, symptoms of 2nd patalagata timir nourishes the three humors of the body Vata, Pitta and Kapha. But
seen in this stage. This stage may be correlated with mild NPDR in Dhatwagimandya state, the quantities of Malarupi dosha are
or moderate NPDR depending upon the extent and severity of increased and create the pathological features inside the body.
affected dhatu. Mala of Rasa dhatu and Rakta dhatu are Kapha and Pitta respec-
C. Sandhishunyata [10] is another feature of medakshaya, which tively (Tripathy Brahmananda, 1999, Caraka Samhita, Chikitsa
may be correlated with junctional cell protein loss or Sthana, 15:18; P 554). This malarupi pitta can create Diabetic
cell adhesion defects and break down of BRB. Appearances of Retinopathy pathology in the presence of pitta predisposing fac-
macular edema and exudates formation are prominent signs in tors in retina. Relation between Agnimandya, Ama dosha and
this stage. 3rd patala consists of Meda dhatu and when dhatu Oxidative stress pathogenesis of Diabetic Retinopathy is depicted
kshaya reaches the 3rd patala symptoms of 3rd patalagata in Fig. A.4.
timir appears. On severity point of view this stage may be
correlated with Moderate NPDR based on the extent of dhatu 2.4. Ojas kshaya and diabetic retinopathy
affected. 4th patala of dristipatal is asthyasrita in nature and
loss of asthi and majja dhatu leads to symptoms of 4th pata- Madhumeha is also known as Ojameha. The vitiated dosha
lagata timir. obstructed the path of Vata and vata carried the Ojas to the basti
P.K. Sahoo, S. Fiaz / Journal of Ayurveda and Integrative Medicine 8 (2017) 122e131 125
and causes madhumeha (Tripathy Brahmananda, 1999, Caraka 4.2. Srotas sodhan chikitsa
Samhita, Sootra Sthana, 17:78e81; P 355). According to Chakra-
pani apara Oja kshaya occurs in madhumeha and the seat of Apara Sodhan chikitsa are important part of all the Ayurvedic therapies.
Oja are ten Mahamula dhamanis. Loss of Oja leads to loss of Due to dhatwagnimandya, accumulation of impurities occurs at the
dhamanis as per ashrayaashrayeesambandha. This can be corre- srotas/capillary level. For this Virechan can be advocated. Nasya with
lated with loss of capillaries and thus due to Ojakshyaya abnormal oil prepared from chakshyusya drugs should be done for urdhwa-
apoptosis can enhance, leads to loss of capillaries and basement jatrugata srotas sodhan.
membrane thickening. Among the functions of Oja are bahya and
avyantara karana (indriya) karma, means motor and sensory 4.3. Raktapitta Samak Chikitsa
functions. Sushruta also mentioned abhighata, soka (grief), kshaya
(dhatukshya), kopa (anger) as causes of Ojas kshaya (Trikamji J, Treatment of Raktapitta and Raktaja vyadhi are similar as per
Ram N, 2012, Susruta Samhita Dalhana Commentary, Sootra charak. These are Raktapittahari kriya, virechan, Upavasa (fasting)
Sthana, 15:23e26; P 72). In case of diabetes along with dhatu and Raktamokshana (Tripathy Brahmananda, 1999, Caraka Samhita,
kshaya, psychological stress is another factor which plays Sootra Sthana, 24:18; P 431). As Bloodletting is contraindicated in
important role in oja kshaya. Loss or diminution of sensory case of Timir, except Raktamokshana, all the procedures should be
functions including visual loss which are prominent features oja advised in case of different stages of Madhumehajanya timir. Even
kshaya. Yogratnakar and Chakradutta have mentioned Langhana (fasting) as
Sadpachanani for treatment of eye diseases in general. As in diabetic
retinopathy main dosha involved are Vata and Pitta along with
2.5. Prameha and diabetic retinopathy
Kapha anubandha, the Pitta should be treated first, as the aggra-
vated dosha becomes more powerful in its own functional seat/
Among 20 pramehas, 19 pramehas except Madhumeha are
place (Tripathy Brahmananda, 1999, Caraka Samhita, Chikitsa
almost having renal and urinary pathology. Main pathological
Sthana, 28:188; P 971).
