(영문) Class 310 사용설명서
(영문) Class 310 사용설명서
(영문) Class 310 사용설명서
transmitters by keypad
Table of contents
1. Introduction..........................................................................................................................................5
1.1. Description of the transmitter.......................................................................................................5
1.2. Description of the keys.................................................................................................................5
1.3. Protection tips of the sensor........................................................................................................6
2. Modbus................................................................................................................................................7
2.1. Configuration of parameters........................................................................................................7
2.2. Functions......................................................................................................................................7
2.3. Access code to register................................................................................................................7
3. Configure the transmitter...................................................................................................................10
3.1. Enter the security code..............................................................................................................10
3.2. Set the parameters of the transmitter........................................................................................10
3.2.1 Set the screen......................................................................................................................11
3.2.2 Set the graphical period.......................................................................................................11
3.2.3 Set the language..................................................................................................................11
3.2.4 Set date and time.................................................................................................................11
3.2.5 Activate /deactivate the beep key........................................................................................11
3.2.6 Lock and unlock the keyboard.............................................................................................11
3.2.7 Modify the security code......................................................................................................12
3.2.8 Back to factory parameters..................................................................................................12
3.2.9 Set the Modbus (optional)...................................................................................................12
3.2.10 Set the Ethernet communication (optional).......................................................................12
3.2.11 Access to the transmitter information................................................................................13
3.3. Configure the measurement channels.......................................................................................13
3.4. Configure the analogue outputs.................................................................................................13
3.4.1 Select the type of output......................................................................................................13
3.4.2 Set the minimum and maximum ranges..............................................................................14
3.4.3 Perform an output diagnostic...............................................................................................14
3.5. Configure the alarms..................................................................................................................15
3.5.1 Select the alarm mode.........................................................................................................15
3.5.2 Set the alarm in rising or falling edge..................................................................................16
3.5.3 Configure the alarm in monitoring mode.............................................................................16
3.5.4 Configure the alarm on Transmitter state mode..................................................................16
3.5.5 Configure the relays (optional)............................................................................................17
3.6. Configure the probes, boards and normative values.................................................................18
3.6.1 Configure an air velocity and airflow probe.........................................................................18
3.6.2 Configure a CO2 probe or a temperature/hygrometry probe..............................................19
3.6.3 Configure a board................................................................................................................19
3.7. Activate an option.......................................................................................................................22
4. Description of function and Modbus connections.............................................................................24
4.1. Device........................................................................................................................................24
4.2. Channels....................................................................................................................................24
4.3. Outputs.......................................................................................................................................25
4.4. Alarms........................................................................................................................................26
4.5. Measurement parameters..........................................................................................................26
1. Introduction
1.1. Description of the transmitter
C310 transmitters with display can be configured via keypad. It is possible to set the measurement units, to activate or not a
05/02/14 9.53
◄Min/max Mesures Graphique►
Alarm lights
C1 9
C2 35
Left key
Indicator light
Esc key
Trend indicator : on the screen, a trend indicator represented by a rising arrow, a going down arrow or a stable arrow is
displayed above the measurement unit. It means the calculation of a moving average on the last hour (M1) to compare with
a moving average on the last 5 minutes (M2) :
• If M1 = M2, the trend is stable.
• If M1 < M2, the trend is upwards.
• If M1 > M2, the trend is downward.
This trend indicator is displayed after 5 minutes.
Indicator light : the indicator light indicates that the transmitter if powered on.
1.3. Protection tips of the sensor
It's extremely unwise to remove the protection tip of our hygrometry probes as Protection tip element
the sensitive element is very fragile even to light contacts. However, if you to unscrew
have to remove the protection tip, take all possible precautions and avoid any
contact with the sensitive element. Sensitive
Protection tip element
To remove the protection tip, unscrew it or unclip it. to unscrew
2. Modbus
2.1. Configuration of parameters
• Communication speed : between 2400 and 115200 bauds, 19200 bauds by default
• Data bits : 8 bits
• Stop bit : 1 bit
• Parity : None
• Flow control : None
• Transmitter addressing : between 1 and 255 (automatically answers the requests from address 0)
2.2. Functions
• Register function : Function 03
• Register writing : Function 16
• Communication loop test : Function 08
Alarm channel 4
Alarm channel 3 Alarm channel 2
• Values – Modbus code : 7010 (channel 1)
7040 (channel 2)
7070 (channel 3)
7100 (channel 4)
• Number of digits after the decimal point – Modbus code : 7020 (channel 1)
7050 (channel 2)
7080 (channel 3)
7110 (channel 4)
• Unit – Modbus code : 7030 (channel 1)
7060 (channel 2)
7090 (channel 3)
7120 (channel 4)
List of units :
Field Unit Value Field Unit Value
None 0 None 0
°C 16 m/s 64
°F 17 Air velocity fpm 65
%HR 32 km/h 66
G/Kg 33 m3/h 80
Kj/KG 34 L/s 81
°C td 35 Airflow cfm 82
°F td 36 m3/s 83
m3/h 80
°C Tw 37 Combustion ppm 112
°F Tw 38 mV 160
kPa 50 V 161
inWg 51 Electricity µA 162
hPa 52 mA 163
mbar 53 A 164
mmHg 54
mmH2O 55
daPa 56
Pa 57
• Value : code 7010, real type (Most Significant Byte / Least Significant Byte)
Byte 3 Byte 4 Byte 1 Byte 2
b15 b16 b31 b24 b7 b0 b15 b8
0100 0001 1100 0001 1001 1001 1001 1010
Value : 24.2
• Unit : code 7030, U8 type
Byte 1
b7 b0
0001 0000
Unit value : 16 : °C (See table “List of units” p8)
“Enumerations” table :
Corresponding values 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
3. Configure the transmitter
3.1. Enter the security code
To configure the transmitter, and for security purposes, a security code must be entered. The default code is 0101.
If a wrong code is entered, the following message is displayed : “Bad code”. Press OK to go back to the
measurement screen then press OK to enter the code again.
3.2.1 Set the screen
➢ Press OK on “Screen” line.
➢ Press OK on “Contrast” line to set the contrast between 0 and 3.
➢ Use Up and Down keys to set the contrast then press OK.
➢ Go to the “Backlight settings” line with the Down key then press OK.
➢ Press OK on “Duration” line then select the backlight duration with Up and Down keys :
• ON : continuous backlight
• 10 sec, 30 sec or 1 min : backlight turns off as soon as the selected time is up.
• OFF : deactivated backlight
➢ Press OK to validate.
➢ Press Down key then OK on “Backlight” line.
➢ Set the backlight between 0 and 10 with Up and Down keys.
➢ Press OK to validate.
➢ Press Esc to back to the configuration screen of the device.
3.2.7 Modify the security code
➢ Press OK on “Security code” line.
The following message is displayed : “Modification Security code?”.
➢ Go to “Continue” then press OK.
➢ Enter the current code.
➢ Enter the new code.
➢ Go to “YES” then press OK to confirm the new code.
The transmitter displays a message indicating that the code has been modified.
➢ Press OK.
Keep the new created code because it will be not possible to access to the configuration of the transmitter
with the code 0101.
If the Modbus option is selected when ordered the transmitter, the default slave number will be indicated on serial
number label and the default speed is 19 200 bds.
The Address Mac can not be modified because it is linked to the Ethernet board.
3.2.11 Access to the transmitter information
This part allows to access to the information about the transmitter, the boards and the probes.
➢ Press OK on “Information” line.
A 1st screen is displayed with information about the transmitter (name, serial number, calibration date).
➢ Press Right arrow.
The screen displays information about the outputs.
➢ Press Right arrow.
The screen displays information about the connected boards.
➢ Press Right arrow.
The screen displays information about the connected probes.
➢ Press Esc key to quit the information screen.
To activate a channel, at least one probe or one board must be connected to the transmitter.
➢ Press OK.
➢ Enter the security code then press OK.
➢ Go to the “Channel” line then press OK.
The transmitter displays the 4 available channels.
➢ Go to the line of the channel to activate then press OK.
The transmitter displays “Probe – Unit OFF”.
➢ Press OK.
➢ Select with Right and Left arrows “Probe 1”, “Probe 2” or “Board” according to the required attribution for the
The available units of the selected probe or board appear.
➢ Select the unit with Up and Down arrows then press OK.
The transmitter displays the feature of the channel.
• the type of probe (probe1, probe 2 or board) and its unit
• the coefficient
• the offset
➢ Modify if necessary the coefficient and offset.
➢ Press OK.
➢ Enter the security code.
The transmitter displays the different types of outputs : 4-20 mA, 0-20 mA, 0-10 V or 0-5 V.
➢ Go to the type of required output then press OK.
The output number is equivalent to the number of the displayed channel (ex : output 1 = channel1)
Before carrying out the output diagnostics, all connections and configurations of the transmitter must be
enabled, to avoid any damage on the transmitter and the measurement device !
Once the connection to the measurement device is complete, the output diagnostic on several check points can be
performed :
If the deviations are too large (> 0,05V or > 0,05mA) between the signal issued and the value displayed on the
multimeter, we recommend that you return the transmitter to our factory.
3.5. Configure the alarms
This part allows to activate and define the alarms conditions on one or several channels.
➢ Press OK.
➢ Enter the security code then press OK.
➢ Go to “Alarms” line then press OK.
The transmitter displays the 4 alarms : “Alarm 1”, “Alarm 2”, “Alarm 3” or “Alarm 4”.
Measurement (m) > Threshold (S) during the time-delay T1 → Alarm Measurement (m) < Threshold (S) during time-delay T1 →
activation Alarm activation.
Measurement (m) < Threshold (S) - Hysteresis (H) during the time-delay Measurement (m) > Threshold (S) + Hysteresis (H) during
T2 → Alarm deactivation time-delay T2 → Alarm deactivation
The alarm goes off when the measurement is outside the low and
high thresholds.
When an audible alarm goes off, it is possible to acknowledge it pressing OK key on the transmitter.
The alarm mode “Transmitter state” is selected.
➢ Go to the “Configuration” line then press OK.
➢ Press OK on the “Condition selection” line.
The transmitter displays the list of alarms conditions :
• Ambient temperature too high*
• Ambient temperature too low*
• Memory error
• Board error*
• Probe 1 error
• Probe 2 error
• Pressure value too high*
➢ Go to the alarm condition with Up and Down arrows then press OK to select the condition.
The alarm condition is ticked.
Use the right arrow to go to the 2nd page of the conditions and use the Left arrow to back to the 1 st page.
The alarm must be completely set to be active (for example, do not keep “---” in front of a threshold, a delay,...).
To activate the relays according to the alarms, the alarms must be completely configured.
3.6. Configure the probes, boards and normative values
This part allows to set the following parameters :
• for an air velocity and airflow probe : (hotwire or vane) : the type of section, the correction factor, the in air
velocity and the compensation in atmospheric pressure (only available for hotwire probes)
• For a pressure board : air velocity and airflow (if the option is activated), the integration in pressure, the purge
mode and autozero duration.
• For a CO2 probe : the compensation in atmospheric pressure,
• For an hygro/temperature probe : the compensation in atmospheric pressure for the psychrometry calculations.
Length and width of the section must be between 1 and 3000 mm.
Enter a correction factor : this correction coefficient allows to adjust the transmitter according to data in air velocity of the
How to calculate it ? For example, the air velocity in your section is 17 m/s and the transmitter displays 16.6 m/s. The
coefficient to apply is 17 / 16,6 it means 1.024.
➢ Press OK.
➢ Enter the security code then press OK.
➢ Go to “Parameters” line then press OK.
➢ Go to “Probe 1” or “Probe 2” line (according to the channel of the air velocity/airflow probe) then press OK.
➢ Use Up/Down/Left/Right arrows to enter a correction factor then press OK.
Enter an integration in air velocity : The air velocity measurement element of the transmitter is very sensitive and reacts
to air velocity changes. When making measurements in unstable air systems, the air velocity measurement may fluctuate.
The integration coefficient (from 0 to 9) makes an average of the measurement ; this helps to avoid any excessive
variations and guarantees a stable measurement.
New displayed value = [((10 - Coef.) x New Value) + (Coef. x Old value)] /10
Example : C310 with hotwire (0-30 m/s) – Current measurement : 2 m/s – New measurement : 8 m/s
The air velocity source being unstable, the user selects a strong integration. Integration : 7. The variation is lower than 10
m/s, it is possible to apply the integration calculation formula.
Next displayed value : ((2 * 8) + (7 *2 ))/10 = 3 m/s.
➢ Press OK.
➢ Enter the security code then press OK.
➢ Go to the “Parameters” line then press OK.
➢ Go to “Probe 1” or “Probe 2” line (according to the channel of the air velocity/airflow probe) then press OK.
➢ Go to “Air velocity integration” line then press OK.
➢ Use Up and Down arrows to select an air velocity integration then press OK.
➢ Go to “Board” line then press OK.
➢ Go to “Air velocity/airflow” line then press OK.
➢ Press OK on “Measure mean” line then use Up and Down arrows to select :
• Pitot tube L (coefficient : 1.0015)
• Pitot tube S (coefficient : 0.84)
• Debimo blades (coefficient : 0.8165)
• le coefficient of the element (free coefficient)
➢ Press OK.
Select the type of section : 3 selections are possible : rectangular or circular section or airflow coefficient.
• For the rectangular and circular sections : see chapter 3.6.1
• For the airflow coefficient :
➢ Press OK on “Section type” line then select “Flow coeff”.
➢ Press OK on “Coefficient” line then enter the coefficient with Up/Down/Left/Right arrows.
➢ Press OK.
➢ Press OK on “Reference unit” line then select the unit with Up and Down arrows.
➢ Press OK.
This airflow coefficient allows to calculate an airflow from the pressure. It is indicated by the manufacturer of the devices
supplied with pressure connections (+ and -). From the square root of the measured pressure (Delta P) and from this
coefficient, you get the airflow. Airflow = C D x √ Δpressure
Enter a correction factor : this correction coefficient allows to adjust the transmitter according to data in air velocity of the
How to calculate it ? For example, the air velocity in your section is 17 m/s and the transmitter displays 16.6 m/s. The
coefficient to apply is 17 / 16,6 it means 1.024.
➢ Press OK.
➢ Enter the security code then press OK.
➢ Go to the “Parameters” line then press OK.
➢ Go to “Board” line then press OK.
➢ Go to “Correction factor” line then press OK.
➢ Use Up/Down/Left/Right arrows to enter a correction factor then press OK.
Set the compensation in temperature and in atmospheric pressure : it is possible to modify the compensation
temperature value. Indeed, measured air velocity and airflow with a Pitot tube or Debimo blades (or other differential
pressure element) depends on operating temperature. It is required to enter the operating temperature in order to get
more accurate results. It is possible to enter the value manually or to use a thermocouple K probe for an automatic
temperature compensation.
➢ Press OK.
➢ Enter the security code then press OK.
➢ Go to the “Parameters” line then press OK.
➢ Go to “Board” line then press OK.
➢ Go to “Compensation” line then press OK.
➢ Press OK on “Temperature” line then select :
• Manual entry to enter manually a temperature : press OK then select the unit (°C or °F) then enter a value
between -50 and +50 °C.
• Auto (thermocouple) : the transmitter will take into account the measured temperature by a thermocuple probe
connected to the pressure board.
• Auto (probe 1) : the transmitter will take into account the measured temperature by a temperature probe
connected to the transmitter at the location “Probe 1”.
➢ Go to “Atmo pressure” line then select the unit with Up and Down keys.
➢ Press OK.
➢ Enter a value. This value must be between :
• 0 and 4000 hPa
• 0 and 4000 mbar
• 0 and 3000.24 mmHg
• 0 and 10 000 m (altitude)
Enter the time-delay between two autozeros : Thanks to the temperature compensation of the gain (from 0 to 50°C) and
to the autozero system, Class 310 transmitters guarantee an excellent long-term stability, along with a great measurement
Autozero principle : the microprocessor drives a solenoid valve that compensates for any long-term drift of the sensitive
Compensation is made by regular automatic adjustment of the zero. True differential pressure measurement is then made
regardless of the environmental conditions of the transmitter.
➢ Press OK.
➢ Enter the security code then press OK.
➢ Go to the “Parameters” line then press OK.
➢ Go to “Board” line then press OK.
➢ Go to “Autozero” line then press OK.
➢ Enter a duration with Up/Down/Left/Right arrows then press OK.
Set the purge time : The purge mode enables to freeze the measurement when being displayed, enables to lock the
analogue outputs, and to activate the relay 1, in order to actuate a de-dust system of an air movement conditions system
and to activate the relay 2 in order to isolate the transmitter.
Here is the detailed process of the purge mode :
• 1 – Measurement is frozen.
• 2 – Wait for 3 seconds.
• 3 – Activation of the relay 2 (isolation of the transmitter).
• 4 – Wait for time-delay (e.g : 10 seconds).
• 5 – Activation of the relay 1 (sending compressed air into the network to clean the installation).
• 6 – Purge duration (e.g : 30 seconds).
• 7 – Deactivation of the relay 1 (stop sending compressed air).
• 8 – Wait for time-delay (e.g : 10 seconds).
• 9 – Deactivation of the relay 2.
• 10 – Wait for 3 seconds.
• 11 – Recovery of the measurement.
➢ Press OK.
➢ Enter the security code then press OK.
➢ Go to the “Parameters” line then press OK.
➢ Go to “Board” line then press OK.
➢ Go to “Purge” line then press OK.
➢ Go to “Mode” line then press OK.
➢ Select “Run” with Down arrow then press OK.
➢ Go to “Purge duration” line then press OK.
➢ Enter the purge duration with Up/Down/Left/Right arrows then press OK to validate.
➢ Go to “Delay between two purges” then press OK.
➢ Enter the delay between 2 purges with Up/Down/Left/Right arrows then press OK to validate.
➢ Go to “Delay” line then press OK.
➢ Enter the delay with Up/Down/Left/Right arrows then press OK to validate.
The transmitter displays asking if you want to activate the option.
➢ Go to “Continue” then press OK.
The transmitter asks for an activation code.
➢ Enter the supplied activation code then press OK.
4. Description of function and Modbus connections
4.1. Device
Modbus Register type Description Possibilities
1000 - Serial number of the
1010 - Firmware version
1400 - Keypad locking 0 : deactivated
1 : activated
1410 U16 Security code
1500 U8 Modbus slave number From 1 to 255
1510 Enumeration Modbus speed 2400 / 4800 / 9600/ 19200 / 38400 /
communication 115200 bds
1700 - Activation of the high 1 : activated / 0 : deactivated
resolution in pressure
1710 - Activation of the 1 : activated / 0 : deactivated
Modbus option
1900 - Back to factory
4.2. Channels
Modbus Register type Description Possibilities
2000 Enumeration Unit selection of the Probe
channel 1 Board
2100 Enumeration Unit selection of the Probe
channel 2 Board
2200 Enumeration Unit selection of the Probe
channel 3 Board
2300 Enumeration Unit selection of the Probe
channel 4 Board
2010 Enumeration Activation/deactivation According to probe and board
of the channel 1
2110 Enumeration Activation/deactivation According to probe and board
of the channel 2
2210 Enumeration Activation/deactivation According to probe and board
of the channel 3
2310 Enumeration Activation/deactivation According to probe and board
of the channel 4
4.3. Outputs
Modbus Register type Description Possibilities
3000 Enumeration Analogue output selection of the channel 4-20 mA / 0-20 mA / 0-10 V / 0-5 V
3100 Enumeration Analogue output selection of the channel 4-20 mA / 0-20 mA / 0-10 V / 0-5 V
3200 Enumeration Analogue output selection of the channel 4-20 mA / 0-20 mA / 0-10 V / 0-5 V
3010 Real Channel 1 minimum range From -1999 to 9999
3020 Real Channel 1 maximum range From -1999 to 9999
3110 Real Channel 2 minimum range From -1999 to 9999
3120 Real Channel 2 maximum range From -1999 to 9999
3210 Real Channel 3 minimum range From -1999 to 9999
3220 Real Channel 3 maximum range From -1999 to 9999
3030 Enumeration Channel 1 diagnostic : generation of a Generation according the output signal
current or a voltage 0-10 V 0-5 V 0-20 4-20
mA mA
0V 0V 0 mA 4 mA
5V 2.5 V 10 12
mA mA
10 V 5V 20 20
mA mA
3130 Enumeration Channel 2 diagnostic : generation of a Generation according the output signal
current or a voltage 0-10 V 0-5 V 0-20 4-20
mA mA
0V 0V 0 mA 4 mA
5V 2.5 V 10 12
mA mA
10 V 5V 20 20
mA mA
3230 Enumeration Channel 3 diagnostic : generation of a Generation according the output signal
current or a voltage 0-10 V 0-5 V 0-20 4-20
mA mA
0V 0V 0 mA 4 mA
5V 2.5 V 10 12
mA mA
10 V 5V 20 20
mA mA
4.4. Alarms
Modbus Register type Description Possibilities
4000 – 4100 – 4200 Enumeration Alarm mode Rising edge
Falling edge
4010 – 4110 – 4210 U8 Channel selection Channel 1
Channel 2
Channel 3
4020 – 4120 – 4220 Real Threshold 1 setting According to connected probe
4030 – 4130 – 4230 Real Threshold 2 or hysteresis setting According to connected probe
4040 – 4140 – 4240 U16 Delay time 1 setting From 0 to 600 s
4050 – 4150 – 4250 U16 Delay time 2 setting From 0 to 600 s
4060 – 4160 - 4260 Boolean Audible alarm 1 : activated / 0 : deactivated
NTang – Transmitters_C310 – 31/01/2014 - RCS (24) Périgueux 349 282 095 Non-contractual document – We reserve the right to modify the characteristics of our products.