BHS ELA English 10 Julius Caesar Study Guide

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English 10 Julius Caesar Study Guide Questions

Terms to Know:
Pun simile
Soliloquy foreshadowing
Anachronism allusion
Aside stoicism
blank verse dramatic irony
Triumvirate metaphor
Luprical prose
4 humors verbal irony
Elizabethan Chain of Being

Julius Caesar Calpurnia Octavius
Brutus Antony Lucius
Cassius Metellus Cimber Lucilius
Decius Casca Cinna(poet)
Artemidorus Portia Trebonius
Pompey Cicero Publius Cimber
Pindarus Strato Titinius
Lepidus Cato Messala
Marullus Cinna(conspirator)

Act 1, Scene I
1. How does Shakespeare make the common people appear to be less than noble?
2. What are the people doing that angers Marullus and Falvius? Why does this
anger them?
3. What actions do Marullus and Flavius take to correct he situation?
Act 1, Scene II
4. Why does Caesar want Calphurnia to stand in Anthony's path during the race in
honor of the feast of Lupercal?
5. What is Antony's response to Caesar's instructions? What does this suggest
about their relationship?
6. What is Caesar's reaction to the soothsayer's warning?
7. What complaint does Cassius make about Brutus's behavior towards him? How
does Brutus answer this complaint?
8. Cassius's story attacks what aspect of Caesar's makeup? What is this attack
supposed to say to Brutus?
9. What does Cassius mean by the following statement? "'Brutus' will start a spirit
as soon as 'Caesar'." (147)
11. What astute observation does Caesar make of Cassius?
12. What faults does Caesar see in Cassius's nature?
13. What does Caesar mean by the following statement? "I rather tell thee what is to
be feared/Than what I fear; for always I am Caesar." (211-12)
14. What does this statement show about Caesar's nature?
15. What story does Casca relate to Brutus and Cassius? What does Casca tell us by
the personal remarks he adds to the story?
16. How did the people react to Caesar's fit? What does this tell us about their
feelings for Caesar?
17. What information does Casca give about Marullus and Flavius?
18. At the end of the scene, what plans does Cassius make to sway Brutus to his
Act I, Scene III
19. What wonderous things has Casca seen on this night?
20. What reason does Cassius give for the terrible storm?
21. What important news does Casca give Cassius about the Senate's plan?
22. What does Cassius mean by the following statement? "He were no lion, were not Romans hinds." (106)
23. What instructions does Cassius give Cinna that will help sway Brutus to their cause?
24. What reason does Casca give for wanting Brutus to join their cause?
Act II, Scene I
25. What question is Brutus pondering at the opening of the scene?
26. For what information does Brutus want Lucius to look at a calendar? What is the significance of what Lucius
27. Why do the conspirators want Cicero to join them?
28. Why does Brutus reject Cicero? What is Cassius's reaction and what does this show about his and Brutus's
29. What do the conspirators plan to do the next day?
30. How does Decius say he will make sure that Caesar will come to the Capitol?
31. What has Portia done to show Brutus that she is worthy of knowing his secrets?
Act II, Scene II
32. What strange and horrible things does Calphurnia report to Caesar that have
been seen that night?
33. What does Calphurnia mean by the following statement?
"When beggars die, there are no comets seen;/The heavens themselves blaze forth the death of
princes." (30-31)
34. How does Decius convince Caesar to go to the Capitol?
Act II, Scene III
35. What is Artemidorus's plan?
Act II, Scene IV
36. Why is Portia so nervous and upset? On what errand does she send Lucius?
Act III, Scene I
37. In regard to Artemidorus's request, how does Caesar's nobility doom him?
38. What is Metellus Cimber's petition to Caesar? What is Caesar's response and why does he give this response?
39. What does Brutus instruct the conspirators to do before they go before the
public? Why does he instruct them to do this?
40. What request does Antony's servant bring to Brutus? What is Brutus's response?
41. Why does Cassius object to letting Antony speak at Caesar's funeral? What
reassurance does Brutus give him?
42. What promise does Antony give Brutus about his funeral speech?
43. After being left alone with Caesar's body, what does Antony promise to do?
Act III, Scene II
44. What reason does Brutus give for murdering Caesar? What is the crowd's
45. What final mistake does Brutus make in letting Antony speak?
46. Why does Antony read Caesar's will to the people?
47. At the end of the scene, what are the fates of Brutus and Cassius?
Act III, Scene III
48. What is the significance of this scene?
Act IV, Scene I
49. What ae Antony, Octavius, and Lepidus doing at the opening of the scene?
50. Why do they want Caesar's will? What is ironic about this?
51. What is Antony's plan for Lepidus? What is his reason?
Act IV, Scene II
52. What does Brutus tell Lucilius about dying love?
53. What practical instructions does Brutus give Cassius about their disagreement? What is unusual about this?
Act IV, Scene III
54. What wrong does Cassius say Brutus has done him?
55. In response, what does Brutus condemn Cassius for doing?
56. What does Cassius threaten to do if Brutus continues to "urge" him?
57. According to Brutus, how has Cassius wronged him? What is ironic about Brutus's accusation?
58. To prove that he has been wronged, what does Cassius tell Brutus to do to Him?
59. What is the real reason for Brutus's ill temper? Give all of the details.
60. Messala brings what ill news of the triumvirate's actions in Rome?
61. What reasons does Cassius give for not going directly to Philippi?
62. What reasons does Brutus give for going directly to Philippi? Who prevails?
63. What happens to make Brutus speed up his plans to go to Philippi?
Act V, Scene I
64. What hope of Octavius and Antony is answered? What does this say about
65. What does Cassius mean by the following statement?
"Flatterers! Now, Brutus, thank yourself;/This tongue had not offended so today;/If Cassius might have rules."(45-
66. What ominous sign has Cassius seen that causes him to fear the coming battle?
67. What does Brutus say he will do if they lose the battle? Why is he reluctant to do this?
Act V, Scene II
68. What horrible mistake does Cassius make? What is the outcome of this mistake?
69. What is Titinius's reaction to Cassius's actions?
70. What is Brutus's response to Cassius's and Titinius's actions?
Act V, Scene III
71. What role does Lucilius take upon himself? What was Antony's response to his masquerade?
Act V, Scene IV
72. What request does Brutus make of Clitus? What is his reponse?
73. What does Brutus ask Volumnius to do? Whatt reasons does he give? What is Volumnius's response?
74. What does Strato do for Brutus? What does Strato ask Brutus to do first? Why?
75. What overture of peace does Octavius make to Brutus's men?
76. How do Antony and Octavius honor Brutus?

