MSC Mathematics 2016

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Table of Contents

Sr. No. Content Page No.

1 Mission Statement 2
2 Rationale 2
3 Program Objectives 2
4 Program Design 2
5 Eligibility Criteria 2
6 Scheme of Studies 3
7 Detail of Courses 5

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MSc Mathematics

Mission Statement:

To prepare people having sound knowledge of mathematics


The program of MSc Mathematics is launched to make up the shortage of

professional mathematics teachers, to support sciences, and to motivate people
toward advanced mathematics and research.

Program Objectives:

The objectives of the program are:

1. To establish the base for lifelong education by creating essential concepts and
equipping the students with necessary techniques needed to start careers in teaching,
research, and/or in any walk of life involving mathematics.
2. To prepare students to learn concrete ideas of mathematics, to analyze problems, and
to develop problem-solving skills.
3. To encourage students to become effective independent learners.
4. To encourage students to work in groups to get quick, true results.

Program Design:

Duration of the Program: 2 Years

Total credit hours: 65

Number of Semesters: 4 Semesters

Duration of one semester: 16 - 18 Weeks

Eligibility Criteria:

Two-year bachelor degree with A & B Courses of mathematics as per UE rules

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Scheme of Studies
Credit Hours
Sr. No. Course Code Course Title
Theory Lab Total Page No.
1 MATH3111 Real Analysis-I 3 0 3 5
2 MATH3112 Group Theory-I 3 0 3 6
3 MATH3113 Complex Analysis 3 0 3 7
4 MATH3114 Linear Algebra 3 0 3 8
Vector and Tensor
5 MATH3115 3 0 3 9
6 COMP1112 3 1 4 10
Total 19

Credit Hours
Sr. No. Course Code Course Title
Theory Lab Total Page No.
1 MATH3117 Real Analysis-II 3 0 3 11
2 MATH3118 Number Theory 3 0 3 12
Introduction to
3 MATH3119 3 0 3 13
4 MATH3120 Mathematical Statistics 3 0 3 14
5 PHYS3112 Classical Mechanics 3 0 3 15
Total 15

Credit Hours
Sr. No. Course Code Course Title
Theory Lab Total Page No.
1 MATH4111 Functional Analysis 3 0 3 16
2 MATH4112 Numerical Analysis-I 3 0 3 17
3 MATH4113 Rings and Modules 3 0 3 18
Elective-I (From List of
4 3 0 3
MATHXXXX Elective Courses)
Elective-II (From List of
5 MATHXXXX Elective Courses) / 3 0 3
/ MATH4114 Thesis
6 MATH4115 1 0 1
Total 16

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Credit Hours
Sr. No. Course Code Course Title
Theory Lab Total Page No.
Mathematical Methods of
1 PHYS3111 3 0 3 19
2 MATH4117 Differential Geometry 3 0 3 20
3 MATH4118 Numerical Analysis-II 3 0 3 21
Elective-III (From List of
4 3 0 3
MATHXXXX Elective Courses)
MATHXXXX / Elective-IV (From List of
5 MATH4114 / Elective Courses) / Thesis 3 0 3
MATH4119 / Research Project*
Guests/Students Seminar-
6 MATH4120 1 0 1
Total 16

List of Elective Courses

Credit Hours
Sr. No. Course Code Course Title Theory Lab Total
1 MATH4122 Introduction to Field Extensions 3 0 3
2 MATH4125 Introduction to Plane Geometry 3 0 3
3 MATH4127 Introduction to Fluid Dynamics 3 0 3
4 MATH4129 Introduction to Riemannian Geometry 3 0 3
5 MATH4116 Measure Theory 3 0 3
6 MATH4130 Group Theory-II 3 0 3
Introduction to Algebraic Number
7 MATH4131 Theory 3 0 3
8 MATH4133 Introduction to Graph Theory 3 0 3
9 MATH4134 Partial Differential Equations 3 0 3
Quantitative Methods and Decision
10 MATH4135 Theory 3 0 3
11 PHYS4135 Introduction Special Theory of Relativity 3 0 3
12 PHYS3118 Introduction to Quantum Mechanics 3 0 3
13 MATH4114 Thesis 6 0 6
14 MATH4119 Research Project 3 0 3
15 PHYS3117 Electromagnetic Theory-I 3 0 3
16 PHYS4120 Electromagnetic Theory-II 3 0 3
*Students opting Research Project in Semester - IV will have to study Elective -II course of 3 Cr.Hr. in
Semester - III.

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Detail of Courses

Course Title: Real Analysis-I

Course Code: MATH3111
Credit Hours: 3

The main objectives of this course are to:
 Get firm grip on basic ideas of real numbers, and their basic operations.
 Apply and use the concepts of infinite sequences and series.
 Know concretely about continuity, differentiability and their uses.
 Apply ideas of partial differentiations and its uses in real world problems.

Course Outline:

The Real Number System: Ordered sets and ordered field, Field of real numbers, Extended
real number system, Euclidean space. Mathematical Induction, Finite and infinite sets.
Completeness properties of Real numbers, Suprimum and Infimum, Applications of
suprimum and infimum, Intervals, Nested sequence of Intervals
Numerical Sequences and Series: Convergent sequences, Subsequence, Cauchy sequences,
Series and its convergence, Comparison tests, Absolutely convergent series, Series of non-
negative terms, Root and ratio tests, Power series
Continuity: The Limit of a function. Continuous functions, Continuity and compactness,
Uniform continuity, Continuity and connectedness, Discontinuities
Differentiation: The derivative of a real function. Mean-value theorems, Roll Theorem,
Continuity of derivatives, Maxima and Minima of a function, Taylor’s Theorem
Real-Valued Functions of Several Variables: Partial derivatives and differentiability,
Derivatives and differentials of composite functions, Change in the order of partial
derivation, Implicit functions and inverse functions

Recommended Books

 Bartle. R. (2008). Introduction to Real Analysis. John Wiley & Sons.