features of prameha are: Pravuta avilamutrata means increase in
quantity of turbid urine in patients with prameha. Proteinuria can
4.4. Avarana chikitsa
be correlated with pravuta avilamutrata [11]. As in long run; pra-
meha is converted to madhumeha stage, this nephropathy signs are
The Avarana should be treated by measures which are Anabhi-
mostly associated with chronic cases of diabetes. Proteinuria leads
syandi (non obstructive), Snigdha (unctuous) and Srotosudhikar
to hypoalbuminemia and this decreases serum osmolarity [12],
(purifier of channels). Depending on the strength of the patient,
which again leads to salt and water retention in extracellular space
Yapana Basti and mrudu samsodhan therapy can be given. All the
of retina. This may be another cause of diabetic macular edema and
palliative and preventive Rasayan drugs are useful for the preven-
retinal edema in general.
tion and treatment of Avritta induced disorders. Especially Shilajatu,
Guggulu, Chyavanprash and Brahma rasayan are mostly helpful
3. Visual symptoms of timir and diabetic retinopathy (Tripathy Brahmananda, 1999, Caraka Samhita, Chikitsa Sthana,
28:240e242; P 981). These Rasayan drugs are also useful in diabetic
Diabetic Retinopathy can be compared to Timira involving all the retinopathy cases, as oxidative stress theory is well established in
four patalas. Patalas are described on the basis of functional pathology of Diabetic Retinopathy and Ama theory in madhumeha
composition of dhtaus of dristi. The symptoms of vision are man- too has role in development of Diabetic Retinopathy. Eranda Taila is
ifested when the vitiated dosha afflicting the concerned dhatu in beneficial in almost all the Avarana and works as Sramsana. Yapana
dristi patalas. All the three dosha in single or in combination can Basti, Yasthimadu Ksheera Basti, Panchatikta Pancha Prasritika Basti
affect one or more patalas of dristipatala (Retina). On the basis of and Guduchyadi Ksheera Basti may be administered in Pitta and
different symptoms of Timira and stages of Diabetic retinopathy, a Rakta Avarana [13].
probable correlation and classification of Diabetic retinopathy is
depicted in Table A.2. 4.5. Dhatu kshaya Chikitsa
4.1. Agni chikitsa Virechan and Basti with chakshyushya drugs should be advocated
to control Vata. Sothahar (anti-inflammatory) treatment can be
Eye is not different from the body. So when we treat eye ail- instituted with Basti treatment to reduce retinal/macular edema in
ments it's necessary to treat the body at cellular level. Agnimandya general. In this context Madutailika Chakshyusya Basti (Gupta
at tissue level is called Dhatwagnimandya. With proper dipana Atridev, 2008, Ashtanga Hridaya, Kalpasthan, 4:27e28; P 600) may
pachana drugs, like Trikatu churna, Jatharagni as well as Dhatwagni be administered in Diabetic macular edema (DME) cases, as this
can be corrected as per individual requirement. Basti is beneficial in Rakapitta as well as chakshyusya in nature.
126 P.K. Sahoo, S. Fiaz / Journal of Ayurveda and Integrative Medicine 8 (2017) 122e131
4.7. Urdwa jatrugata chikitsa prepared from Tikta dravya like Vasa can be used after Tarpana
karma for optimum therapeutic effect in different stages of DR cases.
