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B4, PAGES 7659-7672,APRIL 10, 1997

Melange-forming processes in the development

of an accretionary prism: Evidence from fission
track thermochronology

Noriko Hasebel, TakahiroTagami,and SusumuNishimura


Division of Earth and Planetary Sciences,Graduate School of Science,

Kyoto University, Kyoto, Japan

Abstract. To give thermotectonic constraintson melange-formingprocesses and to understandthe

significanceof melangein the evolutionof accretionarycomplexes,fissiontrack analysiswascarriedout
on samplescollectedfrom sandstone blocksin melangematrixandcoherentsandstone sequences adjacent
to melangeunitsin the Cretaceousto Miocene Shimantoaccretionarycomplex,southwestJapan,which
is one of the typical accretionarycomplexeswith an accumulationof geologicalinformation. Nineteen
zircon agesand 15 track length distributionsfrom melangesindicatewith somelocal variationthat
materialswith highermaximumpaleotemperatures areexposedat therearpartof the prism,as is the case
of the coherentunits. Two apatite ages are contemporaneous with previouslyreportedapatite ages of
-10 Ma obtainedfrom coherentunitsin the region,emphasizingthe regionalcoolingthroughthe apatite
closuretemperatureof- 100øCat that time. There is no evidencefor substantialrelativemotionof the
melangeswith respectto the surrounding coherentunits;melangeformationis explainedby processes
that excludelarge vertical transport(i.e., 5 km) of melangeforming materials. These thermotectonic
characteristics observedin the Shimantoaccretionarycomplexare maintainedduringsubsequent local
internaldeformationcausedby the successive growthof the wedge.

Introduction Accretion can be described mainly by two processes:

offscrapingof the trench-fill sedimentsat the toe of the wedge
Ancient accretionary complexes commonly contain and underplatingof underthrustedsedimentsat depthas a result
"melange" facies surroundedby coherent units of trench-fill of the downward steppingof the decollementzone [Moore,
sedimentarysequences[Byrne, 1984; Cowan, 1985; Taira et 1989; Moore and Watkins, 1981; Watkins et al., 1981;
al., 1988]. The term "melange"was defined by Hsu [1968] as Westbrook and Smith, 1983]. The position of the initial
the "block in matrix fabric formed by some tectonic decollement zone within the sedimentary pile determines
processes"as distinct from an "olistostrome"that has similar which of these processescontributes predominantly to the
morphologic characteristics but with sedimentary origins. accretionof the material. Studiesof the frontal portion of the
However, genetic interpretationsof these rock types are often Barbados and Nankai accretionary prisms by the Ocean
difficult because of their complicated geological setting Drilling Program have helped reveal the relationships
and/or polygenetic origins. Hence the term melange is between accretionaryprocessesand the resulting facies. A
currently used for facies composedof blocks of various sizes decollement zone typically initiates in hemipelagic clay
and lithologies in shearedargillaceousmatrix, rather than for and/or mud lying beneath trench-fill turbiditic sediments
rocks with a particular presumed origin [Cowan, 1985; [Moore et al., 1988; Taira et al., 1991a], resulting in the
Raymond, 1984; Raymondand Terranova, 1984]. Melanges frontal accretion of coherent units of turbiditic sandstone and
within an accretionarywedge shouldbe formed by some of the shale by offscrapingprocesses. However, typical melange
same processes that contributed to formation of the facies are not observedin the frontal part of prisms, except
accretionarycomplex, bearing in mind the original coherent locally along a narrow band representingthe highly deformed
structureof the oceanicsedimentsincorporatedwithin typical decollementzone which has a similar structureto melange
accretionarywedges. matrix [Moore et al., 1988; Taira et al., 1991a]. A
The processesresultingin the occurrenceof both coherent dedollementzone can be incorporatedinto an accretionary
and melange facies in ancient accretionarycomplexes can be wedge by the stepping down of the decollement zone, which
evaluated in light of observations made in modern functionsas the plate boundary[Westbrookand Smith, 1983].
accretionary wedges observed at convergent plate margins. Examples of this type of melange have been identified in
ancient accretionarywedges by some workers [Byrne, 1986;
Japan. Other
in accretionary
2Alsoat KyotoInstitute
of Natural
Some areconsidered
Japan. muddiapirism
of overpressured
[Brown and Orange, 1993; Yamagataand Ogawa, 1989], and
Union. others
bya flowmelange
mechanism as
number96B03551. representing
by hydrodynamically
$09.00 flow [Cloos, 1982, 1985].


Melange-formingprocesseshave been consideredmainly analysis under the reliable assumption of the geothermal
from the view point of structuralgeology. However, as was gradient.
discussedby Cowan [1985], melanges form in variety of
tectonic settings with no unique processof formation with a
structuralfeature. To constrainfurtherthe originsof melange The Shimanto Accretionary Complex and
formation, additional information from well-improved Sampling Localities
occurrenceis required.
The purposeof this studyis to provide thermal constraints The ShimantoBelt, lying along the Pacific coastalrange
on melange-forming processes using fission track (FT) of southwestJapansubparallelto the modernNankaiTrough
method. Samples were collected from the Shimanto (Figure 1), consists of unmetamorphosedto low-grade
accretionarycomplex in Shikoku Island, Japan (Figure. 1), metamorphosed coherentand melangeunits and intervening
composedof alternating coherent and melange units [Sakai slope basin deposits [e.g., Taira et al., 1988; Toriurni and
and Kanmera, 1981; Taira et al., 1980a], for which there is Teruya, 1988; Underwoodet al., 1993]. Owing to the good
good evidencefor a particularorigin, that is, underplatingby coastal exposure, melanges in the Shimanto Belt of Shikoku
stepping down of the decollement zone, diapiric injection, Island have been studied closely, particularly in terms of
and behavior as a decollementzone. Key questionsare the lithology, microfossils age determination, and structural
following: How are underplatedmaterialsincorporatedinto geology[Taira et al., 1980b, 1988, 1992;Hibbard and Karig,
the offscrapedsediments? From what depth does diapiric 1990; Underwood et al., !993]. The Shimanto Belt is divided
injection derive? The decollementzone is consideredto have into Cretaceous, Eocene, and Miocene subbelts from north to
worked as a warm fluid flow conduit from depth. Related south, and each belt includes a number of melange zones
questionsare, what was the fluid temperatureand how long (Figure 1).
does the decollement zone function in this manner? These To investigate melange-forming processesby thermal
questionsmay be guided by the applicationof thermal history history analysis, samples analyzed should not have