 Ruddin, W. (1976). Principles of Mathematical Analysis. McGraw-Hill Book

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Course Title: Group Theory-I
Course Code: MATH3112
Credit Hours: 3

The main objectives of this course are to:
 Get firm grip on basic ideas of groups and their basic operations with examples.
 Apply and use the concepts of subgroups and Lagrange’s theorem.
 Know concretely about group homomorphism and its uses.
 Understand ideas of classifications.

Course Outline:

Groups: Definition, Order of group, Order of an element, Abelian groups, subgroups, cyclic
groups, Fundamental theorem of cyclic group.

Complexes in groups: complexes and coset decomposition of groups, Index of subgroup in

a group, Langrange's theorem and applications, Centre of a group, Normalizer in a group,
centralizer in a group, Conjugacy relation and congruence relation in a group, Normal
subgroups and Quotient groups.

Group Homomorphism: Definition of a homomorphism, Endomorphism and

automorphism, Isomorphism theorems and related results.

Double Coset and Direct product of groups: Definition and basic results of cosets, Double
cosets and related theorems.

Sylow Groups: Cauchy's theorems for abelian groups, Cauchy's theorems for general
groups, Sylow's theorem.

Recommended Books:

 Dummit, D. and Foote, R. (2004). Abstract Algebra. John Wiley & Sons.
 Fraleigh, B. (1967). A First Course in Abstract Algebra. Pearson Education.

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Course Title: Complex Analysis
Course Code: MATH3113
Credit Hours: 3

The main objectives of this course are to:
 Get firm grip on basic ideas of complex numbers and their basic operations with
 Apply and use the concepts of analytic functions and limits.
 Know concretely about elementary functions and their properties.
 Understand ideas of complex integration and power series expansion.
 Use concept of residues.

Course Outline:

Complex Numbers: Complex Numbers and their Algebraic Properties, Cartesian and Polar
Analytic Functions: Limits, Continuity, Continuity in a Region, Uniform Continuity,
Derivatives, Cauchy-Riemann Equations
Elementary Functions: Exponential, Logarithmic, hyperbolic functions
Complex and Contour Integrations: Definite Integrals, Contours, Line Integrals, The
Cauchy-Goursat Theorem, Proof of the Cauchy-Goursat Theorem, Simply and Multiply
Connected Domains, Indefinite Integrals, The Cauchy Integral Formula, Morera's Theorem,
Maximum Moduli of Functions, The Fundamental Theorem of Algebra
Power Series: Convergence of Sequences and Series, Taylor Series, Laurent Series,
Uniform Convergence, Integration and Differentiation of Power Series
The Calculus of Residues: Zeros of Analytic functions, Singularities, Poles, Residues at
Poles, Cauchy’s Residue Theorem

Recommended Books:

 Churchill, R. (2008). Complex Variables and Applications. McGraw –Hill.

 Pennissi, L. (1976). Elements of Complex Variables, Rinchart and Winston

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Course Title: Linear Algebra
Course Code: MATH3114
Credit Hours: 3

The main objectives of this course are to:
 Give examples of vector spaces.
 Find eigenvalues and eigenvectors.
 Check whether a given mapping is a linear transformation or not.

Course Outline:

Vector Spaces: Introduction to Vector Spaces, Linear Combinations, Spanning Sets,

Subspaces, Linear Dependence and Independence, Basis and Dimension, Rank of a Matrix,
Direct Sums, Coordinate Vectors
Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors: Characteristic Polynomial, Cayley-Hamilton Theorem,
Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors, Diagonalizing Matrices, Diagonalizing, symmetric matrices,
Minimal Polynomial
Linear Transformations: Introduction Linear Transformations, Kernel and Image of a
Linear Transformations, Singular and Nonsingular Linear Mappings, Isomorphisms, Matrix
Representations of a Linear Transformation, Change of Basis, Similar Matrices

Recommended Books:

 Lipschutz, S. and Lipson, Marc. Linear Algebra. McGraw-Hill

 Kolman, B. Elementary Linear Algebra with Applications. Pearson Education

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Course Title: Vector & Tensor Analysis
Course Code: MATH3115
Credit Hours: 3

The main objectives of this course are to:
 Study various subjects of applied mathematics.
 Understand the concept of defining the coordinates on flat and curved surfaces.

Course Outline:

Vector Analysis: Gradient, divergence and curl of point functions, Expansion formulas,
Invariance of scalar and vector fields, Line, surface and volume integrals, Gauss’s, Green’s
and Stoke’s theorems, curvilinear coordinates, Orthogonal coordinates, Unit vectors in
curvilinear systems, Arc length and volume elements, The representation of gradient,
Divergence and curl in orthogonal curvilinear coordinate systems,
Tensor Analysis: Coordinate transformations, Tensors of different ranks, Contravariant,
Covariant and mixed tensors, Symmetric and skew symmetric tensors, Addition,
Subtraction, Inner and outer products of tensors, Contraction theorem, Quotient law, The
line element and metric tensor, Christoffel symbols, Applications to Vector Analysis

Recommended Books:
 Frank, C. (1976). Vector and Tensor Methods. Ellis Horwood
 Murray, R. S. (1974). Vector Analysis. McGraw Hill

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Course Title: Programming Fundamentals
Course Code: COMP1112
Credit Hours: 4 (3+1)
The main objectives of this course are to:
 Introduce students with the concepts of programming using the industry standard
 Understand fundamentals of programming such as variables, conditional and iterative
execution, methods, etc.
 Have the ability to write a computer program to solve specified problems.
 Use the selected programming language to create, debug and run programs.
Course Outline:
Introduction to Programming: Problem solving, Introduction to programming and
programs, Types of languages, Compiler vs. Interpreter.
Overview of Programming: Structure of Program, indentation and coding conventions,
Program output, Syntax rules, Common errors, Language keywords.
Data Types: Identifiers, Constants, Types of variables, Type conversion and casting, Type
promotion rules.
Operators: Arithmetic operators and punctuations, Precedence, Associations, Equality and
relational operators.
Control Statements: Selection structure (if/, if/else), Multiple selection structure (switch
and break), break and continue, Loops.
Arrays: Declaring arrays; Initialization, Multidimensional arrays, Two dimensional array,
Example (Matrix manipulation), Assignments, Mini Project.
Methods/Functions: Library functions, Modular Approach, Functions, Function definitions.
Function prototypes.
Class Fundamentals: Class syntax, General form of class, Object declaration.
Recommended Books:
 D.E. Stevenson. (2006). Programming Language Fundamentals by Example, Auerbach
Publications; 1st edition.
 Herbert Schildt. (2010).The java 2 Complete Reference. JBD Press.
 Donald E. Knuth, (1997). Art of Computer Programming, -Wesley Professional; 3rd
Note: in addition to the above, any other text or book referred by Instructor may also
be included

