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Shallow Composite Floor Decks

Deck fixing
Immediately after laying, the deck must be FIXING INFORMATION FOR SHALLOW DECKING
fixed through its trough to the top of the
To Steel Heavy duty powder actuated fixings - Hilti ENP2
supporting structure. Powder actuated nail/Spit SBR14 or equivalent
pins or self-drilling screws are used.
Self-drilling screws. To steel up to 11mm thick -
Side lap fixings are required at 1000mm. SFS SD14 - 5.5 x 32 / EJOT HS 38 or equivalent. To steel
Where shear studs are being used, the deck up to 17mm thick SFS TDC-T-6.3 x 38 or equivalent
requires two fixings per sheet per support at To Masonry Pre drill hole - use self tapping fixing suitable for masonry/
sheet ends and one fixing per sheet at or Concrete concrete - SFS TB-T range/EJOT 4H32 or equivalent
intermediate supports.
To side laps Self drilling stitching screw typically SFS SL range / EJOT
Where shear studs are not employed, the or closures etc. SF25 or equivalent
deck must be fixed as follows:


ComFlor 70 & 80
End fixing 3 per sheet
(2 per sheet when
using shear studs)
Intermediate 2 per sheet
supports (1 per sheet when
using shear studs)
Side fixing onto support 1 fixing at 600mm c/c

Deck fixing on CF 80

3 fixings per sheet

Shallow Composite Floor Decks
Bearing requirements
End bearing and shared bearing (minimum) Continuous bearing (minimum)

50mm 50mm 75mm

Steel Section Steel Section

70mm 70mm 100mm

Masonry Masonry

Edge trim
This is used to retain the wet concrete to the
correct level at the decking perimeters. It is
fixed to the supports in the same manner as
the deck and the top is restrained by straps at
600mm centres, which are fixed to the top of
the deck profile, by steel pop rivets or self-
drilling screws.

Edge trim Selector

Edge Maximum Cantilever (mm)
trim Galv. Steel Edge Trim Thickness (mm)
depth 0.9 1.2 1.6 2.0
130 100 125 160 195
150 0 115 150 185
200 x 100 130 160
250 x 0 100 135
300 x x 0 100
350 x x x 0
x - not recommended
Shallow Composite Floor Decks
Shear connectors Ceilings and services hanger systems Installation
Most commonly used shear connectors are The dovetail shaped rib on the ComFlor 80
19mm diameter headed studs, which are profile allows for the quick and easy
welded to the support beam through the deck, suspension of the ceiling and services, using
a process carried out by specialist either of the two following suspension systems.
stud welding contractors.
(a) Threaded wedge nut fixings
Site conditions must be suitable for welding
and bend tests carried out as appropriate.
ComFlor 80
The spacing and position of the shear
connectors is important and must be defined
by the design engineer on the deck set out

Minimum Spacing: The minimum centre-to-

spacing of stud shear connectors should be
5d along the beam and 4d between adjacent
studs, where d is the nominal shank diameter.
Where rows of studs are staggered, the
minimum transverse spacing of longitudinal
lines of studs should be 3d.
The shear stud should not be closer than
20mm to the edge of the beam. See page 21.
Further guidance on shear studs for
designers and installers may be found in
The Steel Construction Institution publications:
Wedges are dovetail shaped steel blocks,
P300 Composite Slabs and Beams Using
which are threaded to take metric bolts or
Steel Decking: Best Practice for Design and
threaded rods. The wedge nut hanger system
Construction, P055 Design of Composite
is installed after the concrete of the composite
Slabs and Beams with Steel Decking.
slab has been poured and is hardened.
Mesh placement
Standard reinforcing mesh, such as A142,
For installation of the system, wedge nuts are
A193 and A252 is usually required, positioned
inserted into the raised re-entrants of the
towards the top of the slab. The top cover to
profile before being rotated 90 degrees, after
the reinforcement mesh should be a minimum To install the GTD-clips, the two dovetail
which the dovetail shaped wedge nuts will
of 15mm and a maximum of 30mm. Support shaped ends are compressed by hand and
lock into the dovetail re-entrants under vertical
stools are required to maintain the correct inserted into the dovetail re-entrant of the
loading. Finally, the bolts or threaded rods are
mesh height. profile, before being rotated 90 degrees. One
finger tightened up to the roof of the re-
The mesh must be lapped by 300mm for A142 then lets go of the two ends and the clip will
entrants and mechanically tightened.
and A193 mesh, and by 400mm for A252 and snap into position and is tightly connected.
A393 mesh. (b) GTD-clip hangar fixings Finally, bolts, threaded rods or pipe clamps
GTD-clip hangar fixings are cold formed thin are connected into the soffit opening of the
Casting concrete
steel hangers with circular openings in the soffit GTD-clip.
Before the concrete is poured, the decking must
to take metric bolts, threaded rods or further
be cleared of all dirt and grease, which could
pipe clamp hangers. The system is installed
adversely influence the performance of the
after the composite slab has been poured and
hardened slab. The oil left on the decking from
the concrete is sufficiently hardened. Loadbearing Capacities
the roll forming process does not have to be
removed. Concrete should be poured evenly, Thread Maximum
System Size Static Working
working in the direction of span. Load (kg)
Care should be taken to avoid heaping of Wedge Nut 4 100
concrete in any area during the casting 6 100
8 100
GTD - Clip 6 90
Construction and day joints should occur over
8 90
a support beam, preferably also at a deck joint. 10 90
GTD - Clip & N/A 45
Pipe Clamp
A minimum safety factor of 4 has been applied
to the safe working load capacities
Shallow Composite Floor Decks
Openings greater than 300mm must be
designed by the engineer, with extra
reinforcement placed around the opening.
Openings up to 700mm can be
accommodated readily in composite slabs, by
boxing out prior to pouring concrete and cutting
out the deck after concrete has cured.
Larger openings require support trimming
steel, which must be installed prior to the
decking. The decking is cut away immediately
and the opening edges are then treated like
any other perimeter with edge trim.

Note:– do not cut the opening in the steel

deck prior to concreting, or before the
concrete has cured. Timber shutter Dense polystyrene block

Temporary supports [c] The spreader beams or timbers are to Temporary Props
The safe design and installation of temporary provide a minimum bearing width of l00mm.
Timber Bearer Guide (shallow decks)
props is the responsibility of the main The spreaders must not deflect more than All to be min. 100mm wide
contractor or designated sub-contractor. 10mm and should be placed narrow edge up, Slab depth (mm) Bearer depth(mm)
Where temporary supports are required by the see diagram.
up to120 150
design, these must provide continuous [d] The propping structure is not to be
support to the profiled sheeting. Spreader removed until the concrete has reached at 130 - 160 200
beams (timbers) are used, supported by least 70% of its characteristic strength.
170 - 200 250
temporary props at one metre centres. The horizontal bearer timbers must be at least
[a] The timbers and props must be of 100mm wide and should be propped at no
adequate strength and construction more than 1m centres. Sometimes the
[b] The temporary supports are placed at specification may call for 150mm wide
midspan or at other suitable centres if more bearers, as determined by the structural
supports per span are required. Please engineer or concreting contractor.
contact our Technical Department

Temporary support using an

’Acrow’ type prop

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