130øE •o
El= 'dF 100km

Shimanto accretionary


SHMIC06, SH32, SH33'

SHKG03, 05
SH07 •
t• / /
3e• / /
x /

SMTZ54 . -"
X., • • •?..o•ae
• • SHMIC10, 5HKG0g 5H24
I MioceneM.
04,05* • Melange
SHMIC12,13, 15, 17' :'.-.'..'•

0 30 (km)

= = =

Figure 1. Map showingplatetectonicsettingof Japanese

Islandarcswith bathymetric
of the Shimantoaccretionarycomplex,and samplingsites.Samplelocalitieswith an asteriskwere from
coherentunitsnearthemelangezone. Crosses showwheretracklengthdatawereobtained for representative
examplesof coherentunitsto comparewith melangeunits. Zones1-4 are Cretaceous
typically containchert and greenstoneblocksin shalematrix. Abbreviationsare as follows: EP, EurasianPlate;
PP, PacificPlate;PSP,PhilippineSeaPlate;RT, RyukyuTrench;NT, NankaiTrough;JT, JapanTrench,;IBT,
Izu-Bonin Trench; JS, JapanSea; SB, Shikoku Basin; MTL, Median Tectonic Line; and BTL, ButsuzoTectonic
Line. The map was modified from Taira et al. [ 1988].

Table 1. Fission Track Age Calculations

2Ns 0•m.2
Ni 10P6d•m_
Ma 2Nd T+_2o'
xl N S.D.
2) TH xl x Ma Ma %
Zircon Cretaceous
Zone2 SHMlC06 88.5-74.0 11.83 2351 4.68 930 0.2399 1394 108.8+11.1 18 65.0 <0.1 B
SH32 88.5-74.0 11.98 1281 2.99 320 0.0955 1110 68.6_+9.9 12 33.9 I C?
SH33' 88.5-74.0 11.12 698 5.86 368 0.2577 1497 87.7_+12.67 8 24.9 3 B
SHKG03 88.5-74.0 13.64 2377 6.17 1076 0.2540 1476 100.7_+9.9 16 25.6 0.5 B
SHKG05 88.5-74.0 12.25 2462 6.15 1236 0.2523 1466 90.2-+8.61 19 31.1 <0.1 B
SHMIC08 90.4-86.6 10.71 4369 2.33 952 0.1001 1163 82.43+8.3 23 41.1 2 C?
SHKG07 90.4-86.6 14.24 1357 6.58 627 0.2504 1455 97.3+11.3 10 36.3 <0.1 B
Zone3a SHMICI0 83.0-74.0 19.81 3407 3.27 563 0.1079 1254 117.2-+13.4 16 44.3 <0.1 B
SHKG09 83.0-74.0 14.42 2229 5.45 843 0.2485 1444 117.9-•-_12.3 16 57.1 <0.1 B
Zone3b SHKGI1 83.0-74.0 12.90 2938 4.24 965 0.2573 1495 140.6+13.9 16 41.3 <0.1 A
SHMIC12 56.5-35.4 15.20 2543 5.89 985 0.2411 1401 111.7+11.2 14 62.9 <0.1 B?
SHMIC13 56.5-35.4 11.21 2513 4.63 1039 0.2420 1406 105.0-+10.4 18 38.2 <0.1 B?
SHMIC15 56.5-35.4 13.22 5132 6.24 2422 0.2427 1410 92.3+7.6 25 23.6 <0.1 B?
SHMIC17* 56.5-35.4 8.50 2231 5.21 1367 0.2571 1494 75.3+7.1 16 30.1 <0.1 B?
SH25 35.4-16.3 2.84 2943 1.82 1891 0.1089 1265 30.4+_2.8 47 22.1 <0.1 A
SHMIC03-1 29.3-16.3 9.73 373 3.05 117 0.1028 1195 58.8-+13.1 5 77.3 <0.1 A
SHMIC03-2 11.15' 894 5.90 473 0.2107 1224 71.5_+9.5 9 114.3 <0.1
SHMIC04 29.3-16.3 8.91 445 13.67 683 0.5927 1377 69.3_+9.6 8 21.3 0.5 A or B
SHMIC05* 29.3-16.3 8.53 1318 3.23 499 0.2129 1237 100.9-•-_12.7 14 83.5 <0.1 A
SHMIC01-1* 29.3-16.3 8.45 825 6.10 595 0.2083 1211 51.9-•-6.6 10 69.5 <0.1 A
SHMIC01-2* 11.17 1129 2.14 216 0.0977 1135 91.6+15.1 9 46.5 <0.1

Apatite Cretaceous
Zone 2 SHKG05 88.5-74.0 0.24 32 2.71 368 1.0117 2116 13.6+_5.2 7 98
SHMIC05* 29.3-16.3 0.08 12 1.47 213 1.0117 2116 8.8+5.3 6 50

Dep. age;depositionalagesof the samplesmainlyinferredfrom radiolarianfossilsincludedin shalymatrix[Taira et

al., t980a, 1991b;Saito, 1980;Tashiro,1980]; Ps,densityof spontaneous tracks; Ns, numberof spontaneous tracks
countedto determine Ps; Pi; densityof inducedtracksin a sample;Ni, numberof inducedtrackscountedin a muscovite
externaldetectorfor determining Pi; Pd,densityof inducedtracksin NBS-SRM612dosimeter glass; Nd, numberof
inducedtrackscountedin a muscovite externaldetectorfor determining
Pd; T, FT pooled-age calculated
andNi forall grainscounted; N; number of counted
grains;S.D.,standarddeviationof grainages;P (X2), probability
g2 for n degreesof freedom(n=N-1) quotedto the nearest 5 or 10% except for thoseunder5% and over 95%
[Galbraith, 1981]; and TH, degreeof thermaleffectjudged by age distributionand track lengthanalysis. A, B, and C
correspond to classification
in Figure4.
*Samplescollectedfrom coherentunitslocatedcloseto melangeunits. Two splitsof sampleswere irradiated
differentiallyfor SHMIC01 andSHMIC03. The meanagesof two splitswereusedfor themin Figure5.