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Course Title: Real Analysis-II

Course Code: MATH3117
Credit Hours: 3

The main objectives of this course are to:
 Get firm grip on basic ideas of Riemann integral and their basic uses with examples.
 Apply and use the concepts of Riemann Stieljes (R-S) Integrals.
 Know concretely about function of bounded variation and properties.
 Understand ideas of improper integrals.

Course Outline:

The Riemann Integral: Riemann Integrals, Partitions, Refinement, Dorboux Upper and
lower sums, Related Lemmas, Cauchy’s theorem and its applications, Continuity theorems,
Integral as a limits
Fundamental Theorems of Calculus: First, Second Fundamental Theorems and other
related Lemmas
Function of Bounded Variation: Monotonic theorem, Bounded theorem, Property related
theorems, Bounded variation of division, Continuity base theorems
Uniform convergence: Point wise convergence and related theorems and application, Test
for convergence Cauchy’s test, Weierestress M-Test, Uniform convergence and continuity,
Uniform convergence and integration, Uniform convergence and differentiation
Improper integrals: Convergence and Divergence and its application, (Convergence
theorem) Cauchy’s General Principle of Convergence, Comparison tests, Limit comparison
test, Integral test

Recommended Books:

 Bartle. R. (2008). Introduction to Real Analysis by Robert G. John Wiley & Sons.
 Ruddin, W. (1976). Principles of Mathematical Analysis. McGraw-Hill.

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Course Title: Number Theory
Course Code: MATH3118
Credit Hours: 3

The main objectives of this course are to:
 Get firm grip on basic ideas of natural numbers, integers and their basic operations.
 Apply and use the concepts of modular arithmetic.
 Know concretely about solutions of congruence polynomials and its uses.
 Apply ideas of Diophantine equations and arithmetic functions in mathematics and in
real world problems.

Course Outline:

Divisibility: Definition of Divisibility, Greatest Common Divisor, Euclid’s Lemma, Prime

Numbers, The Fundamental Theorem of Arithmetic, The Euclidean Algorithm
Congruences: Definition and Basic Properties of Congruences, Residue Classes and
Complete Residue Systems, Linear Congruences, Reduced Residue System and the Euler-
Fermat Theorem, Lagrange’s Theorem, Simultaneous Linear Congruences, The Chinese
Remainder Theorem
Quadratic Residues and Quadratic Reciprocity Law: Quadratic Residues, Legendre’s
Symbol and Its Properties, Evaluation of (-1/p) and (2/p), Gauss’s Lemma, Quadratic
Reciprocity Law, Applications of the Reciprocity Law
Arithmetic Functions: The Möbius Function, The Euler Totient Function, The Relation
Between the Möbius and the Euler Totient Function, The Identity Function, The Unit
Function, Dirichlet Inverses and the Möbius Inversion Formula
Diophantine Equations: The equation ax + by = c, Simultaneous linear Equations, Elliptic

Recommended Books:

 Ivan, N., Herbert, S. Z., and Hugh, L. M. (1991). An Introduction to the Theory of
Numbers. John Wiley & Sons.
 Tom, M. A. (1998). Introduction to Analytic Number Theory. Narosa Publishing

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Course Title: Introduction to Topology
Course Code: MATH3119
Credit Hours: 3

The main objectives of this course are to:
 Describe topological spaces with examples.
 Differentiate some simple topological spaces through homeomorphism.
 Check connectedness and compactness of topological spaces.

Course Outlines:

Topological Spaces: Topological Spaces, Accumulation Points, Closure, Interior, Exterior,

and boundary of a Set, Subspaces, Base for a Topology
Continuity: Continuous Functions, Homeomorphism
Connected and Compact Spaces: Separation, Connected Spaces, Covers, Compact Spaces
Separation Axioms: Hausdorff Spaces, T1-Spaces, Regular Spaces, Normal Spaces

Recommended Books:
 Munkres, J. (2004). Topology. New Delhi, Prentice-Hall of India.
 Lipschutz, S. (1965). General Topology. New York, Tata McGraw-Hill.

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Course Title: Mathematical Statistics
Course Code: MATH3120
Credit Hours: 3

The main objectives of this course are to:
 Describe basic ideas of probability distributions with examples.
 Apply ideas of mathematical expectations.
 Know special probability distributions and special probability densities.
 Understand ideas of random variables and sampling distributions.

Course Outline:

Probability Distributions and Probability Densities: Probability distribution, Continuous

Random Variables, Probability Density Functions, Multivariate Distributions, Marginal
Distributions, Conditional Distributions
Mathematical Expectations: The Expected Value of a Random Variable, Moments,
Chebyshev’s Theorem, Moment-Generating Functions, Product Moments, Moments of
Linear Combinations of Random Variables, Conditional Expectations
Special Probability Distributions: Distributions of the Discrete Uniform, Bernoulli,
Binomial, Negative Binomial, Geometric, Poisson, Multinomial, and Hypergeometric
Special Probability Densities: Distributions of Uniform, Exponential, Gamma, Beta, and
Functions of Random Variables: Distribution Function Technique, Transformation
Techniques of One- and Several, Moment-Generating Function Technique
Sampling Distributions: The distribution of the Mean, The Chi-Square Distribution, The t-
Distribution, The f-Distribution, Estimation of Means, Estimations of Proportions,
Estimation of Variance, Testing of Statistical Hypothesis Concerning Means, Proportions,
and Variances

Recommended Books:

 Miller, I. and Miller, M. (1997). Mathematical Statistics. Prentice-Hall.

