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IS 4720 (1982): Code of Practice for Ventilation of Surface

Hydel Power Stations [WRD 15: Hydroelectric Power House

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( Reaffirmed 2003 )
IS :4720 - 1982

Indian Standard

( First Revision 1

Hydroelectric Power House Structures Sectional Committee, BDC 59

Members Representing
Srrr:~ S. E. B HELKE ( In-chair ) Irrigation Department, Government of Maharashtra,
PI~OF B. M. AHUJ~ Indian Institute of Technology, New Delhi ’
Dn B~I.JESH CHANDRA School of Research and Training in Earthquake
Engineering, Roorkee
D R SATYENDR~ P. GUPTA ( Alternate )
SHRI T. K. CH~NDY Kerala State Electricity Board, Trivandrum
C HIEF E NGINEER ( CIVIL D ESIGNS )Karnataka Power Corporation Ltd, Bangalore
CEIEF ENGINEER ( D & R ) Irrigation Department, Government of Punjab,
D IRECTOR ( POWER PL.~NT ) ( Alternate )
C HIEF E NGINEER ( M~NITORIX~ ) Czntral Electricity Authority, New Delhi
DEP~JTY DIRECTOR ( HED-I ) ( Alternate )
S HRI 0. P. DATTA Beas Project, Talwara Township
SHRI R. N. B.~NSAI, ( .4Zternate )
DIRECTOR ( HCD-II ) Central MJater Commission, New Delhi
DEPUTY DIRB~TOR ( HCD-II ) ( Alternate )
SHXJ T. A. E. D’Sa The Concrete Association of India, Bombay
S HRI Y. K. Mn.1-r~~ ( Alternate )
S H R I J. P. Gaprn Irrigation Department, Government of Uttar
Pradesh, Lucknow
S HRI D. K. AGRAWAL ( Alternate )
SISRI P. A. KRISHN.4SWAMY U. P. State Electricity Board, Lucknow
SHXI SANTOSH SINGII ( rllternate )
SHE1 T. S. MURTHY National Projects Construction Corporation Ltd,
New Delhi
SERI D. N. K OCHHAR ( Alternate )
S HRI P. B. P~TIL Gammon India Ltd, Bombay
SHRI S. M. JOSHI ( Alternate )

( Continued on page 2 )

@ Copyright 1982
This publication is protected under the Indian Copyright Act ( XIV of 1957 ) and
reproduction in whole or in part by any means except with written permission of the
publisher shall be deemed to be an infringement of copyright under the said Act.
IS :4720- 1982
( Continuedfrom page 1 )

Members Representing
SHRI V. RAMA RA O Andhra Pradesh State Electricity Board, Hyderabad
R EPRESENTATIVE Irrigation Department, Government of Orissa,
S UPERINTENDING E NGINEER Tamil Nadu Electricity Board, Madras
P ROF 0. D. TH A P A R WRDTC, University of Roorkee, Roorkee
Bharat Heavv Electricals Ltd, Secunderabad
SHRI P. K. JAIN ( Alternate)
S HRI K. C. VE~MA Punjab State Electricity Board, Patiala
S HRI M. S. SANDHU ( Alternate )
S HRI G. RAMAN, Director General, IS1 ( Ex-oflcio Member )
Director ( Civ Engg )
Assistant Director ( Civ Engg ), IS1

IS : 4720 - 1982

Indian Standard
( First Revision )

0.1 This Indian Standard was adopted by the Indian Standards
Institution on 14 January 1982, after the draft finalized by the
Hydroelectric Power House Structures Sectional Committee had been
approved by the Civil Engineering Division Council.
0.2 This standard was first published in 1968. Since then more
experience has been gained in the field and to reflect the latest practices
the present revision has been taken up. In this revision, requirements of
natural ventilation with the provision of windows and ventilators have
been included.
0.3 Due consideration should be given to the ventilation requirements in
designing surface hydel power stations. Provision for ventilation becomes
necessary in the power station building to provide for any or all of the
~following purposes:
a) To prevent temperature stratification,
b) To remove contaminated or vitiated air,
c) To remove waste heat from generators,
d) To provide for cooling or heating of building,
e) To furnish clean/tempered air, and
f) To furnish outside air necessary for human comfort.
0.3.1 Ventilation in surface hydel power stations ~by natural means
alone using gravity may be sufficient in some stations to meet the above
mentioned purposes. Where these purposes cannot be met by natural
ventilation, forced ventilation or combination of the two with heating
and cooling systems, where necessary, may be resorted to ensure clean,
and if necessary, tempered air to reach various premises in the power
station, which will, otherwise, receive little or no ventilation and where,