experiencedthermal perturbationafter the melangeformation. Cretaceous Melange

Although the Shimanto Belt has been intruded by Miocene
igneousrocks [Shibata, 1978], related heating is considered The CretaceousShimanto accretionary complex includes
to be localized to the margins of the intrusionsand up to a four major ENE striking melange zones (Figure 1), which are
distanceapproximatelyequal to the diameterof the intrusive divided from surrounding coherent units by north dipping
body,as inferredfrom FT zircondata [Tagarniand Shirnacla, thrusts [Taira et al., 1980b, 1988]. The lithology and
1996; Hasebe et al., 1993a]. Furthermore,within the study depositionalagesof the Cretaceousmelangeshave been well
area, the distribution of vitrinite reflectance values, which can documented [e.g.. Taira et al., 1992, 1988, 1980b]. Some
be consideredto be a maximum paleotemperature indicator,are blocks have a lens or "fish" shape, suggestingthat block
consistentwith the structuralfeaturesrelated to accretionary formation was related to layer-parallel extension [Cowan,
processesexceptfor the areaslocalizedto intrusions[DiTullio 1985; Kirnura and Mukai, 1991]. One of the important
et al., 1993; Langhland and Underwood, 1993; Mori and characteristicsof the Cretaceousmelanges,which distinguish
Taguchi, 1988; Sakaguchi et al., 1992] The vitrinite them from the Eocene and Miocene melanges,is the existence
reflectancedata therefore suggestthat the thermal history of of oceanic materials, including mappable basaltic blocks'
the Shimanto Belt has not been disturbed regionally by the (more than a meter in size) which locally show pillow
Miocene igneous activity, at least in the regions investigated structures. By analogy with modern accretionary processes,
here. oceanicmaterialsare more likely to subductbeneaththe prism
In the following, we introduce the lithologies of each rather than be offscraped at the toe. A stratigraphycan be
melange zone and give sampling localities (Figure 1). constructedfor the melange lithologies using microfossils.
Sampleswere collected from sandstoneblocks within sheared From oldest to youngest, the sequenceis basalt, limestone,
shaly melange matrix, with a few samples from coherent chert, pelagicshale,muddyflysch (melangematrix) and sandy
sandstone units situated adjacent to melange unit. The flysch [Taira et al., 1988]. These relationshipsexclude the
depositionalages of the melangematrix inferred from fossils possibility of a sedimentary or diapiric origin for these
are summarizedin Table 1. Estimatesof the depositionalages melanges becausethe resultant mixing of various types of
of sandstone blocks are uncertain. However, the lenticular rocks would producea disorderedage succession. Hence the
shapeof the sandstoneblocks suggeststhat they formed by Cretaceousmelangesare consideredto representunderplated
deformationof sandstonelayers, interbeddedin shale through material [Kirnura and Mukai, 1991]. Among localities, note
layer-parallel extension [Cowan, 1985]. Hence it can that sampleswere collected from three regions in zone 2,
reasonably be assumed that sandstoneblocks have the same ranging60 km along the strike of the zone, to investigatethe
depositionalages as the shaly matrix. variation of thermal histories within one particular zone.

SH33 was collected from a coherent sandstone unit that is Eocene Melange
juxtaposed with the block-in-matrix fabric to examine the Samples were collected from the Shirahama melange,
potentially different behavior between coherentand melange which has two kinds of distinctive lithology. (1) A block-in-
units. matrix lithology is characterizedby lenticular or fish-shaped
blocks similar to the Cretaceous melange zones. (2) The
secondtype is a chaotic block-in-matrix fabric. The blocks
show diverse shapes with injection structures and fractures
Temperature increase filled with shale, and the matrix showsflow-like patternswith
microscaleinjections and small dikes. These featuresindicate
a highly overpressuredstate during deformation[Taira et al.,
1991b]. This overpressured
natureof the fabricis likely to be
relatedto a diapiric origin becausediapiric injectionis caused
through the release of overpressuredfluid and associated
materials [Cowan, 1985; Barber et al., 1986; Moore and
Vrolijk, 1992; Pickering et al., 1988]. The chaoticfaciesunit
is about20 m thick with an east-weststrike and boundedby
the other facies. SamplesSHMlC12 and SHMIC13 are from
the chaotic facies. The former is from a sandstone block of
irregularshapeand the latter is from the matrix immediately
adjacent to and surroundingthe sampled block. Sample
SHMIC15 is from a lenticular sandstone block located 20 m
distant from the chaotic facies. Sample SHMIC17 was
collectedfrom a coherentunit exposedin the southernpart of
the Shirahamamelange.

Miocene Melange

The Miocene Shimanto Belt has two melange zones,

namely, the northern Hioki melange and southernSakamoto
melange divided by the coherentTsuro assemblage[Hibbard
and Karig, 1990]. The lithologies included in these two
•'12 melangesare similar to the Cretaceousmelangesexcept for
the rare incorporationof basalticblocks [Hibbard and Karig.
Within the Tsuro Assemblage,Hibbard et al. [ 1992] report
g 60 50 100 150 200
the presenceof a structuralwindow which exposespart of the
underlying melange. The margin of the window contains a
Pooled Age (Ma) distinct contactmelange of 10 m width between the coherent
and melange units. The contact melange has matrix with a
(Intrusion) darker color and a much more variable componentof blocks
than the regional melange. The structural characteristicsof
the contactmelangeled Hibbard et al. [ 1992] to interpretit as
n • •n •• a former basal decollement zone itself.
o 150J300age >' ';'....•.--',•...',
o •5 Sample SH25 is from a sand block in the Hioki melange,
0.5 t I I ' SHMIC03 is from a block in the contact melange, SHMIC05
is from a coherentsandstonejust above the contactmelange,
and SHMIC04 from the underlying melange. SHMIC01 is
Age(Ma) • • •ack length
•m) from a sandlayer very close to the Sakamotomelange.

Figure 2. The pooled-age (Ma) versus mean track length

(microns) plot with each track length distribution and age Fission Track Method
spectrumfor Cretaceoussandstone sampleswhichexperienced
differential heating during the intrusion of granitic rock at
-15 Ma [Tagarni and Shirnada,1996]. They all groupedinto Experimental Procedure
three categories depending on the maximum temperature
reached after deposition. The maximum temperatureswere Mineral separation and sample preparation procedures
within the total stability zone (TSZ) (case A). The maximum describedby Tagarniet al. [1988] were carried out using about
temperatureswere within the partial annealingzone (PAZ) 5 kg of rock for each samplelocality. Zircon and apatitewere
(case B). The maximum temperatureswere within the total dated by the external detector method [e.g., Naeser, 1976]
annealingzone (TAZ) (caseC). Track lengthdistributionsare using zeta calibrationprocedures[Hurford and Green, 1983;
composed of two components: Tracks formed after the Hurford, 1990]. For zircons,the appropriateetchingtime of
intrusion, which have full lengths, and tracks formed before each grain varies because of the accumulationof different
intrusion, which record the thermal effect by the intrusion. amount of a damage [Gleadow, 1981]. The "multi-etch"
Mean lengths, which are longest for the oldest samples, technique [Hasebe et al., 1993a] was adopted to analyze
becomeshorterwith decreasingFT age becauseof the partial zircons of widely varying detrital ages. Samples were
annealingof tracks by excessheat from the intrusion. For irradiatedat the Irradiation Pit (IP) facility of TRlGA lI Reactor
samples with ages close to 15 Ma, mean track lengths at Musashi Institute of Technology (MITR) and the Thermal
increaseagain,becausemostof the shorterearly formedtracks Column Pneumatic Tube (Tc-Pn) facility and Heavy Water
were annealed. (D20) facility of the Kyoto UniversityResearchReactor

Cretaceous Zone 2

' iii' ' sHM•c06

'1 .250 ......
i!i e,e,ane
n=18 J ß .• ß 50 0=2.85

J 1%....
--::: . P(X2)<0 _,oo I
75 I ,•::•::• :.:.:.: .:.:.:. :.:.:.