Nasya, Shirodhara, Shirolepa and Shiropichu treatments can be
given in different stages of diabetic retinopathy on the principle of 4.8.3. Pariseka/Seka
“Vata shaman treatment for head and body, and pitta Shaman Seka is done as Poorvakarma before Tarpana. This helps in
treatment for eyes” (Santhakumari P.K, 2009, P 231). vasodilatation of superficial vessels and some amount of medi-
cines get absorbed through the medial canthus which is highly
4.8. Kriya kalpa and management of diabetic retinopathy vascularised. Ropana type of Seka is indicated in Rakta and Pitta
diseases of eye. Thus Ropana type of Seka advised in DR helps in
Kriya kalpa is an integral part of ayurvedic ocular therapeutics. improving texture of blood vessels, endothelial repair and thereby
Pariserka, Aschyotan, Tarpan and Putapaka can be given after proper prevents loss of the pericytes, which is an initial factor in DR
evaluation of indications and contraindications. development. Pariseka with drugs having Tikta Kashaya Rasa and
Chakshyusya properties helps in healing intra retinal blood vessels
4.8.1. Tarpana and arrests bleeding due to Sthambhana properties. This might
Tarpana procedure in posterior segment diseases of eye like DR prevent vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) activation,
is of great importance as most of the drug permeation to intra- which is primarily responsible for retinal neovascularisation in
ocular tissues occurs through the cornea to the aqueous humor PDR cases. Triphaladi Pariseka [17] Manjisthadi Pariseka (Gupta
and ciliary vessels. As retinal pigment epithelium is continued as Atridev, 2008, Ashtanga Hridaya, Uttarasthana, 16:13; P 686),
the non pigment epithelium of ciliary body, the drugs get absor- Chandanadi Pariseka and Vasakadi kwatha Pariseka (Sastri
bed through cornea may reach to the inner 3/4th retinal layers Lakshmipati, 2013, Yogaratnakara, Netraroga Chkitsa, P 388) will
and outer 1/4th layers of retina gets from choroidal vessels from helpful in reducing Raktapitta pathology in different stages of DR
systemic route. Pre corneal drug retention, tissue contact time, pathology.
molecular weight and size of the drug, lipophilicity of medicine
affects the amount of drug permeation through the cornea. In 4.8.4. Aschyotana
Tarpan procedure the medicated Ghritas are administered and Aschyotana is the technique of introducing small volume of drug
kept in eyes for 15e20 min. Drug availability in intraocular tissues in open eye repeatedly. The medicines introduced in the form of
increases due to longer duration of drug contact and, lipophilic medicated decoction are absorbed through the blood vessels of
and hydrophilic nature of drugs in medicated ghritas in Tarpana fornices of conjunctiva, sclera and highly vascularized part of inner
procedure. Lipophilic drugs are better permeated through canthus. Therapeutic actions of Aschyotana are like Seka procedure.
epithelium and endothelium and hydrophilic drugs are better The drops which are lipid base in the form of medicated Ghee
penetrated through the stromal layer of cornea. In case of preparations permeates through the cornea due to both lipophilic
different stages of DR the medicines like Patoladi ghrita, Jivantyadi and hydrophilic drug molecules in the medicated ghee prepara-
ghrita, Drakshyadi ghrita can be used in Tarpan procedure to tions. Medicines like Triphaladi ghrita, Doorvadi ghrita and Patoladi
alleviate hemorrhagic signs due to raktapitta samak, ropaka and ghrita can be used as Aschyotanain the dose of 3e4 drops in mild to
rasayana properties of these drugs. Doorvadya ghrita Tarpana is moderate DR cases. Triphaladi [17], Prapoundarikadi (Sastri
effective in mild to severe NPDR and PDR (Raktapitta janya) cases Lakshmipati, 2013, Yogaratnakara, Netraroga Chkitsa, P 391) and
[14]. Mahatriphala Ghrita (Gupta Atridev, 2008, Ashtanga Hridaya, Manjisthadi (Gupta Atridev, 2008, Ashtanga Hridaya, Uttarasthana,
Uttarasthana, 13:13e15; P 671) can be used for Tarpana in PDR 16:13; P 686) Aschyotana can be used in initial stages of NPDR
cases as neovascularisation is a pathological feature in PDR (Pra- cases.
