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International Journal of Scientific Research in Computer Science, Engineering and Information Technology

© 2018 IJSRCSEIT | Volume 3 | Issue 1 | ISSN : 2456-3307

Survey on IOT & Arduino Based Patient Health Monitoring

B. N. Karthik*1, L. Durga Parameswari2, R. Harshini3, A. Akshaya4
*1Assistant Professor-Information Technology, A.V.C College of Engineering, Mayiladuthurai, Tamil Nadu,

*2 UG Student-Information Technology, A.V.C College of Engineering, Mayiladuthurai, Tamil Nadu, India


The increased use of Mobile Technologies and Smart Devices in the area of health has caused great impact on
the world. Health experts are increasingly taking advantage of the benefits these technologies bring, thus
generating a significant improvement in health care in clinical settings and out of them. Likewise, countless
ordinary users are being served from the advantages of the M-Health (Mobile Health) applications and E-
Health (health care supported by ICT) to improve, help and assist their health. The aim of this paper is to
develop an architecture based on an ontology capable of monitoring the health and workout routine
recommendations to patients with chronic diseases.
Keywords:Internet of Things, Ontology, E-Health, Context Awareness

I. INTRODUCTION monitoring system (PMS). Health is one of the global

challenges for humanity .According to the
A recent healthcare system should provide better constitutions of World Health Organization (WHO)
healthcare services to people at any time anywhere the highest attainable standard of health is a
in an affordable and patient friendly manner. fundamental right for an individual. Healthy persons
Currently, the healthcare system is going to change can secure their lifetime income and hence to
from a traditional approach to a modernized patient increase in gross omestic product and in tax revenues.
centered approach. In the traditional way the doctors Healthy persons can also reduce pressure on the
play the major role. For necessary diagnosis and already overwhelmed hospitals,clinics, and medical
advising they need to visit the patients. There are professionals and reduce workload on the public
two basic problems related to this approach. Firstly, safety charities, networks, and governmental or non-
the healthcare professionals must be at place of the governmental centers. To keep people effective and
patient all the time and second, the patient remains healthy, a readily accessible modern healthcare
admitted in the hospital, wired to bedside biomedical system is a prerequisite.
instruments, for a long period of time. In order to
solve these two problems the patient oriented II. INTERNET OF THINGS
approach has been received. In this theme, the
patients are aware with knowledge and information Internet of things is defined as Things having
to play a more active role in disease diagnosis, and identities and virtual personalities operating in smart
prevention. The important element of this second spaces using intelligent interfaces to connect and
approach is a reliable and readily available patient communicate within social, environmental, and user

CSEIT1831304 | Received : 11 Feb 2018 | Accepted : 22 Feb 2018 | January-February-2018 [(3) 1 : 1414-1417] 1414
contexts. It can be considered the Future of Internet SnehaN.Malokar 1, Samadhan D. Mali2:developed a
[5], where every object is connected to other objects. wearable sensor system to monitor the movements of
Every object is given a unique identity in the the patients. The system was calibrated to a threshold
network. This allows remote access of devices level less than 5% with the aim of minimizing the
through the network, anytime and at any location. error rate of the captured data proposed a detection
IoT enabled objects communicate with each other, system to monitor the movements of patients which
access information over the Internet, and interact recognizes a fall and automatically sends a request for
with users creating smar and at any location. IoT help to the caretakers.
enabled objects communicate with each other, access
information over the Internet, and interact with Giovanni Baldus : developed an approach to maintain
users creating smart , pervasive and always health care data of a patient collected in
connected environments. IoT also enables machine differentgeographiclocations. The data is available to
to machine (M2M) communication which allows doctors, hospitals, laboratories etc., to check the
machines being controlled by the Internet and by medical historyof the
other machines. This can revolutionize the way patients.intelligentsystems,which detect the
technology is used, as machine takes control of disinfected articles and alerts the medical staff to
machines overcoming he constraints that people face wash hands after the contact with the disinfectant
while communicating with digital systems. Machines articles.
can monitor sensors all over the world to generate
vast quantity of valuable information that would Pioggia, IoT techniques can be used to promote
take a human years to achieve.IoT makes the concept healthcare in a better way. The health related
of pervasive computing and ubiquitous computing a information could be interacted with doctors who
reality by allowing objects of our everyday life like are in emergency. Even in the absence of the doctor
cars, roadways, pacemakers, pillshaped cameras in near the patient or in the interacted with doctors
our digestive tracks, billboards that adjust to who are in emergency. Even in the absence of the
passersby, refrigerators and even cattle’s equipped doctor near the patient or in the hospital, the doctor
with sensors to communicate with humans and can know the patients' status so that the doctor's
assisting them in every step The application of IoT in advice is given in critical cases. Brian Blake
health-care system is highlighted in the following commented that the human users could be alerted
section. proactively based on their fitness and historical
medical or genetics history .
Franca Delmastro :Data sensed and transmitted
Jorge Gomez: developed a personal health diagnosis through the wireless devices are received in the local
based on the symptoms of the patient. A huge system that needs to support accessing of data in
amount of collected data is used to analyse the heterogeneous formats, can be useful in building real
disease and risk of the patients. Franca discussed that time applications and to be updated in the mobile
the innovations of the new generation systems are application of the doctor as well as the user (patients
the development of continuous monitoring features or caregiver). Boyiet. al. presented IoT based system
for the patient and the improvement of workflows for providing support to emergency medical services
and productivity of medical personal. He also system for providing support to emergency medical
emphasized the various wireless technologies and the services by demonstrating how IoT data can be
advantages of using those technologies collected and integrated for interoperability. Long et.
al. discussed the necessary and requirements details