•_2oo 1=9.28ño.•3o
o=1.82 :
/i:• T=68.6ñ9.9 ß •-150x=28ø/o
J iiii?•i

ß ,
/-50 ...

:i:i:i: i:!:!: ,

70.•.:':" SH33 ,250

,;=ii '! .... I ....
:ii TeiMelange*
n=8 •_2oo 1=7.33ñ0149I
T=87.7+ 12.7 o=2.85
150 x=65O/o I
i I
..... ¾.-•....:.:.:.:............_...... I I
e ......=====================

:::' SHKG03 ' n'=i7' ' I .... I ....


•2oo -1=9.38ñ0.•4 I
o=1.75• .......
I... .:.:.:., :.:.:.:

I!!• T=100'7+9'9I •--150

[-..... L,oo •' .:.:.:.

i•• P(X2)=0'5ø/ø
J ==
SHKG05 ..25O
i i' i i • i i i i
n=30'i J'
i i i

,,. YokonamiMelange
ß.... 933 n=19 o=1.72-
50 x=17%
J ....
I :•:!:•:•
.... ... ,e. • • ß

• --'.-::.-::;:.:.:.:.:.;.;........... I i

• ;i•:•:
/-5O .
.:.;.:, :.:.:.

I i i j i i i i
73.9/•::! SHMIC08 ..250
' 11 ' I
i'! Awa
Melange •.2oo I-7 17ñ0i47
' n=23
ø=2-60 I I
•_':_I T=82.4ñ8.3 -150 x=68% Ila I
•.•...... ..flOO
.•• P(x2)=2ø/ø -'".......
.... 75
:i:i:: :!:!:i'


,•- i i i i j i i i i i i i i
SHKG07 ..250 >. n--34j
:: 93.3 AwaMelange •_2oo 1=7.79ñ0i50
150 •:
e= o=2.93
x=53% I I'
..... ..•_
100u. I

0 100 200 300 460

>• 75 •.


5 10 15
Age (Ma) Track Length(tzm)

Figure 3a. Fissiontrack (FT) zircon age spectra[Hurford et al., 1984], radial plots [Galbraith, 1988] and
track lengthdistributionsof samplesfrom the Cretaceouszone 2 melange. FT zircon age spectraare shownwith
of agegrains,
of X2 values.Theageof eachgrain
is plottedas the solidcircle with the error bar (+o). Shadedzonein the age spectraand radial plotsrepresentthe
alepositionalage estimatedfrom fossils. Track length distributionis shownin a histogramwith different
patternsfor tracksmarkingazimuth anglesgreater(solid column) and less (shadedcolumn) than 60ø to the
crystallographicc -axis, becausetrack lengthsin zircon dependon etching and annealingpropertieswhich
show angularvariation [Yamadaet al., 1993, 1995]. They are plottedwith the numberof tracks,averagetrack
length(+2o, in microns),standarddeviation,and percentage of trackswhichare shorterthan9 !•m (x values).
Cretaceous Zone 3
Kue Melange
n=16 1=9.19+oi4o
T=117. P+13.4
150 o=2.381
x=23% i '"
77.• 120 p(x2)<0.1% ....... . .....,_•-
57/ ..-.-..

' !:! ..250

.=, ' SHKG09
Kue Melange
n=l 6
:': T=117.9+12.3
ß •-150

86.3 P(x2)<0.1% ._"" ß-.

....... ..•. 4-100

ß. •' ;_- •:-,,.• _ .

........ /.-5O
,=, SHKG11 ..250 n=40_i
,=, Okitsu Melange
847S 155 T=140.6-J:13.9

ß ß ß•bee
ß •-150•.

.e x=10%I
•;L X2)<0. 1%
[-....... .... hoo>e ,I '
75• I
50 rr' :i:i:i: ' :i:i:i:
1O0 200 300 400 0 5 10 15
Track Length (rim)
Age (Ma)

Figure 3b. FT zircon age spectra[Hurford et al., 1984], radial plots [Galbraith, 1988] and track length
of samplesfrom the Cretaceous
zone3 melange. SeeFigure3a for explanation.


::::: SHMIC12

n=35 / I
ß:':' Shirahama Melange 1=9.70-J:(•.25
i:i.•8.5 n=14
iiij• T=111.7+11.2
ß'• .• •, f100 o=1.50 I

i:' 159P(X2)<0.1% ...........'"'"'"':'="'="
25 I



:.:. ' SHMIC1
3 250
n=34 I
50 1=10.05:•0.32
i:.•8.5 T=105.0•10.4 e•e e ß ß x=14.7%
:•*-e•106 P(X2)<0.1% I

i :,:,:,:

.•• .'::--•
•,• , ,
' iiii80.6 SHMIC15
lO .:.:.:
I ....


n=30 I
•ii• Shirahama
J 1=10.07•0.39
•:•[ n=25 o=1.31
:!:[• T=92.3•7.6 "..&'"•&' ' ,,J_so x=13%

ß 25 i:i:i;.

:i:i:i '
:::5: ::5:::

• {'58.• - - SHMIC17
c[ • Shirahama
= • • • n=16 o=1.18 '
100•. x=5.7%
•} • P(x•<o.
1% •[.............
'...... f 25
= i•i•iii,
•[ ::•142




10 n-
0 5


Age (Ma)
Track Length(t•m)

Figure 3c. FT zircon age spectra[Hurford et al., 1984], radial plots [Galbraith, 1988] and track length
distributionsof samplesfrom the Eocenemelange. See Figure 3a for explanation.


