Is 10782 1983

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$3 : 10782 - 1983

Indian Standard

soi1 Engineering and Rock Mechanics Sectional Committee, BDC 23

Chairman Representing
DR JA~DISI~NAR~IN Association Of Indian Universities, New Delhi
SHRI P. D. A~ARWAL Public Works Department, Government of Uttar
Pradesh, Lucknow
SW B.L.DHAWAN( Alternate)
PROPA~AM SINoH University of Jodhpur, Jodhpur
SHRI B. ANJIAH Engin~ring Research Laboratories, Government
of Andhra Pradesh, Hyderabad
SHRI E. M. BENJAMIN Concrete Association of India, Bombay
SBm N. C. DUGGAL( Alternate )
CHIBFENGINBBR( IPRI ) Irrigation Department, Government of Punjab,
DIRECTOR ( DAM ) ( Akrna~e )
SARIA. G. DASTLDAR In personal capacity ( 5 Hungerford Street, 1211,
Hungerford Street, Calcutta )
DR G. S. DHILLON Indian, Geotechnical Society, New Delhi
DIRECTOR,IRI Irriga;;;es3”t, Government of Uttar
SHaI A. H. DIvANJI Asia Foundations and Construction (P) ,Ltd,
SHRI A.N.JANGLE( Alternate)
DIRSC~~R Cent~ra,~ioii & Materials Research Station, New
DR GOPALRANJAN University of Roorkee, Roorkee; and Institute of
Engineers ( India ), Calcutta
SHRIS. GUPTA Cemindia Company Limited, Bombay
Spur N. v. DE-SOUSA( Alternate )
SHRI M. IYENaAa Engineers India Limited, New Delhi
&RI ASHOKK. JAIN G. S. Jain and Associates, Roorkee
SBai VIJAY K. JAIN ( Alternate )

( Continued on page 2 )
@o, Copyright 1984


This publication is protected under the Indian Copyright Act (XIV of 1957) and
reproduction in whole or in part by FY means except with .written permission of the
publi&er shall be ~deemed to be an lnfrlngement of CoPYrIght under the said Act.
( Continuedfrom page 1’)

Members Representing


( DE )-I, RDSO
( GE )-II, RDSO ( Alternote
LT-COL V. K. KANITKAR Engineer-in-Chief’s Branch, Army Headquarters
SHRI0. P. MA~HOTRA Public Works Department, Chandigarh Adminis-
tration, Chaodigarh
SHW D. R. NARAHARI Ceot;~or~~ldiog Research Institute ( CSIR ),
SHRI V. S. AGARWAL( Alternare )
SHRI T. K. NATRAJAN Central Road Research Institute ( CSIR ),
New Delhi
&RI RANJITSINGH Ministry of Defence ( R & D )
SHRI P. D. DE~HPANDB ( Alternate )
DR Gi V. RAO Indian Institute of Technology, New Delhi
DR K. K. GUPTA ( Alternate )
R~~URCHOFFICER ( B & RRL ) Public Works Department, Government of
Puojab, Chandigarh
SECRETARY Centgti?oard of Imgation and Power, New
( Alternate )
SHRI N. SXVA~URU Roa$rzzr;) ( Ministry of Shipping and
SHRI P. R. KALRA( Alkfnate )
SF K. S. SRIF~VASAN National Buildings Organization. New Delhi
DR~N. SOM Jadavpur University, Calcutta
S~tttN. SUBRAMANYAM Karnataka Engineering Research Station,
SUPERINTENDING ENGINEER Public Works Department, Government of Tamil
( ?$&)mn ENGINEER( SMRD ) Nadu’ Madras
( Alternate )
&RI H. C. VERhlA All India Instrument Manufacturers land Dealers
Association, Bombay
SHRI H. K. GUEU ( AIternate )
SHRI G. R&IAN. Director General, IS1 ( Ex-officio Member )
Director ( Civ Engg )

Senior Deputy Director ( Civ Engg ), ISI

( Continued on page 10 )

Indian Standard
0.1 This Indian Standard was adopted by the Indian Standards Institution
on 30 December 1983, after the draft finalized by the Soil Engineering and
Rock Mechanics Sectional Committee had been approved by the Civil
Engineering Division Council.
0.2 A number of Indian Standards covering method of test to assess
various properties of rock are being formulated. This standard covers the
property of dynamic modulus which is important property for assessing
suitability of type of foundation.
0.3 In reporting the results of a test or analysis made in accordance with
this standard, if the final value, observed or calculated, is to be rounded
off, it shall be done in accordance with IS : 2-1960*.

