Fruit Crops PDF
Fruit Crops PDF
Fruit Crops PDF
ISSN 2250-3153
Abstract- The aim of this study was to evaluate the land The land suitability for crops was calculated by matching
suitability of some Nile River terraces for crop and fruit site conditions with the crop requirement with respect to the
production at Khartoum North, Sudan. Nine soil profiles from following characteristics: topography, drainage, physical soil
three river terraces were selected to cover the different (texture, structure), calcium carbonate and gypsum, soil fertility
physiographic positions. The land suitability evaluation for (apparent CEC, base saturation and organic carbon), salinity and
annual crops and fruit tress was carried out by matching site alkalinity, climatic condition. The methods used based on
conditions with the crop requirement with respect to the qualitative evaluation (Sys et al., 1991).
characteristics such as: climate condition, topography, drainage, The irrigated intensive crop farming areas for vegetables
texture, CaCO3, CEC, % O.C, salinity and alkalinity. The and fruits in Sudan are largely located within the flooding plains
suitability for crops, vegetables and fruit were divided into of the Blue, White and River Nile and this is attributed to their
excellent, good, moderate, weak and not suitable. The soils of the high quality soils and water. These soils are used for agricultural
study area were classified into: Typic Torrifluvents (unit 1), production to meet the demands of the densely population
Entic Haplocambid (unit 2) and Typic Haplocambid (unit 3). The capital. However, the selection of crops cultivated is erratic and
study showed that the soils of the three units were moderately traditional. Therefore, there is a real need for scientific and sound
suitable (S2) due to limitations of inundation, fertility, wetness, strategy to put these soils in their optimal use to the best interest
erosion, and physical limitations. Results indicated that the of the farmers as well as the population of the capital (Kevie and
suitability of units 2 and 3 were weak for Arachis hypogeal L, El-Tom, 2004).
Alluim cepa, Vitis spp, Citrus sinensis and not suitable for These soils are highly demanded for agricultural production
Phaseolus vulgaris. (fruits, vegetables). However, some fruits and vegetables are
imported to the capital from other states such as: Gezira, River
Index Terms- Nile River terraces, Khartoum North, inundation, Nile, North State, Kordofan, Sennar and Blue Nile. This means a
erosion. high cost of transportation. Therefore, the objective of this study
was to evaluate the land suitability of some River Nile terraces
for crop and fruit production at Khartoum North, Sudan.
International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications, Volume 5, Issue 10, October 2015 2
ISSN 2250-3153
Figure (1): The study area and sites of the soil samples
Tundub (Capparis decidua), Seyal (Acacia tortilis), Usher, among the natural vegetation. Table 1 presents the UTM
Musket (Prosopis chilensis), Heglig (Balanites aegypiaca) and coordinates of the sampling sites.
Seder (Zizyphus spina-christi) are the predominant species
Coordinates (UTM)
Profile No. N E
P1 451437 1747982
P2 453437 1747982
P3 455468 1747982
P4 459462 1747982
P5 457440 1747997
P6 451478 1750070
P7 453478 1750070
P8 455509 1750070
P9 459503 1750070
According to the Soil Taxonomy (2014), the calculated soil Soil properties such as pH, N%, P%, organic matter (%OM) and
temperature regime is hyperthermic and soil moisture regime is Cation Exchange Capacity (CEC) were considered in terms of
variable from arridic/torric to ustic depending on local soil fertility (Sys et al., 1991). Particle size distribution was
topographical conditions. Nine soil profiles located in different determined by the hydrometer method after removal of organic
physiographic units were selected for soil sampling with a matter using H2O2 and stirring in a sodium hexametaphosphate
distance of 2 km in all direction (Fig. 1). Each horizon or layer solution (Soil Survey Staff, 2004). The soil pH was determined
was then fully described according to the FAO Guideline for Soil in the saturated soil paste using a Digital pH Meter Model