'.'. sH25'
Hioki Melange 1=10.47+•.22
1O0 o=1.27
-•.. T=30.4+2.8
'-:•-. P(X2)<0.1% -"-'•!!!ii--'•.:?:.-'::::::=:;:
................... I

L10 I ,
' !i;i
!' ß


:!:i: Sakamoto
Melange I=10.01+__p.
!:i:i n=14 o=1.06 I
::::: T=68.3+7.8
i!i47'3 , P(X2)
<0.1% .-• •e"•4"
["....... & . .
.... =======================
...... / 5
I- 0
I .....

' i!!:iJ .-...

i•_1 I ....:'::::-"'-'-:"

' •:i:•:

•: 57.6 T=69.4•9.6

•:? P(x2)=0.5%
. .......

10 SHMIC05 250 .... • ........

150•• I=10.
n:38 !13
:::-:: SakamotoMelange*

ß:':': •=14 42..-t:•.

:::::: T=1•.9•12.7 •_1oo•. o:O.7e
•...e, &e ß .......
::::.: ..
.• • x:2.6ø/o

iL:i ••
. 10 n-

i:i:i: SHMIC01 0 5 10 15
:::::: ...
Melange' Track Length(•n)

-._ . P(X2)<0.1%

J.i:.•iii - -.zZ.:-',_ '.--,

0 100 200
Age (Ma)

Figure3d. FT zirconagespectra
et al., 1984],radialplots[Galbraith,1988]andtracklength
of samples
melange.SeeFigure 3aforexplanation.

(KUR-1). For zirconsand apatitesirradiatedat MITR, we Fortrackstbrmedin apatite,a partialannealing

adoptedthe zeta valuesof 348.4+8.3 (20) and 319.6+17.4, occurswithin the temperaturerange of-70øC-125øC for a
respectively [Tagami, 1987], and for those at KUR, we timescale
of theorderof-10 Myrs[Gleadow
adopted358.9+14.0and 309.6+23.4respectively.For track Gleadowet al., 1983;Laslettet al., 1987;Naeser,1981].For
we followedtheexperimentalprocedure zircon,we use a rangeof 230øC-315øC'for a timescaleof the
by Yamadaet al. [1994, 1995]. Tracklengthsin thisstudy orderof 10 Myrs [Tagamiet al., 1995]. This estimate
were measuredon horizontalconfinedfissiontracks[Laslettet incorporates
the resultof laboratoryannealingexperiment
al., 1982] using the HAMAMATSU PHOTONICS© C2500 [Yamadaet al., 1995],boreholedatawhichshowno evidence
with Nikon Biophoto©opticalmicroscope, of zirconannealingat thetemperature
of -200øC[Tagarniet
with a precisionof ~_+0.1•tm. al., 1996],andnarrowfossilzirconpartialannealing
(ZPAZ) foundin the contactthermalaureoleadjacentto a
graniteintrusion[Tagamiand $himada,1996].
Apatite and Zircon Partial Annealing Zone

The mostessential
pointfor the interpretation
of the data Age Distribution and Track Length Analysis
is precise understanding of the thermal annealing
of fissiontracksin a mineral.In thisstudy,we To investigate
the degreeof trackannealingin zircon,we
focusonthetemperature dependence of trackfadingandusea also examinedthe FT age and track length distributions
timescaleof 10 Myrs for annealingbecause
of the Cretaceous [Hurford et al., 1984; Galbraith, 1988]. For the case of
to Mioceneageof theShimanto accretionary
complex. sedimentaryrocks,any type of track lengthdistributioncould

Table 2. Resultsof TrackLengthMeasurement

of Zircon
Sample N L, o, x, N60 L•, (•60' X60,
gm gm % •xm %

Zone 2 Melange
SHMIC06 20 8.70-k-0.64 2.85 25.0 15 9.74_+0.35 1.34 13.3
SH32 36 9.28_+0.30 1.82 28.0 21 9.54_+0.32 1.49 23.8
SH33' 34 7.33_+0.49 2.85 64.7 18 7.44_+0.70 2.98 61.1
SHKG03 27 9.38_+0.34 1.75 25.9 20 9.45_+0.36 1.53 27.8
SHKG05 30 9.69-k-0.31 1.72 16.7 22 9.63_+0.40 1.88 13.6
SHMIC08 31 7.17_+0.47 2.60 67.7 12 8.08_+0.78 2.71 50.0
SHKG07 34 7.79-k-0.50 2.93 52.9 25 8.06_+0.50 2.51 48.0

Zone 3 Melange
SHMlC10 35 9.19-k-0.40 2.38 22.9 19 9.68_+0.32 1.38 15.8
SHKG09 ---
SHKGII 40 10.06_+0.16 1.04 10.0 28 10.06__+0.16 0.85 10.7

Cretaceous Coherent
SH02 28 9.00-k-0.48 2.53 35.7 18 8.13_+0.63 2.66 50.0
SMTZ54 45 10.26_+0.17 1.11 11.1 29 9.99-k-0.22 1.19 17.2
SH07 34 9.56_+0.39 2.25 26.5 19 9.93_+0.33 1.45 21.0

Eocene Melange
SHMIC12 35 9.70'k-0.25 1.50 20.0 23 9.82_+0.32 1.55 13.0
SHMICI3 34 10.05_+0.32 1.85 14.7 22 10.12_+0.32 1.51 18.2
SHMICI5 30 l 0.07_+0.39 1.31 13.3 22 10.37:L-0.15 0.69 4.5
SHMIC 17* 35 10.26_+0.20 1.18 5.7 27 10.55_+0.12 0.62 0.0

Eocene Coherent
SH 18 45 9.87+0.26 1.74 15.6 34 9.66_+0.32 1.84 17.6
SH21 37 10.38_+0.13 0.78 5.4 22 10.43_+0.18 0.85 9.1

Miocene Melange
SH25 33 10.47_+0.22 1.27 3.0 22 10.55_+0.31 1.45 4.5
SHMIC03 31 10.01_+0.19 1.06 9.7 19 10.08_+0.18 0.79 5.3
SHMIC04 ---
SHMIC05* 38 10.42_+0.13 0.78 2.6 22 10.47_+0.16 0.77 0.0
SHMIC01 * ---

Miocene Coherent
SH24 38 10.12_+0.16 0.98 7.89 23 10.03_+0.19 0,.92 11.1
N, numberof measured tracks;L, meanlengthwith standard error; o, standarddeviation;andx, percentage
trackswhichare shorterthan9 [tm. The subscript"60" denotesthe datafor trackshaving600-90ø azimuthanglesto
the c axis.