IS:4720- 1982
for the protection of equipment and to maintain satisfactory thermal
environments, the heat to be removed is too great to be handled by
0.4 In the formulation of this standard, due weightage has been given to
international co-ordination among the standards and practices prevailing
in different countries in addition to relating it to the practices in the field
in India. This requirement has been met by deriving assistance from
the following publications:
ASHRAE guide and data book 1977. American Society of Heatin;,
Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers, Inc., New York.
United States of America. Department of the Interior and Bureau
of Reclamation. Design Supplement No. 6 Turbine and pumps.
Government Printing Office, Washington.
United States of America. Department of the Interior and Bureau
of Reclamation. D e s i g n S u p p l e m e n t N o . 8 Miscdlaneous
mechanical equipment and facilities. Government Printing
Office, Washington.
0.5 This standard is one of a series of Indian Standards on surface hydel
power stations. Other standards so far published in this series are:
IS : 4247 ( Part I )-1978 Code of practice for structural design of
surface hydel power stations: Part I Datafor design (first revision ).
IS : 4461-1979 Code of practice for joints in surface hydroelectric
power stations (jr& revision ).
IS : 4721-1968 Code of practice for drainage and dewatering of
surface hydel power stations.
0.6 For the purpose of deciding whether a particular requirement of
this standard is complied with, the final value observed or calculated,
expressing the result of a test or analysis, shall be rounded off in
a c c o r d a n c e w i t h I S : 2-1960”. The number of significant places
retained in the rounded off value should be the same as that of the
specified value in this standard.

1.1 This standard covers basic requirements regarding design of
ventilation system for surface hydel power stations.

*Rules for rounding off numerical values ( revised ).

IS :4720- 1982

1.1.1 For installation, operation, testing and maintenance of ventilating

system reference may be made to IS : 3103-1975*.
1.2 This standard, however, does not cover the requirements for
ventilation of generators or other equipment and specifications for fans,
ducts and other equipment used in the ventilation of surface hydel power

2.1 The ventilation may be of following types:
a) Natural, that is, by forces set in motion by the heat of sun,
namely, winds; and
b) Forced or artificial, that is, by extraction or propulsion.


3.1 Natural Ventilation
3.1.1 Thorough ventilation of power house building should be aimed
at by the provision of adequate windows and ventilators.
3.1.2 Provision of Windows and Ventilators - The object of providing
windows and ventilators is two-fold, that is, to get fresh air and light.
The minimum area of windows and ventilators to be provided in power
house building shall be one-tenth of the floor area. However, efforts
should be made to increase it to one-fifth of the floor area. Windows
should be well distributed and be located on windward side at low level
and should not, as far as possible, be obstructed by adjoining structures
or partitions. When wind direction is variable, windows should be
provided on all sides, if possible. Effort should be made to develop
cross-ventilation. For protection against fire, it is preferable to provide
steel doors and windows in power house and auxiliary rooms. Reference
may be made to IS : 1038-19757 and IS : 1361-1978:. The ventilators
should be fixed as high as possible for proper expulsion of warm air.
Full advantage should be taken of sunshine which is important in
ventilation its availability depends on the orientation of the power house
which in turn may depend on site condition. In providing openings,
measures to guard against entry of birds, moths, etc, should be taken.
3.2 Forced Ventilation
3.2.1 Forced ventilation system is designed keeping the inlet fan
capacity 10 percent more than the exhaust fan capacity.

*Code of practice for industrial ventilation ( jimt r&ion ).

tStee1 doors, windows and ventilators ( second r&ion ).
@tee1 windows for industrial buildings (jirst reoision ).