navritta vyana janya) and Triphala has anti VEGF properties [15] in
eyes owes to reduce symptoms in PDR cases. In retinal ischemic 4.8.5. Anjana
conditions of DR due to Dhatukshyajanya pathology Jivantyadi Anjana is a medicinal preparation which is applied on the
Grita Tarpana (Gupta Atridev, 2008, Ashtanga Hridaya, Uttar- lower palpebral conjunctiva or the cul-de-sac. Drug permeability
asthana, 13:2e3; P 670) and in leucocyte activated increased to intraocular tissue depends on their hydrophilicity and lip-
blood viscosity due to Raktavritta Vata janya cases Patoladi ghrita ophilicity mainly occurs through the conjunctiva and cornea by
Tarpana (Gupta Atridev, 2008, Ashtanga Hridaya, Uttarasthana, paracellular and transcellular pathways respectively. pH, viscosity,
13:7e9; P 671) can be advised. tonicity, molecular size and molecular weight of the active in-
gredients are factors responsible for the therapeutic effect of
4.8.2. Putapaka Anjana. According to its form Anjana is of 3 types i.e. Gutika,
Putapaka is similar to Tarpana in procedure of administration but Rasakriya and Churna. Gutika and Churna types of Anjana can be
methods of preparation of drug differ. This preparation contains correlated with ophthalmic suspensions and Rasakriya type is
herbomineral drugs processed with ghee, meat and fats of animal with aqueous solutions/eye drops. Gutika and Churna Anjana have
origin and subjected to heating in a furnace. This liberates nano- micro particles which may be deposited in the cul-de-sac and
particles of drug in ionized form which easily penetrates into cornea increases the pre corneal retention time and thereby increases the
due to ionized and lipophilic nature of the drug and reaches the drug bioavailability to intraocular tissues. Due to large molecular
posterior segment tissues of the eye in a similar pathway like Tar- size both the trans-sclera and trans-corneal drug absorption may
pana procedure. As the drugs are in minute form and due to vyavayi occur in Anjana procedure. Ropana and Dristiprasadana type of
and vikashi guna of drugs owes to addition of agni during prepa- Anjanas might be helpful in treating and preventing DR patho-
ration, the drug reaches the inner retinal layers. Ropana type of genesis in pakwavastha. Sarivadyanjana (Gupta Atridev, 2008,
putapaka is indicated in Pitta, Rakta, Vrana conditions of eye and Ashtanga Hridaya, Uttarasthana, 13:65; P 676) and Drakshyadi
thereby Ropana Putapaka can be used in different stages of DR. varti anjana (Gupta Atridev, 2008, Ashtanga Hridaya, Uttar-
Breast milk, meat of animals of Jangala origin, honey, ghee and Tikta asthana, 13:74; P 677) described by Vagbhatta in Pittaja and
rasa herbal drugs are used for Ropana Putapaka [16]. Putapaka Raktaja Timir chikitsa respectively may help in hemorrhagic
P.K. Sahoo, S. Fiaz / Journal of Ayurveda and Integrative Medicine 8 (2017) 122e131 127
stages of DR pathology. Sriparnyadi anjana [17] described by also applies to the dhatus or Patalas in Eye. Stimulation of auto-
Yogratnakar in the context of Raktabhisyanda can be advised in nomic nervous system could be the possible mechanism behind
different stages of DR pathology. action of Basti. There is a close resemblance in the functioning of
Vata Dosha and nervous system and Basti is prescribed as the best
4.9. Chakshyusya/Netrya Basti remedy for Vata. It again validates the efficacy of Basti karma on
nervous system as well as in ocular disorders. There is a close
Though Basti is considered as the best treatment for Vata resemblance between pharmacological actions of Basti, with co-
Dosha it is advised even for the treatment of Pitta Dosha, Kapha lon specific drug delivery system (CSDDS) [19] and strategies
Dosha and Sarvadhatu AshritaVyadhi (Trikamji J, Ram N, 2012, required for CNS drug delivery [20]. Methods such as prodrug,
Susruta Samhita Dalhana Commentary, Chikitsa sthana, 35:6; P carrier mediated drug delivery, drug manipulation by lipophilic
525). Sushruta described both Timir and Adhimantha are among analogs and osmotic blood brain barrier disruption or blood
eye diseases which can be treated with Basti Chikitsa (Trikamji J, retinal barrier disruption strategies described by modern phar-
Ram N, 2012, Susruta Samhita Dalhana Commentary, Chiki tsas- macologists, completely compliments with classical methods of
thana, 35:5; P 525). While describing the importance of Basti Basti procedure. The rectal columns have a rich vascular bed and
Chikitsa, Acharya Sushruta has mentioned “Chakshyuhu Pri- have their own arteries and veins. While the superior rectal vein
nayati”, which means improves vision. While describing treat- drains via the inferior mesenteric vein into the portal vein, the
ment of Timir, Vagbhatta mentioned Basti as one of the treatment inferior and middle rectal veins drain directly into the inferior
procedure along with Murdhabasti, Tarpana, Alepana etc. Again vena cava via the internal pudendal vein and the internal iliac
he had mentioned Niruha and Anuvasana Basti procedure for vein. This type of vascular supply of rectum helps in achievement
VatajaTimir (Gupta Atridev, 2008, Ashtanga Hridaya, Uttar- of systemic drug effect.
