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Procedia Computer Science 78 (2016) 471 – 476

International Conference on Information Security & Privacy (ICISP2015), 11-12 December 2015,
Nagpur, INDIA

Medicine Reminder and Monitoring System for Secure Health

Using IOT
Samir V.Zanjala*, Girish. R. Talmaleb
M.E. 3rd SEM, G.H. Raisoni Nagpur, India
Asst. Prof. CSE Dept. G.H. Raisoni Nagpur, India


In modern society, busy life has made people forget many things in day to day life. The elderly people and the people victims of
chronicle diseases who need to take the medicines timely without missing are suffering from dementia, which is forgetting things
in their daily routine. Considering this situation study has been done in this. Paper reviewing the technologies of home health
care which are currently used for improving this situation by reminding the scheduled of medicine, remote monitoring and update
new medicine data of patients, which can be done by prescriber through web.

Elsevier B.V.
B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license
Peer-review under responsibility of organizing committee of the International Conference on Information Security and Privacy
(ICISP 2015) under responsibility of organizing committee of the ICISP2015

Keywords: Home Health Care; Dementia; Remote Monitoring; Medicine Reminder; RFID authentication.

1. Introduction

Most of the time due to number of work for the people as well as regarding age and some disease which leads to
forget the basic things among daily routine.

*Corresponding author. Tel.: +91 9404120139;

E-mail address:[email protected]

1877-0509 © 2016 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license
Peer-review under responsibility of organizing committee of the ICISP2015
472 Samir V. Zanjal and Girish. R. Talmale / Procedia Computer Science 78 (2016) 471 – 476

If the patient sufferings from the disease where it is compulsory to take medicine at proper time, in this paper we
have review the technology of home health care system among them a medicine reminder system and some
improvement regarding authentication have well focused.
Generally for home based health care the arrangement include communications, imaging, sensing and human
computer interaction technologies embattled at diagnosis, treatment and monitoring patients without disturbing the
quality of lifestyle. It can be possible the development of a low cost medical sensing, communication and analytics
device that is real-time monitoring internet allowed patients physical conditions. Internet of Things (IoT) network
will provide active and real-time appointment of patient, hospitals, caretaker and doctors apart from this the secured
data transmission from source point to destination for the purpose of remote monitoring there is need of the
architecture of a low cost embedded platform for Web-based monitoring 1.
The distant monitoring is made possible by using various biomedical devices, they measure and transmit data via
Bluetooth or ZigBee to a unit that manages them (PC, iTV). The collected information may be stored on the device
or sent to a collection centre that provides a complete monitoring, for both health professionals and patients. Access
to the medical centre can be allowed, via web, from mobile device or PC 2
The IOT and RFID combination also play a vital role in object detection and personal identification which can
be use categorized the person while remote monitoring when number of people information have observed which
will helpful to unique identity to each patient and their respective data will be stored .

Fig. 1. Showing the block diagram of medicine reminder including remote monitoring.

As a Consequence of healthcare reforms, digital medical records have facilitated the widespread availability of
publicly available, statistical data. Feeding the pool of mounting data is the patient doctor interaction Physicians
assess the patient’s complaint and prescribe a course of action2
The data collected provides the basis for a decision support tool for Patients to compare Prescription Drug Plans
based on a patient’s individual situation and preferences. The tool will provide explicit information that will assist
the patient in determining the most suitable prescription drug plan, taking into account the individual importance of
plan features. Utilizing historic data, comparisons on Prescription spending will be made to past patients who have a
similar health profile as identified by the current patient3.
Figure 1, is observed result from review which leads to home health care module specifically for the medicine
whose technology discuss in technique requirement part. In overall system function the alarm will generate
according to scheduled and the situation can be recorded with help of sensor which will remotely monitor, save for
the future reference, update drug information according to need through web after comparing drug taking habit of
Samir V. Zanjal and Girish. R. Talmale / Procedia Computer Science 78 (2016) 471 – 476 473

