Julius Caesar Act II Test
Julius Caesar Act II Test
Julius Caesar Act II Test
Selection Test
The Tragedy of Julius Caesar, Act II
William Shakespeare Pupil’s Edition page 798
____ 2. Caesar’s initial decision to stay home rather than to go to the Senate is a response to
a. the omens he perceives
b. the words of Decius
c. his desire not to appear ambitious
d. the concerns of Calphurnia
____ 4. Caesar disregards the omens for all of the following reasons except
a. he does not trust the augurers
b. he does not want to appear cowardly
c. he feels fate is inescapable
d. he feels invincible
____ 5. Brutus compares Caesar to a newly hatched serpent in order to show that Caesar is
a. Rome’s greatest leader
b. corrupt and destructive
c. capable of becoming a tyrant
d. ineffective but honorable
____ 7. Shakespeare uses Calphurnia to build suspense about what will happen in all of the fol-
lowing ways except
a. urging Caesar not to go to the Senate
b. recounting all the disturbing omens
c. suggesting that Caesar pretend he is ill
d. relating that she dreamt Caesar was assassinated
____ 8. states that “cowards die many times before their a. Artemidorus
____ 11. senator whom Brutus refuses to ask to join the d. Caesar
How do these lines reflect both Brutus’s inner conflict and the outer conflict that builds in Act II?
Write your answer on the lines provided, and use at least two examples from the play to support
your ideas.
Collection 12: Ambition or Honor?
The Tragedy of Julius Caesar, • support their ideas with at least two exam-
ples from the play. For example:
Act I • Cassius sees the storm as a call to end
Caesar’s tyranny. It is the gods’ harsh com-
SELECTION TEST, page 138 mentary on Caesar’s growing ambition and
Comprehension a warning that a horrible disaster will
descend if Caesar isn’t stopped.
1. d 2. b 3. d 4. c 5. a
• Another reading of the storm might be that
Literary Element Cassius’ plan to destroy Caesar is the erup-
6. b 7. c 8. d tion that will upset the order of the state.
Cast of Characters
9. d 10. b 11. e 12. c 13. a The Tragedy of Julius Caesar,
Written Response Act II
14. Responses will vary. In a model response, stu-
dents should fulfill the following criteria: SELECTION TEST, page 140
• demonstrate understanding of the prompt Comprehension
• clearly describe how Cassius’ view of the
1. a 2. d 3. c 4. a 5. c
storm’s meaning varies from Cicero’s view,
and offer a reasonable alternative interpreta- Literary Element
tion of the storm 6. c 7. d