 Seymour, L. and John, J. S. (2011). Introduction to Probability and Statistics.

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Course Title: Classical Mechanics
Course Code: PHYS3112
Credit Hours: 3
The main objectives of this course are to;

 Develop fundamental concepts in mechanics more rigorously as needed for other

courses of the program.
 Apply advanced mathematical and computational techniques to complex problems.
 Contribute to the development of the student’s thinking process through the
understanding of the theory and its application.
Course Outline:
Lagrangian Formalism: Brief survey of Newtonian mechanics of a single and system of
particles, constraints, D. Alembert’s principle, Lagrange’s equation and its application,
calculus of variation and Hamilton’s principle, derivation of Lagrange’s equation from
Hamilton’s principle, contact transformations.

Central Force Problem: Two-body central force problem and its reduction to the equivalent
one body problem, the equation of motion and solution for one body problem laboratory and
center of mass co-ordinate systems and their mutual transformation, Rutherford scattering

Hamiltonian Formalism: Legendre transformation and Hamilton equation of motion,

cyclic co-ordinates, conservation theorems and physical significance of the Hamiltonian for
simple cases.
Canonical Transformations: The canonical transformations and their examples, the
Lagrange’s and the Poisson’s brackets, integrals of motion, Poisson’s theorems.
Recommended Books:
 David Morin (2008). Introduction to Classical Mechanics: With Problems and
Solutions. Cambridge University Press.
 John R. Taylor (2005). Classical Mechanics. University Science Books.
 H. Goldstein. (1950). Classical Mechanics. Addison-Wesley.
 Tai L. Chow. (1995). Classical Mechanics John Wiley & Sons Inc.
 L. D. Landau & E. M. Lifshitz. (1960). Mechanic. Oxford: Pergamon.
 J. W. Leech Methuen and Co. Ltd. (1958). Classical Mechanics. London.
 V. D. Barger & M. G. Olsson. (1995). Classical Mechanics. New York: McGraw-Hill.

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Course Title: Functional Analysis

Course Code: MATH4111
Credit Hours: 3

The main objectives of this course are to:
 Describe basic ideas of normed spaces with examples.
 Differentiate rings through some homomorphism.
 Know concretely about linear operators and linear functional.
 Understand ideas of inner product space and Hilbert space.

Course Outline:

Normed Spaces: Definition and examples, Banach spaces, Convergence in normed spaces,
Basis of a normed space, Quotient spaces, Equivalent norms, Finite dimensional normed
spaces and their completeness
Linear Operators: Topological linear spaces, Linear operators, Inverse of a linear
operator, Continuous and bounded linear operators, The space of bounded linear operators
Linear Functional:Linear functional and its continuity, Dual or conjugate space of a
normed space, Isometric isomorphism
Inner Product Space and Hilbert Space: Inner product spaces and its consequences,
Cauchy Schwartz inequality, Parallelogram law of identity, Inner product spaces on metric
spaces, Continuity and Cauchy sequences in inner product spaces, Hilbert spaces,
Orthogonal systems, Pythagorean theorem and generalized Pythagorean theorem,
Orthonormal system, Orthogonalization theorem, Bessel’s inequality, Annihilators,
Orthogonal complements-direct decomposition, Closed subspaces of Hilbert space,Riesz
representation theorem

Books Recommended:

 Taylor, A. E. and Lay, D. C. Introduction to Functional Analysis. John Wiley

 Dover, K. E. Introductory Functional Analysis with Applications. John Wiley

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Course Title: Numerical Analysis-I
Course Code: MATH4112
Credit Hours: 3

The main objectives of this course are to:
 Describe basic ideas of number system and errors.
 Use ideas of solution of non-linear equations.
 Understand ideas of interpolation and polynomial approximation.

Course Outline:

Number Systems and Errors: Number Sysytem, Errors and its types.
Solution of Non-Linear Equations: Iterative Methods and Convergence: Bisection
Method, Fixed Point Iterative Method, RegulaFalsi, Secant and Newton’s Method
Systems of Linear Equations: Direct Methods: Gaussian Elimination method, Gauss-
Jordan Method, Matrix Inversion Method. Iterative Methods and Convergence: Jacobi,
Gauss-Seidel, SOR Methods, Ill-Condition system and condition number
Interpolation and Polynomial Approximation: Difference Operators, Interpolation with
unequal intervals, Lagrange’s Interpolation Formula, Newton’s Divided Difference
Formula, Error in Polynomial Interpolation. Interpolation with equal intervals: Gregory
Newton Forward/Backward Interpolation Formula. Central Difference Interpolation
Formulae: Gauss’s Forward/Backward Interpolation Formula, Sterling’s Formula, Laplace
Everett’s Formula, Bessel’s Formula.

Books Recommended:
 Gerald. C. and Wheatley, P. (2003). Applied Numerical Analysis. Addison-Wesley.
 Burden. L. and Douglas. J. (2015). Numerical Analysis. Brooks/Cole Publishing Company

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Course Title: Rings and Modules
Course Code: MATH4113
Credit Hours: 3

The main objectives of this course are to:
 Describe basic ideas of rings and modules with examples.
 Differentiate rings through some homomorphism.
 Know concretely about function of bounded variation and properties.
 Understand ideas of fields and finite fields.

Course Outline:
Rings: Basic Definitions and Examples of Rings, Ring Homomorphism, Ring of Fractions,
Quotient Rings, Definitions of Ideals, Prime Ideals, Maximal Ideals, The Chinese
Remainder Theorem, Euclidean Domains, Principal Ideal Domains, Unique Factorization
Domains, Polynomial Rings, Polynomial Rings Over Fields
Modules: Basic Definitions and Examples of Modules, Modules Homomorphism, Quotient
Modules, Direct Sums
Fields: Definition and examples of Fields, Finite Fields.

Recommended Books:
 Dummit, D. and Foote. R. (2004). Abstract Algebra. John Wiley & Sons.
 Fraleigh, B. (1967). A First Course in Abstract Algebra, Pearson Education.