exist, dependingon the thermal history in the sourcearea. In near the base of the ZPAZ. The laboratory isochronal
the caseof the ShimantoBelt, much of the sandymaterial was annealingexperimentrevealedthat the rate of track length
probably delivered from felsic to intermediateigneousrocks reduction is not constant [Ya•nada et al., 1994]. Very short
[Kurnon, 1983] related to arc magmatism, considering its tracks of 3-5 g m appear only during the final stages of
extent in the forearc region. Therefore it follows that the annealing, and they disappeared suddenly in the next
dominant track length distribution at the time of deposition annealing stage where the annealing temperature is set
should be similar to that found in undisturbed, slowly or slightlyhigher(i.e., --50øC[Yamadaet al., 1995]). If a rock
rapidly cooledsamples(e.g., granites)[Hasebeel al., 1993b, is heated above the PAZ, the tracks formed before the
1994]. Significantpostdepositional heating will shortenthe temperaturemaximumare totally annealedwithin eachgrain
inherited tracks, as well as tracks formed at a different stagein (case C). In this case, all grains are expected to have a
the heating history. If, after deposition,the host rock are statistically
ageto passthe •;2test[Galbraith,
heated above the FT total stability zone, all grain ages are 1981; Green, 1981]. The calculated age would be younger
reduced, resulting in a shift of the initial age distribution than the depositionalage and indicate the time when the
toward the timing of the thermal event. samples cooled through the closure temperature. Track
It is, therefore,po•;sible
to classifythe patternsof ageand lengths for this thermal history would be long and have
track length distributionsinto three types usingthe degreeof unimordal distribution.
track annealing. They are observedin naturewhere sandstone
wasintrudedby granite(Figure2) [Tagarniand Shirnada,1996]
If a rock is not heated to within the partial annealing zone
(PAZ), the age spectrum is likely to be characterizedby Results
multiple peaks, all of which are older than the depositional
age (case A). For a rock heated to within the PAZ, the
spectrum may retain several age peaks and be Samplesfrom nineteensiteswereanalyzedsuccessfully for
indistinguishablefrom case A by its shapeonly (case B). In zirconsand two were analyzedfor apatiteseparates(Table 1).
this case, however, some peaks could be youngerthan the Somesamples(e.g., SHMIC12) containtoo few apatitesfor a
alepositionalage. The age of the youngestpeak places a reliableage determination.Apatiteage data were successfully
obtainedfrom Cretaceouszone 2 melange (SHKG05, 13.6+_5.2
maximum limit on the timing of a postdepositionalthermal
Ma) and Miocenecoherentsandstone locatedcloseto the
event. The occurrence of a proportion of short tracks is
sakamotomelange(SHMIC05, 8.8+5.3). Both samplespass
inevitable"for thiscase.Further,theexistence of veryshort the •;2 test [Galbraith, 1981; Green, 1981] at the 5%
tracks in zircon, 3-5 gm, implies almost complete annealing
significancelevel. The agesare clearly youngerthan the

15 each from the zone 2 and 3 melanges (SHKG03 and

SHMICI0), yield a significant portion of short tracks
indicatingheatingto within the ZPAZ. Two samplesfrom the
Miocene melange [SH25 and SHMlC05] have dominantly
long tracks with less than 3% of the tracksshorterthan
10 (x value; Figure 3d), and are considerednot to have been
heated to within the ZPAZ after deposition. For the other
samples,it is difficult to judge the timing and magnitudeof
heatingbasedon the numberand lengthof shorttracksalone.
They may have been shortenedby an unknown thermal event
before or after deposition. Consideringthe plausible zircon
source of slow or rapid cooling igneous rocks for the
Shimanto accretionary complex and long track length
distributions for Miocene samples which were not heated
0 I
significantly following deposition, however, short tracks
0 50 150 found in the samplescan probably be explained as the result
Age (Ma) of heatingafterdeposition
degreeof annealingdiscussedaboveis listed in Table 1.
Figure 4. The relationship between the mean track length
(microns) and the pooled age (Ma) for samplesfrom zone 2
melange. Stippled zone represents the depositional age Discussions
estimatedfrom fossils, and an ellipse representsthe expected
data of hypotheticaloriginal samples.Solid circles are for
agespectra.A solidsquare
is Zone 2 Melange: Along-Arc Variation of
for a samplescollectedfrom the coherentunit just besidethe Underplating Melange
zone 2 melange. Open circlesare for others.
Sampleswere collectedfrom zone 2 melange along strike
overa distance
of some60 km (Figure1) to investigate
depositionalagesof the host rocks; they are inferred to have parallel variation in the melange thermal history, which in
been reset and indicate the timing of exhumation leading to turn reflects the local thermal perturbationsor differential
their recent exposure. uplift of underplatedmelanges. Most zircon samplesfrom the
Mostzirconsamples, in contrast,haveextremelylow X2 zone 2 melange(Figure 3) are interpretedas correspondingto
[p(x:z)],typicallylessthan0.1%, reflecting
a case B (Figure 2) with two samples possibly belonging to
mixture of different grain-agepopulations(Table 1). Some caseC as summarizedin Table 1. This suggeststhat there was
samples in zone 2 (SH32, SH33, and SHMlC08) yield local strike-parallel variation in the degree of annealing,
thatthesesamples reflectingthe structurallevel of exhumation.
could be regardedto consistof a single grain-age population. To investigate the timing of heating, the relationship
By comparisonwith the multimodal grain-age populations between pooled ages (Table 1) and mean track lengths (Table
generally found in unannealedsandstone,these four samples 2) is shown in Figure 4. When samplesof a single origin
would be best explained as the result of moderate post have been heated contemporaneouslyto different maximum
depositional thermal overprints which largely annealed the temperature, this plot is expected to show the downward
fossil tracks. The zircon age spectra(Figure 3) consistof two convex curve with a boomerang shape [Green, 1986]. The
patterns: (1) the youngest peak is younger than the right end of the boomerangretains the FT parametersof the
alepositionalage (SHMlC01, SHMIC03 and all samplesfrom sourceregion, whereas the age at the extreme left represents
zones2 and 3a exceptfor SHKG03 and SHMlC10) and (2) the the timing of cooling from maximum temperature. When
youngest peak is older than the depositional age (all other there is little difference between the original sourceage and
samples). Samples belonging to the first type can be the cooling age after post-depositionalheating, data points
subdividedfurther into subgroups:one having a single peak will be clustered,and the boomerangcurve will be poorly
indicatingtotal resettinghadoccurred(caseC in the previous resolved. This is the caseof zone 2 melange,and in addition,
section.SH32 and SHMIC08 in Figure 3a), and a secondwith the right end of the curve is not defined clearly becauseall
multiple peaks corresponding to case B. Track length samples have been heated meaning that the province ages
distributions (Figure 3 and Table 2) for most samples of have been lost. These ages should at least be older than the
pattern 1 have a significant number of short tracks with a depositional age. In this interpretation, the zone 2 melange
shortaveragelength,supporting the ideathatth6sesamples experienced maximum temperatures simultaneously along
were heated to within ZPAZ after deposition, with the strike, and its timing was later than-65 million years ago.
exceptionof SHMlC03 with a longer averagetrack length and The decompositiontechniquesof age distribution [Brandon,
SHKG09 and SHMIC01 for which there are no track length 1992; Galbraithand Laslett,,1993],whichis sometimesuseful
data. SHMIC03 and SHMlC01 in the Miocene melange have toestimate theminimum ageof heatingonsamples originaliy
ages of 15.4 Ma for the youngestpeak (Figure 3d), which is having mixed age populati6ns,is not adopted in this study
slightly younger than the estimateddepositionalage (29.3 to becauseradial plots indicate the difficulty of dividing grain
16.3 Ma). Consideringthe precisionof the FT age, however, ages of a sample into several groups.
the youngest peak is interpreted to correspond to the
depositionalage, giving no evidenceof heating to within the Eocene Melange: Diapiric Injection
ZPAZ in the Miocene melange. For pattern 2, there are two
alternative interpretations:one involving heating below the Sampleswere collectedfrom two rock facies in the Eocene
PAZ (case A) and the other involving heating into the PAZ melange.One is a chaoticfacieswhich can be relatedto a mud
(case B). These two interpretationsare indistinguishableon diapiric origin (SHMIC12 and SHMlC13), and the other
the basis of the spectrum of single grains alone but can be contains lenticular blocks in a matrix, suggestinga tectonic
made in considerationof track length data. Two samples,one origin by layer parallel extension(SHMIC15). Three samples