IS :4720 - 1982
3.2.2 Unassigned rooms and storage rooms should be carefully
considered, so that sufficient ventilation may be provided in those which
might be used for purpose requiring additional ventilation in the future.
3.2.3 In portions of the power station building where moisture
condensation is anticipated, dehumidified air should be supplied to
prevent condensation, as condensation causes deterioration of point,
corrosion of metal surfaces and breakdown of insulation on electrical
3.2.4 The quantity of air required for the power station building
should be worked out from the number of air changes preferred for the
various premises of the building as given in Table 1. In addition to this
the points given in to should also be kept in mind.


P E R Hou~t

Main generator room, dark room, light and 2

heavy storage rooms, dewatering and
drainage sumps, record room
Passage, approach gallery, pipe gallery, 4
ventilation equipment room, govrrnor
gallery, cable gallery, dewatering drainage-
pump room or gallery
Oil storage and oil purification rooms, 6
service ( pump ) gallery, oil sludge room,
compressor room, terminal board room,
machine shop, tool room, pipe shop,
electrical laboratory, fan room, battery
room, telephone and communication
equipment room
All offices, reception room, toilets, shower, 8
kitchen, first-aid room and control room One air change per hour means that the quantity of air
equivalent to the total volume of the room is supplied to and exhausted
from the room each hour. This air may be all outside air or a part of
the~circulated air, depending upon the oxygen content. The proportion of outside air to the circulated air supplied
to a room depends upon temperature conditions, number of occupants
and kind of equipment installed in the room. The number of air changes per hour provided for any room
is dependent upon the number ofoccupants. The air should be changed
at the rate of 1.5 ms/min per person and not less than O-3 ms/min of this
air should come from outside sources.

IS:4720-1982 The number of air changes per hour provided for rooms
containing equipment generating heat shall necessarily be increased,
depending on the amount of heat to be carried out by the ventilating
system. For medium climates, the maximum temperature rise of air
carrying off heat of transformers should be limited to 2O”C, and for hot
climates the temperature rise shall be limited to 16°C ; however, the final
temperature of the air exhausted shall not exceed 45°C. Air supplied to rooms containing special mechanical or
electrical equipment should be filtered aridcirculation maintained at a
minimum, through diffusers, to prevent the accumulation of dust on
sensitive mechanisms. The relative humidity of air supplied should not
be higher than 65 percent. Rooms which may contain air contaminated with
objectionable or harmful odours, carbon dioxide gas or smoke, should
be exhausted directly to the outside of the building. When heating or cooling units are provided in the power
house, their effect on the quantity and temperature or air circulating
through the building shall be considered.
- The spacing of supply and exhaust openings in long rooms
or galleries should be such that sufficient air changes per hour are
provided along the full length of the room.

4. F A N S
4.1 Forced air ventilation is provided by propeller, axial or centrifugal
type fans powered by electric motors. Propeller fans may be used either
to supply or exhaust where no duct system, filters or other restrictions
are in the air passage. When duct system is used, axial or centrifugal
fans may be used for any type of operation involving the movement of
air and may be accompanied by filters, and coolers or heaters where
cleaning and tempering of supply air is required. Choice of a particular
type of fan may be made by consulting the fan manufacturers data,
which give full operating characteristics with a preferred range of
operation for a particular fan.


5.1 Openings are provided for intake and exhaust of air where outside
air is required for ventilation. Where natural ventilation is used, the
opening of windows is sometimes sufficient. For forced ventilation,
special openings are required. The number of openings for intake and
exhaust of air depends on the space arrangement in the building, on the
size of the building and the design of the ventilation system. Small

IS:4720- 1982

power plants may have one opening of each type. For larger power
plants, separate outside air intake should be installed for the control,
service and main unit bays. Each intake should be provided with storm
louver+ screens, and dampers for controlling the mixcure of outside and
circulated air. T h e o b s t r u c t i v e e f f e c t o f t h e l o u v e r s s h o u l d b e
compensated for by making the gross area of the initial intake twice the
area of the connecting duct. When filters are used, the area shall be
increased to accommodate the required filter area.
5.2 Air opening may be placed any where on the exposed walls or roof
of the power plant building, except that, in order to reduce dust intake,
air intake should be at least 1.25 m above ground or deck level.
5.3 Air is exhausted from the building through exhaust openings provided
with louvers or by axial-.flow exhaust fans located near the roof in the
main generator room. Normally, the number of exhaust openings may
be more than the air inlet openings, since the spaces to be exhausted are
seldom located in the same general area, nor do they have common
requirements. Individual centrifugal fans and connecting ducts are
usually installed to exhaust air from toilets, battery rooms and oil storage
5.4 The size of air openings is dependent on noise level, and to a lesser
degree, on horse power requirements, since the smaller the opening the
higher will be the noise level and the resistance. The size of air
openings may also be worked out from the air velocity as recommended
in Table 2, which will be found to give satisfactory results in designing
conventional systems.