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Course Title: Mathematical Methods of Physics-I

Course Code: PHYS3111
Credit Hours: 3

Objectives of the course are given below;

 To provide the student with a repertoire of mathematical methods that are essential to
the solution of advanced problems encountered in the fields of applied physics and
 To prepare the student with mathematical tools and techniques that are required in
courses offered in the applied physics and engineering programs.
Course Outline:

Vector Analysis: Divergence theorem, Green’s Theorem, Stock’s theorem, Cylindrical,

spherical and curvilinear coordinates. Orthogonal curvilinear coordinates. Gradient,
Divergence, Curl and Laplacian in Spherical and Cylindrical Coordinates.

Special Functions-I: Helmohltz Equation. Legendre’s Differential Equation and its

Solution, Legendere’s Polynomials, Associated Legendere functions and Spherical

Functions of Complex Variable: Complex functions, Analyticity, Cauchy-Riemann

equations, Harmonic Function, Multi-valued Functions, Complex Integration, Cauchy’s
integral formula and its problems, Taylor and Laurent series, Contour integrals, Singularities
and Residue theorem and its applications.

Boundary Value Problem: Boundary value problems in Physics, The Sturm-Liouville


Group Theory: Introduction to group, Invariant Subgroup, Discrete groups, Continuous

group, GL(n), SU(2), SU(3), O-group’s O (2) group.

Recommended Books:
 F. Riley, M. P. Hobson & S. J. Bence. (2006). Mathematical Methods for Physics and
Engineering: A Comprehensive Guide Cambridge University Press.
 E. Butkov. (1973). Mathematical Physics. Addison-Wesley Publishing Company.
 G. Arfken and H. J. Weber. (1995). Mathematical Methods for Physicists. Academic Press.

 Bruce-R. Kusse & Eric. (2010). Mathematical Physics. Academic Press San deigo: CA.

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Course Title: Differential Geometry
Course Code: MATH4117
Credit Hours: 3

The main objectives of this course are to:
 Describe basic ideas curves, curvatures and torsions with examples.
 Understand ideas of surfaces.
 Understand ideas and uses of integral transforms and Laplace transform.
 Apply ideas of Guass theorem and understand the topology of surfaces.

Course Outline:

Curves with Torsion: Curvature, Tangent, Principal, normal, Binormal, Torsion The
osculating, normal and the rectifying planes, The Serret-Frenet Formulae, Spherical
Curvature, Helices, Fundamental Theorem of space curves, Involutes and evolutes
Theory of surfaces: Surfaces,First and second fundamental forms, Tangent and Normal
plan, One and two parameter family of surfaces, Developable associated with the curve,
shape operator, minimal surfaces and mean curvature, Gauss theorem
Classification of surfaces: First and second curvature, Euler’s theorem, Euler characteristic
and Gauss Bonnet theorem

Recommended Books:

 Millman, R. S. and Parker, G. D. Elements of Differential Geometry. New Jersey,

Prentice-Hall Inc.
 Weatherburn, C. E. Differential Geometry. New Jersey, Prentice-Hall Inc.
 Neil, B. O. Elements of Differential Geometry. Academic Press.
 Goetz, A. Introduction to Differential Geometry. Massachusetts, Addison-Wesley

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Course Title: Numerical Analysis-II
Course Code: MATH4118
Credit Hours: 3

The main objectives of this course are to:
 Describe basic ideas of numerical differentiation and numerical integration.
 Use ideas of formulation of difference equations.
 Understand ideas and uses of ordinary differential equations.

Course Outline:

Numerical Differentiation: Derivatives Using: Lagrange’s Interpolation Formula,

Newton’s Divided Difference Formula, Gregory Newton Forward/Backward Interpolation
Formula, Gauss’s Forward/Backward Interpolation Formula, Stirling’s Formula, Laplace
Everett’s Formula, Bessel’s Formula.
Numerical Integration: Newton-Cotes Formulas, Trapezoidal, Simpson Formulae, Two
point and Three point Gaussian Quadrature formulae, Weddle’s Rule. Errors in Trapezoidal
and Simpson’ rules.
Formulation of Difference Equations: Analogy of Difference Equations, Linear
Homogeneous Difference equations with constant coefficients, Linear Non-homogeneous
Difference equations with constant coefficients.

Books Recommended:
 Gerald. C. and Wheatley, P. (2003). Applied Numerical Analysis. Addison-Wesley.
 Burden. L. and Douglas. J. (2015). Numerical Analysis. Brooks/Cole Publishing

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Elective Courses
Course Title: Introduction to Field Extensions
Course Code: MATH4122
Credit Hours: 3

The main objectives of this course are to:
 Describe basic details of fields and extensions with examples.
 Differentiate classes of extensions.

Course Outline:
Basic Ideas: Extension of a field, Degree of an extension, Finite extensions, Algebraic and
transcendental elements, Algebraic extension,
Types of Extensions: Roots of a polynomial, Splitting extension, Automorphism of fields,
fixed field of a group of homomorphism, Normal extensions, Galois extensions, Fixed
field of a group,
Galois Theory: Galois group of a polynomial, The fundamental theorem of Galois Theory

Recommended Books:
 Herstein, I. N. (1975). Topics in Algebra. Lexington Xerox College Publishing.
 Actin, E. (1966). Galois Theory. (Indiana, Notre Dame University.
 Stewart, I. (1989). Galois Theory. Chapman and Hall

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Course Title: Introduction to Plane Geometry
Course Code: MATH4125
Credit Hours: 3

The main objectives of this course are to:
 Describe basic details of plane figures with examples.
 Use geometry of planes in different applications.
 Interlink geometry and other fields.

Course Outline:

Basic Facts: Basic assumptions of plane geometry, Ideas of points, lines and rectilinear

Introduction to vector geometry: Introduction to general polygons, concepts of angles,

Euler formula

Geometry of planes: General equation of a circle, Power of a point, General conics,

pencils of line

Recommended Books:
 Gibson, C. G. (2004). Elementary Euclidean Geometry, Cambridge University
 Aarts, J. M. Erne, R. (2008). Plane and Solid Geometry, Springer

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Course Title: Introduction to Fluid Dynamics
Course Code: MATH4127
Credit Hours: 3


The main objectives of this course are to:

 Identify different types of fluids.
 Describe fractional derivative and fractional integration.
 Solve Stokes first and second problem.
 Describe different kinds of flow.