asthana, 13:47, 62; P 674e675). Chakshushya Basti [18] is espe-
cially mentioned by Vagbhatta for its Chakshyusya, Pramehahara 4.10. Oral systemic drugs
and Raktapittahara properties. This is a type of Siddhabasti and
contains ingredients of Madhutailika Basti (Erandmoola Kwath, Triphaladi churna, Triphaladi kwatha, Mahavasadi kwatha [14],
Madhu, Taila, ShatpushpaKalka and Saindhavlavana) with Yasti- Vasakadi kwatha and Amrutadiguggulu [21] can be advised in mild
madhu Kalka. Yogvahi, Raktapittahar and Sandhan properties of to severe NPDR and PDR cases.
Madhu helps in better absorption of the drugs and healing effect
on intra retinal blood vessels. Sukshma and Tiksna Guna of
Saindhav helps in reaching up to micro channels and break down 5. Conclusion
of morbid Dosha. Chakshushya effect of Saindhava lavana attrib-
uted to temporary osmotic BRB disruption for better enhance- Diabetic retinopathy is a disease of Dristipatala (retina) and
ment of drug absorption in Basti procedure. Taila is best drug for complication of long standing uncontrolled diabetes due to defec-
Vata dosha alleviation. Vyavayi, Ushna, Guru and Snighda proper- tive metabolism and endocrine dysfunction. All the three doshas are
ties of Taila pacifies Vata dosha and improves drug permeability of affected with rakta (as both dosha and dushya), mainly vata, pitta,
cell membrane. Rasayana, chakshyusya and ropana properties of rakta and kapha anubandha. All the dhatus are affected with rakta,
Yasthimadhu help in repair and regeneration of intra retinal blood meda and mamsa predominant, sira srotas of raktavaha srotas and
capillaries. Shatpushpa increases the retention time of Basti and Ojavaha dhamani gets affected in successive stages. If the DR pa-
has Akshirogahara properties. Vrishya and Vatahar properties of thology is analyzed properly, it possesses all the four features of
Erandamoola Kashaya help in pacifying Vata, regeneration of srotovaigunya i.e., Atipravritti, Sanga, Siragranthi and Vimarga
retinal capillaries and provide nutrition to retinal ganglion cells. gamana. Sanga is manifested by the retinal vessels occlusion lead-
Other Chakshyusya Basti formulations like Sthiradi Niruha Basti ing to hypoxic related ischemia. Siragranthi is nothing other than
(Tripathy Brahmananda, 1999, Caraka Samhita, Siddhi Sthana, development of microaneurysms, Vimarga gamana is the retinal
3:36e37; P 1204) and Mustadi Yapana Basti can be advised in haemorrhages and Atipravritti can be correlated to the Neo-
different stages of DR. Panchatikta Pancha prasritika Basti (Tri- vascularization where new vessels are formed. Agnimandya and
pathy Brahmananda, 1999, Caraka Samhita, Chikitsa Sthana, 8:8; P Ama formation, raktapitta, avarana and dhatu kshaya are few as-
1261) can be advised in initial stages of active Sirabhisyanda and pects of pathogenesis and development of Diabetic retinopathy and
diabetic retinopathy patients having predominant in kleda and this may provide inputs for development of treatment protocol for
kapha vitiation i.e., NPDR due to retinal ischemia. In case of the disease in Ayurveda in future.