1.1 This standard covers the method for determination of dynamic
modulus of rock core specimens in the laboratory from ultrasonic wave
2.1 The test specimen shall preferably be a right cylinder with tolerances
speci6ed in 2.3, although specimens of any shape with regular geometry
could be used. The specimen may be prepared as sljecified in
IS : 9179-1979t.
2.2 The specimen to be tested in laboratory should be rock sam$les oven-
dried at 60&2’5“C for 1 to 2 hours and cooled in a desiccator, unless
otherwise specified by defining the moisture content, or thti simulated
in Situ conditions.
2.3; Sptwimen Dimensioris
2.3.1 The specimen dimensions may be according to IS : 91.79-1979t.

*Rules for rounding off numericai values ( revised ).

tMethod for the preparation of rock specimen for laboratory ~QS!&,

IS : 10782 - I983

2.3.2 In addition, the diametral end faces are required to be smooth

finished and polished to ensure good acoustic contact.
3.1 Technique - There are different acoustic and ultrasonic techniques for
the velocity determination of rock core specimens on laboratory
specimena. The most commonly used and widely accepted is the pulse
transmission technique involving the measurement of transit times of the
compressional ( longitudinal ) and shear ( transverse > waves for a known
length of the sample.
3.2 Electronic Layout - The simplest layout of the electronic units for the
pulse transmission technique is in Fig. 1.
3.3, Equipment
3.3.1 Pulse Generator
Pulse form : Sine, square, step-wave.
Pulse width : 0’1-10 t~s, or more.
Pulse repetition frequency : 10-5 000 Hz, or more.
Pulse advance : O-10 vs.
Pulse delay : O-100 ps.
8 .. Pulse polarity : Positive or negative.
Pulse rise time : 0’02 t.cs.
Pulse amplitude : The pulse voltage shall be commensurate to the
acoustic transducers and not exceed their
permissible limits.
_ Provisions for synchronising output and input.
3.3.2 Acoustic Transducers
a) Transmitter - It converts the electrical pulses into acoustic
( mechanical ) pulses. Depending on the frequency of excitation
desired, a suitable probe may be chosen.
b) Receiver - Converts back the mechanical pulses into electrical
4 Matching - Matched pairs of transmitting and receiving
: -. transducers with respect to their fundamental’
; excitation yield ,the best wave form and amplitude. frequency of
,. ^
4 Piezo-elements - The piezo-electric ceramic elements ( barium
titanate, or lead zirconate titanate ) of the required frequency
. * (plates,
normally 100 KHz:- 10 MHz ) be chosen in the form of
discs, rods, rings, etc, to generate/receive the excitation
( assuming the media are ,non-dtsperstve ).


e) Excitution - The mode of excitation could be compressional,

or shear wave, suitable ceramic elements polarized to vibrate
in the thickness mode for transmitting, or receiving, the com-
pressional waves be used; similarly, suitable ceramic elements
polarized for shear waves. Alternatively, the shear waves may
be generated and received using mode conversion transducers,
or angle probes.
f) Logarithmic taper
3.3.3 AmpGjier - A low noise, wide-band ( DC-15 MHz ), preamplifier
will be necessary for rock core studies. It can have a gain of 100, or
more, and where necessary, two amplifiers in cascade may be used for
highly attenuating media.
3.3.4 Oscilloscope
a) A double beam oscilloscope with a band width of DC-15 MHz,
and rise time of 0’02 PS or faster will be suitable.
b) An inbuilt delay time marker facility in the oscilloscope will be
necessary for transit-time measurements. Alternatively, a marker
generator, preferably with a movable marker, be used for the
same purpose.
cl A time base with a maximum sweep rate~of 0’1 ps/cm on at
least one of the channels may also be had.
d) X-amplification facility ( at least ten times >, in addition to the
normal Y-amplifier would be advantageous for the observation
of the on-set pulse and its form.
4.1 To ensure good acoustic coupling between the test specimen and the
transmitting, and generating piezo-transducers, suitable coupling media
like light oil, soft grease, phenolic jelly, resin, salol ( phenyl salicylate ),
epoxy compounds, etc, may be used. To keep the acoustic contact
conditions uniform, a nominal stress of about 10 N/cm2 ( with a suitable
contraption or jig > is desirable.
5.1 The rock core specimen be prepared bestowing due care in its drilling,
cutting, grinding, lapping and polishing as mentioned in 2.
5.2 The transmitting and receiving piezo-transducers be made ready by
selecting the piezo-elements of the required frequency. Separate
transducers/probes be made ready for the compressional wave propagation
( also called the dilatational wave, or P-wave ) and the shear wave
propagation ( also called the torsional wave, or transverse wave, or
$-wave ), using a suitable jig, or otherwise.

