Pricing Under Oligopoly (Price Leadership)
Pricing Under Oligopoly (Price Leadership)
Pricing Under Oligopoly (Price Leadership)
A few sellers
Oligopoly is a market structure in which a small number of rival firms
dominate the industry. It is under oligopoly that rivalry among firms
takes its most direct and active form. The products sold by oligopolistic
firms can either be homogeneous or differentiated . In general, the
number of firms vary from 5 to 10. The hall-mark of an oligopolistic
industry is that there are only few firms in the market. The numbers of
buyers in oligopoly will be quite large.
Lack of uniformity
Another feature of Oligopoly is lack of uniformity in the size of firm.
Some firms may be very large and others may be small. For example, the
share of Maruti Udyog is 70 percent in small car segment of the
Automobile industry. While the share of Ceilo or Tata is comparatively
much less.
Advertising and selling costs have a strategic importance for oligopoly
firms . In this context, Prof. Baumol rightly remarks that ,”It is only
under oligopoly that advertising comes fully into its own.”
Elements of monopoly
Under oligopoly, there are only few firms in the market. The existence of
product differentiation creates ‘brand loyalty’ on the part of the
consumers which is the basic source of monopoly power. Moreover,
through collusion, the existing firms can raise the price and earn some
monopoly income.
The cross elasticity of demand for the oligopoly product is high.
Therefore the sellers are aware of their independence with their rivals.
Each firm in the industry is presumed to recognise the fact that a change
in its price or output will cause a reaction by the competing firms.
In oligopoly, due to interdependence of firms on each other, no certain
prediction about the behaviour of different firms can be made . It is
difficult to calculate the consequence of current economic changes on
the basis of facts already in existence. So uncertainly prevails in
oligopolistic market.
Discontinuity in MR curve
Because of difference in elasticities of two demand curves, demand
curve in oligopoly becomes kinky and the MR curve corresponding
to this kinked demand curve becomes discontinuous.
The length of discontinuity depends upon the relative elasticities as
two segments i.e. dK and KD portions of demand curve. The greater
the difference in elasticities of two demand curves , the larger would
be the discontinuity in MR curve. In the diagram, the discontinuity is
shown by m1 m2.