Volume 3, Issue 1, January-February-2018 | www.ijsrcseit.com | UGC Approved Journal [ Journal No : 64718 ] 1415
of the software for healthcare and proposed an Rasperri across ng with each
architecture for healthcare and IoT. He has taken py hospitals. other.
the parameters like ECG, bloodoxygen, respiration,
Design Body The proposed IOT include
temperature etc.,
of Iot sensor model embedded
Based standardize technology
ArunaDevi.S et al.:With the increasing health related
Smart the medical which allows
problems and lack of proper solution in healthcare to
Health data, them to
monitor the patients in the absence of doctor, the
Monitori access and exchange
patients face serious problems and lost life in critical
ng and store data information,
conditions, Hence to overcome the absence
Alert store with
doctor,the patients face serious problems and lost life
System data, access each other or
in critical conditions,and evaluate the status of each
and store in the Internet
patient by the doctor even in their absence in
hospital or near the patient

IV. COMPARATIVE STUDY Personal GSM/GPR Proposed user interface

Health S/ model provide html webpage
System GPS heart will
TECHNOL architect rate, automatically
OGY ure for temperature, refresh for
stress location of every 15
monitori the patient at seconds
ng and any given
Patient Wifi,3G, System To get the
Monitori GPRS proposed to information support instant.
ng give about
System proper and human health clinical

Based on efficient in real time decisions

Internet medical via IoT Pervasiv Zigbee,Wif Proposed The system is

of services by wearable e i,3 model gives designed for
Things collecting and device. commun G,GPRS, the long
connecting ications Bluetooth information term storage
data through in about SPO2, of patient’s
health status healthca GSR-sweating biomedical
monitors. re ECG, EMG. information

Patient BSN Model contains huge as

well assisting
Monitori Technolog proposed to amount of
ng y interpret smart health
System 3G/ and acquire object and
Based on CDMA/GP IOT data smart devices with

Internet RS emergency connected to diagnostic

of data handling the internet information.

Things and for Smart Wifi, Proposed Maintaining a
using data sharing communicati Human Buletooth system gives database

Volume 3, Issue 1, January-February-2018 | www.ijsrcseit.com | UGC Approved Journal [ Journal No : 64718 ] 1416
Health the server is VI. CONCLUSION
Monitori platform for a must so that
ng fall detection. there is even As health care services are important part of our
System track of society, automating these services lessen the burden
by using previous on humans and eases the measuring process. Also the
iot medical transparency of this system helps patients to trust it.
record of the The objective of developing monitoring systems is to
patient reduce health care costs by reducing physician office
providing a visits, hospitalizations, and diagnostic testing
better and procedure. Many further improvements can bemade
improved in our system to make it better and easily adaptable
examining. such as adding more advanced sensors. Because of
wireless data transmission over internet, health
related data will be send to doctor’s personal
computer or on his mobile. So, need to go hospital
every time and sending massage to the doctor gets
The system can be extended by adding more features
immediate remedy related to the health condition.
like location access, linking the ambulance services,
leading doctor's list and their specialist , hospitals and
their special facilities etc., Doctors can create
awareness about diseases and their symptoms [1]. Jorge Gómez, "Patient Monitoring System Based
through the mobile application. From the evaluation on Internet of Things: A survey", Computer
and the result obtained from analysis the system is Networks, Vol.54, pp. 2787-2805, 2016.
better for patients and the doctor to improve their [2]. Sneha N. Malokar 1, Samadhan D. Mali2, "Patient
patients' medical evaluation. Monitoring System Based on Internet of Things
using Rasperripy: Key features, application and
open issues", Computer Communication, Vol.54,
pp., 2016.
[3]. GennarTartarisco,"Patient Health Monitoring
[4]. Giovanni Baldus, "Design of Iot Based Smart
Health Monitoring and Alert System" 2016 Center
for TeleInFrastuktur, Aalborg University,
Denmark, P.P
[5]. Pioggia, "Personal Health System architecture for
stress monitoring and support to clinical decisions",
Figure 1. Proposed framework Computer Communications Vol.35, pp.1296-1305,
architecture 2017.
[6]. Franca Delmastro, "Pervasive communications in
healthcare", Computer Communications Vol.35,
The diagram shown above (figure 1) describes the
architecture of our proposed framework with the use
[7]. ArunaDevi.S et al. "SMART HUMAN HEALTH
of Esp8266 and with the description of what happens MONITORING SYSTEM BY USING IoT/
when attacks are made. International Journal of Computer Science &
Engineering Technology (IJCSET) ISSN,2017

Volume 3, Issue 1, January-February-2018 | www.ijsrcseit.com | UGC Approved Journal [ Journal No : 64718 ] 1417

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