n=28 •
2oo 1=9.00+
•.48 I
o=2.53 -
i5 p(X2)<0.1% ßß •-.150 x=36%
• "...:::
75 ::::::

OOO.O, i


•=•4 ' • .... J....

' :::!:i::'
' SH07
50!:•[i!! n:10 1=9.56•0!39
_2oo o=2.25! I
ß P(X2)<O.
I,, -150 •
• [--
.L100 • ::..:

ß '-';..... z5
::::' sMTz54
ili.-ii:..-:!:i:i:i!ii•.• 5O

'i:i:i:' i:i:i:

:::::: i
. ._._.


n=45 /

iiiiIiiii •1
!96.4 n=18 1=10.2•.17
:::: T=122.9+10.42 o=1.11 I
P(X2)<0.1% x=l 1% I
• ::..-:


:::::::, i•i•
.211 I , ::[•::[•
5 10 15
100 200 300 460 Track Length (!•m)
Age (Ua)

:. SH18 n=45 ,

•• 72.6 n=29 -1=9.87+0.•6

I.:.:.:. ....

' x= 16% •:•:•:•

138P(X2)<0.1% ..................
i ,......


I ,.:.:.:

' :.:'
' !13
-I=10.38+(•. I '''
::,%.•_., T=105.0+1 100
•. o:o.78
-x=5.4%i ......
:: •: P(X2)<0.1
::' ',::•:• :
124 E-...............•1':
25 -•
J :•:•:•:
10 m
0 5 lO 15
0 1 O0 200 300 400
Track Length (!•m)

.• SH24
• n=38

::: :

:;,•; i : P(X2)<0.1%
T=59.9+6.2 ••.
1O0 •. 1=10.12_+
o=0.98 .16 ,.

..... -•i;:.=.'.;:5::-'-';:-'=-:.:-;-•
.......... • :.:.:.:

.=i:'i•.10 n'• ....
•:• , ::i:i:: 15
0 100 200 0 5 10
Track Length (!•m)
Age (Ma)

Figure 5. FT zircon age ,spectraand track length distributionof samplesfrom coherentunits. Age data are
from Hasebeet al. [1993a] and Tagami and Shimada[1996]. Track lengthswere measuredin this study.(a) Data
for the Cretaceous coherent units. (b) Data for the Eocene coherent units. (c) Data for the Miocene coherent
units. See Figure 3a for explanation.

150 relative to the regional gradient. This temperature anomaly

can be explained by the former existenceof a hot fluid along
the decollementzone [Vrolijk et al., 1988].
The age and track length distributionsof this study show
that not all the samples were heated into ZPAZ for Miocene
melange. However, shorttracksfound in the samplefrom the
contactmelangecould be interpretedas representative of such
a local thermal effect.