2. Literature Review

Ilkko et al4 proposed UbiPILL A Medicine Dose Controller of Ubiquitous Home Environment (2009), Home
automation and wireless sensor network which have enhancing the quality of life by providing security, information
and comfort. Here had discuss a centric home server with three main roles: use of existing Interfaces on registered
systems for remote monitoring and Control, serving the surrounding system as a data gateway and Providing content
adaptive user interfaces enhanced by Belongings of end-user client devices, the ubipill device had implemented to
remind people for elder and for monitoring purposes ubipill and home server have been design to reliably monitor
the medicine box activity by web browser.
Kliem et al5 proposed Security and communication architecture for networked medical devices in mobility-
aware eHealth environments (2012), Telemedicine concept is cost efficient and location autonomous monitoring
system, the suitable and secured medical data can be transferred with different devices with attention towards
security and privacy issue. Emergency situations need on the flutter network integration and data transmission
fluctuating from domains like patients home, medical practices, ambulances and, hospitals, where each domain may
parallel to a different authority so, mobility aware approach allowing out of the box medical device integration and
authentication, and simultaneously fulfilling the typical security and privacy requirements of e-health environments.
Parida et al3 proposed Application of RFID Technology for In-House Drug Management System (2012), RFID
based technology have used to make drug management system, in this tracking of medicine can be done including
emergency or regular medicine with or without RFID tag .the HF tag have assigning the user and by employing
RFID reader along with camera and web based system to track the user. This system can be beneficial for the old
age, less educated people.
Clifton et al2 A Self-powering Wireless Environment Monitoring System Using Soil Energy, proposed A large-
scale clinical validation of an integrated monitoring system in the emergency department(2013),In the integrated
patient monitoring which include electronic patient data which generally have more amount challenges to acquire
cope with artefact data with the help of algorithm, analyzing and communicating the resultant data for reporting to
clinician, here in this demonstrated the machine learning technology embedded within healthcare information
system which provide clinical benefits for improving patient outcomes in busy environments.
Hamida et al6 proposed towards efficient and secure in-home wearable insomnia monitoring and diagnosis
system (2013), Due to the evolution in technology it is now possible to specific timing monitoring here delivers an
experimental estimation of communication and security protocols that can be used in in-home sleep monitoring and
health care and highlights the most proper protocol in terms of security and overhead. Design Procedures are then
derived for the distribution of effective in-home patients monitoring systems
Ray et al7 proposed Home Health Hub Internet of Things (H3IoT)( 2014) , Health is vital part of life and it is
quite necessary to give priority health related issue in which digitization helpful by using number of devices through
the concept of IOT but due to heterogeneity and interoperability the concept of digitization for health care is
neglected, here in this the best focus given to architecture framework for human health hub which have envision of
usage of real life implementation.
Shivakumar et al8 proposed Design of vital sign monitor based on wireless sensor networks and telemedicine
technology(2014), Vital sign monitor can be implemented with Bluetooth technology which is embedded with
sensor, the transmitter will include the application oriented smart phone enable with 3G or IEEE 802.11 i.e. wi fi
based transmission. The data from transmitter will be sending to cloud for centralized monitoring takes place; the
expert in remote place can view all patient data and in case of emergency can take appropriate action.
Ajmal Sawand et al1 proposed Multidisciplinary approaches to achieving efficient and trustworthy eHealth
monitoring systems(2014),The technological merging between IOT, wireless body area network and cloud
computing have vital contribution in e health care which improve the quality of medical care, basically patient
centric monitoring play a role in e health care services which involve medical data collection, aggregation, data
transmission and data analysis here entire monitoring lifecycle and essential services component have discus as well
as design challenges in designing the quality and patient centric monitoring scheme along with potential solution.
Huang et al8 proposed the intelligent pill box—Design and implementation (2014), the implementation of pill
box has proposed by keeping the problems of old age people in mind to provide full medication safety. The pill box
will remind the patient about timing by doing this drug abusing can be controlled.
Al-Majeed et al10 proposed Home telehealth by Internet of Things (IoT) (2015), The real time monitoring can be
possible through IOT which helps in development of low cost medical sensing, communication and analytic devices
474 Samir V. Zanjal and Girish. R. Talmale / Procedia Computer Science 78 (2016) 471 – 476

which make quality of life, in case of density of messages there is fear of information degradation but by using
proper algorithm we can resolve the problem and can make the low cost imaging, sensing and human computer
interaction technology.
Lin et al9 proposed A Self-powering Wireless Environment Monitoring System Using Soil Energy (2015), The
monitoring system can uses the self-powering wireless environment with the help of renewable energy which can be
beneficial in remote places where the power problem in wide manner, in this the system have demonstrated which
will uses soil energy with carbon, zink electrodes.
Moga et al11 proposed Embedded platform for Web-based monitoring and control of a smart home (2015),
Present the low cost embedded platform for web based monitoring and controlling and the platform consist of
distributed sensing and control network and touch screen to easy use interface to the user and remote web based

