Unemployment Internal Assessment As91225

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Achievement Standard 91225 - Version 2

O.B.H.S. Economics


Christchurch, New Zealand
22 February 2011 to the present day

AS 91225 Economics (2.4)

Analyse unemployment using economic concepts and models
Credits: 4

Achievement Criteria:
Analyse unemployment using
economic concepts and models

Achievement with Merit

Analyse unemployment in depth
using economic concepts and

Achievement with Excellence

Analyse unemployment
comprehensively using economic
concepts and models

Achievement Standard 91225 - Version 2

This assessment activity requires you to research and write a report analysing changes in
unemployment in Christchurch over the period immediately following the Christchurch Earthquake 22
February 2011 - compared with the current day and the impact of these changes on various groups in
New Zealand society.
You will be assessed on your ability to integrate into your explanations the use of economic models.
You will have 7 periods of class time - the computer lab is also available during class time if you
cannot bring your own device to complete research and write your final report.
Your final report is to be completed and handed in on Thursday 19 March, 2015.

Student Task
Research and write a report analysing changes in unemployment in Christchurch over the
period immediately following the Christchurch Earthquake 22 February, 2011 - compared with
the current day and the impact of these changes on various groups in New Zealand society.

Your research and report should cover the following:

Description of unemployment concepts you will be using in your report.

Unemployment trends supported by data.
The use of economic models to support explanations.
N.B. You must integrate at least 2 models in your explanation (from PPC (PPF), The
Business Cycle & AS/AD Model, The Labour Market and The Circular Flow Model).
Changes in economic activity (GDP) and their relationship to unemployment figures (Business
The effect of changes in unemployment on the producer sector.
The effect of changes in unemployment on the household sector.
Compare and contrast the impact of unemployment on at least two different groups in society
e.g. households, producers, government, occupations, regions, ethnicities, age groups.

Achievement Standard 91225 - Version 2

Task 1: Collect information

Collect information that will support your context and time period. Sources of information may include:

News Articles (newspapers, websites etc.);

o http://www.nbr.co.nz/article/nz-government-sees-economy-faster-track-christchurchrebuild-migration-commodities-bd-150168
o http://www.cdc.org.nz/news/christchurchs-unemployment-rate-falls/
o http://www.stuff.co.nz/business/rebuilding-christchurch/8262229/Christchurch-rebuildtaking-workers-off-dole
o http://www.nzherald.co.nz/nz/news/article.cfm?c_id=1&objectid=10712702
o http://www.nzherald.co.nz/nz/news/article.cfm?c_id=1&objectid=10859424
o http://www.nzherald.co.nz/nz/news/article.cfm?c_id=1&objectid=10825890
o http://www.nzherald.co.nz/nz/news/article.cfm?c_id=1&objectid=10710532
o http://www.stuff.co.nz/the-press/news/christchurch-earthquake-2011/5253152/Jobless-listgrows-after-quake
o http://www.parliament.nz/en-NZ/ParlSupport/ResearchPapers/b/5/4/00PlibCIP051Economic-effects-of-the-Canterbury-earthquakes.htm
o http://www.parliament.nz/mi-NZ/PB/Business/QOA/3/b/2/49HansQ_20110308_000000022-Earthquake-Christchurch-Economic-Impact.htm
o http://www.radionz.co.nz/news/canterbury-earthquake/79465/canterbury-unemploymenttipped-to-worsen
o http://www.money.msn.co.nz/8218462/financial-impacts-of-christchurch-earthquakes

Compare and Contrast:

Young People vs Older Workers, Canterbury vs Other Regions, Gender
o http://www.nzherald.co.nz/nz/news/article.cfm?c_id=1&objectid=10858589
o http://www.nzherald.co.nz/nz/news/article.cfm?c_id=1&objectid=10840371
o http://www.stuff.co.nz/the-press/business/the-rebuild/8437500/Its-a-mans-world-amongskilled-migrant-workers

Statistical Information:
o www.stats.got.nz
o www.dol.govt.nz
o http://www.dol.govt.nz/publications/research/canterbury-rebuild/index.asp
o http://www.stats.govt.nz/browse_for_stats/income-andwork/employment_and_unemployment/Canterbury-suffers-after-quake.aspx
o http://www.stats.govt.nz/browse_for_stats/income-andwork/employment_and_unemployment/household-labour-force-survey-info-releases.aspx
o http://www.stats.govt.nz/browse_for_stats/economic_indicators/GDP/GrossDomesticProd

Magazine Articles,
o http://www.westpac.co.nz/assets/Business/EconomicUpdates/2013/Bulletins/QuarterlyEconomicOverviewFEB13.pdf


Achievement Standard 91225 - Version 2

Task 2: Select and process information

Carefully select which information you will use. Remember to note the source of your information at
this point which will make referencing easier when you write your report.
You may:
Photocopy/print/take notes
Highlight/underline passages
Create charts or diagrams/illustrate information in economic models
Process data into tables or graphs

Task 3: Write your report.

Here is a possible planning template for your report:

Describe unemployment.


Identify the types of unemployment that you have identified are occurring during the period
identified. (Explain why it is one particular type of unemployment and not another).


Explain the causes of these types of unemployment (using models).

For Merit: provide a detailed explanation of causes of different types of unemployment
For Excellence: Compare and contrast causes of different types of unemployment integrating
clearly your fully labelled models (and data/ references) into your explanations.


Models can be selected from:

Production Possibility Curve/Production Possibility Frontier
Business Cycle & Aggregate Supply and Aggregate Demand Model
Labour Market Model
Circular Flow Model
Explain the impact of the changing employment on different groups in society.
For Merit: provide a detailed explanation of the impact of changes in unemployment on
different groups in society
For Excellence: Compare and contrast the impact of changes in unemployment on different
groups in society.
Different groups may be:
Producers vs Households/Consumers
Different occupational groups
e.g. retail/hospitality workers vs health sector workers vs construction workers
Young workers vs older workers
Workers in Canterbury vs workers in another region

Refer to the sources of information you are using with appropriate referencing conventions.
Exemplars of student work for this standard are available on the NZQA website:

Achievement Standard 91225 - Version 2


Appendix One: Model Templates

The Labour Market Model

The Business Cycle Model

Achievement Standard 91225 - Version 2

The AS/AD Model

The Production Possibility Frontier

Achievement Standard 91225 - Version 2

The Circular Flow Model

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