Across-Arc Variation

Plotted as age spectra,the data in Table 1 show that the

northernmelange,which accretedat an earlier time, underwent
0 5 10 15 strong annealing. Average track lengths plotted in Figure 5
show that the track lengthsare shorterfor melangeswith older
Track length depositionalages. Becauseit is unlikely that the systematic
decrease of track length representsprovenanceseffects, we
Figure 6. Average track lengths in zircon plotted against interpret the shorteraveragetrack lengthsas reflecting higher
alepositionalage. Solid symbols are samplesfrom melange maximum temperature achieved by greater burial and
units (square, Cretaceouszone 2; circle, Cretaceouszone 3; exhumationof samplesfrom the rear of the prism.
triangle, Eocene; and diamond, Miocene), open circles are
coherent sandstonesamples near the melange units, and other
open symbolsare coherentunits (square,Cretaceous;triangle, Comparison With Coherent Units
Eocene; diamonds, Miocene). Horizontal error bar represents
1c• on track length. Dotted region representsthe average The trend of the degree of thermal effect on melanges
length range for an unannealedsample [Hasebe et al., 1994]. discussed in the previous subsection is similar to that
Average lengths increase for samples with decreasing observedin coherentunits describedby Hasebe et al. [1993a].
depositional age. To comparethe degreeof annealingin the melangeswith that
in the coherent units in more detail, the track-length
distributions were measured (Figure 6) for representative
examplesof coherentunitswhich were selectedfrom the data
from thesetwo faciesand samplescollectedfrom the adjacent of Hasebeet al. [1993a]. The averagetrack lengthsare plotted
coherent unit (SHMIC17) underwent similar thermal effects. in Figure 5 as open symbolstogetherwith melange data.
This resultcan be interpretedin two ways relatedto the timing Althoughthe trendof lengthincreasingfrom northto southis
of diapiric injection. The first is that after diapiric injection, also observed in the coherent units, some differences from the
both the injecting and injectedmaterial experiencedthe same melangesare found. In the Eoceneand Miocenesamples,the
maximumtemperatureelevationthus eliminatingthe possible averagetrack lengthsand distributionpatternsof the coherent
differences in thermal histories between the two facies. The units are very similar to thoseof the melangeunits. However,
secondis that a mud volcano erupted after each facies had in the Cretaceoussamples,we do not find any samplesin
reachedits maximum temperature. In the latter case, the coherent units which have short average track lengths
vertical distanceof material transportby the diapiric injection comparableto the samplesfrom the melanges.This could be
would be too small to have a significant influence on the attributed to the samplingbias becauseonly three samples
fission track analysis. A commonconsequence for both cases were measured from coherent units or to a lesser thermal effect
is that the source of the injecting material is shallower than on the coherent units.
the top of ZPAZ depth, namely, ---10km under the ordinary
geothermalgradientof 10øC-20øC/kmexpectedin convergent
margins[Durnitru, 1991; Uyeda, 1984]. Cooling After Thermal Perturbation
Apatite data are usefulto track the cooling path following
Miocene Melange: Decollement at Shallow Levels maximum heating,becauseof the lower closuretemperatureof
apatite FT ages. Two apatite ages record Late Miocene
The thermal effects along the decollement itself can be cooling. Other apatite ages reported from Shikoku Island
investigated using the example of the Miocene melange. (Figure 1) also yield concordantages around 10 Ma [Agar et
SamplesSHMlC03, SHMIC04, and SHMIC05 were collected al., 1989; Hasebe et al., 1993a; Tagarni and Shimaria, 1996],
from the contact melange (interpreted as an ancient suggesting uniform cooling and exhumation of the whole
decollement), a sand block within a regional melange, and area. Hence it can be concluded that structural construction of
from a coherent unit just above the contact melange, the prism was completed before 10 Ma and that there has not
respectively[Hibbard et al., 1992]. been any significant reheating since that time.
Heat flow in modern accretionary prisms is greater at the
frontalpart and graduallydecreases
landward[Langsethet al.,
1990; Yarnano et al., 1992]. These observations can be Evolution of Melanges in an Accretionary Wedge
explained by the role of the decollementzone below the
wedge: hot fluid originating at depth may flow along the This work has shown that thermal perturbationcaused by
decollement [Fisher and Hounslow, 1990]. Fluid expulsion melange-forming processessuch as diapiric injection and
has already been confirmed by observationsof subduction movement along the decollement zone are negligible
zones [Moore et al., 1988]. Although the temperature comparedto the later evolutionof the material. This implies
anomaliescausedby suchfluids observedat the presentfront that melangeformationdoesnot result from vertical transport
are no more than 5øC-10øC, fluid inclusion analysis of of melangeforming materialsover large distancesacrossthe
melangesthat are consideredto representancientdecollement FT zircon partial annealingzone. Further, similaritybetween
zones suggeststhe existenceof a higher temperaturegradient coherentand melangefaciesin degreeof heatingindicatesthat

(a) oc km 50km
unitl I Miocene
unitI Coherent facies
lO 0
Pelagic sediment

100 - ,•10Mfi,•,'•?10Ma•
ß -, ....,•',,..'....c..".•'x,•
150 - V V V V

10- v

250 -
(c) (b)
300 -
, ...,., ..,... :,;, .......,.
350 - Underplating? .,•.'-:¾'y'y'y'y'y'"•.:.:.:•!'
• ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
4[' :•

facies •

Normal fault to make exhume


Thrust to form imbrication

Figure 7. A schematicfigure which representshow melangefacies rocks were incorporatedinto coherent

facies rocksduring progressiveinternaldeformation. (a) Three arrowsrepresentmaterialmigrationpathsunder
the framework of constantwedge shapeand 20øC/km thermal gradient with a surfacetemperatureof 10øC. The
wedge here is describedso that the positionof the trench has been fixed throughtime. abbreviationsare as
follows. APAZ, apatitepartial annealingzone and ZPAZ, zirconpartial annealingzone. (b) and (c) Schematic
close-upsof the place where material subsideforming imbricatestructure. Melange facies rocksform along a
decollementzone or by a diapiric injection. Downward steppingof a decollementzone could lead to increased
concentrationof melange facies. (d) Schematiccross section of the deep interior of the wedge. Rocks
outcroppingat the presentsurfacecould be situatedat each level.

it is better correlated with the position in the wedge rather diapiric origin would also undergo the deformation
than rock facies, which is consistent with the vitrinite accompaniedby other facies resultingin the mixture of blocks
reflectancevalues[Sakaguchiet al., 1992;Mori and Taguchi, which show chaoticfacies and other lenticularshapeblocks in
1988]. Althoughthe time of heatingis poorlyconstrainedfor the melange [Pickering et al., 1988] after formation at the
mostsamplesto be betweenalepositional age and -10 Ma of frontal part [Ashi and Taira, 1992; Shipleyet al., 1990]. Or
apatite ages, it is reasonableto believe that the coherent and diapiric injection may be initially taking place along a plane
melange' facies follows the similar time-temperature
paths of weaknesswhichoperatedas a fault or shearplane[Ashiand
which resulted from similar material transportationpaths. Taira, 1992; Brown and Westbook, 1988]. The local
Then, the questionarisesas to what mechanismis responsible variationof maximum temperaturereachedis also explained
for juxtaposingthe different rock facies. by internal deformation. Materials with slightly different
The answercouldbe given by consideringthe deformation thermal historiesare likely to be juxtaposedby movements
style in an accretionaryprism. An active accretionarywedge on discretefaults forming a mosaicstructure.
with material input by both offscrapingand underplatingis The generaltrendthat the moredeeplyburiedmaterialsare
destined to deform continuouslyto attain a critical taper found in the rear part of the wedge reflects the continuous
depending on the theological characteristics of wedge- uplifting of the materialafter reachinga maximumburial. The
forming material and the externalforcesfunctioningon the material which experienced tectonic rebound [Hasebe et al.,
wedge [Davis et al., 1983; Platt, 1986]. During such 1993a] earlier has been uplifted for a longer duration,
progressive internal deformation, melanges along and resultingin the exposureof material with a highermaximum
beneaththe ancientdecollementwill be incorporatedinto the temperature.In summary,the melange-formingprocessesand
coherent units and emplaced following a similar thermal subsequent histories of melanges are maintained by
history as the coherentunits (Figure 7). The melangesof progressive deformationin an accretionarywedge.

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