ETC&KC of The Crop in Melkassa
ETC&KC of The Crop in Melkassa
ETC&KC of The Crop in Melkassa
ISSN: 2226-7522(Print) and 2305-3327 (Online)
Science, Technology and Arts Research Journal
July-Sep 2013, 2(3): 16-24
Copyright@2013 STAR Journal. All Rights Reserved
Original Research
Water is one of the natural renewable resources The hydrological cycle describes the constant
essential for economic and social development. Yet, movement of water above, on and below the Earth's
water resources have been taken for granted as a surface. The cycle operates across all scales, from
free good to be used at will, with little or no regard to the global to the smallest stream catchment (Smith,
the long-term consequences of its mismanagement. 1998) and involves the movement of water along
However, many voices have raised a note of alarm evapotranspiration, precipitation, surface runoff,
for some time now. For example, conferences have subsurface flow, and groundwater pathways.
been held on environmental concerns including Evapotranspiration (ET) is usually the largest
water, and UNESCO is focusing on the looming component of the hydrologic cycle, given that most
crisis of Fresh Water (Abu-Zeid and Hamdy, 2002). precipitation that falls on land is returned to the
Abebe Shenkut et al., Sci. Technol. Arts Res. J., July-Sep 2013, 2(3): 16-24
lysimeter has champers for aeration and drainage were taken at the desired depth. Parallel to the
pipes connected to water collecting tank which is neutron probe measurements, soil samples were
placed in the working area underneath the taken at 15 cm interval up to 105 cm soil depth with
lysimeter. The heights of the lysimeter rims are the same depth of neutron probe readings using an
maintained near the ground level to minimize the auger and soil water at 15 cm soil depth was
boundary layer effect in and around the lysimeter. calculated using the gravimeter method (user
However, the rims of lysimeter were protruded 20 manual). The probe reading in count ratio (rat)
cm above the soil surface so that no surface runoff versus the volume samples data was plotted and
water enters into the lysimeter. entered into an Excel spread sheet, a trend line
created with its slope and, displayed its R value.
Soil Sampling and Analysis The coefficients of the linear equation (a and b)
Approximately 200 grams of soil sample was obtained from the fitted curves were used to convert
taken from inside the lysimeter at an interval of 15 neutron probe readings to soil moisture readings in
cm up to 105 cm depth for determination of soil unit of 15 cm depth of water per 15 cm of soil depth.
physical properties like soil texture, bulk density
(BD), field capacity (FC) and permanent wilting point Input Data Collection for Water Balance
(PWP). Particle size distribution was determined
using the Bouyoucos hydrometer method. Bulk Soil Moisture Measurement
density was determined by taking undisturbed soil After calibrating the neutron probe, soil moisture
sample from the site using core sampler method. content was monitored daily using the neutron
The water content at FC and PWP were determined probe sensor at an interval of 15 cm to a depth of
by the pressure plate apparatus technique whereas 105 cm through one access tube installed within the
total available water (TAW) was obtained by lysimeter whereas the top 15 cm soil depth was
subtracting PWP from FC (Ryan et al., 2001). measured gravimetrically.
where ETc = Crop evapotranspiration, I = Irrigation The LAI was lowest at initial stage due to small
applied (mm), RF = Rainfall received in the season leaf area (Table 1). The LA and LAI as well as plant
(mm), D = Drainage (mm) and ΔS = Change in soil height increased consistently from initial to the
water (mm). development & mid-season stages. The maximum
LAI was achieved when the plants reach their
The reference evapotranspiration of the site maximum height at mid-season stage with high crop
under consideration for each growth stage of the evapotranspiration due to leaf enlargement that
crop was estimated using CROPWAT 4 windows increases transpiration. At this stage of plant
version 4.2. This program uses sunshine hours, air
Abebe Shenkut et al., Sci. Technol. Arts Res. J., July-Sep 2013, 2(3): 16-24
development, LA and LAI started to decrease, LAI was due to the maturity of the crop associated
whereas plant height remained relatively constant with leaf ageing, senescence and dropping of
for the rest of the season. The decrease in LA and leaves.
Table 1: Growth stage wise leaf area, leaf area index, plant height and ETc of Gambella-1107 grown in a
lysimeter at Melkassa.
