Julius Caesar Act 5 Quiz

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Julius Caesar
Act 5 Reading Comprehension Quiz

_____ 1. Antony thinks that Brutus and Cassius:

A. Are engaging in battle to show off their courage.
B. Are beginning to feel regret over their murderous deeds.
C. Are becoming sloppier in their planning, making them predictable to plan
a counterattack.
D. Have surrendered leadership responsibilities to Titinius.

_____ 2. Who argues with Antony over Antony’s plans?

A. Titinius
B. Octavius
C. Lepidus
D. Lassius

_____ 3. Brutus and Cassius compare Antony to:

A. A devil.
B. A bee.
C. A hummingbird.
D. A dying fire.

_____ 4. Cassius acknowledges that he now:

A. Is open to the idea that superstitions are real.
B. Wishes he had listened to the Soothsayer’s advice.
C. Wishes he had listened to the poet’s advice.
D. Wishes he had never participated in the conspiracy against Caesar.

_____ 5. Who does Brutus send to give Cassius written instructions during battle?
A. Titinius
B. Lucilius
C. Messala
D. Strato

_____ 6. How does Cassius’s flag-bearer die?

A. He is trampled in a massive battle.
B. He is tortured by his enemies.
C. He is killed by Cassius.
D. He is impaled by his own flag.

© Inquiring Mind of the English Teacher Kind

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_____ 7. According to Titinius, what led to Antony getting an advantage in the battle?
A. Antony’s superior intellect and imagination.
B. The rushed nature of Brutus’s orders.
C. Messages delivered by carrier pigeons.
D. The ghost of Caesar provides supernatural assistance.

_____ 8. How does Cassius die?

A. Brutus betrays him, as he did Caesar.
B. Caesar’s ghost chokes him.
C. He consumes poisoned wine.
D. He convinces a friend to stab him.

_____ 9. Who pretends to be Brutus?

A. Lucilius
B. Strato
C. Titinius
D. Octavius

_____ 10. Antony’s treatment of Lucilius:

A. Is merciless; Antony takes his anger out on Lucilius.
B. Is strategic; Antony hopes to gain the trust of Lucilius.
C. Is inconsistent; Antony wants Lucilius to keep questioning his motives.
D. Is financial; Antony intends to bribe Lucilius to spare his life.

_____ 11. Which character agrees to assist in Brutus’s suicide?

A. Voluminus
B. Octavius
C. Lucilius
D. Strato

© Inquiring Mind of the English Teacher Kind

This resource is intended for use by a single classroom teacher and may be shared with students in physical form or via school-sanctioned
online platforms. Posting this resource elsewhere online is a violation of this resource’s terms of use and copyright law.

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