Course Outline:

Types of Fluid: Fluids and their properties, Newtonian and non-Newtonian Fluids,
Constitutive equations, Continuity equations, Equations of motion.
Methods of Solutions: Fractional derivative and Fractional Integration, Stokes first and
second problem, Rotational and longitudinal flows of fractional second-grade, Maxwell,
Oldroyd, Burger fluids. Flow of fractional fluids induced by a constantly accelerating plate
between two side walls

Recommended Books:
 Batchelor, G. K. (1982). An introduction to Fluid Dynamics, UK, Cambridge
University Press.
 Hughes, W. F. and Brighton, J. A. (1985) Fluid Dynamics, USA, Mc Graw-Hill.

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Course Title: Introduction to Riemannian Geometry
Course Code: MATH4129
Credit Hours: 3

The main objectives of this course are to:
 Visualize geometry of higher dimensional spaces and to compare the higher
dimensional space and standard dimensional space.
 Impart advance knowledge that how to deal more general objects like tensors and
spaces like manifolds.
 Understand the role of Riemannian geometry as a tool behind the Einstein’s theory
of relativity.

Course Outline:
Geometry: Riemannian Geometry, Theory of curves, Theory of surfaces, Uniqueness of
Parameterization, Serret-Frenet Equations, Intrinsic Equations, Arc Length, Unit Tangent
Vector, Unit bi Normal, Unit Principal Normal, Involute, Evolutes, Surface, Singular points,
Singularities. Curvature, Principal curvatures, Normal and Gaussian Curvature, Mean
Tensors: Basic Algebra, Tensor Components, Contraction, Covariant tensors, Tensor
derivations, First and Second Fundamental Forms, Gauss equation, Gauss-Weingarten
Equation, The Gauss Codazzi Equations, Brackets, Christoffel Symbol of 1st and 2nd kinds,
Manifolds: Riemannian and Semi Riemannian manifolds, Metrices, Flat spaces, Affine
connection, Parallel translation, Geodesic equation, Covariant differentiation of tensor
fields, Curvature and torsion tensors, Contravariant Differentiation, Connection Symbols,
Covariant Differentiation, The Levi-Civita Connection, Geodesics and Geodesic Equation,
Ricci and Scalar Curvature.

Recommended Books:
 Do Carmo, M. P. (1992). Riemannian Geometry, Birkhauser.
 Gallot. S. and Lafontaine, J. (1990). Riemannian Geometry, Springer-Verlag.

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Course Title: Group Theory-II
Course Code: MATH4130
Credit Hours: 3

The main objectives of this course are to:
 Define group with examples.
 Describe isomorphism.
 Define free group.
 Apply some ideas in physics.

Course Outline:

Symmetric Groups: Preliminaries, Permutations and Symmetric groups, S n , An, Dn

Main Theorems: Langrange's theorem, Fundamental theorem of Finitely generated Abelian

groups, Torsion and Torsion free groups, Homomorphism.

Isomorphism and Free groups: Isomorphism theorems, series of groups, Zessenhauss

butterfly Lemma, Schrier Theorem, Jordan Holder theorem, Solvable group, Cauchy
theorem, classifications of groups  12.

Recommended Books:
 Dummit. D. and Foote. R. (2004). Abstract Algebra. John Wiley & Sons.
 Fraleigh .B. (1967). A First Course in Abstract Algebra, Pearson Education

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Course Title: Introduction to Algebraic Number Theory
Course Code: MATH4131
Credit Hours: 3

The main objectives of this course are to:
 Describe basic details of algebraic numbers and preliminaries examples.
 Differentiate integral domains and rings.
 Understand the ideas of integral closure.
 Grip ideas of algebraic numbers.

Course Outline:

Domains: Definitions and Examples of Integral Domains, Euclidean Domains. Examples of

Domains which are not Euclidean, representing primes by quadratic forms, Noetherian
Domains, Unique Factorization Domains,
Integral Closure: Definition of integral elements, Elements integral over a Domain,
Integral Closure and its examples.
Algebraic Number Fields: Algebraic extensions, Minimal polynomial of algebraic
elements over a Field, Conjugates of Algebraic integers, Definition and examples of
Algebraic Number Fields, Conjugate Fields of Algebraic Number Fields, minimal
polynomial of Algebraic Number Fields, Prime Ideals in Ring of Integers

Recommended Books:

 Dummit. D. and Foote. R. (2004). Abstract Algebra. John Wiley & Sons.
 Fraleigh .B. (1967). A First Course in Abstract Algebra. Alaca, Pearson Education
 Williams, K. Introductory Algebraic Number Theory. Cambridge University Press.

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Course Title: Introduction to Graph Theory
Course Code: MATH4133
Credit Hours: 3

The main objectives of this course are to:
 Explain different graphs with examples.
 Tell applications of graph theory in diverse areas as computer science, chemistry,
and biology.

Course Outline:

Introduction to graphs: Graphs and Digraphs, Walks, Distances, Incidence & degree,
Vertex and Edge attributes
Structure and Representation: Graph isomorphism, Sub graphs, Tests for Non-
Isomorphism, Matrix Representation, Connected, and Disconnected graphs, Components
Trees: Characterizations and Properties of trees, Distance and centers in a tree, Spanning
Cut-Sets and Cut-Vertices: Cut-Sets, Some properties of cut-sets, Fundamental circuits
and cut-sets, Minimum spanning trees and shortest paths.
Planar and Dual Graphs: Planar Graphs, Subdivision & Homomorphism, Different
Representations of a planar Graph, Detection of Planarity, Geometric Dual, Combinatorial
Optimal Graph Traversals: Euler Graphs, Hamiltonian paths and cycles, The Traveling
Salesman Problem
Coloring, Covering and partitioning: Chromatic number, Chromatic partition and
Chromatic Polynomial, Matchings, Coverings, The four color problem

Recommended Books:

 Diestel, R. (2000). Graph Theory. USA, Springer-Verlag.