Profile Description (FAO, 2006). (Jenway 3510). The electrical conductivity was determined in the
saturated soil paste extract using a conductivity meter Model
(Jenway 4510 U.S. Salinity Lab Staff, 1954). % CaCO3, %N and
III. METHODOLOY %P were determined according to Richards (1954). The
Enhanced Thematic Mapper Plus (ETM+) Scene (173/49) exchangeable sodium percentage was calculated according to the
was used as a base map. A preliminary reconnaissance soil formula: % ESP = {Exch Na+}*100/CEC. Organic matter in the
survey was carried out in order to outline the soil distribution soils was determined using the Walkley and Black wet digestion
pattern in the study area. All soil profiles were fully described method (Van Lagen, 1993). The CEC by the 1M NH 4OAC
according the FAO Guideline for Soil profile Description (FAO, standard method (CECSM) was determined using continuous
2006). The land evaluation was determined based upon leaching of 5 g of soil with 100 ml of 1 M NH4OAC (at pH 7)
topography and soil characteristics include (Sys et al., 1993). and the concentrations of the exchangeable bases were
International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications, Volume 5, Issue 10, October 2015 3
ISSN 2250-3153
determined using the atomic absorption spectrophotometer. three units in the study area were alkaline with a pH value ranged
Requirements for each crop recommended by Sys et al., (1993) between 7.6 to 8.18. The soils were non saline at all depth except
were used. at depth more than 70 cm in units 2 and 3 were slightly saline,
non sodic with maximum value of SAR 7.58. The soils were
moderately calcareous, low in nitrogen, organic carbon and
IV. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION available phosphorus. The CEC was low and ranged between
Physical and chemical properties: 13.7 to 31.63 Cmol+/kg. The texture varied from sandy loam to
Table 2 presents some physical and chemical properties of clay.
selected soil profiles of the study area. Generally; the soils of the
Table 2: Some physical and chemical properties of selected soil profiles of the study area
Profile Depth ECe SAR CaCO3 N O.C P CEC2 Particle size Textural
No. (cm) pH (dS/m) (%) (%) (%) (mg/kg) (Cmol+/kg) distribution (%) class3
Clay Silt Sand
Unit 1
0-30 7.69 0.66 1.66 5.7 0.95 1.36 3.85 21.68 33.56 52.4 14.06 SiC
P1 30-80 7.6 0.45 1.78 5.04 0.89 1.28 3.64 20.16 38.32 33.3 28.34 SiC
80-130 7.68 0.5 1.72 5.85 0.78 1.12 3.2 13.7 33.56 42.9 23.58 SiC
Unit 2
0-20 7.9 0.88 1.27 4.74 1.22 1.76 4.95 14.95 33.56 11.9 54.53 SC
P5 20-45 7.8 2.08 5.94 6.15 0.72 1.04 2.99 20.60 35.94 11.9 52.15 SC
45-80 7.6 5.62 4.02 6.00 0.72 1.04 2.99 23.10 52.61 11.9 35.49 C
80-120 7.6 7.03 6.28 6.67 1.00 1.44 4.07 22.34 40.7 9.52 49.77 C
Unit 3
0-15 7.97 0.38 2.09 3.93 0.72 0.64 1.91 20.82 16.9 33.3 49.77 SL
P9 15-40 8.18 0.97 2.40 4.30 0.11 1.04 2.99 31.63 26.42 59.5 14.06 SiC
40-70 7.90 4.70 7.58 4.81 0.11 0.16 0.65 23.21 24.04 28.6 47.39 SL
60-120 7.86 5.41 4.29 4.59 0.55 0.80 2.34 22.99 24.04 28.6 47.39 SL
Note: 1 Sodium adsorption ratio, 2 Cation exchangeable capacity, 3 SiC; Silty clay, SC; Sandy clay, C; Clay, Sl; Sandy loam
Soil classification: the soils of units 2 and 3 (second and third terraces respectively)
Table 3 illustrates the classification of soils of the three belong to the order Aridisols and classified as Entic Hplocabmids
units in the study area. According to the American system of soil (unit 1) and Typic Haplocambids (unit 2), this due to lack
classification (Soil Survey Staff, 1975), the soils of unit 1 (first available water of most time for plant growth and presence of
terrace) belong to the order Entisols and classified as Typic cambic subsurface horizon
Torrifluvents. This due to absence of pedogenic horizons. While
Land Suitability for Agricultural Purpose: expected to be moderately productive for the defined use,
The soils of the study area were classified with respect to yielding moderate benefits, with limitations which are
their suitability after rating the different qualities (Kevie and moderately to reduce crop yields and/or increase recurrent inputs.