Table 1. Analysis of technologies for monitoring system based on review papers

Author Technology Describe

1. Leo Ilkko UbiHOMESERVER

2. Andreas Kliem Bluetooth (phone), encryption key used in

3. Malabika Parida RFID technology

4. Fu-To Lin A self-powering wireless

5. S. Tmar BenHamida HTTP, MQTP protocol

6. Partha P. Ray IOT

7. Nair Siddharth Shivakumar A wireless sensor network and telemedicine

8. Ajmal Sawand IOT, Wireless Body Area Networks

9. Shih-Chang Huang Arduino, Skype, Infrared sensors

10. Dr. Salah S. Al-Majeed Telemedicine technology, IOT, Cloud

11. Daniel Moga Web of things

3. Useful Technique for Medicine Reminder and Monitoring System

After observing all the literature, the following technologies are identified which can prove beneficial for
designing of Medicine Reminder and Monitoring System for Secure Health Using IOT.

Fig. 2. Showing the mode of communication and authentication technique.

x UI: To make changes if any in system.

Samir V. Zanjal and Girish. R. Talmale / Procedia Computer Science 78 (2016) 471 – 476 475

x Intelligent control: Control system comprising sensors for monitoring and reporting the state of the
environment and its associated control software, which regularly check the medicine taken by patient or
not .
x IoT:( Internet of Things) has evolved from the convergence of wireless technologies, micro-
electromechanical systems (MEMS) and the Internet. The concept may also be referred to as the Internet
of Everything. to exchange data of things or physical object, this is embedded with electronics, related
software, sensors and network connectivity. Which allow to sensed and collect data remotely, it generate
opportunity to direct integration between physical world and computer based system have economic,
accuracy and efficiency benefits.
x The use of open standard like ISO/IEEE 11073-20601 group of standards addressing the interoperability of
personal health devices12
x MQTT messaging protocol will best suited due to less memory, processor and bandwidth13
x The use of open source IOT cloud will be effective.
x RFID and RFID reader: RFID is utilized to give unique identification to user so that while remote
monitoring the prescriber can distinguish the patient on same page14
x Web page: web page will be used for remote monitoring of medicine scheduled fallowed by patient and to
upload the changes if any found after comparing the variation in medicine consuming activity in
scheduling, quantity, timing of drug.
x Alarm System: The alarm system is used to give the indication of medicine through voice message.
x Appointment from home: The provision will be on the box which will take patient appointment of the
doctor here, RFID will be the Identity of patient.
x Benefit of using RFID tag: Used for Encryption/Decryption Technology15

4. Working Flow Chart


Get scheduled of


Yes correct
time ? Database




Fig.3.Working Flow Chart of Medicine Reminder.

476 Samir V. Zanjal and Girish. R. Talmale / Procedia Computer Science 78 (2016) 471 – 476

The conceptual working of medicine reminder and monitoring system in flow chart describes the scheduling and
the procedure of taking medicine, if schedule is followed by patient or not the data will be stored in the cloud. The
stored data will be used to analyze record of patient and further prescription will be give according to it.

5. Conclusion

For home health care various technology have evolved as review considered, in this paper medicine, its
scheduling have well focused which is beneficial to improve efficiency of prescribed drug and reduce economic
factor. To improve the existing home health care technique number of monitoring technology has observed which
leads to home health monitoring system. The monitoring system can be implemented with sensing element and
wireless module which should need to secure so that message containing the health related information should not
be corrupt.
IOT (Internet of Things) play a vital role in communicating the two devices, the use of messaging standard and
communication protocol we can securely transfer the important messages regarding to health. open source IOT
cloud will be effective for storing sensors data,the benefit of digitally storing is the retrieving of data is easy and
faster manner in case of emergency for secure health. For the user personal identity and Encryption/Decryption
purposes the RFID will best.


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