VW MQB Golf MK7 Lighting Explanation
VW MQB Golf MK7 Lighting Explanation
VW MQB Golf MK7 Lighting Explanation
Table of Contents
How MQB platform vehicles (like the Mk7 Golf) control external lights -preliminary observations .... 1
1. Introduction .................................................................................................................................... 2
2. The Basics ........................................................................................................................................ 2
3. Anatomy of the Adaptation Channel Description ........................................................................... 3
4. Complete Leuchte Channels listing for a mk7 - Attachments......................................................... 4
5. Leuchte channels - other considerations: ....................................................................................... 4
5.1 Lamp fault protection .............................................................................................................. 4
5.2 Conflicts - who wins! ................................................................................................................ 5
5.3 Lighting Configuration Channels .............................................................................................. 5
6. Example-Designing a VCDS Tweak with Leuchte Programming .................................................... 6
Attachments............................................................................................................................................ 9
Leuchte Programming: Adaptation Channel Description ................................................................... 9
Leuchte-set designations: MBQ platform vehicles ....................................................................... 11
Leuchte Programming:"Alpha" channels - permissible settings ....................................................... 16
Leuchte Programming: "Lasttyp" channels - permissible settings ................................................... 18
Leuchte Programming: Permissible settings-VCDS screen shots...................................................... 19
Leuchte Programming: Lamp positions (incandescent) -Pictorial .................................................... 22
Leuchte Programming: Lamp positions (Xenon/LED) -Pictorial........................................................ 23
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1. Introduction
The 09-Cent. Elect. control module, or as it is also known, the Body Control module (BCM) is a
central component in any car. But the BCM is particularly important in MQB platform vehicles. The
importance of the BCM in the mk7 Golf is underscored by the fact that it contains anywhere from
1,760 to 2,500 adaptation channels, depending on the unit that has been installed. This is over 50%
of all of the adaptation channels in the car.
Buried deep within the large list of functions that the BCM manages is control of the car's lights. In
the mk7 Golf, there are 665 adaptation channels devoted entirely to the way that the car's external
lights operate. Understanding how the BCM allocates resources to these adaptation channels
enables VCDS cable users to customise the way that lights operate.
2. The Basics
Whilst there are numerous adaptation channels devoted to lighting in the mk7, this document
concentrates specifically on those channels that control the car's external lighting (and the foot-well
lighting). These lights include the front headlight and rear taillight assemblies, fog-lights, cornering
lights and side marker lights.
Regardless of the light, the structure of the group of adaptation channels that control its operation is
the same. For each external light:
There are 19 x Adaptation channels which are used to manage how each light works. I call
these associated 19 x channels, a (Leuchte) Channel-set.
o Each adaptation channel in a Channel-set commences with an identifier, being the
bracketed number (1) to (19)
Channels with bracketed numbers (1), (2) & (3) are basic set-up channels that establish the
nature of the light and the Bit configuration for lamp error detection (i.e. detection of
filament short/open condition)
The remaining 16 x adaptation channels (i.e. bracketed numbers (4) to (19)) are grouped
into 4 Banks of 4 x adaptation channels. I call each of these 4 x adaptation channels a
(Leuchte) Channel-subset.
o Each of these Channel-subsets is separately programmable as a pair of functions.
o Within each subset, the first 2 x adaptation channels has two functions which are
defined by an alphabetic identifier (i.e. A and B, C and D, E and F, G and H) - I call
each of these a (Leuchte) Alpha channel.