Important Quotes:Directions: As we go over these quotes in class identify who says them to who and what they
mean in the context of what is happening in the play. Record the literary device if applicable.

“You blocks, you stones, you worse than senseless things!”

“It was Greek to me.”

“Yond Cassius has a lean and hungry look;/He thinks too much: such men are dangerous”

“Men at some time are masters of their fates: The fault, dear Brutus, is not in our stars, But in ourselves, that we are

”Et tu Brute”

“There is a tide in the affairs of men Which, taken at the flood, leads on to fortune; Omitted, all the voyage of their
life Is bound in shallows and in miseries.”

“Friends, Romans, Countrymen…Lend me your ears”

“Why, man, he doth bestride the narrow world like a Colossus.”

“I was not born to die on Brutus’ sword.”

“…this is my answer—not that I loved Caesar less, but that I loved Rome more.”

“The sun of Rome is set,”

“Most noble brother, you have done me wrong,”

“most unkindest cut of all.”

“But I am constant as the Northern Star.”

“But Brutus says he was ambitious,/ And Brutus is an honorable man.”

“This is a slight, unmeritable man, meet to be sent on errands,”

“You showed you teeth like apes, and fawned like hounds./ and bowed like bondmen, kissing Caesar’s feet,”

“The conquerors can but make a fire of him,”

“And therefore think him as a serpent’s egg—Which, hatched, would as his kind grow mischievous—And kill him
in the shell.”

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