 West, D. B. (2000). Introduction to Graph Theory. Prentice-Hall of India.

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Course Title: Partial Differential Equations
Course Code: MATH4134
Credit Hours: 3

The main objectives of this course are to:
 Know where and how PDEs arise in applications
 Understand fundamental concepts of PDE theory.
 Describe analytical methods for solving PDEs.
 Determine the existence and uniqueness of solution of PDEs.
 Solve linear second order PDEs using canonical variables for initial-value problems,
Separation of variables and Fourier series for boundary value problems.

Course Outline:

Introduction: First and second order partial differential equations (PDEs), Classifications of
2nd order PDE, Mathematical modeling of Heat, Laplace and wave equations.
Elliptic, Parabolic and Hyperbolic Equations: Occurrence of the Laplace and Poisson
equations, Boundary value problems, Dirichlet Problem for a rectangle, Solution of Laplace
equation in Cylindrical and Spherical coordinates, Dirac Delta function, Solution of
Diffusion equations, Derivation of one- dimensional wave equation, Solution of one-
dimensional wave equation, Vibrating string (variable separable solution), Forced vibrations
(solution of non-homogeneous equations), Periodic solutions of one-dimensional wave
equation in cylindrical and spherical coordinates.
Green’s Function: Green’s Function for Laplace equation, Eigen function method, Green’s
Function for the wave–equation, Helmholtz Theorem, Green’s Function for the Diffusion
Recommended Books:

 Myint, U. T. and Debnath, L. (2007). Partial Differential Equations for Scientists

and Engineers. Amsterdam, North Holland, Birkhauser
 Sneddon, I. N. (2014). Elements of Partial Differential Equations. USA,

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Course Title: Quantitative Methods and Decision Theory
Course Code: MATH4135
Credit Hours: 3

The main objectives of this course are to:
 Describe linear programming, formulations and graphical solution.
 Understand m-technique, two-phase technique, special cases, sensitivity analysis, the
dual problem, primal-dual relationships, and dual simplex method.
 Describe transportation models.
 Apply shortest-route algorithms.

Course Outline:

Graphical Methods: Linear Programming, Formulations and Graphical solution

Simplex Method: M-Technique and Two-phase Technique, Special Cases, Sensitivity
Analysis, the Dual Problem, Primal-Dual Relationships, Dual Simplex Method
Transportation Model: North-West Corner Methods, Least-Cost Methods and Vogel’s
Approximations Methods, The Method of Multipliers, The Assignment model, The
Transshipment Model, Network Minimization
Shortest-Route Algorithms: Shortest-Route Algorithms for Acyclic Networks, Maximal-
flow problem, Matrix Definition of LP Problem, Matrix Definition of LP Problem,
Applications of Integer Programming, Cutting-plane Algorithms

Recommended Books:

 Hamdy, A. T. (2011). Operations Research: An Introduction. USA, Macmillan

Publishing Company Inc.
 Gillett, B. E. (1997). Introduction to Operations Research. India, Tata McGraw Hill
Publishing Company Ltd.

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Course Title: Introduction to Special Theory of Relativity
Course Code: PHYS4135
Credit Hours: 3

The main objectives of this course are to:
 Understand the concept of relative motion of objects
 Describe relativistic velocity, acceleration, and momentum.
 Discuss the role of electromagnetism in relativity.
 Discuss applications of various physical problems

Course Outline:

Fundamental Concepts of Relativity: The Lorentz transformation, Time dilation and Lorentz-
Fitzgerald contraction, Transformation of velocities, Four-velocity and four-acceleration,
Relativistic dynamics, Relativistic equations of motion, Relativistic mass, Linear momentum,
Four-force, Relativistic kinetic energy, Four momentum.
Applications: Application of Special Relativity to Doppler Shift and Compton Effect, Particle
Scattering, Binding Energy, Particle production and decay, Electromagnetism in Relativity,
Electric Current, Maxwell’s Equations and electromagnetic waves, The four vector formulation
of Maxwell’s Equations

Recommended Books:
 Rafique, M. and Saleem, M. (1992). Introduction to Special Relativity. UK. Ellis
 D’Inverno, R. (1992). Introducing Einstein’s Relativity, UK. Oxford University Press

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Course Title: Introduction to Quantum Mechanics
Course Code: PHYS3118
Credit Hours: 3

The main objective of this course is;

 To provide understanding of the basic principles and techniques in quantum mechanics.

 Special emphasis is put on providing the student with skills to independently perform
quantum mechanical analysis of atomic and electro-magnetic systems.
Course Outline:
Review of Breakdown of Classical Concepts and Old Quantum Theory: Particle aspects of
radiation and Planck’s hypothesis, wave aspects of matter and de Broglie’s hypothesis, discrete
levels and Bohr’s hypothesis.

Formulation of Quantum Mechanics: Mathematical preliminaries, quantum mechanical wave

function, observables and operators, operator equations, the eigen value equation, commutation
relations, expectation value, postulates of quantum mechanics, correspondence principle,
complimentarily principle, Schrodinger equation and discrete energy levels, uncertainty principle,

One Dimensional Systems: The potential step, reflection and transmission coefficients, potential
well and bound states, potential barrier, tunneling, harmonic oscillator, raising and lowering

Angular Momentum: Angular momentum operator, z-component, total angular momentum;

eigenvalves, eigenfunctions and vector diagram, parity, connection between rotation and angular
momentum operators.

Recommended Books:
 Zettili, N. (2009). Quantum mechanics: concepts and applications. John Wiley & Sons.
 Liboff, R. L. (1987). Introductory quantum mechanics.
 Cohen-Tannoudji, C., Diu, B., & Laloe, F. (1978). Quantum Mechanics, Volume 1.
 Gasiorowicz, S. (2007). Quantum Physics. John Wiley & Sons.
 Dicke, Robert Henry & James P. Wittke. (1974). Introduction to Quantum Mechanics.
 Sokolov, A. A., Loskutov, Y. M., & Ternov, I. M. (1996). Quantum Mechanics. Holt, Rinehart
abd Winston.
 G. Aruldhas. (2008). Quantum Mechanics. PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd.
 Powell, J. L. (1961). Quantum Mechanics. Addison-Wesley.
 Bransden, B. H., & Joachain, C. J. (2000). Quantum Mechanics. Pearson Education.