o The remaining two channels in each subset determines the "Dimmwert" (Dimming
value) and the "Dimming Direction" of the pair of functions. I call these (Leuchte)
Dimming channels
As an example, Table 1 below shows the adaptation channels that control the outer Tail light lamp
on the right side of the car . The table has been coloured to illustrate the structure that has been
described above. Note the construction: the first three channels (set-up channels) and the 4 x
programmable channels sub-sets (Banks), with each sub-set containing 2 x Alpha channels and the
Dimming channels. Note also that Channel (7) has a different label. This will be explained in the next
Right Brake /Tail Lamp (outer)
Adaptation Description Setting (103TSI)
(1)-Leuchte21BR RC8-Lasttyp 21 13 - Bremsleuchten
(2)-Leuchte21BR RC8-Lampendefektbitposition 21 20
(3)-Leuchte21BR RC8-Fehlerort mittleres Byte DTC-DFCC 21 3A
(4)-Leuchte21BR RC8-Lichtfunktion A 21 Brake light
Bank 1
Label Meaning
(1) to(19) Basic identifier for the adaptation channel
Leuchte German for "Light"
"21" This is a simple sequence-number (i.e. range is 0-34). Initial investigation suggests
that this number links "Leuchte" Channels to "Lighting configuration" channels (see
subsequent description).
BR German abbreviation for the lamp position. In this case BR means "Bremslicht hinten
Rechts", or in English, Brake-light, Rear right
R " Rechts ", or in English "Right". The Left Lamp will have the letter L (for "Links" in
C8 The physical connector for the light on the BCM. In this case: Socket "C", pin "8"
"A", "B"........"H" 8 x programmable functions - these are the Alpha Channels
AB, CD, EF, GH Dimming Value and Dimming Direction commands for an Alpha pair - these are the
Dimming channels
HD In German, HeckDeckel , or "Trunk Lid". This channel determines how the light will
behave when Trunk Lid is open/closed. The stored value for this adaptation channel
can be "always" or "Only_if_closed", meaning that the light will illuminate always,
or only if the trunk lid is closed
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Table 5A: The entire list of the Adaptation Channel descriptors for mk7 Golf including the
German abbreviation (with English translation) and the Socket/Pin for each
external light.
Table 5B: Listing of adaptation channel identifiers and lamp position on the car
Table 5C: Leuchte-set designations comparing a range of MQB platform vehicles
Table 6: The allowable settings that may be applied to the "Alpha" adaptation channels
Table 7: The allowable settings for the "Lasttyp" channel (i.e. the first adaptation channel
in a Channel-set)
Screen -shots: Copies of VCDS screens for those adaptation channels where there are
limitations in the permissible settings
Lamp position: Pictorial information detailing the lamp position and Leuchte channel for each
Channel-set (
Lamp protection appears to take place in the adaptation channels that commence with parenthesis
(2) and (3) (i.e. the adaptation channels "Lampendefektbitposition" and "Fehlerort mittleres Byte
DTC-DFCC"). Not much is known about these two mysterious channels outside VW and I have not
been able to find any information regarding their operation. My suspicion is that the settings in
these two adaptation channels refer to a Hexadecimal memory address. If these two channels are
memory locations it's not surprising that an individual setting may only be used once in a BCM. Table
2 below shows the settings for Leuchte channels (2) - "Lampendefektbitposition" and (3)-
"Fehlerort mittleres Byte DTC-DFCC" for the complete set of lamps for a 103TSI Golf
Light Config. Socket Function (English) (2) (3)
channel PIN No
0 B36 Left Front Turn Signal 34 14
1 B20 Right Front Turn Indicator 3E 15
4 B4 Left Daytime Running Light 48 43
5 B32 Right Daytime Running Right 4C 44
6 C5 Left Low Beam Headlamp 36 1A
7 B1 Right Low Beam Headlamp 40 1B
8 B39 Left High Beam Headlamp 37 1C
9 B2 Right High Beam Headlamp 41 1D
12 B45 Left Front Fog Lamp & Cornering Lamp 38 22
13 B5 Right Front Fog Lamp & Cornering Lamp 42 23
18 A60 Left Rear Turn Indicator 8 16
19 C31 Right Rear Turn Indicator 18 18
20 A71 Left Brake /Tail Lamp 10 39
21 C8 Right Brake /Tail Lamp 20 3A
22 A57 High Mounted Brake Light 29 2C
23 C10 Left Tail Light (Inner) 0A 29
24 A65 Right Tail Light (inner) 1A 2A
25 A59 Left License Plate 28 30
26 A72 Left/right Rear Fog Lamp 1C 2F
28 C11 Left Back-up Lamp 0B 31
29 A64 Right Back-up Lamp 1B 32
30 C72 Left/Right Front Foot well Lamp 0 2
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Table 2
To demonstrate how the Leuchte priority rule works in reality, I have created an artificial list of
settings for the Inside rear light on the left side tail-light assembly as shown in Table 3 below
Table 3
I have set-up the rear inside light in this example so that it will perform the following three function
in priority order:
Table 4
Notice the identical structure of each channel set and the similarities in the stored values. Notice
also the linking number for each bank of channels in the channel description (in this case the number
"6"). This pattern is replicated for all light banks in the BCM. However not all exterior lights share the
closeness of stored values which are exhibited in table 4 above.
Of the 35 x channel-sets in the BCM of my 103TSI, 10 x channels-sets are not active. Of the 25
channel-sets that are active, 6 x channels-sets appear to have a close correlation between the
Leuchte channels and the Light configuration channels. The remaining 19 x "active" channel-sets do
not appear to have this correlation.
The close correlation channels are: Low Beam Headlamp, Front Turn Indicator and Daytime Running
Lamp (left and Right lamps in each case). The only linking aspect for these lights is that they are all
part of the front headlight assembly albeit the High beam lamp is missing from the list. Whenever a
stored valued of a Leutche channel is changed for these lamps, the corresponding stored value of
the Lighting configuration channel automatically changes to the altered value.
At the time of writing, the purpose of the Lighting configuration channels is not known. However,
my initial suspicion is that each Lighting Configuration channel-set records the set-up parameters
for the power supply circuits of the exterior light that is defined in its twin Leuchte channel-set.
Clearly more information is needed about Lighting configuration channels. If you can help in this
regard, please PM me (I'm on VWWatercooled, VWVortex, VWGolf.net.au, Golfmk7 and RT forum)
Any information that adds greater clarity to this matter would be welcomed - Thanks in advance
For the purpose of this example, the incandescent rear tail-lights on my 103TSI will be changed so as
to add a "brake-light" function to the inner fitting. In its default state, the inner tail-light only act as
parking lights.
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The Leuchte-set for the left and Right lamps are shown in the table 5 below
(2)-Leuchte23SL HLC10-Lampendefektbitposition 23 0A
(3)-Leuchte23SL HLC10-Fehlerort mittleres Byte DTC-DFCC 29
(4)-Leuchte23SL HLC10-Lichtfunktion A 23 Standlicht allgemein (Schlusslicht;
Positionslicht; Begrenzungslicht)
Bank 1
(2)-Leuchte24SL HRA65-Lampendefektbitposition 24 1A
(3)-Leuchte24SL HRA65-Fehlerort mittleres Byte DTC-DFCC 2A
(4)-Leuchte24SL HRA65-Lichtfunktion A 24 Standlicht allgemein (Schlusslicht;
Positionslicht; Begrenzungslicht)
Bank 1
Table 5
Note that the only"Bank" that is populated in each of the Leuchte-sets is the Parking light function
(i.e. in the AB Alpha pair in Bank 1).
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1. The first decision to be made is what priority to give the new Brake light function given the
programming for the existing lamp is as a Parking light. In this case, the new Brake light
function will be given priority over the Parking light so it will be placed into Bank 2 (i.e. the
CD Alpha pair)
2. The next step is to select the correct setting for the alpha channel in Bank 2 so that the lamp
is instructed to illuminate whenever the Brake pedal is pressed. A quick look at Leuchte
Programming:"Alpha" channels - permissible settings in the attachment to this paper
confirms that the appropriate setting is Brake light (not surprisingly). So, the setting for:
a. (8)-Leuchte23SL HLC10-Lichtfunktion C 23 (Left lamp), and
b. (8)-Leuchte24SL HRA65-Lichtfunktion C 24 (right lamp)
should be changed from not active to Brake light
3. Finally, the tweak needs to establish the lighting level, and the profile of illumination for the
Brake light function, This is done via the Dimming channels. For this tweak, an illumination
of 100% is appropriate and clearly the lamps should "light-up" (rather than "extinguish-
down") in illumination. So the settings for:
a. (10)-Leuchte23SL HLC10-Dimmwert CD 23, and
b. (10)-Leuchte24SL HRA65-Dimmwert CD 24
should be changed from 0 to 100, and
a. (11)-Leuchte23SL HLC10-Dimming Direction CD 23, and
b. (11)-Leuchte24SL HRA65-Dimming Direction CD 24
should be maximum (ie.these channels should remain unaltered)
The table below summarises the required changes for the VCDS teak in this example
Adding Brake Light function to Incandescent Inner Rear Lights -VCDS Tweak
Table 6
The specific instructions for enacting the VCDS tweak changes above are:
Leuchte Programming: Adaptation Channel Description
Anatomy of Leutche Adaptation Channel Descriptions
Adaptation Channel Name Funktion (German) Function (English)
Link to Light Abbreviation Position Socket
Config. channel on Car PIN No
0 BLK VL B36 Blinker vorne links Indicator, Front Left (head Lights)
1 BLK VR B20 Blinker vorne rechts Indicator, Front Right(head Lights)
2 SL VL B10 Standlicht vorne links Parking-Light, Front Left
3 SL VR B21 Standlicht vorne rechts Parking-Light, Front Right
4 TFL L B4 Tagfahrlicht links Daytime Running Lights Left
5 TFL R B32 Tagfahrlicht rechts Daytime Running Lights Right
6 ABL L C5 Abblendlicht links Low Beam, Front Left (headLights), Halogen / Xenon
7 ABL R B1 Abblendlicht links Low Beam, Front Right (headLights), Halogen / Xenon
8 FL L B39 Fernlicht, link High Beam, Front Left (head Lights)
9 FL R B2 Fernlicht, rechts High Beam, Front Right (head Lights)
10 SHUTTER L B23 Remote Light shutter Front Left (head Lights)
11 SHUTTER R B22 Remote Light shutter Front Right (head Lights)
12 NL L B45 Nebelscheinwerfer vorne links Fog-Light, Front Left (optional)
13 NL R B5 Nebelscheinwerfer vorne Rechts Fog-Light, Front Right (optional)
14 AL L B6 Not used
15 AL B B44 Not used
16 BLK SLB35BLK SL K C9 Blinker hinten links im Indicator, Rear Left-inside (LED tailLights)
17 TFL RBLK SR K C3 Blinker hinten rechts Indicator, Rear Right-inside (LED tailLights)
18 BLK HL A60 Blinker hinten links (außen) Indicator, Rear Left-outside (tailLights)
19 BLK HR C31 Blinker hinten Rechts (außen) Indicator, Rear Right-outside (tailLights)
20 BR L A71 Bremsleuchte, hinten links Brake-Light, Rear Left (Rear Lights)
21 BR R C8 Bremslicht hinten rechts Brake-Light, Rear Right (Rear Lights)
22 BR M A57 Bremsleuchte, hinten in der Mitte Brake Light, Rear-center (third brake Light)
23 SL HL C10 Standlicht hinten links im Parking-Light Rear Left-inside (Rear Lights)
24 SL HR A65 Standlicht hinten rechts im Parking-Light Rear Riight-inside (Rear Lights)
25 KZL H A59 Kennzeichenbeleuchtung Number plate Light
26 NSL L A72 Nebelschlussleuchte hinten links Fog-Light Rear Left-inside (Rear Lights)
27 NSL R C6 ?????? Stand back Lights both inside (LED tailLights)
28 RFL L C11 Rückfahrlicht, links Reversing-Light, Rear Left-inside (Rear Lights)
29 RFL R A64 Rückfahrlicht, Rechts Reversing-Light, Rear Right- inside (Rear Lights)
30 FR L C72 Fußraumbeleuchtung Footwell Lighting
Table 5A
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Table 6
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Table 7
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Diagram altered 4/04/2015 - error showing Right rear-outside light as Leuchte20BR LA71-Lasttyp 20 corrected (should have been
Leuchte21BR RC8-Lasttyp 21) - thanks MRG_AU
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