6.1 It is desirable to clean the air entering the power plant building in
order to remove the air-borne dust particles which, if allowed to enter
the building, may have an abrasive effect on rotating machinery,
interfere with the operation of electric or electronic devices, and may,
otherwise settle on equipment, giving a dirty appearance. T h e a i r
filters are usually located upstream of the fan. The size of the air filters
may be determined by the recommended velocity of air passing as given
in Table 2. The choice of the air filter may be made by reference to
the manufacturer’s catalogues.

7.1 When the desired temperatures and humidities inside the hydel power
station are not obtainable by ordinary ventilation, air-conditioning may
be resorted to by heating or cooling the entering air to the desired
temperature to maintain comfortable working conditions in the premises
occupied by working personnel. The premises where it will be desirable

IS : 4720 - 19S2


( Clauses 5.4 and 6.1 )



m/min m/min
(1) (2) (3) (4)
9 Outer air intakes 150 370
ii) Filters* 110 110
iii) Heating coils* 180 210
iv) Air washers 150 150
v) Fan outlets 500-730 850
vi) Main ducts 370-550 670
vii) Branch ducts 250-300 550
viii) Branch risers 250 500
*These velocities are for total face area and not the net free area; other velocities in
the table are for net free area. The net free area is the total minimum area of the
opening in the face of a coil, grille, register or louver through which air can pass.

to provide air-conditioning are control. room, machine shop, offices,

reception room, first-aid room, dark room, electrical laboratory,
s w i t c h g e a r land terminal board room and telephone and carrier
communication room. For air-conditioning reference may be made to
IS : 659-1964* and IS : 660-1963t.
7.2 In general, all rooms, used by sedentary personnel shall be maintained
at 22°C with a relative humidity of about 50 percent, or in special cases
local radiant type portable heaters may be used for the space actually
occupied. Operation of the air-conditioning system should be
independent of the main ventilating system and the control of the system
should be automatic by means of thermostatic devices. Heating and
cooling load computations may be based on currently accepted standard

8.1 Where positive ventilation requires ducts for proper air distribution,
considerable advantage may be achieved by incorporating the ducts
into the building structure and by having the interior surfaces carefully
finished to render them smooth and air-tight.

*Safety code for air-conditioning ( revised ).

TSafety code for mechanical refrigeration ( revised).

IS :4720 - 1982

8.2 Where meta duct work is installed, it shah be fabricated from

galvanized steel or aluminium sheets, and shall conform to IS : 655-1963”.
8.3 The transfer of air by ducts; from source to delivery point, should
be as direct as practicable with the fewest possible bends. Flexible
connections shall be provided between fans and duct work to prevent the
noise of fan vibration being transmitted directly to the sheet-metal ducts.
8.4 The size of the air ducts shall be worked out from the permissible
air velocities given in Table 2.
8.5 Supply and exhaust ducts of acid battery rooms shall be painted with
acid resistant pain1 both inside and outside.
8.6 Ducts shall be suitably insulated wherever required.


9.1 To regulate the flow of air in a ventilating system, control dampers
shall be provided throughout. At outside air intakes, multi-louver
dampers shall be used to control the amount of air admitted. A similar
damper is required on inside air intakes to control the amount of
recirculated air. These two dampers shall be interconnected to permit
regulation of the proportion of outside air to inside air used in the
ventilating system. These may be operated manually or automatically.
Back-draft dampers are used where it is desired to prevent a reverse flow
of the air, such as the air supply duct to a battery room. Exhaust ducts
from rooms containing a fire hazard shall have dampers which can be
automatically and manually closed in case of fire. Discharge openings,
provided with propeller exhaust fans, should be fitted with motor or
mechanically operated type multi-louver dampers, which will open and
close automatically when the fan motor starts and stops.

*Specification for metal air ducts ( revised ),


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