Unemployment Internal Assessment As91225
Unemployment Internal Assessment As91225
Unemployment Internal Assessment As91225
O.B.H.S. Economics
Achievement Criteria:
Analyse unemployment using
economic concepts and models
This assessment activity requires you to research and write a report analysing changes in
unemployment in Christchurch over the period immediately following the Christchurch Earthquake 22
February 2011 - compared with the current day and the impact of these changes on various groups in
New Zealand society.
You will be assessed on your ability to integrate into your explanations the use of economic models.
You will have 7 periods of class time - the computer lab is also available during class time if you
cannot bring your own device to complete research and write your final report.
Your final report is to be completed and handed in on Thursday 19 March, 2015.
Student Task
Research and write a report analysing changes in unemployment in Christchurch over the
period immediately following the Christchurch Earthquake 22 February, 2011 - compared with
the current day and the impact of these changes on various groups in New Zealand society.
Statistical Information:
o www.stats.got.nz
o www.dol.govt.nz
o http://www.dol.govt.nz/publications/research/canterbury-rebuild/index.asp
o http://www.stats.govt.nz/browse_for_stats/income-andwork/employment_and_unemployment/Canterbury-suffers-after-quake.aspx
o http://www.stats.govt.nz/browse_for_stats/income-andwork/employment_and_unemployment/household-labour-force-survey-info-releases.aspx
o http://www.stats.govt.nz/browse_for_stats/economic_indicators/GDP/GrossDomesticProd
Magazine Articles,
o http://www.westpac.co.nz/assets/Business/EconomicUpdates/2013/Bulletins/QuarterlyEconomicOverviewFEB13.pdf
Describe unemployment.
Identify the types of unemployment that you have identified are occurring during the period
identified. (Explain why it is one particular type of unemployment and not another).
Refer to the sources of information you are using with appropriate referencing conventions.
Exemplars of student work for this standard are available on the NZQA website: