Nonlinear Finite Elements For Continua and Structures: Ted Belytschko

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Nonlinear Finite Elements for

Continua and Structures

Ted Belytschko
Department of Mechanical Engineering
Northwestern University
Evanston, Illinois

Wing Kam Liu

Department of M echanical Engineering
Northwestern University
Evanston, Illinois

Brian Moran
Department of Ovil Engineering
Northwestern University
Evanston, Illinois


Chichester . New York . Weinheim . Brisbane . Singapore . Toronto

Preface xi
List of Boxes xv

1 Introduction 1
1.1 Nonlinear finite elements in design I
1.2 Related books and abrief history of nonlinear finite elements 4
1.3 Notation 7
1.4 Mesh descriptions 9
1.5 Classification of partial differential equations 13
1.6 Exercises 18

2 Lagrangian and Eulerian finite elements in one dimension 19

2.1 Introduction 19
2.2 Governing equations for total Lagrangian formulation 20
2.3 Weak form for total Lagrangian formulation 27
2.4 Finite element discretization in total Lagrangian formulation 33
2.5 Element and global matrices 38
2.6 Governing equations for updated Lagrangian formulation 48
2.7 Weak form for updated Lagrangian formulation 51
2.8 Element equations for updated Lagrangian formulation 52
2.9 Governing equations for Eulerian formulation 64
2.10 Weak forms for Eulerian mesh equations 65
2.11 Finite element equations 66
2.12 Solution methods 70
2.13 Summary 72
2.14 Exercises 72

3 Continuum mechanics 75
3.1 Introduction 75
3.2 Deformation and motion 76
3.3 Strain measures 92
3.4 Stress measures 101
3.5 Conservation equations 108
3.6 Lagrangian conservation equations 119
3.7 Polar decomposition and frame-invariance 125
3.8 Exercises 137
viii Contents

4 Lagrangian meshes 141

4.1 Introduction 141
4.2 Governing equations 142
4.3 Weak fonn: principle of virtual power 145
4.4 Updated Lagrangian finite element discretization 152
4.5 Implementation 162
4.6 Corotational formulations 185
4.7 Total Lagrangian fonnulation 193
4.8 Total Lagrangian weak form 196
4.9 Finite element semidiscretization 198
4.10 Exercise 213

5 Constitutive models 215

5.1 Introduction 215
5.2 The stress-strain curve 216
5.3 One-dimensional elasticity 221
5.4 Nonlinear elasticity 225
5.5 One-dimensional plasticity 240
5.6 Multiaxial plasticity 247
5.7 Hyperelastic-plastic models 264
5.8 Viscoelasticity 274
5.9 Stress update algorithms 277
5.10 Continuum mechanics and constitutive models 294
5.11 Exercises 308

6 Solution methods and stability 309

6.1 Introduction 309
6.2 Explicit methods 310
6.3 Equilibrium solutions and implicit time integration 317
6.4 Linearization 337
6.5 Stability and continuation methods 353
6.6 Numerical stability 369
6.7 Material stability 384
6.8 Exercises 392

7 Arbitrary Lagrangian Eulerian formulations 393

7.1 Introduction 393
7.2 ALE continuum mechanics 395
7.3 Conservation laws in ALE description 402
7.4 ALE governing equations 403
7.5 Weakforms 404
7.6 Introduction to the Petrov-Galerkin method 408
7.7 Petrov-Galerkin fonnulation of momentum equation 417
7.8 Path-dependent materials 420
7.9 Linearization of the discrete equations 432
7.10 Mesh update equations 435
7.11 Numerical example: an elastic-plastic wave propagation problem 442
7.12 Total ALE formulations 443
Contents ix

8 Element technology 451

8.1 Introduetion 451
8.2 Element performance 453
8.3 Element properties and pateh tests 461
8.4 Q4 and volumetrie loeking 469
8.5 Multi-fleld weak forms and elements 474
8.6 Multi-field quadrilaterals 487
8.7 One-point quadrature elements 491
8.8 Examples 500
8.9 Stability 504
8.10 Exereises 507

9 Beams and shells 509

9.1 Introduetion 509
9.2 Beam theories 511
9.3 Continuum-based beam 514
9.4 Analysis of CB beam 524
9.5 Continuum-based sheH implementation 536
9.6 CB shell theory 550
9.7 Shear and membrane loeking 555
9.8 Assumed strain elements 560
9.9 One-point quadrature elements 563
9.I 0 Exereises 566

10 Contact-impact 569
10.1 Introduetion 569
10.2 Contaet interface equations 570
10.3 Frietion models 580
10.4 Weak forms 585
10.5 Finite element diseretization 595
10.6 On explieit methods 609

Appendix 1 Voigt notation 615

Appendix 2 Norms 619

Appendix 3 Element shape functions 622

Glossary 627

References 631

Index 641

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