The decadal ETc values ranged from 25.2 to 61.9 Computation of water requirement based on crop
mm. Higher ETc values were recorded from 30-90 growth stage indicated differential water
days after planting as compared to the values in the requirement of the crop throughout the course of
beginning and end of the crop life cycle. The crop development. The measured ETc values were
fluctuation in ETc throughout the season is expected 53.8, 138.5, 214.4 and 94.0 mm during the initial,
because of changes not only in the crop development, mid-season and late season stages,
development but also daily changes in weather respectively (Table 1). The highest water
parameters such as radiation, humidity, wind speed requirement was recorded at the mid-season stage
and temperature. Crop evapotranspiration increases followed by the development stage while the lowest
with increasing air temperature and solar radiation, was observed at the initial growth stage. The lowest
the two primary drivers of ET (Irmak, 2009). The crop water requirement at the initial stage is mainly
total water requirement of the studied sorghum due to the low crop leaf area development (Table 1)
variety was found to be 500.7 mm (Table 1). This with a low transpiration capacity. On the other hand,
total ETc of the variety considered in this study was the rapid reduction in ETc in the late season stage
within the range of previous reports such as 450 - was due to the physiological deterioration of leaves
650 mm (Doorenbos and Kassam, 1979) and 491 - because of aging. The period of maturity coincides
533 mm (Piccinni et al., 2006) while exceeds the with the period of less water demand because of
range (210 - 293 mm) reported by Sheng-Feng et drying of leaves and minimum leaf area available for
al. (2006). transpiration (Kassam et al., 1975).
Abebe Shenkut et al., Sci. Technol. Arts Res. J., July-Sep 2013, 2(3): 16-24
Reference Evapotranspiration 1). There was a decrease in ETo from the initial to
The ETo attained its maximum during the initial the end of the late season stage with fluctuating
crop growth stage which could be attributed to the trend which was attributed to the variability of
high evaporative demand of the atmosphere (Figure climatologically factors during the growing season.
Figure 1: Decadal crop evapotranspiration (ETc) of Gambella-1107 and reference evapotranspiration (ETo)
as a function of days after planting for the crop at Melkassa.
Moreover, the ETc exceeded ETo from 60 - 90 season. The shape of the curve represents the
days after planting which coincided with the mid- changes in the vegetation and ground cover during
season stage of the crop demand for high water use plant development and maturation that affect the
due to flowering, grains formation and filling. The ratio of ETc to ETo. The decadal Kc increased from
rapid decrease in ETc from the end of mid-season to the initial to development stages while reached its
late season stage (Figure 1) was due to leaf highest and relatively remained constant at the mid-
senescence and to the completion of grain season stage (Figure 2). The Kc declined rapidly
formation and filling thereby limiting transpiration. during the late season stage. Higher Kc values were
The crop water use declined from the mid-season to recorded from 60-90 days after planting as
the late season stage which is attributed to the compared to the values in the beginning and end of
cessation of leaf growth and a corresponding the crop life cycle. The maximum Kc value was 1.35
decrease in water demand (Allen et al., 1998). at 60 days after planting for the reason that low
evaporative demand of the atmosphere (ETo) and
Crop Coefficient rainfall that increases ETc.
The curve presented in Figure 2 represents the
changes in the Kc over the length of the growing
0 50 100 150
Days after planting
Figure 2: Decadal course of crop coefficients (Kc) for Gambella-1107 grown in a lysimeter at Melkassa.
Abebe Shenkut et al., Sci. Technol. Arts Res. J., July-Sep 2013, 2(3): 16-24
It can be observed that there was high variation changes in crop development (Table 3). The Kc
in Kc values among stages (Table 3). This is value ranged from 0.45 at the initial growth stage to
because the Kc values change very rapidly with the 1.18 at the mid-season stage.
Table 3: Stage wise crop coefficient (Kc) values during the growing season.
Initial Development Mid-season Late season
Kc 0.45 0.83 1.18 0.78
FAO Kc 0.40 0.70 – 0.75 1.0 – 1.15 0.75 – 0.80
Kc = Crop Coefficient and FAO = Food and Agricultural Organization.
The Kc values initially were higher (Table 3) due season stages, respectively, for sorghum variety
to a high evaporation from the wetted topsoil in a grown in lysimeter. The variation of Kc values in this
semi arid environment. The arid and semi arid study with that of FAO and others could be due to
zones have long hours of bright sunshine which the growing season, climate, crop variety, and soil
leads to high radiation incidence leading to higher differences. In support of this, Simon et al. (1998)
ET rate (Indinoba et al., 2008). During the initial reported seasonal differences in Kc of maize in
period, the leaf area is small, and ET is Trinidad showing higher Kc values (1.13 to 1.41) in
predominately in the form of soil evaporation. the wet season and lower values (0.73 to 0.94) in
Consequently, the advancement of Kc values the dry season.