Dhatukshya stages of DR, Sthiradi Niruha Basti can be adminis-
tered, which has nutritive effect on retinal neuronal layers. The Funding
rationale behind use of Basti in posterior segment diseases of eye
including DR is to introduce large volume of drugs through sys- This research did not receive any specific grant from funding
temic route. Drug ionization through proper emulsification, lip- agencies in the public, commercial, or not-for-profit sectors.
ophilicity, and molecular weight, pH and transit time of drugs are
the factors which influences drug absorption and bioavailability
Conflict of interest
to the ocular tissues. Basti treatment meets all these properties
along with unique anatomical characteristic of a large surface
None declared.
area which can deliver enormous drug to posterior segment of
eye for effective therapeutic effect in the ocular conditions.
Pathogenesis of major diseases of posterior segment of eye is Acknowledgment
caused by Sira Srotas Abhisyanda due to doshaavarana, dha-
tuksyaya with resultant reduction of supply of nutrients to the Authors acknowledge Dr. K.G Surangi (Second Year Post Grad-
ocular tissues. Basti does both Sodhana and Shamana along with uate Scholar), Department of Shalakya Tantra, National Institute of
enhancement of nutritional status of dhatus in the body which Ayurveda for her help in preparation of illustrations.
128 P.K. Sahoo, S. Fiaz / Journal of Ayurveda and Integrative Medicine 8 (2017) 122e131
Bleeding in eyes
Blood viscosity
RBC aggregation
Retinal ischemia
Rakta Kshaya Mamsa Kshaya Meda Kshaya Majja Kshya Sukra Kshaya Ojas Kshaya
Sira Saithilya Dhamani saithilya Sandhi sunyata Bone marrow loss Panduta Apara oja
P.K. Sahoo, S. Fiaz / Journal of Ayurveda and Integrative Medicine 8 (2017) 122e131
Loss of pericytes Loss of contractile Cell junctional Decreased RBC Loss of nerve Dhamani
Muscle proteins in proteins loss formation fiber layer kshaya/ loss of
endothelial cell layer capillaries
Increased VEGF
Severe NPDR
130 P.K. Sahoo, S. Fiaz / Journal of Ayurveda and Integrative Medicine 8 (2017) 122e131
Agni Mandya
Metabolic derangement
Inflammation Osmotic Increased vascular permeability super oxide ions
Increased thrombogenicity
Oxidative stress
Lipid peroxidation
Table A.1
Probable correlation of Dhatu Kshaya symptoms and vis-
a-vis diabetic retinopathy symptoms.
Meda (Surplus and unutilized fat or adipose tissue) Sandhisunyata Cell junction or adhesion defect/Break down of blood
retinal barrier. Macular edema and Exudates formation.
Mamsa (Muscular tissue/muscle protein) Dhamanisaithilya Loss of junctional adhesion molecule/endothelial cell
Rakta (Blood) Sirasaithilya Loss of pericytes, weakening of capillary walls and
formation of microaneurysms.
Majja (Marrow tissue) Timiradarshana Yblood cell formation e anemia e hypoxia e
breakdown of BRB e loss of nerve fibers e cotton wool
Sukra (Semen) Panduta Proves hereditary and genetic predisposition of Diabetic
Ojas (Resistance factor/Immunity) Vyathitendriya Diminish in function of sense organs including blurred
in vision.
Table A.2
-vis different stage of Diabetic retinopathy [22].
Probable correlation of doshaja timir vis-a
Ist (Teja Jalashrita) Vataja Blurring of vision, Erythropsia, Micropsia Mild NPDR
Pittaja Color vision defects
IInd (Mamsashrita) Raktaja Blackouts/Scotomas Moderate NPDR
Smoky vision
Color vision defects
Sannipataja Polyopia, Diplopia Severe NPDR
Visual field defects Preproliferative PDR
IIIrd (Medashrita) Parimlayee Timir (Pitta þ Rakta) Photopsia PDR
Phosphenes Vitreos hemorrhages
Retinal detachment
Parimlayee Kacha Ragaprapta Diabetic Cataract
Dosha Dhatu Kshaya
Snow flake cataract
IVth (Asthyashrita) Sannipatika Linganasha Loss of vision High Risk PDR
Florid PDR
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