1s : 10782- 1983

5.3 By placing the transmitting and receiving transducers on opposite

sides of the test specimen, check for uniform contact throughout the
surface area of the polished faces. Also apply the nominal stress and
recheck for good contact ( which will be possible only when the errors in
non-parallelism of the sample faces are minimum ).
5.4 Check the individual electronic units for their working. Complete the
layout of Fig. 1. Observe the wave form of the transmitted pulse alone
initially on the oscilloscope for its form and changing the repetition
frequency, polarity, and width; and note position of the start of the



T=Transmitter R-Receiver
5.5 Bring the transmitter and receiver in direct contact after applying a
little of the coupling medium and observe the received pulse and set the
pulse rate, width and amplitude to attain an optimum level of the
visua!ized steep pulse that would allow accurate measurement; and note
the initial delay (t& in the transducers and the electronic set-up ( resulting
due to the thickness of the end covers of the two transducers, cables,
coupling, etc ), as against the observation earlier made with the’ transmit-
ted pulse alone.
5.6 Measure the length (I) of the test core specimen. Introduce the
specimen between the transmitting and receiving transducers ensuring good
contact conditions after using a coupling medium; and thereafter reset
the pulse rate, width and amplitude to obtain the best and optimum pulse .
form; and also note the horizontal shift in the received pulse position on
the oscilloscope screen and record the travel time with the sample (tz),
using the movable delay time marker of the oscilloscope, or independently
using a time marker generator.
5.1 Verify tl and t2 by repeating the operations given in 5.5 and 5.6
observing for consistancy of results. The difference of (t,) and (tl) is a mea-
sure of the transit time (t& or (t,) in the specimen corresponding to the
P-wave, or S-wave, and for these measurements, a precision of 1 in 100
for (t,) and in 1 in 50 for (z~) are generally in practice. These accurate
transit time measurements are best made in the fastest workable sweep
ofthe oscilloscope permissible for known length (I) of the sample.


5.8 The velocities of either P-or S-waves (V,, V,) are calculated from
the measured transit times (t9), or (t,), and the distance (I) between the
transmitter and receiver.

5.9 For shear waves, however, the measurement of apparent travel

time of some standard material ( steel, aluminium, quartz ) as a
function of its length is desirable, in addition to the transmitter and
receiver being in ,direct contact for (t,) measurement so wasto avoid any
misjudgement of the shear wake first alrival.


6.1 Length of the rock core specimen = 1 cm

Delay time in transducers and~electronic layout = t,, ps
Delay time with the insertion of test specimen = I~, ps
Transit time in test specimen ( rock core ) = tl--tl = to,
or ts, vs
Compressional velocity = V, a l/tl), m/s
Shear velocity = V, = I/t,, m/s

When once V, and V8 are known, and if the measured density of

the rock core specimen is p ( kg/m3 ), then the dynamic modulus of the
specimen (E), as well as all the other elastic constants, namely, rigidity
modulus (G), Poisson’s ratio (v), bulk modulus (K) and compressibility
(p) could be calculated following the relations given below:

6.2 Relations for dynamic moduli

E = PV,~ ( 3Vs2-4Vsz ) 1 ( VD”-Vs2 ), Pa

G = pV?, Pa.
y = ( V,*-2Vs2 ) / 2 ( VP2--V2 ), Ratio
K = p ( 3V,2-4V,2 ) / 3, Pa
/3 = 1 / K, Pa-’
is:lo%i - 1983
6.3 Transit time display ( see
Fig. 2 )
Wave form of the pulse _-r7
-_-.--_ .__.__

Wave form of the pulse

with the
and receiver
in direct
contact ( first arrival ) -CL/-
Wave form of pulse with
rock specimen between
the transmitter and
receiver ( first arrival ) +----

7.1 The individual electronic units of the layout as in 2.2 should be
impedance matched.

7.2 Use of shielded cables and suitable connectors should be practised

for efficient energy transfer as well as for the suppression of noise.

