Faraday's Law
Faraday's Law
Faraday's Law
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In electric motors and generators you will usually have more than one of these causes at the same time. It doesn't
matter what causes the change; the result is an induced voltage, and the faster the flux changes the greater the
Example: In the standard example toroid core the flux, in webers, varies according to -
1 of 7 19/04/2019, 8:54 pm
Faraday's Law http://info.ee.surrey.ac.uk/Workshop/advice/coils/Faraday/index.html
Equation FYC
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"Very interesting", you yawn, "but what use is all this if I don't know anything about the flux in my inductor?" Well,
you often do know what inductance you have (henries). From its definition you know that -
dΦ = L × di / N Equation FYN
Substituting this into Faraday's Law -
v = N ( L di / N) / dt Equation FYO
Therefore -
Again, a minus sign is sometimes included to express the fact that the induced voltage opposes an external potential
driving the current. Fair enough, but the same is true of the voltage drop in a resistor, and who ever says V = - I × R?
Example: In the standard example toroid core current increases linearly by 3 amps per second. What potential is
induced in the winding?
The two turn winding gives an inductance of 8.8 µH (derived immediately on the terms page). The current is given
by i = 3 t. Substituting into equation FYU -
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Faraday's Law http://info.ee.surrey.ac.uk/Workshop/advice/coils/Faraday/index.html
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This is what Faraday's Law insists the 'back emf' of the inductor must be. It
should now be clear that the value of vL must be only the tiniest bit less than
vG. If it were significantly less then the PD across RS would increase and
(because RS is only a µΩ) the current would rapidly increase, the flux in the
core would increase and thereby compensate through increased vG - rather
like a 'feed-back' system.
You seek the actual value of flux, rather than its differential, so you
integrate -
3 of 7 19/04/2019, 8:54 pm
Faraday's Law http://info.ee.surrey.ac.uk/Workshop/advice/coils/Faraday/index.html
(1 / 2) 20 t = 10 t
You sustain this potential for 3 µs, so substituting this time you
obtain an actual flux value
From the core datasheet you know that the saturation flux
density is 0.36 tesla and the effective core area is 19.4 mm2. The
maximum allowable peak flux is therefore -
This is several times less than the actual flux, so the core is saturated. To correct the problem you should either apply
fewer volts (4.66), apply them for less time (698 ns) or use more turns (9).
Satisfy yourself that the above result is consistent with our original formulation of Faraday's law: voltage is
proportional to the rate of change of flux. No change of flux ⇒ no induced voltage. Flux increasing linearly ⇒
constant positive induced voltage. It's still Faraday's Law, just seen from a different perspective.
Example: If a sinusoidal waveform of RMS amplitude V = 230 volts at frequency f = 50 Hz is applied to an inductor
having 200 turns then what is the peak value of magnetic flux, Φ?
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Faraday's Law http://info.ee.surrey.ac.uk/Workshop/advice/coils/Faraday/index.html
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In the special case where v is a constant then this formula for the current simplifies to -
i = V × t / L + I0 Equation FYQ
Here, I0 may be thought of as a constant of integration representing the current which flowed in the inductor at the
start (t = 0).
One important general point: if your winding has to cope with a given signal amplitude then the core flux is
proportional to the inverse of the frequency. This means, for example, that mains transformers operating at 50 or 60
Hz are larger than transformers in switching supplies (capable of handling the same power) working at, say, 50 kHz.
Example vG is a sine wave (Figure FSBa) of RMS amplitude, VG = 230 volts at a frequency f = 50 hertz - standard
values for the UK mains supply. You apply this to a 3.5 henry inductance. What current will flow?
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Faraday's Law http://info.ee.surrey.ac.uk/Workshop/advice/coils/Faraday/index.html
As far as the general shape and phase of the applied potential goes, you can easily see that it is the same as the
differential of the current. At t = 0 you have the maximum (negative) value of current but its slope or time variation
is zero so the induced voltage is zero. At t = 5ms the current slope is at its most positive value so the induced voltage
is also at its most positive. Mickey is a happy man.
The amplitude of the current can be verified using an ordinary circuit analysis approach -
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Faraday's Law http://info.ee.surrey.ac.uk/Workshop/advice/coils/Faraday/index.html
These web pages concentrate on the theory required to design coils. Please don't leave with the idea that Faraday's
law is just about bits of wire - they are there simply to 'sample' the electric field produced by a shifting magnetic
field. The E-field is there even without a coil.
It was deduced in 1862 by James Clerk Maxwell that the converse happens: that a changing electric field produces a
magnetic field. Put the two together, that a change in one gives the other and vice-versa, and you might wonder
where it all ends. In fact it ends with a dance between the two forms of energy in which E and M continually rub
shoulders within what is called an electromagnetic wave - of which light, radio and X-rays are all examples.
Maxwell expresses Faraday's law in a more general vector field equation -
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⇦ ⇧ ⇨
Cup cores. More on magnetics. The force due to a field.
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