Eltom, 2004) as shown on Table 4. The suitability classes of all The limitation includes; inundation (i), fertility (f), wetness (w),
units recognized were moderately suitable (S2), (land which is erosion (e) and physical limitations. The soil fertility of the area
International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications, Volume 5, Issue 10, October 2015 4
ISSN 2250-3153
was assessed using pH, %O.C, %N, available P and CEC. The calcareous. The topography for gravity irrigation of the study
soils of the area were non saline (ECe less than 4 dS/m), non area is smooth to promote uniform distribution of water and
sodic (SAR 0-30 cm <8) and (SAR 30-120 cm <18 Rating 1). provide surface drainage to the all parts of the study area (Rating
Erosion hazards of the study area were negligible because there 1). The workability of the study area was loose to hard because it
were no evidences of sheet erosion. However some water erosion had silty clay loam, sub angular blocky structure, and coarse
may be happened during high flood. The soils were non gravels (<3% of the surface coverage Rating 1) (Stori, 1964).
Land Suitability for Crops and Fruit Trees: drainage, physical soil (texture, structure), calcium carbonate and
In applying systems of crops suitability to the soils of the gypsum, soil fertility (apparent CEC, base saturation and organic
study area, the ranking of the suitability of the different carbon), salinity and alkalinity, climatic condition. The methods
physiographic units of the study area was found as indicated in used were based on qualitative evaluation (Sys et al., 1991 PART
Table 5 bearing in mind that these ratings were based on the I, II, and III). The suitability for the field crops, vegetables and
weighted average. The suitability of the land to different crops fruit were divided into excellent, good and moderate; For
was determined for field and horticultural crops (vegetables and example the suitability of the unit 1 for Alfa alfa (Medicago
fruits) according to Sys (1993). The land suitability for crops was sativa) was excellent for that crop; slope 0-2, moderate drainage,
calculated by matching site conditions with the crop requirement silty clay loam texture, with pH 7.4-8. ECe between 0-3 dS/m
with respect to the following characteristics: topography, and SAR 0-8 and other requirements (Oluwatosin et al., 2002).
Table 5: Land suitability for the common crops & fruits grown in the study area.
Land unit
Crop type 1 2 3
(Typic Torrifluvents) (Entic Haplocambids) (Typic Haplocambids)
Wheat excellent excellent good
Barley excellent excellent good
Maize good moderate moderate
Sorghum good good good
Alfa Alfa excellent good moderate
Sunflower good good good
Chick pea excellent moderate moderate
Onion good weak weak
Potato moderate weak weak
Date palm moderate moderate moderate
Grapes good weak weak
International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications, Volume 5, Issue 10, October 2015 5
ISSN 2250-3153
Acoording to the American system for soil classification the moderately suitable for agricultural purpose, and the most
soils of the study area were belong within order Entisols (unit important limitations include: inundation, wetness, low
1) and Aridisols (units 2 and 3). The study revealed that the fertility, erosion and physical limitation such as soil moisture
suitability classes of the three units in the study area were availability
The author is greatly indebted to Associate Prof. Mohammad are also due to Assistant Prof. Mahtab Ahmad, Department of
Salih Dafallh, Department of Soil and environment sciences, soil sciences, King Saud University for his kind advice and
University of Khartoum for his valuable suggestions and criticism in the preparation of this manuscript.
encouragement throughout the progress of this work. Thanks
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First Author –Magboul Musa Sulieman, Department of Soil
and Environment Sciences, University of Khartoum, Sudan, Third Author – Jamal Tagelsir Elsheikh Elfaki, Department
email: [email protected] of seeds technology, Nile Valley University, River Nile State,
Second Author – Ibrahim Seed Ibrahim, Department of Soil Sudan, E-mail: [email protected]
and Environment Sciences, University of Khartoum, Sudan,
email: [email protected]