reflected the effects of crop growth, development
and physiology on ETc (Allen et al., 1998). The CONCLUSIONS
increase in Kc values from the initial stage up to the
mid-season stage was due to increases in leaf area In finally, the ETc and Kc of Gambella-1107
and plant height (Table 1). The Kc values increased variety was evaluated at each growth stages for
radically as the crop developed and covered the Melkassa and areas which have similar climate and
ground very effectively. Hence, the amount of water soil characters. The values of ETc and Kc obtained
extraction increased with plant growth which in turn at Melkassa can be used for further studies related
increased the ETc. the rate of which is at the to water management like deficit irrigation and
maximum level when the plant is fully developed erratic rainfall for those areas with similar climate
(Irmak, 2009). and soil conditions. Since ETc and Kc are a function
of crop characteristics, irrigation water
The Kc values declined from the mid-season management, climate conditions, local and
stage to the late season stage (Figure 3). This was agricultural practices, it should be localized and this
accounted for the leaf aging and senescence. result can be used for appropriate irrigation
Senescence is usually associated with less efficient planning, to have accurate irrigation schedule, for
stomatal conductance (Miderios et al., 2001) and deficit irrigation and hydrologic water studies.
decreased leaf surface (Villabos et al., 2004) due to
the effects of aging which restricts transpiration According to the study, it was shown that
causing a reduction in Kc (Allen et al., 1998). estimates of crop water requirement made with
locally determined crop coefficients differ from
The sorghum Kc values obtained in this estimates of FAO publications and others. This
experiment were higher in the first three consecutive emphasizes the strong need for local calibration of
crop growth stages from the range of those Kc for each crop variety. The results of ETc and Kc
recommended by FAO while at the late season show to be somewhat dependent on, crop variety,
stage it was within the range of the values reported climate, location and growing season. The studied
in FAO publications (Table 3). For sorghum, Allen et variety, Kc values obtained at Melkassa can be
al. (1998) reported Kc values between 1.0 - 1.10 at beneficial to areas with similar soil type, climate,
the mid-season and 0.55 at the late season stages. and location as that of Melkassa.
Bashir et al. (2006) the estimated Kc values at the
initial, the development, the mid-season and the late ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
season stages were 0.62, 0.85, 1.15 and 0.48, The author would like to express his appreciation
respectively. Piccinni et al. (2006) who worked on and deepest gratitude to his Major Advisor, Dr.
sorghum in lysimeter obtained Kc values of 0.40 at Kindie Tesfaye, and Co-advisor, Dr. Fentaw
the initial, 0.80 at the mid-season and 0.75 at the Abegaz, for all their sincere, faithful, immense
late season stages. Sheng-Feng et al. (2006) devotion, supervision, constructive comments,
reported Kc values of 0.44, 0.71, 0.87 and 0.62 at endless support. He would also like to thank Dr.
the initial, development, mid-season and late Tilahun Hordofa, his instructor, for his sincere,
Abebe Shenkut et al., Sci. Technol. Arts Res. J., July-Sep 2013, 2(3): 16-24
faithful, immense devotion, support, helpful Degefie Tibebe., Abebe Tadege., Kidane Giorgis (2004).
guidance, supervision and encouragement. The Estimating crop water use and simulating yield
author would also like to express his deepest reduction for maize and sorghum in Adama and
Miesso districts using the CROPWAT Model.
gratitude to Ministry of Education for financing all his
Ethiopian Institute of Agricultural Research, Addis
study and research costs. The author is deeply Ababa, Ethiopia. Available at.
grateful to the University of Choice, Haramaya /docs/CDPNo31.pdf. Accessed November 19, 2011.
University, Ethiopia, for accessing all the school
materials like Internet and computer pool. His Diwaker, B., Oswalt, D.L. (1992). Research Planning and
special thanks are extended to staff of Melkassa Data Handling. ICRISAT (International Crops
Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics). Andhra
Agricultural Research Center specially soil and
Pradesh, India. Pp.89.
water conservation case team colleagues for
providing him material support and experienced Doorenbos, J., Kassam, A.H. (1979). FAO (Food and
guidance for the success of this study. The author Agriculture Organization) irrigation and drainage No.
also happy to express his special gratitude to Mr. 33.Yield response to water, Rome, Italy. Draft
Dereje Ayalneh and Mohamed, who helped him in
Laboratory analysis on the physical properties of Doorenbos, J., Pruitt, W.O. (1977). FAO (Food and
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