7.3 Prevention of damage to the layout given in 3.2 is ensured by not

exceeding the allowable input voltages.

7.4 Care in the preparation of the specimen faces, as well as the transmit-
ter and receiver faces will help in avoiding errors due to non-parallelism
and ensure proper acoustic contact conditions that are essential for the
wave velocity measurements.

7.5 Where saturated specimens are to be tested, the saturation time shall
be not less than 72 hours at ambient conditions, and the sample shall
remain submerged in water up to the time of testing.

7.6 The pulse travel distance through the sample shall not be less than
ten times the average grain size of the test specimen and also not less than
ten times the wavelength.
NOTE - The condition for infinite extent is satisfied, when average grain size is
less than the wavelength of the pulse which is less than the minimum specimen

Is : 10762 - 1983

The report shall give the following information:
a) Particulars of the rock core specimen
i) Rock type
ii) Location [ place ( latitude, longitude ), country, area/region,
geological formation, quarry, drill hole, any other allied
special information 1.
b) Sample dimensions and its geometry.
c) Megascopic description [ fresh, weathered, nature of phenocrysts,
geological features ( bedding, lineation, folination, joints, veins,
etc 1.
d) How obtained ( sample collection is due to quarrying, breaking,
blasting, drilling, sawing, etc ).
e) Orientation f particulars of north, dip, strike, etc ).
f) Microscopy ( details of petrography and fabric examination,
microfracture distribution, etc ).
g) Preparation ( details of sample preparation, quality of the core,
number of cores taken and their orientation, etc ).
h) Details of electronic layout ( particulars of the pulse generator,
amplifier and oscilloscope settings used for actual measurement
of transit time and observation of the wave form ).
j) Particulars of the acoustic transducers ( size, shape, frequency,
mode of excitation, details of mounting, etc ).
k) Ply--ical properies ( density, porosity, permeability, absorption,

m) 1Measurements
Length of the sample = 1 cm
Initial delay in transducers, electronics and set-up = tl, FS
Delay time with the sample between the transducers = t2, 1s
&uutacy/re@eatability of ti and t2 ( interchanging the faces for
eontact )
Ii-oeiocity, v-, ~II/S Density, P, kg/m”
!&velocity, V,, m/s Stress, Pa
Partictflars of transit times, how measured?
Computer programmed elastic moduli
CR0 tr&~photograph
p) Name of laboratory/observer.
q) Date.

Is : 10782- 1983

( Continued from page 2 )

Rock Mechanics Subcommittee, BDC 23 : 5

C0?ZVe?li?r Representing

PROPBHAWANISINGH University of Roorkee, Roorkee

SHRI AMARSINGH Cent~~o~e~ding Research Institute ( CSIR ),
ASSISTANTRESEARCH OFFICER,IRI Irrigation Department, Government of Uttar
Pradesh, Lucknow
DIRECTOR,CSMRS @Itrdl Soil and Materials Research Station,
New Delhi
DIRECTOR Central Water & Power Research Station, Pune
SHRI S. L. MOKHA~HI( Alternate )
DR A. K. DUBE Centr~~~Iv$ing Research Station ( CSIR ),
SHRI P. S. GOSAL Irrigation & Power Department, Government of
Punjab, Chandigarh
SHRI M. D. NAIR Associated Instrument Manufacturers (I) Private
Limited, New Delhi
PROFT. S. NAGARAJ(Alternate )
SHI~IP. L. NARULA Geological Survey of India, Calcutta
DR Y. V. RAMANA National Geophysical Research Institute ( CSIR ),
DR T RAMAMURTHI Indian Institute of Technology, New Delhi
RESEARCH OFFICER,SRPD Irrigation Department, Government of Maha-
rash&a. Bombav
SECRETARY Central Board of Irrigation & Power, New Delhi
DIRECTOR(C) ( kIterirate )

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