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Course Title: Measure Theory
Course Code: MATH4116
Credit Hours: 3

The main objectives of this course are to:
 Understand Riemann and Riemann-Stieltjes integrable functions.
 Understand Lebesgue measurable sets, non-measurable sets, cantor set.
 Understand Lebesgue integral.
 Understand Lebesgue spaces.

Course Outline:

Measurable Sets: Outer measure, Lebesgue measure, Lebesgue measurable sets, Lebesgue
measure, Borel sets, Non measurable sets
Measurable Functions: Lebesgue measurable functions, Simple functions, Characteristic
functions, Borel measurable Functions, Littlewood three principle
The Lebesgue Integration: Review of the Riemann integral, The Lebesgue integral, The
Integral of a nonnegative function, Integral of measurable functions, Convergence in

Recommended Books:
 Douglas, S. A. (2011). Transition to Advanced Mathematics. Cengage Learning,
 Royden, H. L. and Fitzpatick, P.M. (2009). Real Analysis, 4th Edition, China
Machine Press.

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Course Title: Electromagnetic Theory-I

Course Code: PHYS3117

Credit Hours: 3

Objectives of the course are as follows;

 To deepen students understanding of Electromagnetic theories.
 To strengthen student’s problem solving skills for electromagnetic problems that are
considerably more abstract and difficult than the problems encountered in
introductory Physics.
 To find both physical and formal mathematical similarities and connections between
Electromagnetic Theory and other areas of Physics.

Course Outline:
Electrostatic: Electric dipole, potential energy of a dipole in an electric field, force and
couple on the dipole placed in an external electric field, multipole expansion of electric
fields external field of a dielectric displacement vector, electric susceptibility and dielectric
constant, boundary conditions on the field vectors, potential energy of a group of point
charges, electrostatic energy of a charge distribution, energy of an electrostatic field, energy
of a system of charged conductors, stress in the electrostatic field and dielectric media,
coefficients of potential, capacitance and inductance.
Equation of Poisson and Laplace, applications of Laplace’s equation to problems
(conductors and dielectrics) having spherical cylindrical and cartesian symmetry, electrical
images (conductors and dielectrics).
Electric Current: Nature of the current, current density and equation of continuity, Ohm’s
law, steady current in media without sources of e.m.f., approach to electrostatic equilibrium.
Magnetism: Magnetic induction, force on current carrying conductors, Biot-Sawart law,
Ampere’s circuital law, the magnetic vector and scalar potentials, the magnetic field of a
distant circuit, Magnetisation, vectors M and H produced by magnetized materials field
equation, boundary conditions on the field vectors.
Magnetic Fields in Matter: Magnetization, diamagnets, paramagnets, ferromagnets,
torques and forces on magnetic dipoles, effect of a magnetic field on atomic orbits,
magnetization. The Field of a Magnetized Object: bound currents, physical interpretation of
bound currents, and the magnetic field inside matter. The auxiliary field H: Ampere’s law in
magnetized materials, a deceptive parallel, boundary conditions. Linear and nonlinear
media: magnetic susceptibility and permeability, ferromagnetism

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Recommended Books:
 Reitz, J. R., Milford, F. J., & Christy, R. W. (2008). Foundations of electromagnetic
theory. Addison-Wesley Publishing Company.
 Maxwell, J. C. (2009). A treatise on electricity and magnetism (Vol. 1). Clarendon Press.
 Page, L. (1922). An Introduction to Electrodynamics from the Standpoint of the Electron
Theory. Forgotten Books.
 Maxwell, J. C. (2007). A treatise on electricity and magnetism (Vol. 1). Clarendon Press.
 Grant, I. S., & Phillips, W. R. (2013). Electromagnetism. John Wiley & Sons.

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Course Title: Electromagnetic Theory-II

Course Code: PHYS4120

Credit Hours: 3

Objectives of this course are

 To strengthen students understanding of electricity and magnetism

 To enhance student’s problem solving skills for electromagnetic problems that are
considerably more abstract and difficult than the problems encountered in
introductory Physics.
 To strengthen students’ abilities to find both physical and formal mathematical
similarities and connections between Electromagnetic Theory and other areas of

Course Outline:
Maxwell’s Equations and their Applications: Maxwell’s equations and the generalization
of the Ampere’s law, electromagnetic energy, vector and scalar potentials, retarded scaler
and vector potentials, radiation from an oscillating dipole
Electromagnetic Waves: Plane electromagnetic wave, plane waves in a conducting and
non-conducting media, linear and circular polarization, and superposition of waves in one
dimension, boundary conditions, reflection and refraction of electromagnetic waves at a
plane interface between dielectrics, waves polarization by reflection and total internal
reflection, reflection from a conducting medium and non-conducting medium,
Formulation of Electrodynamics: Covariant formulation of electrodynamics,
transformation laws of electromagnetic fields, the field of a uniformly moving and
accelerated electron.

Recommended Books:
 Reitz, J. R., Milford, F. J., & Christy, R. W. (2008). Foundations of electromagnetic theory.
Addison-Wesley Publishing Company.
 Maxwell, J. C. (2009). A treatise on electricity and magnetism (Vol. 1). Clarendon Press.
 Page, L. (1922). An Introduction to Electrodynamics from the Standpoint of the Electron
Theory. Forgotten Books.
 Maxwell, J. C. (2007). A treatise on electricity and magnetism (Vol. 1). Clarendon Press.
 Jackson, J. D. (1999). Classical Electrodynamics. Wiley.
 Duffin, W. J. (1990). Electricity and Magnetism. McGraw-Hill College.

 Grant, I. S., & Phillips, W. R. (2013). Electromagnetism. John Wiley & Sons.

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